LIGHTNING-WITHDRAW(7) ==================== :doctype: manpage NAME ---- lightning-withdraw - Command for withdrawing funds from the internal wallet. SYNOPSIS -------- *withdraw* 'destination' 'satoshi' ['feerate' 'feeratestyle'] DESCRIPTION ----------- The *withdraw* RPC command sends funds from c-lightning's internal wallet to the address specified in 'destination'. The address can be of any Bitcoin accepted type, including bech32. 'satoshi' is the amount to be withdrawn from the internal wallet (expressed, as name suggests, in satoshi). The string 'all' can be used to specify withdrawal of all available funds. 'feerate' is an optional feerate to use, overriding lightningd's internal estimate. If specified, 'feeratestyle' must be either '"perkw"' for if 'feerate' is in satoshi-per-kilosipa (weight), or '"perkb"' for if 'feerate' is in bitcoind-style satoshi-per-kilobyte. RETURN VALUE ------------ On success, an object with attributes 'tx' and 'txid' will be returned. 'tx' represents the raw bitcoin, fully signed, transaction and 'txid' represent the bitcoin transaction id. On failure, an error is reported and the withdrawal transaction is not created. The following error codes may occur: * -1. Catchall nonspecific error. * 301. There are not enough funds in the internal wallet (including fees) to create the transaction. * 302. The dust limit is not met. AUTHOR ------ Felix is mainly responsible. SEE ALSO -------- lightning-listfunds(7), lightning-fundchannel(7), lightning-newaddr(7) RESOURCES --------- Main web site: