lightning-commando-rune -- Command to Authorize Remote Peer Access =================================================================== SYNOPSIS -------- **commando-rune** [*rune*] [*restrictions*] DESCRIPTION ----------- The **commando-rune** RPC command creates a base64 string called a *rune* which can be used to access commands on this node. Each *rune* contains a unique id (a number starting at 0), and can have restrictions inside it. Nobody can remove restrictions from a rune: if you try, the rune will be rejected. There is no limit on how many runes you can issue: the node doesn't store them, but simply decodes and checks them as they are received. If *rune* is supplied, the restrictions are simple appended to that *rune* (it doesn't need to be a rune belonging to this node). If no *rune* is supplied, a new one is constructed, with a new unique id. *restrictions* can be the string "readonly" (creates a rune which allows most *get* and *list* commands, and the *summary* command), or an array of restrictions. Each restriction is an array of one or more alternatives, such as "method is listpeers", or "method is listpeers OR time is before 2023". Alternatives use a simple language to examine the command which is being run: * time: the current UNIX time, e.g. "time<1656759180". * id: the node\_id of the peer, e.g. "id=024b9a1fa8e006f1e3937f65f66c408e6da8e1ca728ea43222a7381df1cc449605". * method: the command being run, e.g. "method=withdraw". * rate: the rate limit, per minute, e.g. "rate=60". * pnum: the number of parameters. e.g. "pnum<2". * pnameX: the parameter named X. e.g. "pnamedestination=1RustyRX2oai4EYYDpQGWvEL62BBGqN9T". * parrN: the N'th parameter. e.g. "parr0=1RustyRX2oai4EYYDpQGWvEL62BBGqN9T". RESTRICTION FORMAT ------------------ Restrictions are one or more alternatives. Each alternative is *name* *operator* *value*. The valid names are shown above. Note that if a value contains `\\`, it must be preceeded by another `\\` to form valid JSON: * `=`: passes if equal ie. identical. e.g. `method=withdraw` * `/`: not equals, e.g. `method/withdraw` * `^`: starts with, e.g. `id^024b9a1fa8e006f1e3937f` * `$`: ends with, e.g. `id$381df1cc449605`. * `~`: contains, e.g. `id~006f1e3937f65f66c40`. * `<`: is a decimal integer, and is less than. e.g. `time<1656759180` * `>`: is a decimal integer, and is greater than. e.g. `time>1656759180` * `{`: preceeds in alphabetical order (or matches but is shorter), e.g. `id{02ff`. * `}`: follows in alphabetical order (or matches but is longer), e.g. `id}02ff`. * `#`: a comment, ignored, e.g. `dumb example#`. * `!`: only passes if the *name* does *not* exist. e.g. `pnamedestination!`. Every other operator except `#` fails if *name* does not exist! EXAMPLES -------- This creates a fresh rune which can do anything: $ lightning-cli commando-rune { "rune": "KUhZzNlECC7pYsz3QVbF1TqjIUYi3oyESTI7n60hLMs9MA==", "unique_id": "0" } We can add restrictions to that rune, like so: $ lightning-cli commando-rune rune=KUhZzNlECC7pYsz3QVbF1TqjIUYi3oyESTI7n60hLMs9MA== restrictions=readonly { "rune": "NbL7KkXcPQsVseJ9TdJNjJK2KsPjnt_q4cE_wvc873I9MCZtZXRob2RebGlzdHxtZXRob2ReZ2V0fG1ldGhvZD1zdW1tYXJ5Jm1ldGhvZC9saXN0ZGF0YXN0b3Jl", "unique_id": "0" } The "readonly" restriction is a short-cut for two restrictions: 1. `["method^list", "method^get", "method=summary"]`: You may call list, get or summary. 