#include "../routing.c" #include struct broadcast_state *new_broadcast_state(tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED) { return NULL; } void status_fmt(enum log_level level UNUSED, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vprintf(fmt, ap); printf("\n"); va_end(ap); } /* AUTOGENERATED MOCKS START */ /* Generated stub for fromwire_channel_announcement */ bool fromwire_channel_announcement(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, const void *p UNNEEDED, secp256k1_ecdsa_signature *node_signature_1 UNNEEDED, secp256k1_ecdsa_signature *node_signature_2 UNNEEDED, secp256k1_ecdsa_signature *bitcoin_signature_1 UNNEEDED, secp256k1_ecdsa_signature *bitcoin_signature_2 UNNEEDED, u8 **features UNNEEDED, struct bitcoin_blkid *chain_hash UNNEEDED, struct short_channel_id *short_channel_id UNNEEDED, struct pubkey *node_id_1 UNNEEDED, struct pubkey *node_id_2 UNNEEDED, struct pubkey *bitcoin_key_1 UNNEEDED, struct pubkey *bitcoin_key_2 UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_channel_announcement called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for fromwire_channel_update */ bool fromwire_channel_update(const void *p UNNEEDED, secp256k1_ecdsa_signature *signature UNNEEDED, struct bitcoin_blkid *chain_hash UNNEEDED, struct short_channel_id *short_channel_id UNNEEDED, u32 *timestamp UNNEEDED, u16 *flags UNNEEDED, u16 *cltv_expiry_delta UNNEEDED, u64 *htlc_minimum_msat UNNEEDED, u32 *fee_base_msat UNNEEDED, u32 *fee_proportional_millionths UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_channel_update called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for fromwire_node_announcement */ bool fromwire_node_announcement(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, const void *p UNNEEDED, secp256k1_ecdsa_signature *signature UNNEEDED, u8 **features UNNEEDED, u32 *timestamp UNNEEDED, struct pubkey *node_id UNNEEDED, u8 rgb_color[3] UNNEEDED, u8 alias[32] UNNEEDED, u8 **addresses UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_node_announcement called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for fromwire_peektype */ int fromwire_peektype(const u8 *cursor UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_peektype called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for fromwire_u8 */ u8 fromwire_u8(const u8 **cursor UNNEEDED, size_t *max UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_u8 called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for fromwire_wireaddr */ bool fromwire_wireaddr(const u8 **cursor UNNEEDED, size_t *max UNNEEDED, struct wireaddr *addr UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_wireaddr called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for onion_type_name */ const char *onion_type_name(int e UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "onion_type_name called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for replace_broadcast */ bool replace_broadcast(struct broadcast_state *bstate UNNEEDED, u64 *index UNNEEDED, const int type UNNEEDED, const u8 *tag UNNEEDED, const u8 *payload UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "replace_broadcast called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for status_failed */ void status_failed(enum status_failreason code UNNEEDED, const char *fmt UNNEEDED, ...) { fprintf(stderr, "status_failed called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for towire_pubkey */ void towire_pubkey(u8 **pptr UNNEEDED, const struct pubkey *pubkey UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "towire_pubkey called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for towire_short_channel_id */ void towire_short_channel_id(u8 **pptr UNNEEDED, const struct short_channel_id *short_channel_id UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "towire_short_channel_id called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for towire_u16 */ void towire_u16(u8 **pptr UNNEEDED, u16 v UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "towire_u16 called!