#include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* stdin == requests, 3 == peer, 4 = hsmd */ #define REQ_FD STDIN_FILENO #define HSM_FD 4 static void notify(enum log_level level, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); wire_sync_write(REQ_FD, take(towire_closingd_notification(NULL, level, tal_vfmt(tmpctx, fmt, ap)))); va_end(ap); } static struct bitcoin_tx *close_tx(const tal_t *ctx, const struct chainparams *chainparams, struct per_peer_state *pps, const struct channel_id *channel_id, u32 *local_wallet_index, const struct ext_key *local_wallet_ext_key, u8 *scriptpubkey[NUM_SIDES], const struct bitcoin_outpoint *funding, struct amount_sat funding_sats, const u8 *funding_wscript, const struct amount_sat out[NUM_SIDES], enum side opener, struct amount_sat fee, struct amount_sat dust_limit, const struct bitcoin_outpoint *wrong_funding) { struct bitcoin_tx *tx; struct amount_sat out_minus_fee[NUM_SIDES]; out_minus_fee[LOCAL] = out[LOCAL]; out_minus_fee[REMOTE] = out[REMOTE]; if (!amount_sat_sub(&out_minus_fee[opener], out[opener], fee)) peer_failed_warn(pps, channel_id, "Funder cannot afford fee %s (%s and %s)", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &fee), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &out[LOCAL]), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &out[REMOTE])); status_debug("Making close tx at = %s/%s fee %s", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &out[LOCAL]), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &out[REMOTE]), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &fee)); /* FIXME: We need to allow this! */ tx = create_close_tx(ctx, chainparams, local_wallet_index, local_wallet_ext_key, scriptpubkey[LOCAL], scriptpubkey[REMOTE], funding_wscript, funding, funding_sats, out_minus_fee[LOCAL], out_minus_fee[REMOTE], dust_limit); if (!tx) peer_failed_err(pps, channel_id, "Both outputs below dust limit:" " funding = %s" " fee = %s" " dust_limit = %s" " LOCAL = %s" " REMOTE = %s", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &funding_sats), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &fee), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &dust_limit), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &out[LOCAL]), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &out[REMOTE])); if (wrong_funding) bitcoin_tx_input_set_outpoint(tx, 0, wrong_funding); return tx; } /* Handle random messages we might get, returning the first non-handled one. */ static u8 *closing_read_peer_msg(const tal_t *ctx, struct per_peer_state *pps) { for (;;) { u8 *msg; clean_tmpctx(); msg = peer_read(ctx, pps); if (!handle_peer_error_or_warning(pps, msg)) return msg; } } static void send_offer(struct per_peer_state *pps, const struct chainparams *chainparams, const struct channel_id *channel_id, const struct pubkey funding_pubkey[NUM_SIDES], const u8 *funding_wscript, u32 *local_wallet_index, const struct ext_key *local_wallet_ext_key, u8 *scriptpubkey[NUM_SIDES], const struct bitcoin_outpoint *funding, struct amount_sat funding_sats, const struct amount_sat out[NUM_SIDES], enum side opener, struct amount_sat our_dust_limit, struct amount_sat fee_to_offer, const struct bitcoin_outpoint *wrong_funding, const struct tlv_closing_signed_tlvs_fee_range *tlv_fees) { struct bitcoin_tx *tx; struct bitcoin_signature our_sig; struct tlv_closing_signed_tlvs *close_tlvs; u8 *msg; /* BOLT #2: * * - MUST set `signature` to the Bitcoin signature of the close * transaction, as specified in [BOLT * #3](03-transactions.md#closing-transaction). */ tx = close_tx(tmpctx, chainparams, pps, channel_id, local_wallet_index, local_wallet_ext_key, scriptpubkey, funding, funding_sats, funding_wscript, out, opener, fee_to_offer, our_dust_limit, wrong_funding); /* BOLT #3: * * ## Closing Transaction *... * Each node offering a signature... MAY eliminate