#include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define NO_USABLE_PATHS_STRING "We could not find a usable set of paths." /* Dijkstra, reduced to ignore anything but connectivity */ static bool always_true(const struct gossmap *map, const struct gossmap_chan *c, int dir, struct amount_msat amount, void *unused) { return true; } static u64 route_score_one(struct amount_msat fee UNUSED, struct amount_msat risk UNUSED, struct amount_msat total UNUSED, int dir UNUSED, const struct gossmap_chan *c UNUSED) { return 1; } /* This mirrors get_constraints() */ static const char *why_max_constrained(const tal_t *ctx, const struct route_query *rq, struct short_channel_id_dir *scidd, struct amount_msat amount) { char *ret = NULL; const char *reservations; const struct layer *constrains = NULL; struct amount_msat max = amount; /* Figure out the layer that constrains us (most) */ for (size_t i = 0; i < tal_count(rq->layers); i++) { struct amount_msat min = AMOUNT_MSAT(0), new_max = max; layer_apply_constraints(rq->layers[i], scidd, &min, &new_max); if (!amount_msat_eq(new_max, max)) constrains = rq->layers[i]; max = new_max; } if (constrains) { if (!ret) ret = tal_strdup(ctx, ""); else tal_append_fmt(&ret, ", "); tal_append_fmt(&ret, "layer %s says max is %s", layer_name(constrains), fmt_amount_msat(tmpctx, max)); } reservations = fmt_reservations(tmpctx, rq->reserved, scidd); if (reservations) { if (!ret) ret = tal_strdup(ctx, ""); else tal_append_fmt(&ret, " and "); tal_append_fmt(&ret, "already reserved %s", reservations); } /* This seems unlikely, but don't return NULL. */ if (!ret) ret = tal_fmt(ctx, "is constrained"); return ret; } struct stat { size_t num_channels; struct amount_msat capacity; }; struct node_stats { struct stat total, gossip_known, enabled; }; enum node_direction { INTO_NODE, OUT_OF_NODE, }; static void add_stat(struct stat *stat, struct amount_msat amount) { stat->num_channels++; if (!amount_msat_accumulate(&stat->capacity, amount)) abort(); } static void node_stats(const struct route_query *rq, const struct gossmap_node *node, enum node_direction node_direction, struct node_stats *stats) { memset(stats, 0, sizeof(*stats)); for (size_t i = 0; i < node->num_chans; i++) { int dir; struct gossmap_chan *c; struct amount_msat cap_msat; c = gossmap_nth_chan(rq->gossmap, node, i, &dir); cap_msat = gossmap_chan_get_capacity(rq->gossmap, c); if (node_direction == INTO_NODE) dir = !dir; add_stat(&stats->total, cap_msat); if (gossmap_chan_set(c, dir)) add_stat(&stats->gossip_known, cap_msat); if (c->half[dir].enabled) add_stat(&stats->enabled, cap_msat); } } static const char *check_capacity(const tal_t *ctx, const struct route_query *rq, const struct gossmap_node *node, enum node_direction node_direction, struct amount_msat amount, const char *name) { struct node_stats stats; node_stats(rq, node, node_direction, &stats); if (amount_msat_greater(amount, stats.total.capacity)) { return tal_fmt(ctx, NO_USABLE_PATHS_STRING " Total %s capacity is only %s" " (in %zu channels).", name, fmt_amount_msat(tmpctx, stats.total.capacity), stats.total.num_channels); } if (amount_msat_greater(amount, stats.gossip_known.capacity)) { return tal_fmt(ctx, NO_USABLE_PATHS_STRING " Missing gossip for %s: only known %zu/%zu channels, leaving capacity only %s of %s.", name, stats.gossip_known.num_channels, stats.total.num_channels, fmt_amount_msat(tmpctx, stats.gossip_known.capacity), fmt_amount_msat(tmpctx, stats.total.capacity)); } if (amount_msat_greater(amount, stats.enabled.capacity)) { return tal_fmt(ctx, NO_USABLE_PATHS_STRING " The %s has disabled %zu of %zu channels, leaving capacity only %s of %s.", name, stats.total.num_channels - stats.enabled.num_channels, stats.total.num_channels, fmt_amount_msat(tmpctx, stats.enabled.capacity), fmt_amount_msat(tmpctx, stats.total.capacity)); } return