#! /usr/bin/make WIRE_HEADERS := wire/onion_defs.h \ wire/peer_wire.h \ wire/onion_wire.h \ wire/tlvstream.h \ wire/wire.h \ wire/wire_sync.h \ wire/wire_io.h \ wire/peer$(EXP)_wiregen.h \ wire/onion$(EXP)_wiregen.h \ wire/bolt12$(EXP)_wiregen.h \ wire/common_wiregen.h \ wire/peer$(EXP)_printgen.h \ wire/onion$(EXP)_printgen.h # We don't include peer_printgen/onion_printgen here since most don't need it. WIRE_SRC := wire/wire_sync.c \ wire/wire_io.c \ wire/fromwire.c \ wire/peer_wire.c \ wire/tlvstream.c \ wire/towire.c \ wire/common_wiregen.c \ wire/bolt12$(EXP)_wiregen.c \ wire/peer$(EXP)_wiregen.c \ wire/onion$(EXP)_wiregen.c WIRE_PRINT_SRC := \ wire/onion$(EXP)_printgen.c \ wire/peer$(EXP)_printgen.c WIRE_OBJS := $(WIRE_SRC:.c=.o) WIRE_PRINT_OBJS := $(WIRE_PRINT_SRC:.c=.o) $(WIRE_OBJS) $(WIRE_PRINT_OBJS): $(WIRE_HEADERS) # Make sure these depend on everything: in case we're experimental, # include non-experimental ones here so they get rebuilt. WIRE_NONEXP_SRC := wire/bolt12_wiregen.c \ wire/peer_wiregen.c \ wire/onion_wiregen.c \ wire/onion_printgen.c \ wire/peer_printgen.c WIRE_NONEXP_HEADERS := wire/peer_wiregen.h \ wire/onion_wiregen.h \ wire/bolt12_wiregen.h \ wire/peer_printgen.h \ wire/onion_printgen.h ALL_C_SOURCES += $(WIRE_SRC) $(WIRE_PRINT_SRC) $(WIRE_NONEXP_SRC) ALL_C_HEADERS += $(WIRE_HEADERS) $(WIRE_NONEXP_HEADERS) # They may not have the bolts. BOLT_EXTRACT=$(LOCAL_BOLTDIR)/tools/extract-formats.py WIRE_BOLT_DEPS := $(BOLT_DEPS) tools/gen/impl_template tools/gen/header_template ALL_PEER_PATCHES := $(sort $(wildcard wire/extracted_peer*.patch)) ALL_ONION_PATCHES := $(sort $(wildcard wire/extracted_onion*.patch)) # These are applied to the non-exp csvs to make the exp csvs. PEER_EXP_PATCHES := $(sort $(wildcard wire/extracted_peer_exp*.patch)) ONION_EXP_PATCHES := $(sort $(wildcard wire/extracted_onion_exp*.patch)) # These are always applied to the bolts. PEER_PATCHES := $(filter-out $(PEER_EXP_PATCHES),$(ALL_PEER_PATCHES)) ONION_PATCHES := $(filter-out $(ONION_EXP_PATCHES),$(ALL_ONION_PATCHES)) # Explicit command to re-extract CSV from BOLTs and patch. # This is not a normal make depencency, since we don't want this # called implicitly. # Note: You will need to run extract-bolt12-csv manually! extract-bolt-csv: extract-peer-csv extract-onion-csv extract-peer-csv: wire/peer_wire.csv.raw @set -e; T=wire/peer_wire.csv; trap "rm -f $$T.$$$$" 0; cp $< $$T.$$$$; for p in $(PEER_PATCHES); do echo APPLY $$p; patch $$T.$$$$ $$p; done; mv $$T.$$$$ $$T extract-onion-csv: wire/onion_wire.csv.raw @set -e; T=wire/onion_wire.csv; trap "rm -f $$T.$$$$" 0; cp $< $$T.$$$$; for p in $(ONION_PATCHES); do echo APPLY $$p; patch $$T.$$$$ $$p; done; mv $$T.$$$$ $$T extract-bolt12-csv: wire/bolt12_wire.csv.raw @set -e; T=wire/bolt12_wire.csv; trap "rm -f $$T.$$$$" 0; cp $< $$T.$$$$; for p in $(BOLT12_PATCHES); do echo APPLY $$p; patch $$T.$$$$ $$p; done; mv $$T.$$$$ $$T wire/peer_wire.csv.raw: bolt-precheck @$(BOLT_EXTRACT) $(LOCAL_BOLTDIR)/0[127]*.md > $@ wire/onion_wire.csv.raw: bolt-precheck @(echo '#include '; $(BOLT_EXTRACT) $(LOCAL_BOLTDIR)/04*.md) > $@ wire/bolt12_wire.csv.raw: bolt-precheck @$(BOLT_EXTRACT) $(LOCAL_BOLTDIR)/12*.md > $@ # How to make the exp versions from non-exp versions: wire/peer_exp_wire.csv: wire/peer_wire.csv $(PEER_EXP_PATCHES) @set -e; T=$@; trap "rm -f $$T.$$$$" 0; cp $< $$T.$$$$; for p in $(PEER_EXP_PATCHES); do echo APPLY $$p; patch $$T.$$$$ $$p; done; mv $$T.$$$$ $$T wire/onion_exp_wire.csv: wire/onion_wire.csv $(ONION_EXP_PATCHES) @set -e; T=$@; trap "rm -f $$T.