import binascii import logging import os import re import sqlite3 import subprocess import threading import time from bitcoin.rpc import RawProxy as BitcoinProxy BITCOIND_CONFIG = { "rpcuser": "rpcuser", "rpcpassword": "rpcpass", "rpcport": 18332, } LIGHTNINGD_CONFIG = { "bitcoind-poll": "1s", "log-level": "debug", "cltv-delta": 6, "cltv-final": 5, "locktime-blocks": 5, "rescan": 1, } DEVELOPER = os.getenv("DEVELOPER", "0") == "1" def write_config(filename, opts): with open(filename, 'w') as f: for k, v in opts.items(): f.write("{}={}\n".format(k, v)) class TailableProc(object): """A monitorable process that we can start, stop and tail. This is the base class for the daemons. It allows us to directly tail the processes and react to their output. """ def __init__(self, outputDir=None): self.logs = [] self.logs_cond = threading.Condition(threading.RLock()) self.env = os.environ self.running = False self.proc = None self.outputDir = outputDir self.logsearch_start = 0 def start(self): """Start the underlying process and start monitoring it. """ logging.debug("Starting '%s'", " ".join(self.cmd_line)) self.proc = subprocess.Popen(self.cmd_line, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=self.env) self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.tail) self.thread.daemon = True self.thread.start() self.running = True def save_log(self): if self.outputDir: logpath = os.path.join(self.outputDir, 'log') with open(logpath, 'w') as f: for l in self.logs: f.write(l + '\n') def stop(self, timeout=10): self.save_log() self.proc.terminate() # Now give it some time to react to the signal rc = self.proc.wait(timeout) if rc is None: self.proc.kill() self.proc.wait() self.thread.join() if self.proc.returncode: raise ValueError("Process '{}' did not cleanly shutdown: return code {}".format(, rc)) return self.proc.returncode def kill(self): """Kill process without giving it warning.""" self.proc.kill() self.proc.wait() self.thread.join() def tail(self): """Tail the stdout of the process and remember it. Stores the lines of output produced by the process in self.logs and signals that a new line was read so that it can be picked up by consumers. """ for line in iter(self.proc.stdout.readline, ''): if len(line) == 0: break with self.logs_cond: self.logs.append(str(line.rstrip())) logging.debug("%s: %s", self.prefix, line.decode().rstrip()) self.logs_cond.notifyAll() self.running = False self.proc.stdout.close() def is_in_log(self, regex, start=0): """Look for `regex` in the logs.""" ex = re.compile(regex) for l in self.logs[start:]: if logging.debug("Found '%s' in logs", regex) return l logging.debug("Did not find '%s' in logs", regex) return None def wait_for_logs(self, regexs, timeout=60): """Look for `regexs` in the logs. We tail the stdout of the process and look for each regex in `regexs`, starting from last of the previous waited-for log entries (if any). We fail if the timeout is exceeded or if the underlying process exits before all the `regexs` were found. If timeout is None, no time-out is applied. """ logging.debug("Waiting for {} in the logs".format(regexs)) exs = [re.compile(r) for r in regexs] start_time = time.time() pos = self.logsearch_start while True: if timeout is not None and time.time() > start_time + timeout: print("Time-out: can't find {} in logs".format(exs)) for r in exs: if self.is_in_log(r): print("({} was previously in logs!)".format(r)) raise TimeoutError('Unable to find "{}" in logs.'