/* This file was generated by generate-wire.py */ /* Do not modify this file! Modify the .csv file it was generated from. */ /* Original template can be found at tools/gen/impl_template */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef SUPERVERBOSE #define SUPERVERBOSE(...) #endif const char *openingd_wire_name(int e) { static char invalidbuf[sizeof("INVALID ") + STR_MAX_CHARS(e)]; switch ((enum openingd_wire)e) { case WIRE_OPENINGD_INIT: return "WIRE_OPENINGD_INIT"; case WIRE_OPENINGD_GOT_REESTABLISH: return "WIRE_OPENINGD_GOT_REESTABLISH"; case WIRE_OPENINGD_GOT_OFFER: return "WIRE_OPENINGD_GOT_OFFER"; case WIRE_OPENINGD_GOT_OFFER_REPLY: return "WIRE_OPENINGD_GOT_OFFER_REPLY"; case WIRE_OPENINGD_FUNDER_REPLY: return "WIRE_OPENINGD_FUNDER_REPLY"; case WIRE_OPENINGD_FUNDER_START: return "WIRE_OPENINGD_FUNDER_START"; case WIRE_OPENINGD_FUNDER_START_REPLY: return "WIRE_OPENINGD_FUNDER_START_REPLY"; case WIRE_OPENINGD_FUNDER_COMPLETE: return "WIRE_OPENINGD_FUNDER_COMPLETE"; case WIRE_OPENINGD_FUNDER_CANCEL: return "WIRE_OPENINGD_FUNDER_CANCEL"; case WIRE_OPENINGD_FUNDER_FAILED: return "WIRE_OPENINGD_FUNDER_FAILED"; case WIRE_OPENINGD_FUNDEE: return "WIRE_OPENINGD_FUNDEE"; case WIRE_OPENINGD_DEV_MEMLEAK: return "WIRE_OPENINGD_DEV_MEMLEAK"; case WIRE_OPENINGD_DEV_MEMLEAK_REPLY: return "WIRE_OPENINGD_DEV_MEMLEAK_REPLY"; } snprintf(invalidbuf, sizeof(invalidbuf), "INVALID %i", e); return invalidbuf; } bool openingd_wire_is_defined(u16 type) { switch ((enum openingd_wire)type) { case WIRE_OPENINGD_INIT:; case WIRE_OPENINGD_GOT_REESTABLISH:; case WIRE_OPENINGD_GOT_OFFER:; case WIRE_OPENINGD_GOT_OFFER_REPLY:; case WIRE_OPENINGD_FUNDER_REPLY:; case WIRE_OPENINGD_FUNDER_START:; case WIRE_OPENINGD_FUNDER_START_REPLY:; case WIRE_OPENINGD_FUNDER_COMPLETE:; case WIRE_OPENINGD_FUNDER_CANCEL:; case WIRE_OPENINGD_FUNDER_FAILED:; case WIRE_OPENINGD_FUNDEE:; case WIRE_OPENINGD_DEV_MEMLEAK:; case WIRE_OPENINGD_DEV_MEMLEAK_REPLY:; return true; } return false; } /* WIRE: OPENINGD_INIT */ u8 *towire_openingd_init(const tal_t *ctx, const struct chainparams *chainparams, const struct feature_set *our_features, const u8 *their_init_features, const struct channel_config *our_config, u32 max_to_self_delay, struct amount_msat min_effective_htlc_capacity_msat, const struct per_peer_state *pps, const struct basepoints *our_basepoints, const struct pubkey *our_funding_pubkey, u32 minimum_depth, u32 min_feerate, u32 max_feerate, const struct channel_id *dev_temporary_channel_id, bool dev_fast_gossip) { u16 their_init_features_len = tal_count(their_init_features); u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_OPENINGD_INIT); /* Which network are we configured for? */ towire_chainparams(&p, chainparams); towire_feature_set(&p, our_features); towire_u16(&p, their_init_features_len); towire_u8_array(&p, their_init_features, their_init_features_len); /* Base configuration we'll offer (channel reserve will vary with amount) */ towire_channel_config(&p, our_config); /* Minimum/maximum configuration values we'll accept */ towire_u32(&p, max_to_self_delay); towire_amount_msat(&p, min_effective_htlc_capacity_msat); towire_per_peer_state(&p, pps); towire_basepoints(&p, our_basepoints); towire_pubkey(&p, our_funding_pubkey); /* Constraints in case the other end tries to open a channel. */ towire_u32(&p, minimum_depth); towire_u32(&p, min_feerate); towire_u32(&p, max_feerate); if (!dev_temporary_channel_id) towire_bool(&p, false); else { towire_bool(&p, true); towire_channel_id(&p, dev_temporary_channel_id); } towire_bool(&p, dev_fast_gossip); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_openingd_init(const tal_t *ctx, const void *p, const struct chainparams **chainparams, struct feature_set **our_features, u8 **their_init_features, struct channel_config *our_config, u32 *max_to_self_delay, struct amount_msat *min_effective_htlc_capacity_msat, struct per_peer_state **pps, struct basepoints *our_basepoints, struct pubkey *our_funding_pubkey, u32 *minimum_depth, u32 *min_feerate, u32 *max_feerate, struct channel_id **dev_temporary_channel_id, bool *dev_fast_gossip) { u16 their_init_features_len; const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_OPENINGD_INIT) return false; /* Which network are we configured for? */ fromwire_chainparams(&cursor, &plen, chainparams); *our_features = fromwire_feature_set(ctx, &cursor, &plen); their_init_features_len = fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen); // 2nd case their_init_features *their_init_features = their_init_features_len ? tal_arr(ctx, u8, their_init_features_len) : NULL; fromwire_u8_array(&cursor, &plen, *their_init_features, their_init_features_len); /* Base configuration we'll offer (channel reserve will vary with amount) */ fromwire_channel_config(&cursor, &plen, our_config); /* Minimum/maximum configuration values we'll accept */ *max_to_self_delay = fromwire_u32(&cursor, &plen); *min_effective_htlc_capacity_msat = fromwire_amount_msat(&cursor, &plen); *pps = fromwire_per_peer_state(ctx, &cursor, &plen); fromwire_basepoints(&cursor, &plen, our_basepoints); fromwire_pubkey(&cursor, &plen, our_funding_pubkey); /* Constraints in case the other end tries to open a channel. */ *minimum_depth = fromwire_u32(&cursor, &plen); *min_feerate = fromwire_u32(&cursor, &plen); *max_feerate = fromwire_u32(&cursor, &plen); if (!fromwire_bool(&cursor, &plen)) *dev_temporary_channel_id = NULL; else { *dev_temporary_channel_id = tal(ctx, struct channel_id); fromwire_channel_id(&cursor, &plen, *dev_temporary_channel_id); } *dev_fast_gossip = fromwire_bool(&cursor, &plen); return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: OPENINGD_GOT_REESTABLISH */ /* Openingd->master: they tried to reestablish a channel. */ u8 *towire_openingd_got_reestablish(const tal_t *ctx, const struct channel_id *channel_id, const u8 *msg, const struct per_peer_state *pps) { u16 len = tal_count(msg); u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_OPENINGD_GOT_REESTABLISH); towire_channel_id(&p, channel_id); towire_u16(&p, len); towire_u8_array(&p, msg, len); towire_per_peer_state(&p, pps); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_openingd_got_reestablish(const tal_t *ctx, const void *p, struct channel_id *channel_id, u8 **msg, struct per_peer_state **pps) { u16 len; const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_OPENINGD_GOT_REESTABLISH) return false; fromwire_channel_id(&cursor, &plen, channel_id); len = fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen); // 2nd case msg *msg = len ? tal_arr(ctx, u8, len) : NULL; fromwire_u8_array(&cursor, &plen, *msg, len); *pps = fromwire_per_peer_state(ctx, &cursor, &plen); return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: OPENINGD_GOT_OFFER */ /* Openingd->master: they offered channel */ u8 *towire_openingd_got_offer(const tal_t *ctx, struct amount_sat funding_satoshis, struct amount_msat push_msat, struct amount_sat dust_limit_satoshis, struct amount_msat max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat, struct amount_sat channel_reserve_satoshis, struct amount_msat htlc_minimum_msat, u32 feerate_per_kw, u16 to_self_delay, u16 max_accepted_htlcs, u8 channel_flags, const u8 *shutdown_scriptpubkey) { u16 shutdown_len = tal_count(shutdown_scriptpubkey); u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_OPENINGD_GOT_OFFER); towire_amount_sat(&p, funding_satoshis); towire_amount_msat(&p, push_msat); towire_amount_sat(&p, dust_limit_satoshis); towire_amount_msat(&p, max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat); towire_amount_sat(&p, channel_reserve_satoshis); towire_amount_msat(&p, htlc_minimum_msat); towire_u32(&p, feerate_per_kw); towire_u16(&p, to_self_delay); towire_u16(&p, max_accepted_htlcs); towire_u8(&p, channel_flags); towire_u16(&p, shutdown_len); towire_u8_array(&p, shutdown_scriptpubkey, shutdown_len); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_openingd_got_offer(const tal_t *ctx, const void *p, struct amount_sat *funding_satoshis, struct amount_msat *push_msat, struct amount_sat *dust_limit_satoshis, struct amount_msat *max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat, struct amount_sat *channel_reserve_satoshis, struct amount_msat *htlc_minimum_msat, u32 *feerate_per_kw, u16 *to_self_delay, u16 *max_accepted_htlcs, u8 *channel_flags, u8 **shutdown_scriptpubkey) { u16 shutdown_len; const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_OPENINGD_GOT_OFFER) return false; *funding_satoshis = fromwire_amount_sat(&cursor, &plen); *push_msat = fromwire_amount_msat(&cursor, &plen); *dust_limit_satoshis = fromwire_amount_sat(&cursor, &plen); *max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat = fromwire_amount_msat(&cursor, &plen); *channel_reserve_satoshis = fromwire_amount_sat(&cursor, &plen); *htlc_minimum_msat = fromwire_amount_msat(&cursor, &plen); *feerate_per_kw = fromwire_u32(&cursor, &plen); *to_self_delay = fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen); *max_accepted_htlcs = fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen); *channel_flags = fromwire_u8(&cursor, &plen); shutdown_len = fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen); // 2nd case shutdown_scriptpubkey *shutdown_scriptpubkey = shutdown_len ? tal_arr(ctx, u8, shutdown_len) : NULL; fromwire_u8_array(&cursor, &plen, *shutdown_scriptpubkey, shutdown_len); return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: OPENINGD_GOT_OFFER_REPLY */ /* master->openingd: optional rejection message */ u8 *towire_openingd_got_offer_reply(const tal_t *ctx, const wirestring *rejection, const u8 *our_shutdown_scriptpubkey) { u16 shutdown_len = tal_count(our_shutdown_scriptpubkey); u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_OPENINGD_GOT_OFFER_REPLY); if (!rejection) towire_bool(&p, false); else { towire_bool(&p, true); towire_wirestring(&p, rejection); } towire_u16(&p, shutdown_len); towire_u8_array(&p, our_shutdown_scriptpubkey, shutdown_len); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_openingd_got_offer_reply(const tal_t *ctx, const void *p, wirestring **rejection, u8 **our_shutdown_scriptpubkey) { u16 shutdown_len; const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_OPENINGD_GOT_OFFER_REPLY) return false; if (!fromwire_bool(&cursor, &plen)) *rejection = NULL; else { *rejection = fromwire_wirestring(ctx, &cursor, &plen); } shutdown_len = fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen); // 2nd case our_shutdown_scriptpubkey *our_shutdown_scriptpubkey = shutdown_len ? tal_arr(ctx, u8, shutdown_len) : NULL; fromwire_u8_array(&cursor, &plen, *our_shutdown_scriptpubkey, shutdown_len); return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: OPENINGD_FUNDER_REPLY */ /* Openingd->master: we've successfully offered channel. */ /* This gives their sig */ u8 *towire_openingd_funder_reply(const tal_t *ctx, const struct channel_config *their_config, const struct bitcoin_tx *first_commit, const struct penalty_base *pbase, const struct bitcoin_signature *first_commit_sig, const struct per_peer_state *pps, const struct pubkey *revocation_basepoint, const struct pubkey *payment_basepoint, const struct pubkey *htlc_basepoint, const