its * own output. */ /* (We don't do this). */ wire_sync_write(HSM_FD, take(towire_hsmd_sign_mutual_close_tx(NULL, tx, &funding_pubkey[REMOTE]))); msg = wire_sync_read(tmpctx, HSM_FD); if (!fromwire_hsmd_sign_tx_reply(msg, &our_sig)) status_failed(STATUS_FAIL_HSM_IO, "Bad hsm_sign_mutual_close_tx reply %s", tal_hex(tmpctx, msg)); status_debug("sending fee offer %s", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &fee_to_offer)); /* Add the new close_tlvs with our fee range */ if (tlv_fees) { close_tlvs = tlv_closing_signed_tlvs_new(msg); close_tlvs->fee_range = cast_const(struct tlv_closing_signed_tlvs_fee_range *, tlv_fees); notify(LOG_INFORM, "Sending closing fee offer %s, with range %s-%s", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &fee_to_offer), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &tlv_fees->min_fee_satoshis), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &tlv_fees->max_fee_satoshis)); } else close_tlvs = NULL; assert(our_sig.sighash_type == SIGHASH_ALL); msg = towire_closing_signed(NULL, channel_id, fee_to_offer, &our_sig.s, close_tlvs); peer_write(pps, take(msg)); } static void tell_master_their_offer(const struct bitcoin_signature *their_sig, const struct bitcoin_tx *tx, struct bitcoin_txid *tx_id) { u8 *msg = towire_closingd_received_signature(NULL, their_sig, tx); if (!wire_sync_write(REQ_FD, take(msg))) status_failed(STATUS_FAIL_MASTER_IO, "Writing received to master: %s", strerror(errno)); /* Wait for master to ack, to make sure it's in db. */ msg = wire_sync_read(NULL, REQ_FD); if (!fromwire_closingd_received_signature_reply(msg, tx_id)) master_badmsg(WIRE_CLOSINGD_RECEIVED_SIGNATURE_REPLY, msg); tal_free(msg); } /* Returns fee they offered. */ static struct amount_sat receive_offer(struct per_peer_state *pps, const struct chainparams *chainparams, const struct channel_id *channel_id, const struct pubkey funding_pubkey[NUM_SIDES], const u8 *funding_wscript, u32 *local_wallet_index, const struct ext_key *local_wallet_ext_key, u8 *scriptpubkey[NUM_SIDES], const struct bitcoin_outpoint *funding, struct amount_sat funding_sats, const struct amount_sat out[NUM_SIDES], enum side opener, struct amount_sat our_dust_limit, struct amount_sat min_fee_to_accept, const struct bitcoin_outpoint *wrong_funding, struct bitcoin_txid *closing_txid, struct tlv_closing_signed_tlvs_fee_range **tlv_fees) { u8 *msg; struct channel_id their_channel_id; struct amount_sat received_fee; struct bitcoin_signature their_sig; struct bitcoin_tx *tx; struct tlv_closing_signed_tlvs *close_tlvs; /* Wait for them to say something interesting */ do { msg = closing_read_peer_msg(tmpctx, pps); /* BOLT #2: * * - upon reconnection: * - MUST ignore any redundant `channel_ready` it receives. */ /* This should only happen if we've made no commitments, but * we don't have to check that: it's their problem. */ if (fromwire_peektype(msg) == WIRE_CHANNEL_READY) msg = tal_free(msg); /* BOLT #2: * - if it has sent a previous `shutdown`: * - MUST retransmit `shutdown`. */ else if (fromwire_peektype(msg) == WIRE_SHUTDOWN) msg = tal_free(msg); /* channeld may have sent ping: ignore pong! */ else if (fromwire_peektype(msg) == WIRE_PONG) msg = tal_free(msg); } while (!msg); their_sig.sighash_type = SIGHASH_ALL; if (!fromwire_closing_signed(msg, msg, &their_channel_id, &received_fee, &their_sig.s, &close_tlvs)) peer_failed_warn(pps, channel_id, "Expected closing_signed: %s", tal_hex(tmpctx, msg)); /* BOLT #2: * * The receiving node: * - if the `signature` is not valid for either variant of closing transaction * specified in [BOLT #3](03-transactions.md#closing-transaction) * OR non-compliant with LOW-S-standard rule...: * - MUST send a `warning` and close the connection, or send an * `error` and fail the channel. */ tx = close_tx(tmpctx, chainparams, pps, channel_id, local_wallet_index, local_wallet_ext_key, scriptpubkey, funding, funding_sats, funding_wscript, out, opener, received_fee, our_dust_limit, wrong_funding); if (!check_tx_sig(tx, 0, NULL, funding_wscript, &funding_pubkey[REMOTE], &their_sig)) { /* Trim it by reducing their output to minimum */ struct bitcoin_tx *trimmed; struct amount_sat trimming_out[NUM_SIDES]; if (opener == REMOTE) trimming_out[REMOTE] = received_fee; else trimming_out[REMOTE] = AMOUNT_SAT(0); trimming_out[LOCAL] = out[LOCAL]; /* BOLT #3: * * Each node offering a signature: * - MUST round each output down to whole satoshis. * - MUST subtract the fee given by `fee_satoshis` from the * output to the funder. * - MUST remove any output below its own * `dust_limit_satoshis`. * - MAY eliminate its own output. */ trimmed = close_tx(tmpctx, chainparams, pps, channel_id, local_wallet_index, local_wallet_ext_key, scriptpubkey, funding, funding_sats, funding_wscript, trimming_out, opener, received_fee, our_dust_limit, wrong_funding); if (!trimmed || !check_tx_sig(trimmed, 0, NULL, funding_wscript, &funding_pubkey[REMOTE], &their_sig)) { peer_failed_warn(pps, channel_id, "Bad closing_signed signature for" " %s (and trimmed version %s)", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct bitcoin_tx, tx), trimmed ? type_to_string(tmpctx, struct bitcoin_tx, trimmed) : "NONE"); } tx = trimmed; } status_debug("Received fee offer %s", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &received_fee)); if (tlv_fees) { if (close_tlvs) { *tlv_fees = tal_steal(tlv_fees, close_tlvs->fee_range); } else { *tlv_fees = NULL; } } if (close_tlvs && close_tlvs->fee_range) { notify(LOG_INFORM, "Received closing fee offer %s, with range %s-%s", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &received_fee), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &close_tlvs->fee_range->min_fee_satoshis), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &close_tlvs->fee_range->max_fee_satoshis)); } else { notify(LOG_INFORM, "Received closing fee offer %s, without range", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &received_fee)); } /* Master sorts out what is best offer, we just tell it any above min */ if (amount_sat_greater_eq(received_fee, min_fee_to_accept)) { status_debug("...offer is reasonable"); tell_master_their_offer(&their_sig, tx, closing_txid); } return received_fee; } struct feerange { enum side higher_side; struct amount_sat min, max; }; static void init_feerange(struct feerange *feerange, struct amount_sat commitment_fee, const struct amount_sat offer[NUM_SIDES]) { feerange->min = AMOUNT_SAT(0); /* FIXME: BOLT 2 previously said that we have to set it to less than * the final commit fee: we do this for now, still: * * - MUST set `fee_satoshis` less than or equal to the base * fee of the final commitment transaction, as calculated * in [BOLT #3](03-transactions.md#fee-calculation). */ feerange->max = commitment_fee; if (amount_sat_greater(offer[LOCAL], offer[REMOTE])) feerange->higher_side = LOCAL; else feerange->higher_side = REMOTE; status_debug("Feerange init %s-%s, %s higher", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &feerange->min), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &feerange->max), feerange->higher_side == LOCAL ? "local" : "remote"); } static void adjust_feerange(struct feerange *feerange, struct amount_sat offer, enum side side) { bool ok; /* FIXME: BOLT 2 previously said that we have to set it to less than * the final commit fee: we do this for now, still: * * - MUST propose a value "strictly between" the received * `fee_satoshis` and its previously-sent `fee_satoshis`. */ if (side == feerange->higher_side) ok = amount_sat_sub(&feerange->max, offer, AMOUNT_SAT(1)); else ok = amount_sat_add(&feerange->min, offer, AMOUNT_SAT(1)); status_debug("Feerange %s update %s: now %s-%s", side == LOCAL ? "local" : "remote", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &offer), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &feerange->min), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &feerange->max)); if (!ok) status_failed(STATUS_FAIL_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Overflow in updating fee range"); } /* Do these two ranges overlap? If so, return that range. */ static bool get_overlap(const struct tlv_closing_signed_tlvs_fee_range *r1, const struct tlv_closing_signed_tlvs_fee_range *r2, struct tlv_closing_signed_tlvs_fee_range *overlap) { if (amount_sat_greater(r1->min_fee_satoshis, r2->min_fee_satoshis)) overlap->min_fee_satoshis = r1->min_fee_satoshis; else overlap->min_fee_satoshis = r2->min_fee_satoshis; if (amount_sat_less(r1->max_fee_satoshis, r2->max_fee_satoshis)) overlap->max_fee_satoshis = r1->max_fee_satoshis; else overlap->max_fee_satoshis = r2->max_fee_satoshis; return amount_sat_less_eq(overlap->min_fee_satoshis, overlap->max_fee_satoshis); } /* Is this amount in this range? */ static bool amount_in_range(struct amount_sat amount, const struct tlv_closing_signed_tlvs_fee_range *r) { return amount_sat_greater_eq(amount, r->min_fee_satoshis) && amount_sat_less_eq(amount, r->max_fee_satoshis); } /* Figure out what we should offer now. */ static struct amount_sat adjust_offer(struct per_peer_state *pps, const struct channel_id *channel_id, const struct feerange *feerange, struct amount_sat remote_offer, struct amount_sat min_fee_to_accept, u64 fee_negotiation_step, u8 fee_negotiation_step_unit) { struct amount_sat min_plus_one, range_len, step_sat, result; struct amount_msat step_msat; /* Within 1 satoshi? Agree. */ if (!amount_sat_add(&min_plus_one, feerange->min, AMOUNT_SAT(1))) peer_failed_warn(pps, channel_id, "Fee offer %s min too large", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &feerange->min)); if (amount_sat_greater_eq(min_plus_one, feerange->max)) return remote_offer; /* feerange has already been adjusted so that our new offer is ok to be * any number in [feerange->min, feerange->max] and after the following * min_fee_to_accept is in that range. Thus, pick a fee in * [min_fee_to_accept, feerange->max]. */ if (amount_sat_greater(feerange->min, min_fee_to_accept)) min_fee_to_accept = feerange->min; /* Max is below our minimum acceptable? */ if (!amount_sat_sub(&range_len, feerange->max, min_fee_to_accept)) peer_failed_warn(pps, channel_id, "Feerange %s-%s" " below minimum acceptable %s", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &feerange->min), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &feerange->max), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &min_fee_to_accept)); if (fee_negotiation_step_unit == CLOSING_FEE_NEGOTIATION_STEP_UNIT_SATOSHI) { /* -1 because the range boundary has already been adjusted with * one from our previous proposal. So, if the user requested a * step of 1 satoshi at a time we should just return our end of * the range from this function. */ step_msat = amount_msat((fee_negotiation_step - 1) * MSAT_PER_SAT); } else { /* fee_negotiation_step is e.g. 20 to designate 20% from * range_len (which is in satoshi), so: * range_len * fee_negotiation_step / 100 [sat] * is equivalent to: * range_len * fee_negotiation_step * 10 [msat] */ step_msat = amount_msat(range_len.satoshis /* Raw: % calc */ * fee_negotiation_step * 10); } step_sat = amount_msat_to_sat_round_down(step_msat); if (feerange->higher_side == LOCAL) { if (!amount_sat_sub(&result, feerange->max, step_sat)) /* step_sat > feerange->max, unlikely */ return min_fee_to_accept; if (amount_sat_less_eq(result, min_fee_to_accept)) return min_fee_to_accept; } else { if (!amount_sat_add(&result, min_fee_to_accept, step_sat)) /* overflow, unlikely */ return feerange->max; if (amount_sat_greater_eq(result, feerange->max)) return feerange->max; } return result; } /* FIXME: We