.format(exs)) elif not self.running: raise ValueError('Process died while waiting for logs') with self.logs_cond: if pos >= len(self.logs): self.logs_cond.wait(1) continue for r in exs.copy(): self.logsearch_start = pos + 1 if[pos]): logging.debug("Found '%s' in logs", r) exs.remove(r) break if len(exs) == 0: return self.logs[pos] pos += 1 def wait_for_log(self, regex, timeout=60): """Look for `regex` in the logs. Convenience wrapper for the common case of only seeking a single entry. """ return self.wait_for_logs([regex], timeout) class SimpleBitcoinProxy: """Wrapper for BitcoinProxy to reconnect. Long wait times between calls to the Bitcoin RPC could result in `bitcoind` closing the connection, so here we just create throwaway connections. This is easier than to reach into the RPC library to close, reopen and reauth upon failure. """ def __init__(self, btc_conf_file, *args, **kwargs): self.__btc_conf_file__ = btc_conf_file def __getattr__(self, name): if name.startswith('__') and name.endswith('__'): # Python internal stuff raise AttributeError # Create a callable to do the actual call proxy = BitcoinProxy(btc_conf_file=self.__btc_conf_file__) f = lambda *args: proxy._call(name, *args) # Make debuggers show rather than > f.__name__ = name return f class BitcoinD(TailableProc): def __init__(self, bitcoin_dir="/tmp/bitcoind-test", rpcport=18332): TailableProc.__init__(self, bitcoin_dir) self.bitcoin_dir = bitcoin_dir self.rpcport = rpcport self.prefix = 'bitcoind' regtestdir = os.path.join(bitcoin_dir, 'regtest') if not os.path.exists(regtestdir): os.makedirs(regtestdir) self.cmd_line = [ 'bitcoind', '-datadir={}'.format(bitcoin_dir), '-printtoconsole', '-server', '-regtest', '-logtimestamps', '-nolisten', ] BITCOIND_CONFIG['rpcport'] = rpcport btc_conf_file = os.path.join(regtestdir, 'bitcoin.conf') write_config(os.path.join(bitcoin_dir, 'bitcoin.conf'), BITCOIND_CONFIG) write_config(btc_conf_file, BITCOIND_CONFIG) self.rpc = SimpleBitcoinProxy(btc_conf_file=btc_conf_file) def start(self): TailableProc.start(self) self.wait_for_log("Done loading", timeout=60)"BitcoinD started") def generate_block(self, numblocks=1): # As of 0.16, generate() is removed; use generatetoaddress. self.rpc.generatetoaddress(numblocks, self.rpc.getnewaddress()) # lightning-1 => 0266e4598d1d3c415f572a8488830b60f7e744ed9235eb0b1ba93283b315c03518 aka JUNIORBEAM #0266e4 # lightning-2 => 022d223620a359a47ff7f7ac447c85c46c923da53389221a0054c11c1e3ca31d59 aka SILENTARTIST #022d22 # lightning-3 => 035d2b1192dfba134e10e540875d366ebc8bc353d5aa766b80c090b39c3a5d885d aka HOPPINGFIRE #035d2b # lightning-4 => 0382ce59ebf18be7d84677c2e35f23294b9992ceca95491fcf8a56c6cb2d9de199 aka JUNIORFELONY #0382ce # lightning-5 => 032cf15d1ad9c4a08d26eab1918f732d8ef8fdc6abb9640bf3db174372c491304e aka SOMBERFIRE #032cf1 class LightningD(TailableProc): def __init__(self, lightning_dir, bitcoin_dir, port=9735, random_hsm=False): TailableProc.__init__(self, lightning_dir) self.lightning_dir = lightning_dir self.port = port self.cmd_prefix = [] self.opts = LIGHTNINGD_CONFIG.copy() opts = { 'bitcoin-datadir': bitcoin_dir, 'lightning-dir': lightning_dir, 'port': port, 'allow-deprecated-apis': 'false', 'override-fee-rates': '15000/7500/1000', 'network': 'regtest', 'ignore-fee-limits': 'false', } for k, v in opts.items(): self.opts[k] = v # Last 32-bytes of final part of dir -> seed. seed = (bytes('([^/]+)/*$', lightning_dir).group(1), encoding='utf-8') + bytes(32))[:32] if DEVELOPER: self.opts['dev-broadcast-interval'] = 1000 if not random_hsm: self.opts['dev-hsm-seed'] = binascii.hexlify(seed).decode('ascii') self.prefix = 'lightningd(%d)' % (port) if not os.path.exists(lightning_dir): os.makedirs(lightning_dir) @property def cmd_line(self): opts = [] for k, v in sorted(self.opts.items()): if v is None: opts.append("--{}".format(k)) else: opts.append("--{}={}".format(k, v)) return self.cmd_prefix + ['lightningd/lightningd'] + opts def start(self): TailableProc.start(self) self.wait_for_log("Server started with public key")"LightningD