# Fuzz testing C-lightning currently supports coverage-guided fuzz testing using [LLVM's libfuzzer](https://www.llvm.org/docs/LibFuzzer.html) when built with `clang`. The goal of fuzzing is to generate mutated -and often unexpected- inputs (`seed`s) to pass to (parts of) a program (`target`) in order to make sure the codepaths used: - do not crash - are valid (if combined with sanitizers) The generated seeds can be stored and form a `corpus`, which we try to optimise (don't store two seeds that lead to the same codepath). For more info about fuzzing see [here](https://github.com/google/fuzzing/tree/master/docs), and for more about `libfuzzer` in particular see [here](https://www.llvm.org/docs/LibFuzzer.html). ## Build the fuzz targets In order to build the C-lightning binaries with code coverage you will need a recent [clang](http://clang.llvm.org/). The more recent the compiler version the better. Then you'll need to enable support at configuration time. You likely want to enable a few sanitizers for bug detections as well as experimental features for an extended coverage (not required though). ``` ./configure --enable-developer --enable-experimental-features --enable-address-sanitizer --enable-ub-sanitizer --enable-fuzzing --disable-valgrind CC=clang && make ``` The targets will be built in `tests/fuzz/` as `fuzz-` binaries, with their best known seed corpora stored in `tests/fuzz/corpora/`. You can run the fuzz targets on their seed corpora to check for regressions: ``` make check-fuzz ``` ## Run one or more target(s) You can run each target independently. Pass `-help=1` to see available options, for example: ``` ./tests/fuzz/fuzz-addr -help=1 ``` Otherwise, you can use the Python runner to either run the targets against a given seed corpus: ``` ./tests/fuzz/run.py fuzz_corpus -j2 ``` Or extend this corpus: ``` ./tests/fuzz/run.py fuzz_corpus -j2 --generate --runs 12345 ``` The latter will run all targets two by two `12345` times. If you want to contribute new seeds, be sure to merge your corpus with the main one: ``` ./tests/fuzz/run.py my_locally_extended_fuzz_corpus -j2 --generate --runs 12345 ./tests/fuzz/run.py tests/fuzz/corpora --merge_dir my_locally_extended_fuzz_corpus ``` ## Improve seed corpora If you find coverage increasing inputs while fuzzing, please create a pull request to add them into `tests/fuzz/corpora`. Be sure to minimize any additions to the corpora first. ### Example Here's an example workflow to contribute new inputs for the `fuzz-addr` target. Create a directory for newly found corpus inputs and begin fuzzing: ```shell mkdir -p local_corpora/fuzz-addr ./tests/fuzz/fuzz-addr -jobs=4 local_corpora/fuzz-addr tests/fuzz/corpora/fuzz-addr/ ``` After some time, libFuzzer may find some potential coverage increasing inputs and save them in `local_corpora/fuzz-addr`. We can then merge them into the seed corpora in `tests/fuzz/corpora`: ```shell ./tests/fuzz/run.py tests/fuzz/corpora --merge_dir local_corpora ``` This will copy over any inputs that improve the coverage of the existing corpus. If any new inputs were added, create a pull request to improve the upstream seed corpus: ```shell git add tests/fuzz/corpora/fuzz-addr/* git commit ... ``` ## Write new fuzzing targets In order to write a new target: - include the `libfuzz.h` header - fill two functions: `init()` for static stuff and `run()` which will be called repeatedly with mutated data. - read about [what makes a good fuzz target](https://github.com/google/fuzzing/blob/master/docs/good-fuzz-target.md). A simple example is [`fuzz-addr`][fuzz-addr]. It setups the chainparams and context (wally, tmpctx, ..) in `init()` then bruteforces the bech32 encoder in `run()`. [fuzz-addr]: https://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning/blob/master/tests/fuzz/fuzz-addr.c