#define SUPERVERBOSE printf /* Needed before including bolt12_merkle.c: */ #include #include #include "../bolt12_merkle.c" #include #include #include #include #include /* Definition of n1 from the spec */ #include bool deprecated_apis = false; /* AUTOGENERATED MOCKS START */ /* Generated stub for features_unsupported */ int features_unsupported(const struct feature_set *our_features UNNEEDED, const u8 *their_features UNNEEDED, enum feature_place p UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "features_unsupported called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for fromwire_channel_id */ void fromwire_channel_id(const u8 **cursor UNNEEDED, size_t *max UNNEEDED, struct channel_id *channel_id UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_channel_id called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for fromwire_onionmsg_path */ struct onionmsg_path *fromwire_onionmsg_path(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, const u8 **cursor UNNEEDED, size_t *plen UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_onionmsg_path called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for towire_channel_id */ void towire_channel_id(u8 **pptr UNNEEDED, const struct channel_id *channel_id UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "towire_channel_id called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for towire_onionmsg_path */ void towire_onionmsg_path(u8 **p UNNEEDED, const struct onionmsg_path *onionmsg_path UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "towire_onionmsg_path called!\n"); abort(); } /* AUTOGENERATED MOCKS END */ /* Contat several tal objects */ #define concat(p, ...) concat_((p), __VA_ARGS__, NULL) static LAST_ARG_NULL void *concat_(const void *p, ...) { va_list ap; size_t len = 0; u8 *ret = tal_arr(tmpctx, u8, len); va_start(ap, p); do { tal_resize(&ret, len + tal_bytelen(p)); memcpy(ret + len, p, tal_bytelen(p)); len += tal_bytelen(p); } while ((p = va_arg(ap, const void *)) != NULL); va_end(ap); return ret; } /* Hashes a tal object */ static struct sha256 *SHA256(const void *obj) { struct sha256 *ret = tal(tmpctx, struct sha256); sha256(ret, obj, tal_bytelen(obj)); return ret; } /* Concatenate these two in lesser, greater order. */ static u8 *ordered(const struct sha256 *a, const struct sha256 *b) { u8 *ret = tal_arr(tmpctx, u8, sizeof(*a) + sizeof(*b)); if (memcmp(a, b, sizeof(*a)) < 0) { memcpy(ret, a, sizeof(*a)); memcpy(ret + sizeof(*a), b, sizeof(*b)); } else { memcpy(ret, b, sizeof(*b)); memcpy(ret + sizeof(*b), a, sizeof(*a)); } return ret; } static u8 *tlv(u64 type, const void *contents, size_t len) { u8 *ret = tal_arr(tmpctx, u8, 0); towire_bigsize(&ret, type); towire_bigsize(&ret, len); towire(&ret, contents, len); return ret; } /* BOLT-offers #12: * Thus we define H(`tag`,`msg`) as SHA256(SHA256(`tag`) || * SHA256(`tag`) || `msg`) */ static struct sha256 *H(const void *tag, const void *msg) { const struct sha256 *taghash = SHA256(tag); const u8 *full = concat(taghash, taghash, msg); struct sha256 *ret = SHA256(full); printf("test: H(tag=%s,msg=%s) -> SHA256(%s|%s|msg) -> %s\n", tal_hex(tmpctx, tag), tal_hex(tmpctx, msg), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct sha256, taghash), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct sha256, taghash), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct sha256, ret)); return ret; } static void merkle_n1(const struct tlv_n1 *n1, struct sha256 *test_m) { u8 *v; size_t len; struct tlv_n1 *tmp; /* Linearize to populate ->fields */ v = tal_arr(tmpctx, u8, 0); towire_n1(&v, n1); len = tal_bytelen(v); tmp = tlv_n1_new(tmpctx); if (!fromwire_n1(cast_const2(const u8 **, &v), &len, tmp)) abort(); assert(len == 