struct pubkey *delayed_payment_basepoint, const struct pubkey *their_per_commit_point, u32 minimum_depth, const struct pubkey *remote_fundingkey, const struct bitcoin_txid *funding_txid, u16 funding_txout, u32 feerate_per_kw, struct amount_sat our_channel_reserve_satoshis, const u8 *shutdown_scriptpubkey, const struct channel_type *channel_type) { u16 shutdown_len = tal_count(shutdown_scriptpubkey); u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_OPENINGD_FUNDER_REPLY); towire_channel_config(&p, their_config); towire_bitcoin_tx(&p, first_commit); if (!pbase) towire_bool(&p, false); else { towire_bool(&p, true); towire_penalty_base(&p, pbase); } towire_bitcoin_signature(&p, first_commit_sig); towire_per_peer_state(&p, pps); towire_pubkey(&p, revocation_basepoint); towire_pubkey(&p, payment_basepoint); towire_pubkey(&p, htlc_basepoint); towire_pubkey(&p, delayed_payment_basepoint); towire_pubkey(&p, their_per_commit_point); towire_u32(&p, minimum_depth); towire_pubkey(&p, remote_fundingkey); towire_bitcoin_txid(&p, funding_txid); towire_u16(&p, funding_txout); towire_u32(&p, feerate_per_kw); towire_amount_sat(&p, our_channel_reserve_satoshis); towire_u16(&p, shutdown_len); towire_u8_array(&p, shutdown_scriptpubkey, shutdown_len); towire_channel_type(&p, channel_type); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_openingd_funder_reply(const tal_t *ctx, const void *p, struct channel_config *their_config, struct bitcoin_tx **first_commit, struct penalty_base **pbase, struct bitcoin_signature *first_commit_sig, struct per_peer_state **pps, struct pubkey *revocation_basepoint, struct pubkey *payment_basepoint, struct pubkey *htlc_basepoint, struct pubkey *delayed_payment_basepoint, struct pubkey *their_per_commit_point, u32 *minimum_depth, struct pubkey *remote_fundingkey, struct bitcoin_txid *funding_txid, u16 *funding_txout, u32 *feerate_per_kw, struct amount_sat *our_channel_reserve_satoshis, u8 **shutdown_scriptpubkey, struct channel_type **channel_type) { u16 shutdown_len; const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_OPENINGD_FUNDER_REPLY) return false; fromwire_channel_config(&cursor, &plen, their_config); *first_commit = fromwire_bitcoin_tx(ctx, &cursor, &plen); if (!fromwire_bool(&cursor, &plen)) *pbase = NULL; else { *pbase = tal(ctx, struct penalty_base); fromwire_penalty_base(&cursor, &plen, *pbase); } fromwire_bitcoin_signature(&cursor, &plen, first_commit_sig); *pps = fromwire_per_peer_state(ctx, &cursor, &plen); fromwire_pubkey(&cursor, &plen, revocation_basepoint); fromwire_pubkey(&cursor, &plen, payment_basepoint); fromwire_pubkey(&cursor, &plen, htlc_basepoint); fromwire_pubkey(&cursor, &plen, delayed_payment_basepoint); fromwire_pubkey(&cursor, &plen, their_per_commit_point); *minimum_depth = fromwire_u32(&cursor, &plen); fromwire_pubkey(&cursor, &plen, remote_fundingkey); fromwire_bitcoin_txid(&cursor, &plen, funding_txid); *funding_txout = fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen); *feerate_per_kw = fromwire_u32(&cursor, &plen); *our_channel_reserve_satoshis = fromwire_amount_sat(&cursor, &plen); shutdown_len = fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen); // 2nd case shutdown_scriptpubkey *shutdown_scriptpubkey = shutdown_len ? tal_arr(ctx, u8, shutdown_len) : NULL; fromwire_u8_array(&cursor, &plen, *shutdown_scriptpubkey, shutdown_len); *channel_type = fromwire_channel_type(ctx, &cursor, &plen); return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: OPENINGD_FUNDER_START */ /* master->openingd: start channel establishment for a funding tx */ u8 *towire_openingd_funder_start(const tal_t *ctx, struct amount_sat funding_satoshis, struct amount_msat push_msat, const u8 *upfront_shutdown_script, u32 