/* Code for talking to bitcoind. We use a plugin as the Bitcoin backend. * The default one shipped with C-lightning is a plugin which talks to bitcoind * by using bitcoin-cli, but the interface we use to gather Bitcoin data is * standardized and you can use another plugin as the Bitcoin backend, or * even make your own! */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* The names of the requests we can make to our Bitcoin backend. */ static const char *methods[] = {"getchaininfo", "getrawblockbyheight", "sendrawtransaction", "getutxout", "estimatefees"}; static void bitcoin_destructor(struct plugin *p) { if (p->plugins->ld->state == LD_STATE_SHUTDOWN) return; fatal("The Bitcoin backend died."); } static void plugin_config_cb(const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *toks, const jsmntok_t *idtok, struct plugin *plugin) { plugin->plugin_state = INIT_COMPLETE; log_debug(plugin->plugins->ld->log, "io_break: %s", __func__); io_break(plugin); } static void config_plugin(struct plugin *plugin) { struct jsonrpc_request *req; void *ret; req = jsonrpc_request_start(plugin, "init", NULL, plugin->non_numeric_ids, plugin->log, NULL, plugin_config_cb, plugin); plugin_populate_init_request(plugin, req); jsonrpc_request_end(req); plugin_request_send(plugin, req); tal_add_destructor(plugin, bitcoin_destructor); ret = io_loop_with_timers(plugin->plugins->ld); log_debug(plugin->plugins->ld->log, "io_loop_with_timers: %s", __func__); assert(ret == plugin); } static void wait_plugin(struct bitcoind *bitcoind, const char *method, struct plugin *p) { /* We need our Bitcoin backend to be initialized, but the plugins have * not yet been started at this point. * So send `init` to each plugin which registered for a Bitcoin method * and wait for its response, which we take as an ACK that it is * operational (i.e. bcli will wait for `bitcoind` to be warmed up * before responding to `init`). * Note that lightningd/plugin will not send `init` to an already * configured plugin. */ if (p->plugin_state == NEEDS_INIT) config_plugin(p); strmap_add(&bitcoind->pluginsmap, method, p); } void bitcoind_check_commands(struct bitcoind *bitcoind) { size_t i; struct plugin *p; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(methods); i++) { p = find_plugin_for_command(bitcoind->ld, methods[i]); if (p == NULL) { /* For testing .. */ log_debug(bitcoind->ld->log, "Missing a Bitcoin plugin" " command"); fatal("Could not access the plugin for %s, is a " "Bitcoin plugin (by default plugins/bcli) " "registered ?", methods[i]); } wait_plugin(bitcoind, methods[i], p); } } /* Our Bitcoin backend plugin gave us a bad response. We can't recover. */ static void bitcoin_plugin_error(struct bitcoind *bitcoind, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *toks, const char *method, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; char *reason; struct plugin *p; va_start(ap, fmt); reason = tal_vfmt(NULL, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); p = strmap_get(&bitcoind->pluginsmap, method); fatal("%s error: bad response to %s (%s), response was %.*s", p->cmd, method, reason, toks->end - toks->start, buf + toks->start); } /* Send a request to the Bitcoin plugin which registered that method, * if it's still alive. */ static void bitcoin_plugin_send(struct bitcoind *bitcoind, struct jsonrpc_request *req) { struct plugin *plugin = strmap_get(&bitcoind->pluginsmap, req->method); if (!plugin) fatal("Bitcoin backend plugin for %s died.", req->method); plugin_request_send(plugin, req); } /* `estimatefees` * * Gather feerate from our Bitcoin backend. Will set the feerate to `null` * if estimation failed. * * - `opening` is used for funding and also misc transactions * - `mutual_close` is used for the mutual close transaction * - `unilateral_close` is used for unilateral close (commitment transactions) * - `delayed_to_us` is used for resolving our output