#include "config.h" #define RENEPAY_UNITTEST // logs are written in /tmp/debug.txt #include "../payment.c" #include "../flow.c" #include "../uncertainty.c" #include "../mcf.c" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* AUTOGENERATED MOCKS START */ /* Generated stub for disabledmap_add_channel */ void disabledmap_add_channel(struct disabledmap *p UNNEEDED, struct short_channel_id_dir scidd UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "disabledmap_add_channel called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for disabledmap_add_node */ void disabledmap_add_node(struct disabledmap *p UNNEEDED, struct node_id node UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "disabledmap_add_node called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for disabledmap_channel_is_warned */ bool disabledmap_channel_is_warned(struct disabledmap *p UNNEEDED, struct short_channel_id_dir scidd UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "disabledmap_channel_is_warned called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for disabledmap_new */ struct disabledmap *disabledmap_new(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "disabledmap_new called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for disabledmap_reset */ void disabledmap_reset(struct disabledmap *p UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "disabledmap_reset called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for disabledmap_warn_channel */ void disabledmap_warn_channel(struct disabledmap *p UNNEEDED, struct short_channel_id_dir scidd UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "disabledmap_warn_channel called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for json_add_payment */ void json_add_payment(struct json_stream *s UNNEEDED, const struct payment *payment UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "json_add_payment called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for new_routetracker */ struct routetracker *new_routetracker(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, struct payment *payment UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "new_routetracker called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for pay_plugin */ struct pay_plugin *pay_plugin; /* Generated stub for routetracker_cleanup */ void routetracker_cleanup(struct routetracker *routetracker UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "routetracker_cleanup called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for sciddir_or_pubkey_from_node_id */ bool sciddir_or_pubkey_from_node_id(struct sciddir_or_pubkey *sciddpk UNNEEDED, const struct node_id *node_id UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "sciddir_or_pubkey_from_node_id called!\n"); abort(); } /* AUTOGENERATED MOCKS END */ static u8 empty_map[] = { 0 }; static const char* print_flows( const tal_t *ctx, const char *desc, const struct gossmap *gossmap, struct chan_extra_map* chan_extra_map, struct flow **flows) { tal_t *this_ctx = tal(ctx,tal_t); double tot_prob = flowset_probability(tmpctx, flows, gossmap, chan_extra_map, false, NULL); assert(tot_prob>=0); char *buff = tal_fmt(ctx,"%s: %zu subflows, prob %2lf\n", desc, tal_count(flows),tot_prob); for (size_t i = 0; i < tal_count(flows); i++) { struct amount_msat fee, delivered; tal_append_fmt(&buff," "); for (size_t j = 0; j < tal_count(flows[i]->path); j++) { struct short_channel_id scid = gossmap_chan_scid(gossmap, flows[i]->path[j]); tal_append_fmt(&buff,"%s%s", j ? "->" : "", fmt_short_channel_id(this_ctx, scid)); } delivered = flows[i]->amount; if (!flow_fee(&fee, flows[i])) { abort(); } tal_append_fmt(&buff," prob %.2f, %s delivered with fee %s\n", flows[i]->success_prob, fmt_amount_msat(this_ctx, delivered), fmt_amount_msat(this_ctx, fee)); } tal_free(this_ctx); return buff; } static void remove_file(char *fname) { assert(!remove(fname)); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int fd; char *gossfile; struct gossmap *gossmap; struct node_id l1, l2, l3, l4; struct short_channel_id scid12, scid13, scid24, scid34; struct gossmap_localmods *mods; struct chan_extra_map *chan_extra_map; char *errmsg; common_setup(argv[0]); fd = tmpdir_mkstemp(tmpctx, "run-not_mcf-diamond.XXXXXX", &gossfile); tal_add_destructor(gossfile, remove_file); assert(write_all(fd, empty_map, sizeof(empty_map))); gossmap = gossmap_load(tmpctx, gossfile, NULL); assert(gossmap); /* These are in ascending order, for easy direction setting */ assert(node_id_from_hexstr("022d223620a359a47ff7f7ac447c85c46c923da53389221a0054c11c1e3ca31d59", 66, &l1)); assert(node_id_from_hexstr("0266e4598d1d3c415f572a8488830b60f7e744ed9235eb0b1ba93283b315c03518", 66, &l2)); assert(node_id_from_hexstr("035d2b1192dfba134e10e540875d366ebc8bc353d5aa766b80c090b39c3a5d885d", 66, &l3)); assert(node_id_from_hexstr("0382ce59ebf18be7d84677c2e35f23294b9992ceca95491fcf8a56c6cb2d9de199", 66, &l4)); assert(short_channel_id_from_str("1x2x0", 5, &scid12)); assert(short_channel_id_from_str("1x3x0", 5, &scid13)); assert(short_channel_id_from_str("2x4x0", 5, &scid24)); assert(short_channel_id_from_str("3x4x0", 5, &scid34)); mods = gossmap_localmods_new(tmpctx); /* 1->2->4 has capacity 10k sat, 1->3->4 has capacity 5k sat (lower fee!) */ assert(gossmap_local_addchan(mods, &l1, &l2, scid12, AMOUNT_MSAT(10000000), NULL)); assert(gossmap_local_setchan(mods, scid12, /*htlc_min=*/ AMOUNT_MSAT(0), /*htlc_max=*/ AMOUNT_MSAT(10000000), /*base_fee=*/ AMOUNT_MSAT(0), /*ppm_fee =*/ 1001, /* delay =*/ 5, /* enabled=*/ true, /* dir =*/ 0)); assert(gossmap_local_addchan(mods, &l2, &l4, scid24, AMOUNT_MSAT(10000000), NULL)); assert(gossmap_local_setchan(mods, scid24, AMOUNT_MSAT(0), AMOUNT_MSAT(10000000), AMOUNT_MSAT(0), 1002, 5, true, 0)); assert(gossmap_local_addchan(mods, &l1, &l3, scid13, AMOUNT_MSAT(5000000), NULL)); assert(gossmap_local_setchan(mods, scid13, AMOUNT_MSAT(0), AMOUNT_MSAT(5000000), AMOUNT_MSAT(0), 503, 5, true, 0)); assert(gossmap_local_addchan(mods, &l3, &l4, scid34, AMOUNT_MSAT(5000000), NULL)); assert(gossmap_local_setchan(mods, scid34, AMOUNT_MSAT(0), AMOUNT_MSAT(5000000), AMOUNT_MSAT(0), 504, 5, true, 0)); gossmap_apply_localmods(gossmap, mods); chan_extra_map = tal(tmpctx, struct chan_extra_map); chan_extra_map_init(chan_extra_map); /* The local chans have no "capacity", so set them manually. */ new_chan_extra(chan_extra_map, scid12, AMOUNT_MSAT(10000000)); new_chan_extra(chan_extra_map, scid24, AMOUNT_MSAT(10000000)); new_chan_extra(chan_extra_map, scid13, AMOUNT_MSAT(5000000)); new_chan_extra(chan_extra_map, scid34, AMOUNT_MSAT(5000000)); bitmap *disabled = tal_arrz( tmpctx, bitmap, 2 * BITMAP_NWORDS(gossmap_max_chan_idx(gossmap))); struct flow **flows; flows = minflow(tmpctx, gossmap, gossmap_find_node(gossmap, &l1), gossmap_find_node(gossmap, &l4), chan_extra_map, disabled, /* Half the capacity */ AMOUNT_MSAT(1000000), // 1000 sats /* max_fee = */ AMOUNT_MSAT(10000), // 10 sats /* min probability = */ 0.8, // 80% /* base probability = */ 1.0, /* delay fee factor = */ 0, /* base fee penalty */ 0, /* prob cost factor = */ 1, &errmsg); if (!flows) { printf("Minflow has failed with: %s", errmsg); assert(0 && "minflow failed"); } printf("%s\n", print_flows(tmpctx,"Simple minflow", gossmap,chan_extra_map, flows)); common_shutdown(); }