feerate_per_kw, u8 channel_flags) { u16 len_upfront = tal_count(upfront_shutdown_script); u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_OPENINGD_FUNDER_START); towire_amount_sat(&p, funding_satoshis); towire_amount_msat(&p, push_msat); towire_u16(&p, len_upfront); towire_u8_array(&p, upfront_shutdown_script, len_upfront); towire_u32(&p, feerate_per_kw); towire_u8(&p, channel_flags); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_openingd_funder_start(const tal_t *ctx, const void *p, struct amount_sat *funding_satoshis, struct amount_msat *push_msat, u8 **upfront_shutdown_script, u32 *feerate_per_kw, u8 *channel_flags) { u16 len_upfront; const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_OPENINGD_FUNDER_START) return false; *funding_satoshis = fromwire_amount_sat(&cursor, &plen); *push_msat = fromwire_amount_msat(&cursor, &plen); len_upfront = fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen); // 2nd case upfront_shutdown_script *upfront_shutdown_script = len_upfront ? tal_arr(ctx, u8, len_upfront) : NULL; fromwire_u8_array(&cursor, &plen, *upfront_shutdown_script, len_upfront); *feerate_per_kw = fromwire_u32(&cursor, &plen); *channel_flags = fromwire_u8(&cursor, &plen); return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: OPENINGD_FUNDER_START_REPLY */ /* openingd->master: send back output script for 2-of-2 funding output */ u8 *towire_openingd_funder_start_reply(const tal_t *ctx, const u8 *scriptpubkey, bool upfront_shutdown_negotiated, const struct channel_type *channel_type) { u8 script_len = tal_count(scriptpubkey); u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_OPENINGD_FUNDER_START_REPLY); towire_u8(&p, script_len); towire_u8_array(&p, scriptpubkey, script_len); towire_bool(&p, upfront_shutdown_negotiated); towire_channel_type(&p, channel_type); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_openingd_funder_start_reply(const tal_t *ctx, const void *p, u8 **scriptpubkey, bool *upfront_shutdown_negotiated, struct channel_type **channel_type) { u8 script_len; const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_OPENINGD_FUNDER_START_REPLY) return false; script_len = fromwire_u8(&cursor, &plen); // 2nd case scriptpubkey *scriptpubkey = script_len ? tal_arr(ctx, u8, script_len) : NULL; fromwire_u8_array(&cursor, &plen, *scriptpubkey, script_len); *upfront_shutdown_negotiated = fromwire_bool(&cursor, &plen); *channel_type = fromwire_channel_type(ctx, &cursor, &plen); return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: OPENINGD_FUNDER_COMPLETE */ /* master->openingd: complete channel establishment for a funding */ /* tx that will be paid for by an external wallet */ /* response to this is a normal `openingd_funder_reply` ?? */ u8 *towire_openingd_funder_complete(const tal_t *ctx, const struct bitcoin_txid *funding_txid, u16 funding_txout, const struct channel_type *channel_type) { u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_OPENINGD_FUNDER_COMPLETE); towire_bitcoin_txid(&p, funding_txid); towire_u16(&p, funding_txout); towire_channel_type(&p, channel_type); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_openingd_funder_complete(const tal_t *ctx, const void *p, struct bitcoin_txid *funding_txid, u16 *funding_txout, struct channel_type **channel_type) { const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_OPENINGD_FUNDER_COMPLETE) return false; fromwire_bitcoin_txid(&cursor, &plen, funding_txid); *funding_txout = fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen); *channel_type = fromwire_channel_type(ctx, &cursor, &plen); return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: OPENINGD_FUNDER_CANCEL */ /*master->openingd: cancel channel establishment for a funding */ u8 *towire_openingd_funder_cancel(const tal_t *ctx) { u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_OPENINGD_FUNDER_CANCEL); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_openingd_funder_cancel(const void *p) { const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_OPENINGD_FUNDER_CANCEL) return false; return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: OPENINGD_FUNDER_FAILED */ /* Openingd->master: we failed to negotiation channel */ u8 *towire_openingd_funder_failed(const tal_t *ctx, const wirestring *reason) { u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_OPENINGD_FUNDER_FAILED); towire_wirestring(&p, reason); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_openingd_funder_failed(const tal_t *ctx, const void *p, wirestring **reason) { const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_OPENINGD_FUNDER_FAILED) return false; *reason = fromwire_wirestring(ctx, &cursor, &plen); return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: OPENINGD_FUNDEE */ /* Openingd->master: they offered channel. */ /* This gives their txid and info */ u8 *towire_openingd_fundee(const tal_t *ctx, const struct channel_config *their_config, const struct bitcoin_tx *first_commit, const struct penalty_base *pbase, const struct bitcoin_signature *first_commit_sig, const struct per_peer_state *pps, const struct pubkey *revocation_basepoint, const struct pubkey *payment_basepoint, const struct pubkey *htlc_basepoint, const struct pubkey *delayed_payment_basepoint, const struct pubkey *their_per_commit_point, const struct pubkey *remote_fundingkey, const struct bitcoin_txid *funding_txid, u16 funding_txout, struct amount_sat funding_satoshis, struct amount_msat push_msat, u8 channel_flags, u32 feerate_per_kw, const u8 *funding_signed_msg, struct amount_sat our_channel_reserve_satoshis, const u8 *local_shutdown_scriptpubkey, const u8 *remote_shutdown_scriptpubkey, const struct channel_type *channel_type) { u16 msglen = tal_count(funding_signed_msg); u16 local_shutdown_len = tal_count(local_shutdown_scriptpubkey); u16 remote_shutdown_len = tal_count(remote_shutdown_scriptpubkey); u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_OPENINGD_FUNDEE); towire_channel_config(&p, their_config); towire_bitcoin_tx(&p, first_commit); if (!pbase) towire_bool(&p, false); else { towire_bool(&p, true); towire_penalty_base(&p, pbase); } towire_bitcoin_signature(&p, first_commit_sig); towire_per_peer_state(&p, pps); towire_pubkey(&p, revocation_basepoint); towire_pubkey(&p, payment_basepoint); towire_pubkey(&p, htlc_basepoint); towire_pubkey(&p, delayed_payment_basepoint); towire_pubkey(&p, their_per_commit_point); towire_pubkey(&p, remote_fundingkey); towire_bitcoin_txid(&p, funding_txid); towire_u16(&p, funding_txout); towire_amount_sat(&p, funding_satoshis); towire_amount_msat(&p, push_msat); towire_u8(&p, channel_flags); towire_u32(&p, feerate_per_kw); /* The funding signed message: send this and we're committed. */ towire_u16(&p, msglen); towire_u8_array(&p, funding_signed_msg, msglen); towire_amount_sat(&p, our_channel_reserve_satoshis); towire_u16(&p, local_shutdown_len); towire_u8_array(&p, local_shutdown_scriptpubkey, local_shutdown_len); towire_u16(&p, remote_shutdown_len); towire_u8_array(&p, remote_shutdown_scriptpubkey, remote_shutdown_len); towire_channel_type(&p, channel_type); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_openingd_fundee(const tal_t *ctx, const void *p, struct channel_config *their_config, struct bitcoin_tx **first_commit, struct penalty_base **pbase, struct bitcoin_signature *first_commit_sig, struct per_peer_state **pps, struct pubkey *revocation_basepoint, struct pubkey *payment_basepoint, struct pubkey *htlc_basepoint, struct