{ "$schema": "../rpc-schema-draft.json", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "rpc": "invoice", "title": "Command for accepting payments", "description": [ "The **invoice** RPC command creates the expectation of a payment of a given amount of milli-satoshi: it returns a unique token which another lightning daemon can use to pay this invoice. This token includes a *route hint* description of an incoming channel with capacity to pay the invoice, if any exists." ], "request": { "required": [ "amount_msat", "label", "description" ], "properties": { "amount_msat": { "type": "msat_or_any", "description": [ "The string `any`, which creates an invoice that can be paid with any amount. Otherwise it is a positive value in millisatoshi precision; it can be a whole number, or a whole number ending in *msat* or *sat*, or a number with three decimal places ending in *sat*, or a number with 1 to 11 decimal places ending in *btc*." ] }, "label": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "integer" } ], "description": [ "A unique string or number (which is treated as a string, so `01` is different from `1`); it is never revealed to other nodes on the lightning network, but it can be used to query the status of this invoice." ] }, "description": { "type": "string", "description": [ "A short description of purpose of payment, e.g. *1 cup of coffee*. This value is encoded into the BOLT11 invoice and is viewable by any node you send this invoice to (unless *deschashonly* is true as described below). It must be UTF-8, and cannot use *\\u* JSON escape codes." ] }, "expiry": { "type": "u64", "description": [ "The time the invoice is valid for, in seconds. If no value is provided the default of 604800 (1 week) is used." ] }, "fallbacks": { "type": "array", "description": [ "One or more fallback addresses to include in the invoice (in order from most- preferred to least): note that these arrays are not currently tracked to fulfill the invoice." ], "items": { "type": "string" } }, "preimage": { "type": "hex", "description": [ "A 64-digit hex string to be used as payment preimage for the created invoice. By default, if unspecified, lightningd will generate a secure pseudorandom preimage seeded from an appropriate entropy source on your system. **IMPORTANT**: if you specify the *preimage*, you are responsible, to ensure appropriate care for generating using a secure pseudorandom generator seeded with sufficient entropy, and keeping the preimage secret. This parameter is an advanced feature intended for use with cutting-edge cryptographic protocols and should not be used unless explicitly needed." ] }, "exposeprivatechannels": { "description": [ "If specified, it overrides the default route hint logic, which will use unpublished channels only if there are no published channels." ], "oneOf": [ { "type": "boolean", "description": [ "If *True* unpublished channels are always considered as a route hint candidate; if *False*, never." ] }, { "type": "array", "description": [ "Array of short channel ids (or a remote alias), only those specific channels will be considered candidates, even if they are public or dead-ends." ], "items": { "type": "short_channel_id" } }, { "type": "short_channel_id", "description": [ "If it is a short channel id (e.g. *1x1x3*), only this specific channel will be considered candidate, even if it is public or dead-end." ] } ] }, "cltv": { "type": "u32", "description": [ "If specified, sets the *min_final_cltv_expiry* for the invoice. Otherwise, it's set to the parameter **cltv-final**." ] }, "deschashonly": { "type": "boolean", "description": [ "If True, then the bolt11 returned contains a hash of the *description*, rather than the *description* itself: this allows much longer descriptions, but they must be communicated via some other