$$$$" 0; cp $< $$T.$$$$; for p in $(ONION_EXP_PATCHES); do echo APPLY $$p; patch $$T.$$$$ $$p; done; mv $$T.$$$$ $$T wire/bolt12_exp_wire.csv: wire/bolt12_wire.csv $(BOLT12_EXP_PATCHES) @set -e; T=$@; trap "rm -f $$T.$$$$" 0; cp $< $$T.$$$$; for p in $(BOLT12_EXP_PATCHES); do echo APPLY $$p; patch $$T.$$$$ $$p; done; mv $$T.$$$$ $$T # These can be deleted. .INTERMEDIATE: wire/peer_wire.csv.raw wire/onion_wire.csv.raw wire/bolt12_wire.csv.raw # Explicit command to add patchfile for BOLT CSV's against current one. generate-bolt-csv-patch: bolt-precheck @$(BOLT_EXTRACT) $(LOCAL_BOLTDIR)/0[127]*.md | diff -u wire/peer$(EXP)_wire.csv - >wire/extracted_peer$(EXP)_$(BOLTVERSION).patch | if [ $$? -lt 0 ];then exit 1;fi; echo wire/extracted_peer$(EXP)_$(BOLTVERSION).patch @{ echo '#include '; $(BOLT_EXTRACT) $(LOCAL_BOLTDIR)/04*.md; } | diff -u wire/onion$(EXP)_wire.csv - > wire/extracted_onion$(EXP)_$(BOLTVERSION).patch | if [ $$? -lt 0 ];then exit 1;fi; echo wire/extracted_onion$(EXP)_$(BOLTVERSION).patch # tlvs_n1 and n2 are used for test vectors, thus not referenced: expose them # for testing and to prevent compile error about them being unused. # This will be easier if test vectors are moved to separate files. wire/peer_wiregen.h_args := --include='common/channel_id.h' --include='bitcoin/tx.h' --include='bitcoin/preimage.h' --include='bitcoin/short_channel_id.h' --include='common/node_id.h' --include='common/bigsize.h' --include='bitcoin/block.h' --include='bitcoin/privkey.h' -s --expose-tlv-type=n1 --expose-tlv-type=n2 wire/peer_wiregen.c_args := -s --expose-tlv-type=n1 --expose-tlv-type=n2 # The tlv_payload isn't parsed in a fromwire, so we need to expose it. wire/onion_wiregen.h_args := --include='bitcoin/short_channel_id.h' --include='bitcoin/privkey.h' --include='common/bigsize.h' --include='common/amount.h' --include='common/node_id.h' --include='bitcoin/block.h' -s --expose-tlv-type=tlv_payload wire/onion_wiregen.c_args := -s --expose-tlv-type=tlv_payload # Same for _exp versions wire/peer_exp_wiregen.h_args := $(wire/peer_wiregen.h_args) wire/peer_exp_wiregen.c_args := $(wire/peer_wiregen.c_args) wire/onion_exp_wiregen.h_args := $(wire/onion_wiregen.h_args) wire/onion_exp_wiregen.c_args := $(wire/onion_wiregen.c_args) wire/bolt12_wiregen.c_args := -s --expose-tlv-type=blinded_path --expose-tlv-type=invoice_request wire/bolt12_wiregen.h_args := --include='bitcoin/short_channel_id.h' --include='bitcoin/signature.h' --include='bitcoin/privkey.h' --include='common/bigsize.h' --include='common/amount.h' --include='common/node_id.h' --include='bitcoin/block.h' --include='wire/onion_wire.h' $(wire/bolt12_wiregen.c_args) # Same for _exp versions wire/bolt12_exp_wiregen.h_args := $(wire/bolt12_wiregen.h_args) wire/bolt12_exp_wiregen.c_args := $(wire/bolt12_wiregen.c_args) wire/peer_wiregen.h_args := --include='common/channel_id.h' --include='bitcoin/tx.h' --include='bitcoin/preimage.h' --include='bitcoin/short_channel_id.h' --include='common/node_id.h' --include='common/bigsize.h' --include='bitcoin/block.h' --include='bitcoin/privkey.h' -s --expose-tlv-type=n1 --expose-tlv-type=n2 # All generated wire/ files depend on this Makefile $(filter %printgen.h %printgen.c %wiregen.h %wiregen.c, $(WIRE_SRC) $(WIRE_PRINT_SRC) $(WIRE_NONEXP_SRC) $(WIRE_HEADERS) $(WIRE_NONEXP_HEADERS)): wire/Makefile maintainer-clean: wire-maintainer-clean clean: wire-clean wire-clean: $(RM) wire/*.csv.* wire-maintainer-clean: wire-clean $(RM) wire/gen_*_csv wire/extracted_*_experimental_csv include wire/test/Makefile