should talk to lightningd anyway, rather than doing this */ static void closing_dev_memleak(const tal_t *ctx, u8 *scriptpubkey[NUM_SIDES], const u8 *funding_wscript) { struct htable *memtable = memleak_start(tmpctx); memleak_ptr(memtable, ctx); memleak_ptr(memtable, scriptpubkey[LOCAL]); memleak_ptr(memtable, scriptpubkey[REMOTE]); memleak_ptr(memtable, funding_wscript); dump_memleak(memtable, memleak_status_broken, NULL); } /* Figure out what weight we actually expect for this closing tx (using zero fees * gives the largest possible tx: larger values might omit outputs). */ static size_t closing_tx_weight_estimate(u8 *scriptpubkey[NUM_SIDES], const u8 *funding_wscript, const struct amount_sat *out, struct amount_sat funding_sats, struct amount_sat dust_limit, u32 *local_wallet_index, const struct ext_key *local_wallet_ext_key) { /* We create a dummy close */ struct bitcoin_tx *tx; struct bitcoin_outpoint dummy_funding; memset(&dummy_funding, 0, sizeof(dummy_funding)); tx = create_close_tx(tmpctx, chainparams, local_wallet_index, local_wallet_ext_key, scriptpubkey[LOCAL], scriptpubkey[REMOTE], funding_wscript, &dummy_funding, funding_sats, out[LOCAL], out[REMOTE], dust_limit); /* We will have to append the witness */ return bitcoin_tx_weight(tx) + bitcoin_tx_2of2_input_witness_weight(); } /* Get the minimum and desired fees */ static void calc_fee_bounds(size_t expected_weight, u32 min_feerate, u32 desired_feerate, u32 max_feerate, struct amount_sat funding, enum side opener, struct amount_sat *minfee, struct amount_sat *desiredfee, struct amount_sat *maxfee) { *minfee = amount_tx_fee(min_feerate, expected_weight); *desiredfee = amount_tx_fee(desired_feerate, expected_weight); /* BOLT #2: * - if it is not the funder: * - SHOULD set `max_fee_satoshis` to at least the `max_fee_satoshis` * received *... * Note that the non-funder is not paying the fee, so there is * no reason for it to have a maximum feerate. */ if (opener == REMOTE) { *maxfee = funding; } else { /* BOLT #2: * The sending node: * * - SHOULD set the initial `fee_satoshis` according to its * estimate of cost of inclusion in a block. * * - SHOULD set `fee_range` according to the minimum and * maximum fees it is prepared to pay for a close * transaction. */ *maxfee = amount_tx_fee(max_feerate, expected_weight); status_debug("deriving max fee from rate %u -> %s", max_feerate, type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, maxfee)); } /* Can't exceed maxfee. */ if (amount_sat_greater(*minfee, *maxfee)) *minfee = *maxfee; if (amount_sat_less(*desiredfee, *minfee)) { status_unusual("Our ideal fee is %s (%u sats/perkw)," " but our minimum is %s: using that", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, desiredfee), desired_feerate, type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, minfee)); *desiredfee = *minfee; } if (amount_sat_greater(*desiredfee, *maxfee)) { status_unusual("Our ideal fee is %s (%u sats/perkw)," " but our maximum is %s: using that", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, desiredfee), desired_feerate, type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, maxfee)); *desiredfee = *maxfee; } status_debug("Expected closing weight = %zu, fee %s (min %s, max %s)", expected_weight, type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, desiredfee), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, minfee), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, maxfee)); } /* We've received one offer; if we're opener, that means we've already sent one * too. */ static void do_quickclose(struct amount_sat offer[NUM_SIDES], struct per_peer_state *pps, const struct channel_id *channel_id, const struct pubkey funding_pubkey[NUM_SIDES], const u8 *funding_wscript, u32 *local_wallet_index, const struct ext_key *local_wallet_ext_key, u8 *scriptpubkey[NUM_SIDES], const struct bitcoin_outpoint *funding, struct amount_sat funding_sats, const struct amount_sat out[NUM_SIDES], enum side opener, struct amount_sat our_dust_limit, const struct bitcoin_outpoint *wrong_funding, struct bitcoin_txid *closing_txid, const struct tlv_closing_signed_tlvs_fee_range *our_feerange, const struct tlv_closing_signed_tlvs_fee_range *their_feerange) { struct tlv_closing_signed_tlvs_fee_range overlap; /* BOLT #2: * - if the message contains a `fee_range`: * - if there is no overlap between that and its own `fee_range`: * - SHOULD send a warning * - MUST fail the channel if it doesn't receive a satisfying `fee_range` after a reasonable amount of time */ /* (Note we satisfy the "MUST fail" by our close command unilteraltimeout) */ if (!get_overlap(our_feerange, their_feerange, &overlap)) { peer_failed_warn(pps, channel_id, "Unable to agree on a feerate." " Our range %s-%s, other range %s-%s", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &our_feerange->min_fee_satoshis), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &our_feerange->max_fee_satoshis), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &their_feerange->min_fee_satoshis), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &their_feerange->max_fee_satoshis)); return; } status_info("performing quickclose in range %s-%s", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &overlap.min_fee_satoshis), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &overlap.max_fee_satoshis)); /* BOLT #2: * - otherwise: * - if it is the funder: * - if `fee_satoshis` is not in the overlap between the sent * and received `fee_range`: * - MUST fail the channel * - otherwise: * - MUST reply with the same `fee_satoshis`. */ if (opener == LOCAL) { if (!amount_in_range(offer[REMOTE], &overlap)) { peer_failed_warn(pps, channel_id, "Your fee %s was not in range:" " Our range %s-%s, other range %s-%s", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &offer[REMOTE]), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &our_feerange->min_fee_satoshis), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &our_feerange->max_fee_satoshis), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &their_feerange->min_fee_satoshis), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &their_feerange->max_fee_satoshis)); return; } /* Only reply if we didn't already completely agree. */ if (!amount_sat_eq(offer[LOCAL], offer[REMOTE])) { offer[LOCAL] = offer[REMOTE]; send_offer(pps, chainparams, channel_id, funding_pubkey, funding_wscript, local_wallet_index, local_wallet_ext_key, scriptpubkey, funding, funding_sats, out, opener, our_dust_limit, offer[LOCAL], wrong_funding, our_feerange); } } else { /* BOLT #2: * - otherwise (it is not the funder): * - if it has already sent a `closing_signed`: * - if `fee_satoshis` is not the same as the value it sent: * - MUST fail the channel * - otherwise: * - MUST propose a `fee_satoshis` in the overlap between * received and (about-to-be) sent `fee_range`. */ if (!amount_in_range(offer[LOCAL], &overlap)) { /* Hmm, go to edges. */ if (amount_sat_greater(offer[LOCAL], overlap.max_fee_satoshis)) { offer[LOCAL] = overlap.max_fee_satoshis; status_unusual("Lowered offer to max allowable" " %s", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &offer[LOCAL])); } else if (amount_sat_less(offer[LOCAL], overlap.min_fee_satoshis)) { offer[LOCAL] = overlap.min_fee_satoshis; status_unusual("Increased offer to min allowable" " %s", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &offer[LOCAL])); } } send_offer(pps, chainparams, channel_id, funding_pubkey, funding_wscript, local_wallet_index, local_wallet_ext_key, scriptpubkey, funding, funding_sats, out, opener, our_dust_limit, offer[LOCAL], wrong_funding, our_feerange); /* They will reply unless we completely agreed. */ if (!amount_sat_eq(offer[LOCAL], offer[REMOTE])) { offer[REMOTE] = receive_offer(pps, chainparams, channel_id, funding_pubkey, funding_wscript, local_wallet_index, local_wallet_ext_key, scriptpubkey, funding, funding_sats, out, opener, our_dust_limit, our_feerange->min_fee_satoshis, wrong_funding, closing_txid, NULL); /* BOLT #2: * - otherwise (it is not the funder): * - if it has already sent a `closing_signed`: * - if `fee_satoshis` is not the same as the value * it sent: * - MUST fail the channel */ if (!amount_sat_eq(offer[LOCAL], offer[REMOTE])) { peer_failed_warn(pps, channel_id, "Your fee %s was not equal to %s", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &offer[REMOTE]), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &offer[LOCAL])); return; } } } peer_billboard(true, "We agreed on a closing fee of %"PRIu64" satoshi for tx:%s", offer[LOCAL], type_to_string(tmpctx, struct bitcoin_txid, closing_txid)); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { setup_locale(); const tal_t *ctx = tal(NULL, char); struct per_peer_state *pps; u8 *msg; struct pubkey funding_pubkey[NUM_SIDES]; struct bitcoin_txid closing_txid; struct bitcoin_outpoint funding; struct amount_sat funding_sats, out[NUM_SIDES]; struct amount_sat our_dust_limit; struct amount_sat min_fee_to_accept, offer[NUM_SIDES], max_fee_to_accept; u32 min_feerate, initial_feerate, max_feerate; struct feerange feerange; enum side opener; u32 *local_wallet_index; struct ext_key *local_wallet_ext_key; u8 *scriptpubkey[NUM_SIDES], *funding_wscript; u64 fee_negotiation_step; u8 fee_negotiation_step_unit; char fee_negotiation_step_str[32]; /* fee_negotiation_step + "sat" */ struct channel_id channel_id; enum side whose_turn; bool use_quickclose; struct tlv_closing_signed_tlvs_fee_range *our_feerange, **their_feerange; struct bitcoin_outpoint *wrong_funding; bool developer; developer = subdaemon_setup(argc, argv); status_setup_sync(REQ_FD); msg = wire_sync_read(tmpctx, REQ_FD); if (!fromwire_closingd_init(ctx, msg, &chainparams, &channel_id, &funding, &funding_sats, &funding_pubkey[LOCAL], &funding_pubkey[REMOTE], &opener, &out[LOCAL], &out[REMOTE], &our_dust_limit, &min_feerate, &initial_feerate, &max_feerate, &local_wallet_index, &local_wallet_ext_key, &scriptpubkey[LOCAL], &scriptpubkey[REMOTE], &fee_negotiation_step, &fee_negotiation_step_unit, &use_quickclose, &wrong_funding)) master_badmsg(WIRE_CLOSINGD_INIT, msg); /* stdin == requests, 3 == peer, 4 = hsmd */ pps = notleak(new_per_peer_state(ctx)); per_peer_state_set_fd(pps, 3); funding_wscript = bitcoin_redeem_2of2(ctx, &funding_pubkey[LOCAL], &funding_pubkey[REMOTE]); /* Start at what we consider a reasonable feerate for this tx. */ calc_fee_bounds(closing_tx_weight_estimate(scriptpubkey, funding_wscript, out, funding_sats, our_dust_limit, local_wallet_index, local_wallet_ext_key), min_feerate, initial_feerate, max_feerate, funding_sats, opener, &min_fee_to_accept, &offer[LOCAL], &max_fee_to_accept); /* Write values into tlv for updated closing fee neg */ their_feerange = tal(ctx, struct tlv_closing_signed_tlvs_fee_range *); *their_feerange = NULL; if (use_quickclose) { our_feerange = tal(ctx, struct tlv_closing_signed_tlvs_fee_range); our_feerange->min_fee_satoshis = min_fee_to_accept; our_feerange->max_fee_satoshis = max_fee_to_accept; } else our_feerange = NULL; snprintf(fee_negotiation_step_str, sizeof(fee_negotiation_step_str), "%" PRIu64 "%s", fee_negotiation_step, fee_negotiation_step_unit == CLOSING_FEE_NEGOTIATION_STEP_UNIT_PERCENTAGE ? "%" : "sat"); status_debug("out = %s/%s", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &out[LOCAL]), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &out[REMOTE])); status_debug("dustlimit = %s", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &our_dust_limit)); status_debug("fee = %s", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &offer[LOCAL])); status_debug("fee