started") def wait(self, timeout=10): """Wait for the daemon to stop for up to timeout seconds Returns the returncode of the process, None if the process did not return before the timeout triggers. """ self.proc.wait(timeout) return self.proc.returncode class LightningNode(object): def __init__(self, daemon, rpc, btc, executor, may_fail=False, may_reconnect=False): self.rpc = rpc self.daemon = daemon self.bitcoin = btc self.executor = executor self.may_fail = may_fail self.may_reconnect = may_reconnect # Use batch if you're doing more than one async. def connect(self, remote_node, capacity, async=False): # Collect necessary information addr = self.rpc.newaddr()['address'] txid = self.bitcoin.rpc.sendtoaddress(addr, capacity) tx = self.bitcoin.rpc.gettransaction(txid) start_size = self.bitcoin.rpc.getmempoolinfo()['size'] def call_connect(): try: self.rpc.connect('', remote_node.daemon.port, tx['hex'], async=False) except Exception: pass t = threading.Thread(target=call_connect) t.daemon = True t.start() def wait_connected(): # Up to 10 seconds to get tx into mempool. start_time = time.time() while self.bitcoin.rpc.getmempoolinfo()['size'] == start_size: if time.time() > start_time + 10: raise TimeoutError('No new transactions in mempool') time.sleep(0.1) self.bitcoin.generate_block(1) # fut.result(timeout=5) # Now wait for confirmation self.daemon.wait_for_log(" to CHANNELD_NORMAL|STATE_NORMAL") remote_node.daemon.wait_for_log(" to CHANNELD_NORMAL|STATE_NORMAL") if async: return self.executor.submit(wait_connected) else: return wait_connected() def openchannel(self, remote_node, capacity, addrtype="p2sh-segwit"): addr, wallettxid = self.fundwallet(capacity, addrtype) fundingtx = self.rpc.fundchannel(['id'], capacity) self.daemon.wait_for_log('sendrawtx exit 0, gave') self.bitcoin.generate_block(6) self.daemon.wait_for_log('to CHANNELD_NORMAL|STATE_NORMAL') return {'address': addr, 'wallettxid': wallettxid, 'fundingtx': fundingtx} def fundwallet(self, sats, addrtype="p2sh-segwit"): addr = self.rpc.newaddr(addrtype)['address'] txid = self.bitcoin.rpc.sendtoaddress(addr, sats / 10**6) self.bitcoin.generate_block(1) self.daemon.wait_for_log('Owning output .* txid {}'.format(txid)) return addr, txid def getactivechannels(self): return [c for c in self.rpc.listchannels()['channels'] if c['active']] def db_query(self, query): from shutil import copyfile orig = os.path.join(self.daemon.lightning_dir, "lightningd.sqlite3") copy = os.path.join(self.daemon.lightning_dir, "lightningd-copy.sqlite3") copyfile(orig, copy) db = sqlite3.connect(copy) db.row_factory = sqlite3.Row c = db.cursor() c.execute(query) rows = c.fetchall() result = [] for row in rows: result.append(dict(zip(row.keys(), row))) c.close() db.close() return result # Assumes node is stopped! def db_manip(self, query): db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(self.daemon.lightning_dir, "lightningd.sqlite3")) db.row_factory = sqlite3.Row c = db.cursor() c.execute(query) db.commit() c.close() db.close() def stop(self, timeout=10): """ Attempt to do a clean shutdown, but kill if it hangs """ # Tell the daemon to stop try: # May fail if the process already died self.rpc.stop() except Exception: pass rc = self.daemon.wait(timeout) # If it did not stop be more insistent if rc is None: rc = self.daemon.stop() self.daemon.save_log() if rc != 0 and not self.may_fail: raise ValueError("Node did not exit cleanly, rc={}".format(rc)) else: return rc def restart(self, timeout=10, clean=True): """Stop and restart the lightning node. Keyword arguments: timeout: number of seconds to wait for a shutdown clean: whether to issue a `stop` RPC command before killing """ if clean: self.stop(timeout) else: self.daemon.stop() self.daemon.start()