.TH "LIGHTNING-LISTFUNDS" "7" "" "" "lightning-listfunds" .SH NAME lightning-listfunds - Command showing all funds currently managed by the c-lightning node .SH SYNOPSIS \fBlistfunds\fR [\fIspent\fR] .SH DESCRIPTION The \fBlistfunds\fR RPC command displays all funds available, either in unspent outputs (UTXOs) in the internal wallet or funds locked in currently open channels\. \fIspent\fR is a boolean: if true, then the \fIoutputs\fR will include spent outputs in addition to the unspent ones\. Default is false\. .SH RETURN VALUE On success, an object is returned, containing: .RS .IP \[bu] \fBoutputs\fR (array of objects): .RS .IP \[bu] \fBtxid\fR (txid): the ID of the spendable transaction .IP \[bu] \fBoutput\fR (u32): the index within \fItxid\fR .IP \[bu] \fBamount_msat\fR (msat): the amount of the output .IP \[bu] \fBscriptpubkey\fR (hex): the scriptPubkey of the output .IP \[bu] \fBstatus\fR (string) (one of "unconfirmed", "confirmed", "spent") .IP \[bu] \fBaddress\fR (string, optional): the bitcoin address of the output .IP \[bu] \fBredeemscript\fR (hex, optional): the redeemscript, only if it's p2sh-wrapped .RE If \fBstatus\fR is "confirmed": .RS .IP \[bu] \fBblockheight\fR (u32): Block height where it was confirmed .RE If \fBreserved\fR is "true": .RS .IP \[bu] \fBreserved_to_block\fR (u32): Block height where reservation will expire .RE .IP \[bu] \fBchannels\fR (array of objects): .RS .IP \[bu] \fBpeer_id\fR (pubkey): the peer with which the channel is opened .IP \[bu] \fBour_amount_msat\fR (msat): available satoshis on our node’s end of the channel .IP \[bu] \fBamount_msat\fR (msat): total channel value .IP \[bu] \fBfunding_txid\fR (txid): funding transaction id .IP \[bu] \fBfunding_output\fR (u32): the 0-based index of the output in the funding transaction .IP \[bu] \fBconnected\fR (boolean): whether the channel peer is connected .IP \[bu] \fBstate\fR (string): the channel state, in particular "CHANNELD_NORMAL" means the channel can be used normally (one of "OPENINGD", "CHANNELD_AWAITING_LOCKIN", "CHANNELD_NORMAL", "CHANNELD_SHUTTING_DOWN", "CLOSINGD_SIGEXCHANGE", "CLOSINGD_COMPLETE", "AWAITING_UNILATERAL", "FUNDING_SPEND_SEEN", "ONCHAIN", "DUALOPEND_OPEN_INIT", "DUALOPEND_AWAITING_LOCKIN") .RE If \fBstate\fR is "CHANNELD_NORMAL": .RS .IP \[bu] \fBshort_channel_id\fR (short_channel_id): short channel id of channel .RE If \fBstate\fR is "CHANNELD_SHUTTING_DOWN", "CLOSINGD_SIGEXCHANGE", "CLOSINGD_COMPLETE", "AWAITING_UNILATERAL", "FUNDING_SPEND_SEEN" or "ONCHAIN": .RS .IP \[bu] \fBshort_channel_id\fR (short_channel_id, optional): short channel id of channel (only if funding reached lockin depth before closing) .RE .RE .SH AUTHOR Felix \fI is mainly responsible\. .SH SEE ALSO \fBlightning-newaddr\fR(7), \fBlightning-fundchannel\fR(7), \fBlightning-withdraw\fR(7), \fBlightning-listtransactions\fR(7) .SH RESOURCES Main web site: \fIhttps://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning\fR \" SHA256STAMP:1f231ccc1bb70f63b8af8c80b059f5a90fec51cc5aebac69da5241ca952f3a7f