NULL; } /* Return description of why scidd is disabled scidd */ static const char *describe_disabled(const tal_t *ctx, const struct route_query *rq, const struct gossmap_chan *c, const struct short_channel_id_dir *scidd) { for (int i = tal_count(rq->layers) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { struct gossmap_node *dst = gossmap_nth_node(rq->gossmap, c, !scidd->dir); struct node_id dstid; gossmap_node_get_id(rq->gossmap, dst, &dstid); if (layer_disables_node(rq->layers[i], &dstid)) return tal_fmt(ctx, "leads to node disabled by layer %s.", layer_name(rq->layers[i])); else if (layer_disables_chan(rq->layers[i], scidd)) { return tal_fmt(ctx, "marked disabled by layer %s.", layer_name(rq->layers[i])); } } return tal_fmt(ctx, "marked disabled by gossip message."); } static const char *describe_capacity(const tal_t *ctx, const struct route_query *rq, const struct short_channel_id_dir *scidd, struct amount_msat amount) { for (int i = tal_count(rq->layers) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (layer_created(rq->layers[i], scidd->scid)) { return tal_fmt(ctx, " (created by layer %s) isn't big enough to carry %s.", layer_name(rq->layers[i]), fmt_amount_msat(tmpctx, amount)); } } return tal_fmt(ctx, "isn't big enough to carry %s.", fmt_amount_msat(tmpctx, amount)); } /* We failed to find a flow at all. Why? */ const char *explain_failure(const tal_t *ctx, const struct route_query *rq, const struct gossmap_node *srcnode, const struct gossmap_node *dstnode, struct amount_msat amount) { const struct route_hop *hops; const struct dijkstra *dij; char *path; const char *cap_check; /* Do we have enough funds? */ cap_check = check_capacity(ctx, rq, srcnode, OUT_OF_NODE, amount, "source"); if (cap_check) return cap_check; /* Does destination have enough capacity? */ cap_check = check_capacity(ctx, rq, dstnode, INTO_NODE, amount, "destination"); if (cap_check) return cap_check; /* OK, fall back to telling them why didn't shortest path * work. This covers the "but I have a direct channel!" * case. */ dij = dijkstra(tmpctx, rq->gossmap, dstnode, AMOUNT_MSAT(0), 0, always_true, route_score_one, NULL); hops = route_from_dijkstra(tmpctx, rq->gossmap, dij, srcnode, AMOUNT_MSAT(0), 0); if (!hops) return tal_fmt(ctx, "There is no connection between source and destination at all"); /* Description of shortest path */ path = tal_strdup(tmpctx, ""); for (size_t i = 0; i < tal_count(hops); i++) { tal_append_fmt(&path, "%s%s", i > 0 ? "->" : "", fmt_short_channel_id(tmpctx, hops[i].scid)); } /* Now walk through this: is it disabled? Insuff capacity? */ for (size_t i = 0; i < tal_count(hops); i++) { const char *explanation; struct short_channel_id_dir scidd; struct gossmap_chan *c; struct amount_msat cap_msat, min, max, htlc_max; scidd.scid = hops[i].scid; scidd.dir = hops[i].direction; c = gossmap_find_chan(rq->gossmap, &scidd.scid); cap_msat = gossmap_chan_get_capacity(rq->gossmap, c); get_constraints(rq, c, scidd.dir, &min, &max); htlc_max = amount_msat(fp16_to_u64(c->half[scidd.dir].htlc_max)); if (!gossmap_chan_set(c, scidd.dir)) explanation = "has no gossip"; else if (!c->half[scidd.dir].enabled) explanation = describe_disabled(tmpctx, rq, c, &scidd); else if (amount_msat_greater(amount, cap_msat)) explanation = describe_capacity(tmpctx, rq, &scidd, amount); else if (amount_msat_greater(amount, max)) explanation = why_max_constrained(tmpctx, rq, &scidd, amount); else if (amount_msat_greater(amount, htlc_max)) explanation = tal_fmt(tmpctx, "exceeds htlc_maximum_msat ~%s", fmt_amount_msat(tmpctx, htlc_max)); else continue; return tal_fmt(ctx, NO_USABLE_PATHS_STRING " The shortest path is %s, but %s %s", path, fmt_short_channel_id_dir(tmpctx, &scidd), explanation); } return tal_fmt(ctx, "Actually, I'm not sure why we didn't find the" " obvious route %s: perhaps this is a bug?", path); }