from our unilateral close * - `htlc_resolution` is used for resolving onchain HTLCs * - `penalty` is used for resolving revoked transactions * - `min` is the minimum acceptable feerate * - `max` is the maximum acceptable feerate * * Plugin response (deprecated): * { * "opening": , * "mutual_close": , * "unilateral_close": , * "delayed_to_us": , * "htlc_resolution": , * "penalty": , * "min_acceptable": , * "max_acceptable": , * } * * Plugin response (modern): * { * "feerate_floor": , * "feerates": { * { "blocks": 2, "feerate": }, * { "blocks": 6, "feerate": }, * { "blocks": 12, "feerate": } * { "blocks": 100, "feerate": } * } * } * * If rates are missing, we linearly interpolate (we don't extrapolate tho!). */ struct estimatefee_call { struct bitcoind *bitcoind; void (*cb)(struct lightningd *ld, u32 feerate_floor, const struct feerate_est *rates); }; /* Note: returns estimates in perkb, caller converts! */ static struct feerate_est *parse_feerate_ranges(const tal_t *ctx, struct bitcoind *bitcoind, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *floortok, const jsmntok_t *feerates, u32 *floor) { size_t i; const jsmntok_t *t; struct feerate_est *rates = tal_arr(ctx, struct feerate_est, 0); if (!json_to_u32(buf, floortok, floor)) bitcoin_plugin_error(bitcoind, buf, floortok, "estimatefees.feerate_floor", "Not a u32?"); json_for_each_arr(i, t, feerates) { struct feerate_est rate; const char *err; err = json_scan(tmpctx, buf, t, "{blocks:%,feerate:%}", JSON_SCAN(json_to_u32, &rate.blockcount), JSON_SCAN(json_to_u32, &rate.rate)); if (err) bitcoin_plugin_error(bitcoind, buf, t, "estimatefees.feerates", err); /* Block count must be in order. If rates go up somehow, we * reduce to prev. */ if (tal_count(rates) != 0) { const struct feerate_est *prev = &rates[tal_count(rates)-1]; if (rate.blockcount <= prev->blockcount) bitcoin_plugin_error(bitcoind, buf, feerates, "estimatefees.feerates", "Blocks must be ascending" " order: %u <= %u!", rate.blockcount, prev->blockcount); if (rate.rate > prev->rate) { log_unusual(bitcoind->log, "Feerate for %u blocks (%u) is > rate" " for %u blocks (%u)!", rate.blockcount, rate.rate, prev->blockcount, prev->rate); rate.rate = prev->rate; } } tal_arr_expand(&rates, rate); } if (tal_count(rates) == 0) { if (chainparams->testnet) log_debug(bitcoind->log, "Unable to estimate any fees"); else log_unusual(bitcoind->log, "Unable to estimate any fees"); } return rates; } static struct feerate_est *parse_deprecated_feerates(const tal_t *ctx, struct bitcoind *bitcoind, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *toks) { struct feerate_est *rates = tal_arr(ctx, struct feerate_est, 0); struct oldstyle { const char *name; size_t blockcount; size_t multiplier; } oldstyles[] = { { "max_acceptable", 2, 10 }, { "unilateral_close", 6, 1 }, { "opening", 12, 1 }, { "mutual_close", 100, 1 } }; for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(oldstyles); i++) { const jsmntok_t *feeratetok; struct feerate_est rate; feeratetok = json_get_member(buf, toks, oldstyles[i].name); if (!feeratetok) { bitcoin_plugin_error(bitcoind, buf, toks, "estimatefees", "missing '%s' field", oldstyles[i].name); } if (!json_to_u32(buf, feeratetok, &rate.rate)) { if (chainparams->testnet) log_debug(bitcoind->log, "Unable to estimate %s fees", oldstyles[i].name); else log_unusual(bitcoind->log, "Unable to estimate %s fees", oldstyles[i].name); continue; } if (rate.rate == 0) continue; /* Cancel out the 10x multiplier on max_acceptable */ rate.rate /= oldstyles[i].multiplier; rate.blockcount = oldstyles[i].blockcount; tal_arr_expand(&rates, rate); } return rates; } static void estimatefees_callback(const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *toks, const jsmntok_t *idtok, struct estimatefee_call *call) { const jsmntok_t *resulttok, *floortok; struct feerate_est *feerates; u32 floor; resulttok = json_get_member(buf, toks, "result"); if (!resulttok) bitcoin_plugin_error(call->bitcoind, buf, toks, "estimatefees", "bad 'result' field"); /* Modern style has floor. */ floortok = json_get_member(buf, resulttok, "feerate_floor"); if (floortok) { feerates = parse_feerate_ranges(call, call->bitcoind, buf, floortok, json_get_member(buf, resulttok, "feerates"), &floor); } else { if (!deprecated_apis) bitcoin_plugin_error(call->bitcoind, buf, resulttok, "estimatefees", "missing fee_floor field"); feerates = parse_deprecated_feerates(call, call->bitcoind, buf, resulttok); floor = feerate_from_style(FEERATE_FLOOR, FEERATE_PER_KSIPA); } /* Convert to perkw */ floor = feerate_from_style(floor, FEERATE_PER_KBYTE); if (floor < FEERATE_FLOOR) floor = FEERATE_FLOOR; /* FIXME: We could let this go below the dynamic floor, but we'd * need to know if the floor is because of their node's policy * (minrelaytxfee) or mempool conditions (mempoolminfee). */ for (size_t i = 0; i < tal_count(feerates); i++) { feerates[i].rate = feerate_from_style(feerates[i].rate, FEERATE_PER_KBYTE); if (feerates[i].rate < floor) feerates[i].rate = floor; } call->cb(call->bitcoind->ld, floor, feerates); tal_free(call); } void bitcoind_estimate_fees(struct bitcoind *bitcoind, void (*cb)(struct lightningd *ld, u32 feerate_floor, const struct feerate_est *feerates)) { struct jsonrpc_request *req; struct estimatefee_call *call = tal(bitcoind, struct estimatefee_call); call->bitcoind = bitcoind; call->cb = cb; req = jsonrpc_request_start(bitcoind, "estimatefees", NULL, true, bitcoind->log, NULL, estimatefees_callback, call); jsonrpc_request_end(req); plugin_request_send(strmap_get(&bitcoind->pluginsmap, "estimatefees"), req); } /* `sendrawtransaction` * * Send a transaction to the Bitcoin backend plugin. If the broadcast was * not successful on its end, the plugin will populate the `errmsg` with * the reason. * * Plugin response: * { * "success": , * "errmsg": "" * } */ struct sendrawtx_call { struct bitcoind *bitcoind; void (*cb)(struct bitcoind *bitcoind, bool success, const char *err_msg, void *); void *cb_arg; }; static void sendrawtx_callback(const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *toks, const jsmntok_t *idtok, struct sendrawtx_call *call) { const char *err; const char *errmsg = NULL; bool success = false; err = json_scan(tmpctx, buf, toks, "{result:{success:%}}", JSON_SCAN(json_to_bool, &success)); if (err) { bitcoin_plugin_error(call->bitcoind, buf, toks, "sendrawtransaction", "bad 'result' field: %s", err); } else if (!success) { err = json_scan(tmpctx, buf, toks, "{result:{errmsg:%}}", JSON_SCAN_TAL(tmpctx, json_strdup, &errmsg)); if (err) bitcoin_plugin_error(call->bitcoind, buf, toks, "sendrawtransaction", "bad 'errmsg' field: %s", err); } db_begin_transaction(call->bitcoind->ld->wallet->db); call->cb(call->bitcoind, success, errmsg, call->cb_arg); db_commit_transaction(call->bitcoind->ld->wallet->db); tal_free(call); } void bitcoind_sendrawtx_(struct bitcoind *bitcoind, const char *id_prefix, const char *hextx, bool allowhighfees, void (*cb)(struct bitcoind *bitcoind, bool success, const char *msg, void *), void *cb_arg) { struct jsonrpc_request *req; struct sendrawtx_call *call = tal(bitcoind, struct sendrawtx_call); call->bitcoind = bitcoind; call->cb = cb; call->cb_arg = cb_arg; log_debug(bitcoind->log, "sendrawtransaction: %s", hextx); req = jsonrpc_request_start(bitcoind, "sendrawtransaction", id_prefix, true, bitcoind->log, NULL, sendrawtx_callback, call); json_add_string(req->stream, "tx", hextx); json_add_bool(req->stream, "allowhighfees", allowhighfees); jsonrpc_request_end(req); bitcoin_plugin_send(bitcoind, req); } /* `getrawblockbyheight` * * If no block were found at that height, will set each field to `null`. * Plugin response: * { * "blockhash": "", * "block": "rawblock" * } */ struct getrawblockbyheight_call { struct bitcoind *bitcoind; void (*cb)(struct