from fixtures import * # noqa: F401,F403 from pyln.client import RpcError from utils import ( only_one, first_scid, GenChannel, generate_gossip_store, TEST_NETWORK, sync_blockheight, wait_for ) import os import pytest import time import shutil def test_layers(node_factory): """Test manipulating information in layers""" l1, l2, l3 = node_factory.line_graph(3, wait_for_announce=True) assert l2.rpc.askrene_listlayers() == {'layers': []} assert l2.rpc.askrene_listlayers('test_layers') == {'layers': []} expect = {'layer': 'test_layers', 'disabled_nodes': [], 'created_channels': [], 'constraints': []} l2.rpc.askrene_disable_node('test_layers',['id']) expect['disabled_nodes'].append(['id']) assert l2.rpc.askrene_listlayers('test_layers') == {'layers': [expect]} assert l2.rpc.askrene_listlayers() == {'layers': [expect]} assert l2.rpc.askrene_listlayers('test_layers2') == {'layers': []} # Tell it l3 connects to l1! l2.rpc.askrene_create_channel('test_layers',['id'],['id'], '0x0x1', '1000000sat', 100, '900000sat', 1, 2, 18) expect['created_channels'].append({'source':['id'], 'destination':['id'], 'short_channel_id': '0x0x1', 'capacity_msat': 1000000000, 'htlc_minimum_msat': 100, 'htlc_maximum_msat': 900000000, 'fee_base_msat': 1, 'fee_proportional_millionths': 2, 'delay': 18}) assert l2.rpc.askrene_listlayers('test_layers') == {'layers': [expect]} # We can tell it about made up channels... first_timestamp = int(time.time()) l2.rpc.askrene_inform_channel('test_layers', '0x0x1', 1, 100000) last_timestamp = int(time.time()) + 1 expect['constraints'].append({'short_channel_id': '0x0x1', 'direction': 1, 'minimum_msat': 100000}) # Check timestamp first. listlayers = l2.rpc.askrene_listlayers('test_layers') ts1 = only_one(only_one(listlayers['layers'])['constraints'])['timestamp'] assert first_timestamp <= ts1 <= last_timestamp expect['constraints'][0]['timestamp'] = ts1 assert listlayers == {'layers': [expect]} # Make sure timestamps differ! time.sleep(2) # We can tell it about existing channels... scid12 = first_scid(l1, l2) first_timestamp = int(time.time()) l2.rpc.askrene_inform_channel(layer='test_layers', short_channel_id=scid12, # This is l2 -> l1 direction=0, maximum_msat=12341234) last_timestamp = int(time.time()) + 1 expect['constraints'].append({'short_channel_id': scid12, 'direction': 0, 'timestamp': first_timestamp, 'maximum_msat': 12341234}) # Check timestamp first. listlayers = l2.rpc.askrene_listlayers('test_layers') ts2 = only_one([c['timestamp'] for c in only_one(listlayers['layers'])['constraints'] if c['short_channel_id'] == scid12]) assert first_timestamp <= ts2 <= last_timestamp expect['constraints'][1]['timestamp'] = ts2 # Could be either order! actual = expect.copy() if only_one(listlayers['layers'])['constraints'][0]['short_channel_id'] == scid12: actual['constraints'] = [expect['constraints'][1], expect['constraints'][0]] assert listlayers == {'layers': [actual]} # Now test aging: ts1 does nothing. assert l2.rpc.askrene_age('test_layers', ts1) == {'layer': 'test_layers', 'num_removed': 0} listlayers = l2.rpc.askrene_listlayers('test_layers') assert listlayers == {'layers': [actual]} # ts1+1 removes first inform assert l2.rpc.askrene_age('test_layers', ts1 + 1) == {'layer': 'test_layers', 'num_removed': 1} del expect['constraints'][0] listlayers = l2.rpc.askrene_listlayers('test_layers') assert listlayers == {'layers': [expect]} # ts2+1 removes other. assert l2.rpc.askrene_age('test_layers', ts2 + 1) == {'layer': 'test_layers', 'num_removed': 1} del expect['constraints'][0] listlayers = l2.rpc.askrene_listlayers('test_layers') assert listlayers == {'layers': [expect]} def check_getroute_paths(node, source, destination, amount_msat, paths, layers=[], maxfee_msat=1000, final_cltv=99): """Check