0); merkle_tlv(tmp->fields, test_m); } /* As a bonus, you get the merkle-test.json by running: * common/test/run-bolt12_merkle | grep '^JSON:' | cut -d: -f2- | jq */ #define json_out(fmt, ...) printf("JSON: " fmt "\n" , ## __VA_ARGS__) int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct sha256 *m, test_m, *leaf[6]; const char *LnBranch, *LnAll, *LnLeaf; u8 *tlv1, *tlv2, *tlv3, *all; struct tlv_n1 *n1; char *fail; common_setup(argv[0]); /* Note: no nul term */ LnBranch = tal_dup_arr(tmpctx, char, "LnBranch", strlen("LnBranch"), 0); LnLeaf = tal_dup_arr(tmpctx, char, "LnLeaf", strlen("LnLeaf"), 0); LnAll = tal_dup_arr(tmpctx, char, "LnAll", strlen("LnAll"), 0); /* Create the tlvs, as per example `n1` in spec */ { u8 *v; struct short_channel_id scid; struct node_id nid; v = tal_arr(tmpctx, u8, 0); towire_tu64(&v, 1000); tlv1 = tlv(1, v, tal_bytelen(v)); v = tal_arr(tmpctx, u8, 0); if (!mk_short_channel_id(&scid, 1, 2, 3)) abort(); towire_short_channel_id(&v, &scid); tlv2 = tlv(2, v, tal_bytelen(v)); node_id_from_hexstr("0266e4598d1d3c415f572a8488830b60f7e744ed9235eb0b1ba93283b315c03518", strlen("0266e4598d1d3c415f572a8488830b60f7e744ed9235eb0b1ba93283b315c03518"), &nid); v = tal_arr(tmpctx, u8, 0); towire_node_id(&v, &nid); towire_amount_msat(&v, AMOUNT_MSAT(1)); towire_amount_msat(&v, AMOUNT_MSAT(2)); tlv3 = tlv(3, v, tal_bytelen(v)); } json_out("["); json_out("{\"comment\": \"Simple n1 test, tlv1 = 1000\","); json_out("\"tlv\": \"n1\","); /* Simplest case, a single (msat) element. */ all = tlv1; json_out("\"all-tlvs\": \"%s\",", tal_hex(tmpctx, all)); json_out("\"leaves\": ["); leaf[0] = H(LnBranch, ordered(H(LnLeaf, tlv1), H(concat(LnAll, all), tlv1))); json_out("{ \"H(`LnLeaf`,%s)\": \"%s\", \"H(`LnAll`|all-tlvs,tlv1)\": \"%s\", \"H(`LnBranch`,leaf+nonce)\": \"%s\" }", tal_hex(tmpctx, tlv1), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct sha256, H(LnLeaf, tlv1)), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct sha256, H(concat(LnAll, all), tlv1)), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct sha256, leaf[0])); json_out("],"); m = leaf[0]; json_out("\"branches\": [],"); json_out("\"merkle\": \"%s\"", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct sha256, m)); json_out("},"); printf("n1 = %s, merkle = %s\n", tal_hex(tmpctx, all), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct sha256, m)); /* Create, linearize (populates ->fields) */ n1 = tlv_n1_new(tmpctx); n1->tlv1 = tal(n1, u64); *n1->tlv1 = 1000; merkle_n1(n1, &test_m); assert(sha256_eq(&test_m, m)); /* Two elements. */ json_out("{\"comment\": \"n1 test, tlv1 = 1000, tlv2 = 1x2x3\","); json_out("\"tlv\": \"n1\","); all = concat(tlv1, tlv2); json_out("\"all-tlvs\": \"%s\",", tal_hex(tmpctx, all)); json_out("\"leaves\": ["); leaf[0] = H(LnBranch, ordered(H(LnLeaf, tlv1), H(concat(LnAll, all), tlv1))); leaf[1] = H(LnBranch, ordered(H(LnLeaf, tlv2), H(concat(LnAll, all), tlv2))); json_out("{ \"H(`LnLeaf`,%s)\": \"%s\", \"H(`LnAll`|all-tlvs,tlv1)\": \"%s\", \"H(`LnBranch`,leaf+nonce)\": \"%s\" },", tal_hex(tmpctx, tlv1), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct sha256, H(LnLeaf, tlv1)), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct sha256, H(concat(LnAll, all), tlv1)), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct sha256, leaf[0])); json_out("{ \"H(`LnLeaf`,%s)\": \"%s\", \"H(`LnAll`|all-tlvs,tlv2)\": \"%s\", \"H(`LnBranch`,leaf+nonce)\": \"%s\" }", tal_hex(tmpctx, tlv2), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct sha256, H(LnLeaf, tlv2)), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct sha256, H(concat(LnAll, all), tlv2)), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct sha256, leaf[1])); json_out("],"); json_out("\"branches\": ["); json_out("{ \"desc\": \"1: tlv1+nonce and tlv2+nonce\", \"H(`LnBranch`,%s)\": \"%s\" }", tal_hex(tmpctx, ordered(leaf[0], leaf[1])), tal_hex(tmpctx, H(LnBranch, ordered(leaf[0], leaf[1])))); json_out("],"); m = H(LnBranch, ordered(leaf[0], leaf[1])); json_out("\"merkle\": \"%s\"", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct sha256, m)); json_out("},"); printf("n1 = %s, merkle = %s\n", tal_hex(tmpctx, all), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct sha256, m)); n1->tlv2 = tal(n1, struct short_channel_id); if (!mk_short_channel_id(n1->tlv2, 1, 2, 3)) abort(); merkle_n1(n1, &test_m); assert(sha256_eq(&test_m, m)); /* Three elements. */ json_out("{\"comment\": \"n1 test, tlv1 = 1000, tlv2 = 1x2x3, tlv3 = 0266e4598d1d3c415f572a8488830b60f7e744ed9235eb0b1ba93283b315c03518, 1, 2\","); json_out("\"tlv\": \"n1\","); all = concat(tlv1, tlv2, tlv3); json_out("\"all-tlvs\": \"%s\",", tal_hex(tmpctx, all)); json_out("\"leaves\": ["); leaf[0] = H(LnBranch, ordered(H(LnLeaf, tlv1), H(concat(LnAll, all), tlv1))); leaf[1] = H(LnBranch, ordered(H(LnLeaf, tlv2), H(concat(LnAll, all), tlv2))); leaf[2] = H(LnBranch, ordered(H(LnLeaf, tlv3), H(concat(LnAll, all), tlv3))); json_out("{ \"H(`LnLeaf`,%s)\": \"%s\", \"H(`LnAll`|all-tlvs,tlv1)\": \"%s\", \"H(`LnBranch`,leaf+nonce)\": \"%s\" },", tal_hex(tmpctx, tlv1), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct sha256, H(LnLeaf, tlv1)), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct sha256, H(concat(LnAll, all), tlv1)), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct sha256, leaf[0])); json_out("{ \"H(`LnLeaf`,%s)\": \"%s\", \"H(`LnAll`|all-tlvs,tlv2)\": \"%s\", \"H(`LnBranch`,leaf+nonce)\": \"%s\" },", tal_hex(tmpctx, tlv2), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct sha256, H(LnLeaf, tlv2)), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct sha256, H(concat(LnAll, all), tlv2)), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct sha256, leaf[1])); json_out("{ \"H(`LnLeaf`,%s)\": \"%s\", \"H(`LnAll`|all-tlvs,tlv3)\": \"%s\", \"H(`LnBranch`,leaf+nonce)\": \"%s\" }", tal_hex(tmpctx, tlv3), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct sha256, H(LnLeaf, tlv3)), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct sha256, H(concat(LnAll, all), tlv3)), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct sha256, leaf[2])); json_out("],"); json_out("\"branches\": ["); json_out("{ \"desc\": \"1: tlv1+nonce and tlv2+nonce\", \"H(`LnBranch`,%s)\": \"%s\" },", tal_hex(tmpctx, ordered(leaf[0], leaf[1])), tal_hex(tmpctx, H(LnBranch, ordered(leaf[0], leaf[1])))); json_out("{ \"desc\": \"1 and tlv3+nonce\", \"H(`LnBranch`,%s)\": \"%s\" }", tal_hex(tmpctx, ordered(H(LnBranch, ordered(leaf[0], leaf[1])), leaf[2])), tal_hex(tmpctx, H(LnBranch, ordered(H(LnBranch, ordered(leaf[0], leaf[1])), leaf[2])))); json_out("],"); m = H(LnBranch, ordered(H(LnBranch, ordered(leaf[0], leaf[1])), leaf[2])); json_out("\"merkle\": \"%s\"", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct sha256, m)); json_out("},"); printf("n1 = %s, merkle = %s\n", tal_hex(tmpctx, all), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct sha256, m)); n1->tlv3 = tal(n1, struct tlv_n1_tlv3); pubkey_from_hexstr("0266e4598d1d3c415f572a8488830b60f7e744ed9235eb0b1ba93283b315c03518", strlen("0266e4598d1d3c415f572a8488830b60f7e744ed9235eb0b1ba93283b315c03518"), &n1->tlv3->node_id); n1->tlv3->amount_msat_1 = AMOUNT_MSAT(1); n1->tlv3->amount_msat_2 = AMOUNT_MSAT(2); merkle_n1(n1, &test_m); assert(sha256_eq(&test_m, m)); /* Now try with an actual offer, with 6 fields. */ struct tlv_offer *offer = offer_decode(tmpctx, "lno1qcp4256ypqpq86q2pucnq42ngssx2an9wfujqerp0y2pqun4wd68jtn00fkxzcnn9ehhyec6qgqsz83qfwdpl28qqmc78ymlvhmxcsywdk5wrjnj36jryg488qwlrnzyjczs", strlen("lno1qcp4256ypqpq86q2pucnq42ngssx2an9wfujqerp0y2pqun4wd68jtn00fkxzcnn9ehhyec6qgqsz83qfwdpl28qqmc78ymlvhmxcsywdk5wrjnj36jryg488qwlrnzyjczs"), NULL, NULL, &fail); assert(tal_count(offer->fields) == 6); u8 *fieldwires[6]; /* currency: USD */ fieldwires[0] = tlv(6, "USD", strlen("USD")); /* amount: 1000 */ fieldwires[1] = tlv(8, "\x03\xe8", 2); /* description: 10USD every day */ fieldwires[2] = tlv(10, "10USD every day", strlen("10USD every day")); /* issuer: rusty.ozlabs.org */ fieldwires[3] = tlv(20, "rusty.ozlabs.org", strlen("rusty.ozlabs.org")); /* recurrence: time_unit = 1, period = 1 */ fieldwires[4] = tlv(26, "\x01\x01", 2); /* node_id: 4b9a1fa8e006f1e3937f65f66c408e6da8e1ca728ea43222a7381df1cc449605 */ fieldwires[5] = tlv(30, "\x4b\x9a\x1f\xa8\xe0\x06\xf1\xe3\x93\x7f\x65\xf6\x6c\x40\x8e\x6d\xa8\xe1\xca\x72\x8e\xa4\x32\x22\xa7\x38\x1d\xf1\xcc\x44\x96\x05", 32); json_out("{\"comment\": \"offer test, currency = USD, amount = 1000, description = 10USD every day, issuer = rusty.ozlabs.org, recurrence = time_unit = 1, period = 1, node_id = 4b9a1fa8e006f1e3937f65f66c408e6da8e1ca728ea43222a7381df1cc449605\","); json_out("\"tlv\": \"offer\","); all = concat(fieldwires[0], fieldwires[1], fieldwires[2], fieldwires[3], fieldwires[4], fieldwires[5]); json_out("\"all-tlvs\": \"%s\",", tal_hex(tmpctx, all)); json_out("\"leaves\": ["); for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(fieldwires); i++) { leaf[i] = H(LnBranch, ordered(H(LnLeaf, fieldwires[i]), H(concat(LnAll, all), fieldwires[i]))); json_out("{ \"H(`LnLeaf`,%s)\": \"%s\", \"H(`LnAll`|all-tlvs,tlv)\": \"%s\", \"H(`LnBranch`,leaf+nonce)\": \"%s\" }%s", tal_hex(tmpctx, fieldwires[i]), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct sha256, H(LnLeaf, fieldwires[i])), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct sha256, H(concat(LnAll, all), fieldwires[0])), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct sha256, leaf[i]), i == ARRAY_SIZE(fieldwires) - 1 ? "" : ","); } json_out("],"); json_out("\"branches\": ["); json_out("{ \"desc\": \"1: currency+nonce and amount+nonce\", \"H(`LnBranch`,%s)\": \"%s\" },", tal_hex(tmpctx, ordered(leaf[0], leaf[1])), tal_hex(tmpctx, H(LnBranch, ordered(leaf[0], leaf[1])))); json_out("{ \"desc\": \"2: description+nonce and issuer+nonce\", \"H(`LnBranch`,%s)\": \"%s\"},", tal_hex(tmpctx, ordered(leaf[2], leaf[3])), tal_hex(tmpctx, H(LnBranch, ordered(leaf[2], leaf[3])))); struct sha256 *b12 = H(LnBranch, ordered(H(LnBranch, ordered(leaf[0], leaf[1])), H(LnBranch, ordered(leaf[2], leaf[3])))); json_out("{ \"desc\": \"3: 1 and 2\", \"H(`LnBranch`,%s)\": \"%s\" },", tal_hex(tmpctx, ordered(H(LnBranch, ordered(leaf[0], leaf[1])), H(LnBranch, ordered(leaf[2], leaf[3])))), tal_hex(tmpctx, b12)); json_out("{ \"desc\": \"4: recurrence+nonce and node_id+nonce\", \"H(`LnBranch`,%s)\": \"%s\" },", tal_hex(tmpctx, ordered(leaf[4], leaf[5])), tal_hex(tmpctx, H(LnBranch, ordered(leaf[4], leaf[5])))); json_out("{ \"desc\": \"5: 3 and 4\", \"H(`LnBranch`,%s)\": \"%s\" }", tal_hex(tmpctx, ordered(b12, H(LnBranch, ordered(leaf[4], leaf[5])))), tal_hex(tmpctx, H(LnBranch, ordered(b12, H(LnBranch, ordered(leaf[4], leaf[5])))))); m = H(LnBranch, ordered(H(LnBranch, ordered(H(LnBranch, ordered(leaf[0], leaf[1])), H(LnBranch, ordered(leaf[2], leaf[3])))), H(LnBranch, ordered(leaf[4], leaf[5])))); json_out("],"); json_out("\"merkle\": \"%s\"", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct sha256, m)); json_out("}]"); printf("offer = %s, merkle = %s\n", tal_hex(tmpctx, all), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct sha256, m)); merkle_tlv(offer->fields, &test_m); assert(sha256_eq(&test_m, m)); common_shutdown(); }