pubkey *delayed_payment_basepoint, struct pubkey *their_per_commit_point, struct pubkey *remote_fundingkey, struct bitcoin_txid *funding_txid, u16 *funding_txout, struct amount_sat *funding_satoshis, struct amount_msat *push_msat, u8 *channel_flags, u32 *feerate_per_kw, u8 **funding_signed_msg, struct amount_sat *our_channel_reserve_satoshis, u8 **local_shutdown_scriptpubkey, u8 **remote_shutdown_scriptpubkey, struct channel_type **channel_type) { u16 msglen; u16 local_shutdown_len; u16 remote_shutdown_len; const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_OPENINGD_FUNDEE) return false; fromwire_channel_config(&cursor, &plen, their_config); *first_commit = fromwire_bitcoin_tx(ctx, &cursor, &plen); if (!fromwire_bool(&cursor, &plen)) *pbase = NULL; else { *pbase = tal(ctx, struct penalty_base); fromwire_penalty_base(&cursor, &plen, *pbase); } fromwire_bitcoin_signature(&cursor, &plen, first_commit_sig); *pps = fromwire_per_peer_state(ctx, &cursor, &plen); fromwire_pubkey(&cursor, &plen, revocation_basepoint); fromwire_pubkey(&cursor, &plen, payment_basepoint); fromwire_pubkey(&cursor, &plen, htlc_basepoint); fromwire_pubkey(&cursor, &plen, delayed_payment_basepoint); fromwire_pubkey(&cursor, &plen, their_per_commit_point); fromwire_pubkey(&cursor, &plen, remote_fundingkey); fromwire_bitcoin_txid(&cursor, &plen, funding_txid); *funding_txout = fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen); *funding_satoshis = fromwire_amount_sat(&cursor, &plen); *push_msat = fromwire_amount_msat(&cursor, &plen); *channel_flags = fromwire_u8(&cursor, &plen); *feerate_per_kw = fromwire_u32(&cursor, &plen); /* The funding signed message: send this and we're committed. */ msglen = fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen); // 2nd case funding_signed_msg *funding_signed_msg = msglen ? tal_arr(ctx, u8, msglen) : NULL; fromwire_u8_array(&cursor, &plen, *funding_signed_msg, msglen); *our_channel_reserve_satoshis = fromwire_amount_sat(&cursor, &plen); local_shutdown_len = fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen); // 2nd case local_shutdown_scriptpubkey *local_shutdown_scriptpubkey = local_shutdown_len ? tal_arr(ctx, u8, local_shutdown_len) : NULL; fromwire_u8_array(&cursor, &plen, *local_shutdown_scriptpubkey, local_shutdown_len); remote_shutdown_len = fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen); // 2nd case remote_shutdown_scriptpubkey *remote_shutdown_scriptpubkey = remote_shutdown_len ? tal_arr(ctx, u8, remote_shutdown_len) : NULL; fromwire_u8_array(&cursor, &plen, *remote_shutdown_scriptpubkey, remote_shutdown_len); *channel_type = fromwire_channel_type(ctx, &cursor, &plen); return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: OPENINGD_DEV_MEMLEAK */ /* master -> openingd: do you have a memleak? */ u8 *towire_openingd_dev_memleak(const tal_t *ctx) { u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_OPENINGD_DEV_MEMLEAK); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_openingd_dev_memleak(const void *p) { const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_OPENINGD_DEV_MEMLEAK) return false; return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: OPENINGD_DEV_MEMLEAK_REPLY */ u8 *towire_openingd_dev_memleak_reply(const tal_t *ctx, bool leak) { u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_OPENINGD_DEV_MEMLEAK_REPLY); towire_bool(&p, leak); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_openingd_dev_memleak_reply(const void *p, bool *leak) { const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_OPENINGD_DEV_MEMLEAK_REPLY) return false; *leak = fromwire_bool(&cursor, &plen); return cursor != NULL; } // SHA256STAMP:728c4fe1f57fe55a1d7669ec138002ae1ffa61813549bddcc5a07a994ea7211f