.TH "LIGHTNING-DELPAY" "7" "" "" "lightning-delpay" .SH NAME lightning-delpay - Command for removing a completed or failed payment .SH SYNOPSIS \fBdelpay\fR \fIpayment_hash\fR [status] .SH DESCRIPTION The \fBdelpay\fR RPC command removes a payment as given in \fBlistsendpays\fR or \fBlistpays\fR with a complete or failed status\. However, the command doesn't permit to remove a pending payment\. .RS .IP \[bu] \fIpayment_hash\fR: Rapresents the unique identifier of a payment\. To find it, you can run \fBlistpays\fR or \fBlistsendpays\fR; .IP \[bu] \fIstatus\fR is the expected status of the payment\. It can be \fIcomplete\fR or \fIfailed\fR\. Only delete if the payment status matches\. If not specified, defaults to \fIcomplete\fR\. .RE .SH EXAMPLE JSON REQUEST .nf .RS { "id": 82, "method": "delpay", "params": { "payment_hash": "4fa2f1b001067ec06d7f95b8695b8acd9ef04c1b4d1110e3b94e1fa0687bb1e0", "status": "complete" } } .RE .fi .SH RETURN VALUE On success, the command will return a payment object, such as the \fBlistsendpays\fR\. In addition, if the payment is a MPP (Multi part payment) the command return a list of payments; a payment object for each partid\. On failure, an error is returned and any payment is deleted\. If the lightning process fails before responding, the caller should use \fBlightning-listsentpays\fR(7) or \fBlightning-listpays\fR(7) to query whether this payment was deleted or not\. The following error codes may occur: .RS .IP \[bu] -32602: Some parameter missed or some parameter is malformed; .IP \[bu] 211: Payment with payment_hash have a wrong status\. To check the correct status run the command \fBpaystatus\fR; .IP \[bu] 208: Payment with payment_hash not found\. .RE .SH EXAMPLE JSON RESPONSE .nf .RS { "payments": [ { "id": 2, "payment_hash": "8dfd6538eeb33811c9114a75f792a143728d7f05643f38c3d574d3097e8910c0", "destination": "0219f8900ee78a89f050c24d8b69492954f9fdbabed753710845eb75d3a75a5880", "msatoshi": 1000, "amount_msat": "1000msat", "msatoshi_sent": 1000, "amount_sent_msat": "1000msat", "created_at": 1596224858, "status": "complete", "payment_preimage": "35bd4e2b481a1a84a22215b5372672cf81460a671816960ddb206464359e1822", "bolt11": "lntb10n1p0jga20pp53h7k2w8wkvuprjg3ff6l0y4pgdeg6lc9vsln3s74wnfsjl5fzrqqdqdw3jhxazldahx2xqyjw5qcqp2sp5wut5jnhr6n7jd5747ky2g5flmw7hgx9yjnqzu60ps2jf6f7tc0us9qy9qsqu2a0k37nckl62005p69xavlkydkvhnypk4dphffy4x09zltwh9437ad7xkl83tefdarzhu5t30ju5s56wlrg97qkx404pq3srfc425cq3ke9af" } ] } .RE .fi .SH AUTHOR Vincenzo Palazzo \fI is mainly responsible\. .SH SEE ALSO \fBlightning-listpays\fR(7), \fBlightning-listsendpays\fR(7), \fBlightning-paystatus\fR(7)\. .SH RESOURCES Main web site: \fIhttps://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning\fR \" SHA256STAMP:57aa95a96bb9be2cd66df3f71e9260985a53d7126862b7973179323236e3d113