mechanism." ], "default": "False" } } }, "response": { "required": [ "payment_hash", "expires_at", "created_index", "bolt11", "payment_secret" ], "properties": { "bolt11": { "type": "string", "description": [ "The bolt11 string." ] }, "payment_hash": { "type": "hash", "description": [ "The hash of the *payment_preimage* which will prove payment." ] }, "payment_secret": { "type": "secret", "description": [ "The *payment_secret* to place in the onion." ] }, "expires_at": { "type": "u64", "description": [ "UNIX timestamp of when invoice expires." ] }, "created_index": { "type": "u64", "added": "v23.08", "description": [ "1-based index indicating order this invoice was created in." ] }, "warning_capacity": { "type": "string", "description": [ "Even using all possible channels, there's not enough incoming capacity to pay this invoice." ] }, "warning_offline": { "type": "string", "description": [ "There would be enough incoming capacity, but some channels are offline, so there isn't." ] }, "warning_deadends": { "type": "string", "description": [ "There would be enough incoming capacity, but some channels are dead-ends (no other public channels from those peers), so there isn't." ] }, "warning_private_unused": { "type": "string", "description": [ "There would be enough incoming capacity, but some channels are unannounced and *exposeprivatechannels* is *false*, so there isn't." ] }, "warning_mpp": { "type": "string", "description": [ "There is sufficient capacity, but not in a single channel, so the payer will have to use multi-part payments." ] } } }, "errors": [ "On failure, an error is returned and no invoice is created. If the", "lightning process fails before responding, the caller should use", "lightning-listinvoices(7) to query whether this invoice was created or", "not.", "", "The following error codes may occur:", "", "- -1: Catchall nonspecific error.", "- 900: An invoice with the given *label* already exists.", "- 901: An invoice with the given *preimage* already exists.", "- 902: None of the specified *exposeprivatechannels* were usable." ], "json_example": [ { "request": { "id": "example:invoice#1", "method": "invoice", "params": { "amount_msat": 11000000, "label": "xEoCR94SIz6UIRUEkxum", "description": [ "XEoCR94SIz6UIRUEkxum." ] } }, "response": { "payment_hash": "072b1d20f4a7c757a56d5fb10eaed40b58b68849da41fe396cdbd2d81692875a", "expires_at": 1706757730, "bolt11": "lnbcrt110u1pjmr5lzsp5sfjyj3xn7ux592k36hmmt4ax98n6lgct22wvj54yck0upcmep63qpp5qu436g855lr40ftdt7csatk5pdvtdzzfmfqluwtvm0fds95jsadqdpq0pzk7s6j8y69xjt6xe25j5j4g44hsatdxqyjw5qcqp99qxpqysgquwma3zrw4cd8e8j4u9uh4gxukaacckse64kx2l9dqv8rvrysdq5r5dt38t9snqj9u5ar07h2exr4fg56wpudkhkk7gtxlyt72ku5fpqqd4fnlk", "payment_secret": "82644944d3f70d42aad1d5f7b5d7a629e7afa30b529cc952a4c59fc0e3790ea2", "created_index": 1, "warning_deadends": "Insufficient incoming capacity, once dead-end peers were excluded" } }, { "request": { "id": "example:invoice#2", "method": "invoice", "params": { "amount_msat": 100, "label": "8", "description": "inv" } }, "response": { "payment_hash": "f59ae0204dfe8e913207ea36646255b9d2c7c8229e8693d30547fc622eddb6b4", "expires_at": 1709229182, "bolt11": "lnbcrt1n1pja0z07sp5n8fk890nrq7zlcue0lgu7cduaaz765u5rg0kcud4amphuppu8wxspp57kdwqgzdl68fzvs8agmxgcj4h8fv0jpzn6rf85c9gl7xytkak66qdq9d9h8vxqyjw5qcqp99qxpqysgqrneaxh0plvjft457yv3q92rak57a6xw33m6phr0mrsy69sudzgez3adkzdsgwzy32z5usjpxm4rjgcg70h047wf0pgc4l9gyaj2h9ssqcrtv32", "payment_secret": "99d36395f3183c2fe3997fd1cf61bcef45ed53941a1f6c71b5eec37e043c3b8d", "created_index": 9, "warning_capacity": "Insufficient incoming channel capacity to pay invoice" } } ], "author": [ "Rusty Russell <> is mainly responsible." ], "see_also": [ "lightning-listinvoices(7)", "lightning-delinvoice(7)", "lightning-pay(7)" ], "resources": [ "Main web site: " ] }