bitcoind *bitcoind, struct bitcoin_blkid *blkid, struct bitcoin_block *block, void *); void *cb_arg; }; static void getrawblockbyheight_callback(const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *toks, const jsmntok_t *idtok, struct getrawblockbyheight_call *call) { const char *block_str, *err; struct bitcoin_blkid blkid; struct bitcoin_block *blk; /* If block hash is `null`, this means not found! Call the callback * with NULL values. */ err = json_scan(tmpctx, buf, toks, "{result:{blockhash:null}}"); if (!err) { db_begin_transaction(call->bitcoind->ld->wallet->db); call->cb(call->bitcoind, NULL, NULL, call->cb_arg); db_commit_transaction(call->bitcoind->ld->wallet->db); goto clean; } err = json_scan(tmpctx, buf, toks, "{result:{blockhash:%,block:%}}", JSON_SCAN(json_to_sha256, &blkid.shad.sha), JSON_SCAN_TAL(tmpctx, json_strdup, &block_str)); if (err) bitcoin_plugin_error(call->bitcoind, buf, toks, "getrawblockbyheight", "bad 'result' field: %s", err); blk = bitcoin_block_from_hex(tmpctx, chainparams, block_str, strlen(block_str)); if (!blk) bitcoin_plugin_error(call->bitcoind, buf, toks, "getrawblockbyheight", "bad block"); db_begin_transaction(call->bitcoind->ld->wallet->db); call->cb(call->bitcoind, &blkid, blk, call->cb_arg); db_commit_transaction(call->bitcoind->ld->wallet->db); clean: tal_free(call); } void bitcoind_getrawblockbyheight_(struct bitcoind *bitcoind, u32 height, void (*cb)(struct bitcoind *bitcoind, struct bitcoin_blkid *blkid, struct bitcoin_block *blk, void *arg), void *cb_arg) { struct jsonrpc_request *req; struct getrawblockbyheight_call *call = tal(NULL, struct getrawblockbyheight_call); call->bitcoind = bitcoind; call->cb = cb; call->cb_arg = cb_arg; req = jsonrpc_request_start(bitcoind, "getrawblockbyheight", NULL, true, bitcoind->log, NULL, getrawblockbyheight_callback, call); json_add_num(req->stream, "height", height); jsonrpc_request_end(req); bitcoin_plugin_send(bitcoind, req); } /* `getchaininfo` * * Called at startup to check the network we are operating on, and to check * if the Bitcoin backend is synced to the network tip. This also allows to * get the current block count. * { * "chain": "", * "headercount": , * "blockcount": , * "ibd": * } */ struct getchaininfo_call { struct bitcoind *bitcoind; /* Should we log verbosely? */ bool first_call; void (*cb)(struct bitcoind *bitcoind, const char *chain, u32 headercount, u32 blockcount, const bool ibd, const bool first_call, void *); void *cb_arg; }; static void getchaininfo_callback(const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *toks, const jsmntok_t *idtok, struct getchaininfo_call *call) { const char *err, *chain; u32 headers, blocks; bool ibd; err = json_scan(tmpctx, buf, toks, "{result:{chain:%,headercount:%,blockcount:%,ibd:%}}", JSON_SCAN_TAL(tmpctx, json_strdup, &chain), JSON_SCAN(json_to_number, &headers), JSON_SCAN(json_to_number, &blocks), JSON_SCAN(json_to_bool, &ibd)); if (err) bitcoin_plugin_error(call->bitcoind, buf, toks, "getchaininfo", "bad 'result' field: %s", err); db_begin_transaction(call->bitcoind->ld->wallet->db); call->cb(call->bitcoind, chain, headers, blocks, ibd, call->first_call, call->cb_arg); db_commit_transaction(call->bitcoind->ld->wallet->db); tal_free(call); } void bitcoind_getchaininfo_(struct bitcoind *bitcoind, const bool first_call, const u32 height, void (*cb)(struct bitcoind *bitcoind, const char *chain, u32 headercount, u32 blockcount, const bool ibd, const bool first_call, void *), void *cb_arg) { struct jsonrpc_request *req; struct getchaininfo_call *call = tal(bitcoind, struct getchaininfo_call); call->bitcoind = bitcoind; call->cb = cb; call->cb_arg = cb_arg; call->first_call = first_call; req = jsonrpc_request_start(bitcoind, "getchaininfo", NULL, true, bitcoind->log, NULL, getchaininfo_callback, call); json_add_u32(req->stream, "last_height", height); jsonrpc_request_end(req); bitcoin_plugin_send(bitcoind, req); } /* `getutxout` * * Get