that routes are as expected in result""" getroutes = node.rpc.getroutes(source=source, destination=destination, amount_msat=amount_msat, layers=layers, maxfee_msat=maxfee_msat, final_cltv=final_cltv) assert getroutes['probability_ppm'] <= 1000000 # Total delivered should be amount we told it to send. assert amount_msat == sum([r['amount_msat'] for r in getroutes['routes']]) def dict_subset_eq(a, b): """Is every key in B is the same in A?""" return all(a.get(key) == b[key] for key in b) for expected_path in paths: found = False for i in range(len(getroutes['routes'])): route = getroutes['routes'][i] if len(route['path']) != len(expected_path): continue if all(dict_subset_eq(route['path'][i], expected_path[i]) for i in range(len(expected_path))): del getroutes['routes'][i] found = True break if not found: raise ValueError("Could not find expected_path {} in paths {}".format(expected_path, getroutes['routes'])) if getroutes['routes'] != []: raise ValueError("Did not expect paths {}".format(getroutes['routes'])) def test_getroutes(node_factory): """Test getroutes call""" l1 = node_factory.get_node(start=False) gsfile, nodemap = generate_gossip_store([GenChannel(0, 1, forward=GenChannel.Half(propfee=10000)), GenChannel(0, 2, capacity_sats=9000), GenChannel(1, 3, forward=GenChannel.Half(propfee=20000)), GenChannel(0, 2, capacity_sats=10000), GenChannel(2, 4, forward=GenChannel.Half(delay=2000))]) # Set up l1 with this as the gossip_store shutil.copy(, os.path.join(l1.daemon.lightning_dir, TEST_NETWORK, 'gossip_store')) l1.start() # Start easy assert l1.rpc.getroutes(source=nodemap[0], destination=nodemap[1], amount_msat=1000, layers=[], maxfee_msat=1000, final_cltv=99) == {'probability_ppm': 999998, 'routes': [{'probability_ppm': 999998, 'final_cltv': 99, 'amount_msat': 1000, 'path': [{'short_channel_id': '0x1x0', 'direction': 1, 'next_node_id': nodemap[1], 'amount_msat': 1010, 'delay': 99 + 6}]}]} # Two hop, still easy. assert l1.rpc.getroutes(source=nodemap[0], destination=nodemap[3], amount_msat=100000, layers=[], maxfee_msat=5000, final_cltv=99) == {'probability_ppm': 999797, 'routes': [{'probability_ppm': 999797, 'final_cltv': 99, 'amount_msat': 100000, 'path': [{'short_channel_id': '0x1x0', 'direction': 1, 'next_node_id': nodemap[1], 'amount_msat': 103020, 'delay': 99 + 6 + 6}, {'short_channel_id': '1x3x2', 'direction': 1, 'next_node_id': nodemap[3], 'amount_msat': 102000, 'delay': 99 + 6} ]}]} # Too expensive with pytest.raises(RpcError, match="Could not find route without excessive cost"): l1.rpc.getroutes(source=nodemap[0], destination=nodemap[3], amount_msat=100000, layers=[], maxfee_msat=100, final_cltv=99) # Too much delay (if final delay too great!) l1.rpc.getroutes(source=nodemap[0], destination=nodemap[4], amount_msat=100000, layers=[], maxfee_msat=100, final_cltv=6) with pytest.raises(RpcError, match="Could not find route without excessive delays"): l1.rpc.getroutes(source=nodemap[0], destination=nodemap[4], amount_msat=100000, layers=[], maxfee_msat=100, final_cltv=99) # Two choices, but for <= 1000 sats we choose the larger. assert l1.rpc.getroutes(source=nodemap[0], destination=nodemap[2], amount_msat=1000000, layers=[], maxfee_msat=5000, final_cltv=99) == {'probability_ppm': 900000, 'routes': [{'probability_ppm': 900000, 'final_cltv': 99, 'amount_msat': 1000000, 'path': [{'short_channel_id': '0x2x3', 'direction': 1, 'next_node_id': nodemap[2], 'amount_msat': 1000001, 'delay': 99 + 6}]}]} # For 10000 sats, we will split. check_getroute_paths(l1, nodemap[0], nodemap[2], 10000000, [[{'short_channel_id': '0x2x1', 'next_node_id': nodemap[2], 'amount_msat': 505000, 'delay': 99 + 6}], [{'short_channel_id': '0x2x3', 'next_node_id': nodemap[2], 