2. `["method/listdatastore"]`: But not listdatastore: that contains sensitive stuff! We can do the same manually, like so: $ lightning-cli commando-rune rune=KUhZzNlECC7pYsz3QVbF1TqjIUYi3oyESTI7n60hLMs9MA== restrictions='[["method^list", "method^get", "method=summary"],["method/listdatastore"]]' { "rune": "NbL7KkXcPQsVseJ9TdJNjJK2KsPjnt_q4cE_wvc873I9MCZtZXRob2RebGlzdHxtZXRob2ReZ2V0fG1ldGhvZD1zdW1tYXJ5Jm1ldGhvZC9saXN0ZGF0YXN0b3Jl", "unique_id": "0" } Let's create a rune which lets a specific peer (024b9a1fa8e006f1e3937f65f66c408e6da8e1ca728ea43222a7381df1cc449605) run "listpeers" on themselves: $ lightning-cli commando-rune restrictions='[["id=024b9a1fa8e006f1e3937f65f66c408e6da8e1ca728ea43222a7381df1cc449605"],["method=listpeers"],["pnum=1"],["pnameid=024b9a1fa8e006f1e3937f65f66c408e6da8e1ca728ea43222a7381df1cc449605","parr0=024b9a1fa8e006f1e3937f65f66c408e6da8e1ca728ea43222a7381df1cc449605"]]' { "rune": "FE8GHiGVvxcFqCQcClVRRiNE_XEeLYQzyG2jmqto4jM9MiZpZD0wMjRiOWExZmE4ZTAwNmYxZTM5MzdmNjVmNjZjNDA4ZTZkYThlMWNhNzI4ZWE0MzIyMmE3MzgxZGYxY2M0NDk2MDUmbWV0aG9kPWxpc3RwZWVycyZwbnVtPTEmcG5hbWVpZD0wMjRiOWExZmE4ZTAwNmYxZTM5MzdmNjVmNjZjNDA4ZTZkYThlMWNhNzI4ZWE0MzIyMmE3MzgxZGYxY2M0NDk2MDV8cGFycjA9MDI0YjlhMWZhOGUwMDZmMWUzOTM3ZjY1ZjY2YzQwOGU2ZGE4ZTFjYTcyOGVhNDMyMjJhNzM4MWRmMWNjNDQ5NjA1", "unique_id": "2" } This allows `listpeers` with 1 argument (`pnum=1`), which is either by name (`pnameid`), or position (`parr0`). We could shorten this in several ways: either allowing only positional or named parameters, or by testing the start of the parameters only. Here's an example which only checks the first 9 bytes of the `listpeers` parameter: $ lightning-cli commando-rune restrictions='[["id=024b9a1fa8e006f1e3937f65f66c408e6da8e1ca728ea43222a7381df1cc449605"],["method=listpeers"],["pnum=1"],["pnameid^024b9a1fa8e006f1e393", "parr0^024b9a1fa8e006f1e393"]' { "rune": "fTQnfL05coEbiBO8SS0cvQwCcPLxE9c02pZCC6HRVEY9MyZpZD0wMjRiOWExZmE4ZTAwNmYxZTM5MzdmNjVmNjZjNDA4ZTZkYThlMWNhNzI4ZWE0MzIyMmE3MzgxZGYxY2M0NDk2MDUmbWV0aG9kPWxpc3RwZWVycyZwbnVtPTEmcG5hbWVpZF4wMjRiOWExZmE4ZTAwNmYxZTM5M3xwYXJyMF4wMjRiOWExZmE4ZTAwNmYxZTM5Mw==", "unique_id": "3" } Before we give this to our peer, let's add two more restrictions: that it only be usable for 24 hours from now (`time<`), and that it can only be used twice a minute (`rate=2`). `date +%s` can give us the current time in seconds: $ lightning-cli commando-rune rune=fTQnfL05coEbiBO8SS0cvQwCcPLxE9c02pZCC6HRVEY9MyZpZD0wMjRiOWExZmE4ZTAwNmYxZTM5MzdmNjVmNjZjNDA4ZTZkYThlMWNhNzI4ZWE0MzIyMmE3MzgxZGYxY2M0NDk2MDUmbWV0aG9kPWxpc3RwZWVycyZwbnVtPTEmcG5hbWVpZF4wMjRiOWExZmE4ZTAwNmYxZTM5M3xwYXJyMF4wMjRiOWExZmE4ZTAwNmYxZTM5Mw== restrictions='[["time<'$(($(date +%s) + 24*60*60))'","rate=2"]]' { "rune": "tU-RLjMiDpY2U0o3W1oFowar36RFGpWloPbW9-RuZdo9MyZpZD0wMjRiOWExZmE4ZTAwNmYxZTM5MzdmNjVmNjZjNDA4ZTZkYThlMWNhNzI4ZWE0MzIyMmE3MzgxZGYxY2M0NDk2MDUmbWV0aG9kPWxpc3RwZWVycyZwbnVtPTEmcG5hbWVpZF4wMjRiOWExZmE4ZTAwNmYxZTM5M3xwYXJyMF4wMjRiOWExZmE4ZTAwNmYxZTM5MyZ0aW1lPDE2NTY5MjA1MzgmcmF0ZT0y", "unique_id": "3" } You