negotiation step = %s", fee_negotiation_step_str); if (wrong_funding) status_unusual("Setting wrong_funding_txid to %s:%u", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct bitcoin_txid, &wrong_funding->txid), wrong_funding->n); peer_billboard( true, "Negotiating closing fee between %s and %s satoshi (ideal %s) " "using step %s", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &min_fee_to_accept), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &max_fee_to_accept), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &offer[LOCAL]), fee_negotiation_step_str); /* BOLT #2: * * The funding node: * - after `shutdown` has been received, AND no HTLCs remain in either * commitment transaction: * - SHOULD send a `closing_signed` message. */ whose_turn = opener; for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++, whose_turn = !whose_turn) { if (whose_turn == LOCAL) { send_offer(pps, chainparams, &channel_id, funding_pubkey, funding_wscript, local_wallet_index, local_wallet_ext_key, scriptpubkey, &funding, funding_sats, out, opener, our_dust_limit, offer[LOCAL], wrong_funding, our_feerange); } else { if (i == 0) peer_billboard(false, "Waiting for their initial" " closing fee offer"); else peer_billboard(false, "Waiting for their initial" " closing fee offer:" " ours was %s", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &offer[LOCAL])); offer[REMOTE] = receive_offer(pps, chainparams, &channel_id, funding_pubkey, funding_wscript, local_wallet_index, local_wallet_ext_key, scriptpubkey, &funding, funding_sats, out, opener, our_dust_limit, min_fee_to_accept, wrong_funding, &closing_txid, their_feerange); if (our_feerange && *their_feerange) { do_quickclose(offer, pps, &channel_id, funding_pubkey, funding_wscript, local_wallet_index, local_wallet_ext_key, scriptpubkey, &funding, funding_sats, out, opener, our_dust_limit, wrong_funding, &closing_txid, our_feerange, *their_feerange); goto exit_thru_the_giftshop; } } } /* Now we have first two points, we can init fee range. */ init_feerange(&feerange, max_fee_to_accept, offer); /* Apply (and check) opener offer now. */ adjust_feerange(&feerange, offer[opener], opener); /* Now any extra rounds required. */ while (!amount_sat_eq(offer[LOCAL], offer[REMOTE])) { /* Still don't agree: adjust feerange based on previous offer */ adjust_feerange(&feerange, offer[!whose_turn], !whose_turn); if (whose_turn == LOCAL) { offer[LOCAL] = adjust_offer(pps, &channel_id, &feerange, offer[REMOTE], min_fee_to_accept, fee_negotiation_step, fee_negotiation_step_unit); send_offer(pps, chainparams, &channel_id, funding_pubkey, funding_wscript, local_wallet_index, local_wallet_ext_key, scriptpubkey, &funding, funding_sats, out, opener, our_dust_limit, offer[LOCAL], wrong_funding, our_feerange); } else { peer_billboard(false, "Waiting for another" " closing fee offer:" " ours was %"PRIu64" satoshi," " theirs was %"PRIu64" satoshi,", offer[LOCAL], offer[REMOTE]); offer[REMOTE] = receive_offer(pps, chainparams, &channel_id, funding_pubkey, funding_wscript, local_wallet_index, local_wallet_ext_key, scriptpubkey, &funding, funding_sats, out, opener, our_dust_limit, min_fee_to_accept, wrong_funding, &closing_txid, their_feerange); } whose_turn = !whose_turn; } peer_billboard(true, "We agreed on a closing fee of %"PRIu64" satoshi for tx:%s", offer[LOCAL], type_to_string(tmpctx, struct bitcoin_txid, &closing_txid)); exit_thru_the_giftshop: /* We don't listen for master commands, so always check memleak here */ tal_free(wrong_funding); tal_free(our_feerange); tal_free(their_feerange); tal_free(local_wallet_index); tal_free(local_wallet_ext_key); if (developer) closing_dev_memleak(ctx, scriptpubkey, funding_wscript); /* We're done! */ /* Sending the below will kill us! */ wire_sync_write(REQ_FD, take(towire_closingd_complete(NULL))); tal_free(ctx); daemon_shutdown(); return 0; }