#include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct tlv_encrypted_data_tlv **new_encdata_tlvs(const tal_t *ctx, const struct pubkey *ids, const struct short_channel_id **scids) { struct tlv_encrypted_data_tlv **etlvs; etlvs = tal_arr(ctx, struct tlv_encrypted_data_tlv *, tal_count(ids)); for (size_t i = 0; i < tal_count(etlvs); i++) { etlvs[i] = tlv_encrypted_data_tlv_new(etlvs); if (i+1 < tal_count(scids) && scids[i+1]) { etlvs[i]->short_channel_id = tal_dup(etlvs[i], struct short_channel_id, scids[i+1]); } else if (i + 1 < tal_count(ids)) { etlvs[i]->next_node_id = tal_dup(etlvs[i], struct pubkey, &ids[i+1]); } } return etlvs; } /* We can extract nodeid from ids[], but usually we can get it from the * previous next_node_id. */ static const struct pubkey * get_nodeid(const struct tlv_encrypted_data_tlv **tlvs, const struct pubkey *ids, size_t i) { if (i == 0) return &ids[0]; if (tlvs[i-1]->next_node_id == NULL) { /* If you didn't set next_node_id you have to set * short_channel_id! */ assert(tlvs[i-1]->short_channel_id); assert(i < tal_count(ids)); return &ids[i]; } return tlvs[i-1]->next_node_id; } /* Stage 1: tlv_encrypted_data_tlv[] -> struct blinded_path. * Optional array of node_ids, consulted iff tlv uses scid in one entry. */ struct blinded_path *blinded_path_from_encdata_tlvs(const tal_t *ctx, const struct tlv_encrypted_data_tlv **tlvs, const struct pubkey *ids) { struct privkey first_blinding, blinding_iter; struct blinded_path *path; size_t nhops = tal_count(ids); const struct pubkey *nodeid; path = tal(ctx, struct blinded_path); assert(nhops > 0); assert(tal_count(ids) > 0); randombytes_buf(&first_blinding, sizeof(first_blinding)); if (!pubkey_from_privkey(&first_blinding, &path->blinding)) abort(); sciddir_or_pubkey_from_pubkey(&path->first_node_id, &ids[0]); path->path = tal_arr(ctx, struct onionmsg_hop *, nhops); blinding_iter = first_blinding; for (size_t i = 0; i < nhops; i++) { nodeid = get_nodeid(tlvs, ids, i); path->path[i] = tal(path->path, struct onionmsg_hop); path->path[i]->encrypted_recipient_data = encrypt_tlv_encrypted_data(path->path[i], &blinding_iter, nodeid, tlvs[i], &blinding_iter, &path->path[i]->blinded_node_id); } return path; } /* Stage 2: turn struct blinded_path into array of tlv_onionmsg_tlv. * You normally then add fields to the final tlv_onionmsg_tlv. */ struct tlv_onionmsg_tlv **onionmsg_tlvs_from_blinded_path(const tal_t *ctx, const struct blinded_path *bpath) { size_t nhops = tal_count(bpath->path); struct tlv_onionmsg_tlv **otlvs = tal_arr(ctx, struct tlv_onionmsg_tlv *, nhops); for (size_t i = 0; i < nhops; i++) { otlvs[i] = tlv_onionmsg_tlv_new(otlvs); otlvs[i]->encrypted_recipient_data = tal_dup_talarr(otlvs[i], u8, bpath->path[i]->encrypted_recipient_data); } return otlvs; } /* Stage 3: linearize each struct tlv_onionmsg_tlv into sphinx_hops (taking ids from bpath) */ struct sphinx_hop **onionmsg_tlvs_to_hops(const tal_t *ctx, const struct blinded_path *bpath, const struct tlv_onionmsg_tlv **tlvs) { size_t nhops = tal_count(tlvs); struct sphinx_hop **hops = tal_arr(ctx, struct sphinx_hop *, nhops); assert(tal_count(bpath->path) == nhops); for (size_t i = 0; i < nhops; i++) { u8 *payload; hops[i] = tal(hops, struct sphinx_hop); hops[i]->pubkey = bpath->path[i]->blinded_node_id; /* We use a temporary here since ->raw_payload is const */ payload = tal_arr(hops[i], u8, 0); towire_tlv_onionmsg_tlv(&payload, tlvs[i]); hops[i]->raw_payload = payload; } return hops; } struct blinded_path *incoming_message_blinded_path(const tal_t *ctx, const struct pubkey *ids, const struct short_channel_id **scids, const struct secret *path_secret) { struct tlv_encrypted_data_tlv **etlvs; size_t nhops = tal_count(ids); assert(nhops > 0); etlvs = new_encdata_tlvs(tmpctx, ids, scids); /* Put path_secret into final hop (us) */ etlvs[nhops-1]->path_id = tal_dup_arr(etlvs[nhops-1], u8, path_secret->data, ARRAY_SIZE(path_secret->data), 0); return blinded_path_from_encdata_tlvs(ctx, cast_const2(const struct tlv_encrypted_data_tlv **, etlvs), ids); } static void extend_blinded_path(struct blinded_path *bpath, const struct onionmsg_hop *hop) { struct onionmsg_hop *newhop = tal(bpath->path, struct onionmsg_hop); newhop->blinded_node_id = hop->blinded_node_id; newhop->encrypted_recipient_data = tal_dup_talarr(newhop, u8, hop->encrypted_recipient_data); tal_arr_expand(&bpath->path, newhop); } struct onion_message *outgoing_onion_message(const tal_t *ctx, const struct pubkey *ids, const struct short_channel_id **scids, const struct blinded_path *their_path, struct tlv_onionmsg_tlv *final_tlv STEALS) { struct onion_message *omsg; struct blinded_path *our_path; const struct blinded_path *combined_path; struct tlv_encrypted_data_tlv **etlvs = new_encdata_tlvs(tmpctx, ids, scids); struct tlv_onionmsg_tlv **otlvs; assert(tal_count(ids) > 0); if (their_path) { struct tlv_encrypted_data_tlv *pre_final; /* Path must lead to blinded path! */ if (their_path->first_node_id.is_pubkey) assert(pubkey_eq(&ids[tal_count(ids)-1], &their_path->first_node_id.pubkey)); /* If we don't actually have any path, it's all them. */ if (tal_count(ids) == 1) { combined_path = their_path; goto wrap; } /* We need to tell last hop to hand blinded_path blinding for next hop */ pre_final = etlvs[tal_count(ids)-2]; pre_final->next_blinding_override = tal_dup(pre_final, struct pubkey, &their_path->blinding); } our_path = blinded_path_from_encdata_tlvs(tmpctx, cast_const2(const struct tlv_encrypted_data_tlv **, etlvs), ids); /* Extend with their blinded path if there is one */ if (their_path) { /* Remove final one, since it's actually the first one in blinded path. */ tal_resize(&our_path->path, tal_count(our_path->path)-1); for (size_t i = 0; i < tal_count(their_path->path); i++) extend_blinded_path(our_path, their_path->path[i]); } combined_path = our_path; wrap: /* Now wrap in onionmsg_tlvs */ otlvs = onionmsg_tlvs_from_blinded_path(tmpctx, combined_path); /* Transfer encrypted blob into final tlv, and use it to replace last tlv */ final_tlv->encrypted_recipient_data = tal_steal(final_tlv, otlvs[tal_count(otlvs)-1]->encrypted_recipient_data); tal_free(otlvs[tal_count(otlvs)-1]); otlvs[tal_count(otlvs)-1] = tal_steal(otlvs, final_tlv); /* Now populate the onion message to return */ omsg = tal(ctx, struct onion_message); omsg->first_blinding = combined_path->blinding; omsg->hops = onionmsg_tlvs_to_hops(omsg, combined_path, cast_const2(const struct tlv_onionmsg_tlv **, otlvs)); return omsg; }