information about an UTXO. If the TXO is spent, the plugin will set * all fields to `null`. * { * "amount": , * "script": "The output's scriptPubKey", * } */ struct getutxout_call { struct bitcoind *bitcoind; unsigned int blocknum, txnum, outnum; /* The real callback */ void (*cb)(struct bitcoind *bitcoind, const struct bitcoin_tx_output *txout, void *arg); /* The real callback arg */ void *cb_arg; }; static void getutxout_callback(const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *toks, const jsmntok_t *idtok, struct getutxout_call *call) { const char *err; struct bitcoin_tx_output txout; err = json_scan(tmpctx, buf, toks, "{result:{script:null}}"); if (!err) { db_begin_transaction(call->bitcoind->ld->wallet->db); call->cb(call->bitcoind, NULL, call->cb_arg); db_commit_transaction(call->bitcoind->ld->wallet->db); goto clean; } err = json_scan(tmpctx, buf, toks, "{result:{script:%,amount:%}}", JSON_SCAN_TAL(tmpctx, json_tok_bin_from_hex, &txout.script), JSON_SCAN(json_to_sat, &txout.amount)); if (err) bitcoin_plugin_error(call->bitcoind, buf, toks, "getutxout", "bad 'result' field: %s", err); db_begin_transaction(call->bitcoind->ld->wallet->db); call->cb(call->bitcoind, &txout, call->cb_arg); db_commit_transaction(call->bitcoind->ld->wallet->db); clean: tal_free(call); } void bitcoind_getutxout_(struct bitcoind *bitcoind, const struct bitcoin_outpoint *outpoint, void (*cb)(struct bitcoind *, const struct bitcoin_tx_output *, void *), void *cb_arg) { struct jsonrpc_request *req; struct getutxout_call *call = tal(bitcoind, struct getutxout_call); call->bitcoind = bitcoind; call->cb = cb; call->cb_arg = cb_arg; req = jsonrpc_request_start(bitcoind, "getutxout", NULL, true, bitcoind->log, NULL, getutxout_callback, call); json_add_txid(req->stream, "txid", &outpoint->txid); json_add_num(req->stream, "vout", outpoint->n); jsonrpc_request_end(req); bitcoin_plugin_send(bitcoind, req); } /* Context for the getfilteredblock call. Wraps the actual arguments while we * process the various steps. */ struct filteredblock_call { struct list_node list; void (*cb)(struct bitcoind *bitcoind, const struct filteredblock *fb, void *arg); void *arg; struct filteredblock *result; struct filteredblock_outpoint **outpoints; size_t current_outpoint; struct timeabs start_time; u32 height; }; /* Declaration for recursion in process_getfilteredblock_step1 */ static void process_getfiltered_block_final(struct bitcoind *bitcoind, const struct filteredblock_call *call); static void process_getfilteredblock_step2(struct bitcoind *bitcoind, const struct bitcoin_tx_output *output, void *arg) { struct filteredblock_call *call = (struct filteredblock_call *)arg; struct filteredblock_outpoint *o = call->outpoints[call->current_outpoint]; /* If this output is unspent, add it to the filteredblock result. */ if (output) tal_arr_expand(&call->result->outpoints, tal_steal(call->result, o)); call->current_outpoint++; if (call->current_outpoint < tal_count(call->outpoints)) { o = call->outpoints[call->current_outpoint]; bitcoind_getutxout(bitcoind, &o->outpoint, process_getfilteredblock_step2, call); } else { /* If there were no more outpoints to check, we call the callback. */ process_getfiltered_block_final(bitcoind, call); } } static void process_getfilteredblock_step1(struct bitcoind *bitcoind, struct bitcoin_blkid *blkid, struct bitcoin_block *block, struct filteredblock_call *call) { struct filteredblock_outpoint *o; struct bitcoin_tx *tx; /* If we were unable to fetch the block hash (bitcoind doesn't know * about a block at that height), we can short-circuit and just call * the callback. */ if (!blkid) return process_getfiltered_block_final(bitcoind, call); /* So we have the first piece of the puzzle, the block hash */ call->result = tal(call, struct filteredblock); call->result->height = call->height; call->result->outpoints = tal_arr(call->result, struct filteredblock_outpoint *, 0); call->result->id = *blkid; /* If the plugin gave us a block id, they MUST send us a block. */ assert(block != NULL); call->result->prev_hash = block->hdr.prev_hash; /* Allocate an array containing all the potentially interesting * outpoints. We will later copy the ones we're interested in into the * call->result if they are unspent. */ call->outpoints = tal_arr(call, struct filteredblock_outpoint *, 0); for (size_t i = 0; i < tal_count(block->tx); i++) { tx = block->tx[i]; for (size_t j = 0; j < tx->wtx->num_outputs; j++) { const u8 *script = bitcoin_tx_output_get_script(NULL, tx, j); struct amount_asset amount = bitcoin_tx_output_get_amount(tx, j); if (amount_asset_is_main(&amount) && is_p2wsh(script, NULL)) { /* This is an interesting output, remember it. */ o = tal(call->outpoints, struct filteredblock_outpoint); bitcoin_txid(tx, &o->outpoint.txid); o->outpoint.n = j; o->amount = amount_asset_to_sat(&amount); o->txindex = i; o->scriptPubKey = tal_steal(o, script); tal_arr_expand(&call->outpoints, o); } else { tal_free(script); } } } if (tal_count(call->outpoints) == 0) { /* If there were no outpoints to check, we can short-circuit * and just call the callback. */ process_getfiltered_block_final(bitcoind, call); } else { /* Otherwise we start iterating through call->outpoints and * store the one's that are unspent in * call->result->outpoints. */ o = call->outpoints[call->current_outpoint]; bitcoind_getutxout(bitcoind, &o->outpoint, process_getfilteredblock_step2, call); } } /* Takes a call, dispatches it to all queued requests that match the same * height, and then kicks off the next call. */ static void process_getfiltered_block_final(struct bitcoind *bitcoind, const struct filteredblock_call *call) { struct filteredblock_call *c, *next; u32 height = call->height; if (call->result == NULL) goto next; /* Need to steal so we don't accidentally free it while iterating through the list below. */ struct filteredblock *fb = tal_steal(NULL, call->result); list_for_each_safe(&bitcoind->pending_getfilteredblock, c, next, list) { if (c->height == height) { c->cb(bitcoind, fb, c->arg); list_del(&c->list); tal_free(c); } } tal_free(fb); next: /* Nothing to free here, since `*call` was already deleted during the * iteration above. It was also removed from the list, so no need to * pop here. */ if (!list_empty(&bitcoind->pending_getfilteredblock)) { c = list_top(&bitcoind->pending_getfilteredblock, struct filteredblock_call, list); bitcoind_getrawblockbyheight(bitcoind, c->height, process_getfilteredblock_step1, c); } } void bitcoind_getfilteredblock_(struct bitcoind *bitcoind, u32 height, void (*cb)(struct bitcoind *bitcoind, const struct filteredblock *fb, void *arg), void *arg) { /* Stash the call context for when we need to call the callback after * all the bitcoind calls we need to perform. */ struct filteredblock_call *call = tal(bitcoind, struct filteredblock_call); /* If this is the first request, we should start processing it. */ bool start = list_empty(&bitcoind->pending_getfilteredblock); call->cb = cb; call->arg = arg; call->height = height; assert(call->cb != NULL); call->start_time = time_now(); call->result = NULL; call->current_outpoint = 0; list_add_tail(&bitcoind->pending_getfilteredblock, &call->list); if (start) bitcoind_getrawblockbyheight(bitcoind, height, process_getfilteredblock_step1, call); } static void destroy_bitcoind(struct bitcoind *bitcoind) { strmap_clear(&bitcoind->pluginsmap); } struct bitcoind *new_bitcoind(const tal_t *ctx, struct lightningd *ld, struct log *log) { struct bitcoind *bitcoind = tal(ctx, struct bitcoind); strmap_init(&bitcoind->pluginsmap); bitcoind->ld = ld; bitcoind->log = log; list_head_init(&bitcoind->pending_getfilteredblock); tal_add_destructor(bitcoind, destroy_bitcoind); bitcoind->synced = false; return bitcoind; }