can also use lightning-decode(7) to examine runes you have been given: $ .lightning-cli decode tU-RLjMiDpY2U0o3W1oFowar36RFGpWloPbW9-RuZdo9MyZpZD0wMjRiOWExZmE4ZTAwNmYxZTM5MzdmNjVmNjZjNDA4ZTZkYThlMWNhNzI4ZWE0MzIyMmE3MzgxZGYxY2M0NDk2MDUmbWV0aG9kPWxpc3RwZWVycyZwbnVtPTEmcG5hbWVpZF4wMjRiOWExZmE4ZTAwNmYxZTM5M3xwYXJyMF4wMjRiOWExZmE4ZTAwNmYxZTM5MyZ0aW1lPDE2NTY5MjA1MzgmcmF0ZT0y { "type": "rune", "unique_id": "3", "string": "b54f912e33220e9636534a375b5a05a306abdfa4451a95a5a0f6d6f7e46e65da:=3&id=024b9a1fa8e006f1e3937f65f66c408e6da8e1ca728ea43222a7381df1cc449605&method=listpeers&pnum=1&pnameid^024b9a1fa8e006f1e393|parr0^024b9a1fa8e006f1e393&time<1656920538&rate=2", "restrictions": [ { "alternatives": [ "id=024b9a1fa8e006f1e3937f65f66c408e6da8e1ca728ea43222a7381df1cc449605" ], "summary": "id (of commanding peer) equal to '024b9a1fa8e006f1e3937f65f66c408e6da8e1ca728ea43222a7381df1cc449605'" }, { "alternatives": [ "method=listpeers" ], "summary": "method (of command) equal to 'listpeers'" }, { "alternatives": [ "pnum=1" ], "summary": "pnum (number of command parameters) equal to 1" }, { "alternatives": [ "pnameid^024b9a1fa8e006f1e393", "parr0^024b9a1fa8e006f1e393" ], "summary": "pnameid (object parameter 'id') starts with '024b9a1fa8e006f1e393' OR parr0 (array parameter #0) starts with '024b9a1fa8e006f1e393'" }, { "alternatives": [ "time<1656920538" ], "summary": "time (in seconds since 1970) less than 1656920538 (approximately 19 hours 18 minutes from now)" }, { "alternatives": [ "rate=2" ], "summary": "rate (max per minute) equal to 2" } ], "valid": true } SHARING RUNES ------------- Because anyone can add a restriction to a rune, you can always turn a normal rune into a read-only rune, or restrict access for 30 minutes from the time you give it to someone. Adding restrictions before sharing runes is best practice. If a rune has a ratelimit, any derived rune will have the same id, and thus will compete for that ratelimit. You might want to consider adding a tighter ratelimit to a rune before sharing it, so you will keep the remainder. For example, if you rune has a limit of 60 times per minute, adding a limit of 5 times per minute and handing that rune out means you can still use your original rune 55 times per minute. RETURN VALUE ------------ [comment]: # (GENERATE-FROM-SCHEMA-START) On success, an object is returned, containing: - **rune** (string): the resulting rune - **unique\_id** (string): the id of this rune: this is set at creation and cannot be changed (even as restrictions are added) The following warnings may also be returned: - **warning\_unrestricted\_rune**: A warning shown when runes are created with powers that could drain your node [comment]: # (GENERATE-FROM-SCHEMA-END) AUTHOR ------ Rusty Russell <> wrote the original Python plugin, the in-tree commando plugin, and this manual page. Christian Decker came up with the name "commando", which almost excuses his previous adoption of the name "Eltoo". SEE ALSO -------- lightning-commando(7), lightning-decode(7) RESOURCES --------- Main web site: [comment]: # ( SHA256STAMP:5f4371a060861ca04019948242803f8b6254627f9993a866ec6e119d8a14cef6)