\n"); abort(); } /* AUTOGENERATED MOCKS END */ const void *trc; /* Updates existing route if required. */ static struct node_connection *add_connection(struct routing_state *rstate, const struct pubkey *from, const struct pubkey *to, u32 base_fee, s32 proportional_fee, u32 delay) { struct short_channel_id scid; struct node_connection *c; struct routing_channel *chan; /* Make a unique scid. */ memcpy(&scid, from, sizeof(scid) / 2); memcpy((char *)&scid + sizeof(scid) / 2, to, sizeof(scid) / 2); chan = get_channel(rstate, &scid); if (!chan) chan = new_routing_channel(rstate, &scid, from, to); c = chan->connections[pubkey_idx(from, to)]; c->base_fee = base_fee; c->proportional_fee = proportional_fee; c->delay = delay; c->active = true; c->short_channel_id = scid; c->flags = get_channel_direction(from, to); return c; } /* Returns routing_channel connecting from and to: *idx set to refer * to connection with src=from, dst=to */ static struct routing_channel *find_channel(struct routing_state *rstate, const struct node *from, const struct node *to, int *idx) { int i, n; *idx = pubkey_idx(&from->id, &to->id); n = tal_count(to->channels); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (to->channels[i]->nodes[*idx] == from) return to->channels[i]; } return NULL; } static struct node_connection *get_connection(struct routing_state *rstate, const struct pubkey *from_id, const struct pubkey *to_id) { int idx; struct node *from, *to; struct routing_channel *c; from = get_node(rstate, from_id); to = get_node(rstate, to_id); if (!from || ! to) return NULL; c = find_channel(rstate, from, to, &idx); if (!c) return NULL; return c->connections[idx]; } int main(void) { static const struct bitcoin_blkid zerohash; const tal_t *ctx = trc = tal_tmpctx(NULL); struct node_connection *nc; struct routing_state *rstate; struct pubkey a, b, c, d; struct privkey tmp; u64 fee; struct node_connection **route; const double riskfactor = 1.0 / BLOCKS_PER_YEAR / 10000; secp256k1_ctx = secp256k1_context_create(SECP256K1_CONTEXT_VERIFY | SECP256K1_CONTEXT_SIGN); memset(&tmp, 'a', sizeof(tmp)); rstate = new_routing_state(ctx, &zerohash, &a, 0); pubkey_from_privkey(&tmp, &a); new_node(rstate, &a); memset(&tmp, 'b', sizeof(tmp)); pubkey_from_privkey(&tmp, &b); new_node(rstate, &b); /* A<->B */ add_connection(rstate, &a, &b, 1, 1, 1); nc = find_route(ctx, rstate, &a, &b, 1000, riskfactor, 0.0, NULL, &fee, &route); assert(nc); assert(tal_count(route) == 0); assert(fee == 0); /* A<->B<->C */ memset(&tmp, 'c', sizeof(tmp)); pubkey_from_privkey(&tmp, &c); new_node(rstate, &c); status_trace("A = %s", type_to_string(trc, struct pubkey, &a)); status_trace("B = %s", type_to_string(trc, struct pubkey, &b)); status_trace("C = %s", type_to_string(trc, struct pubkey, &c)); add_connection(rstate, &b, &c, 1, 1, 1); nc = find_route(ctx, rstate, &a, &c, 1000, riskfactor, 0.0, NULL, &fee, &route); assert(nc); assert(tal_count(route) == 1); assert(fee == 1); /* A<->D<->C: Lower base, higher percentage. */ memset(&tmp, 'd', sizeof(tmp)); pubkey_from_privkey(&tmp, &d); new_node(rstate, &d); status_trace("D = %s", type_to_string(trc, struct pubkey, &d)); add_connection(rstate, &a, &d, 0, 2, 1); add_connection(rstate, &d, &c, 0, 2, 1); /* Will go via D for small amounts. */ nc = find_route(ctx, rstate, &a, &c, 1000, riskfactor, 0.0, NULL, &fee, &route); assert(nc); assert(tal_count(route) == 1); assert(pubkey_eq(&route[0]->src->id, &d)); assert(fee == 0); /* Will go via B for large amounts. */ nc = find_route(ctx, rstate, &a, &c, 3000000, riskfactor, 0.0, NULL, &fee, &route); assert(nc); assert(tal_count(route) == 1); assert(pubkey_eq(&route[0]->src->id, &b)); assert(fee == 1 + 3); /* Make B->C inactive, force it back via D */ get_connection(rstate, &b, &c)->active = false; nc = find_route(ctx, rstate, &a, &c, 3000000, riskfactor, 0.0, NULL, &fee, &route); assert(nc); assert(tal_count(route) == 1); assert(pubkey_eq(&route[0]->src->id, &d)); assert(fee == 0 + 6); tal_free(ctx); secp256k1_context_destroy(secp256k1_ctx); return 0; }