'amount_msat': 9495009, 'delay': 99 + 6}]]) def test_getroutes_fee_fallback(node_factory): """Test getroutes call takes into account fees, if excessive""" l1 = node_factory.get_node(start=False) # 0 -> 1 -> 3: high capacity, high fee (1%) # 0 -> 2 -> 3: low capacity, low fee. gsfile, nodemap = generate_gossip_store([GenChannel(0, 1, capacity_sats=20000, forward=GenChannel.Half(propfee=10000)), GenChannel(0, 2, capacity_sats=10000), GenChannel(1, 3, capacity_sats=20000, forward=GenChannel.Half(propfee=10000)), GenChannel(2, 3, capacity_sats=10000)]) # Set up l1 with this as the gossip_store shutil.copy(, os.path.join(l1.daemon.lightning_dir, TEST_NETWORK, 'gossip_store')) l1.start() # Don't hit maxfee? Go easy path. check_getroute_paths(l1, nodemap[0], nodemap[3], 10000, maxfee_msat=201, paths=[[{'short_channel_id': '0x1x0'}, {'short_channel_id': '1x3x2'}]]) # maxfee exceeded? lower prob path. check_getroute_paths(l1, nodemap[0], nodemap[3], 10000, maxfee_msat=200, paths=[[{'short_channel_id': '0x2x1'}, {'short_channel_id': '2x3x3'}]]) def test_getroutes_auto_sourcefree(node_factory): """Test getroutes call with auto.sourcefree layer""" l1 = node_factory.get_node(start=False) gsfile, nodemap = generate_gossip_store([GenChannel(0, 1, forward=GenChannel.Half(propfee=10000)), GenChannel(0, 2, capacity_sats=9000), GenChannel(1, 3, forward=GenChannel.Half(propfee=20000)), GenChannel(0, 2, capacity_sats=10000), GenChannel(2, 4, forward=GenChannel.Half(delay=2000))]) # Set up l1 with this as the gossip_store shutil.copy(, os.path.join(l1.daemon.lightning_dir, TEST_NETWORK, 'gossip_store')) l1.start() # Start easy assert l1.rpc.getroutes(source=nodemap[0], destination=nodemap[1], amount_msat=1000, layers=['auto.sourcefree'], maxfee_msat=1000, final_cltv=99) == {'probability_ppm': 999998, 'routes': [{'probability_ppm': 999998, 'final_cltv': 99, 'amount_msat': 1000, 'path': [{'short_channel_id': '0x1x0', 'direction': 1, 'next_node_id': nodemap[1], 'amount_msat': 1000, 'delay': 99}]}]} # Two hop, still easy. assert l1.rpc.getroutes(source=nodemap[0], destination=nodemap[3], amount_msat=100000, layers=['auto.sourcefree'], maxfee_msat=5000, final_cltv=99) == {'probability_ppm': 999797, 'routes': [{'probability_ppm': 999797, 'final_cltv': 99, 'amount_msat': 100000, 'path': [{'short_channel_id': '0x1x0', 'direction': 1, 'next_node_id': nodemap[1], 'amount_msat': 102000, 'delay': 99 + 6}, {'short_channel_id': '1x3x2', 'direction': 1, 'next_node_id': nodemap[3], 'amount_msat': 102000, 'delay': 99 + 6} ]}]} # Too expensive with pytest.raises(RpcError, match="Could not find route without excessive cost"): l1.rpc.getroutes(source=nodemap[0], destination=nodemap[3], amount_msat=100000, layers=[], maxfee_msat=100, final_cltv=99) # Too much delay (if final delay too great!) l1.rpc.getroutes(source=nodemap[0], destination=nodemap[4], amount_msat=100000, layers=[], maxfee_msat=100, final_cltv=6) with pytest.raises(RpcError, match="Could not find route without excessive delays"): l1.rpc.getroutes(source=nodemap[0], destination=nodemap[4], amount_msat=100000, layers=[], maxfee_msat=100, final_cltv=99) def test_getroutes_auto_localchans(node_factory): """Test getroutes call with auto.localchans layer""" # We get bad signature warnings, since our gossip is made up! l1, l2 = node_factory.get_nodes(2, opts={'allow_warning': True}) gsfile, nodemap = generate_gossip_store([GenChannel(0, 1, forward=GenChannel.Half(propfee=10000)), GenChannel(1, 2, forward=GenChannel.Half(propfee=10000))], nodeids=[['id']]) # Set up l1 with this as the gossip_store l1.stop() shutil.copy(, os.path.join(l1.daemon.lightning_dir, TEST_NETWORK, 'gossip_store')) l1.start() # Now l1 beleives l2 has an entire network behind it. scid12, _ = l1.fundchannel(l2, 10**6, announce_channel=False) # Cannot find a route unless we use local hints. with pytest.raises(RpcError, match="Unknown source node {}".format(['id'])): l1.rpc.getroutes(['id'], destination=nodemap[2], amount_msat=100000, layers=[], maxfee_msat=100000, final_cltv=99) # This should work check_getroute_paths(l1,['id'], nodemap[2], 100000, maxfee_msat=100000, layers=['auto.localchans'], paths=[[{'short_channel_id': scid12, 'amount_msat': 102012, 'delay': 99 + 6 + 6 + 6}, {'short_channel_id': '0x1x0', 'amount_msat': 102010, 'delay': 99 + 6 + 6}, {'short_channel_id': '1x2x1', 'amount_msat': 101000, 'delay': 99 + 6}]]) # This should get self-discount correct check_getroute_paths(l1,['id'], nodemap[2], 100000, maxfee_msat=100000, layers=['auto.localchans', 'auto.sourcefree'], paths=[[{'short_channel_id': scid12, 'amount_msat': 102010, 'delay': 99 + 6 + 6}, {'short_channel_id': '0x1x0', 'amount_msat': 102010, 'delay': 99 + 6 + 6}, {'short_channel_id': '1x2x1', 'amount_msat': 101000, 'delay': 99 + 6}]]) def test_fees_dont_exceed_constraints(node_factory): l1 = node_factory.get_node(start=False) msat = 100000000 max_msat = int(msat * 0.45) # 0 has to use two paths (1 and 2) to reach 3. But we tell it 0->1 has limited capacity. gsfile, nodemap = generate_gossip_store([GenChannel(0, 1, capacity_sats=msat // 1000, forward=GenChannel.Half(propfee=10000)), GenChannel(0, 2, capacity_sats=msat // 1000, forward=GenChannel.Half(propfee=10000)), GenChannel(1, 3, capacity_sats=msat // 1000, forward=GenChannel.Half(propfee=10000)), GenChannel(2, 3, capacity_sats=msat // 1000, forward=GenChannel.Half(propfee=10000))]) # Set up l1 with this as the gossip_store shutil.copy(, os.path.join(l1.daemon.lightning_dir, TEST_NETWORK, 'gossip_store')) l1.start() chan = only_one([c for c in l1.rpc.listchannels(source=nodemap[0])['channels'] if c['destination'] == nodemap[1]]) l1.rpc.askrene_inform_channel(layer='test_layers', short_channel_id=chan['short_channel_id'], direction=chan['direction'], maximum_msat=max_msat) routes = l1.rpc.getroutes(source=nodemap[0], destination=nodemap[3], amount_msat=msat, layers=['test_layers'], maxfee_msat=msat, final_cltv=99)['routes'] assert len(routes) == 2 for hop in routes[0]['path'] + routes[1]['path']: if hop['short_channel_id'] == chan['short_channel_id']: amount = hop['amount_msat'] assert amount <= max_msat def test_live_spendable(node_factory, bitcoind): """Test we don't exceed spendable limits on a real network on nodes""" l1, l2, l3 = node_factory.get_nodes(3) l1.fundwallet(10_000_000) l2.fundwallet(10_000_000) l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', port=l2.port) l2.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', port=l3.port) capacities = (100_000, 100_000, 200_000, 300_000, 400_000) for capacity in capacities: l1.rpc.fundchannel(["id"], capacity, mindepth=1) l2.rpc.fundchannel(["id"], capacity, mindepth=1) bitcoind.generate_block(1, wait_for_mempool=2) sync_blockheight(bitcoind, [l1, l2]) bitcoind.generate_block(5) wait_for(lambda: len(l1.rpc.listchannels()["channels"]) == 2 * 2 * len(capacities)) routes = l1.rpc.getroutes(["id"],["id"], amount_msat=800_000_000, layers=["auto.localchans", "auto.sourcefree"], maxfee_msat=50_000_000, final_cltv=10, ) # Don't exceed spendable_msat maxes = {} for chan in l1.rpc.listpeerchannels()["channels"]: maxes["{}/{}".format(chan["short_channel_id"], chan["direction"])] = chan[ "spendable_msat" ] path_total = {} for r in routes["routes"]: key = "{}/{}".format( r["path"][0]["short_channel_id"], r["path"][0]["direction"] ) path_total[key] = path_total.get(key, 0) + r["path"][0]["amount_msat"] exceeded = {} for scidd in maxes.keys(): if scidd in path_total: if path_total[scidd] > maxes[scidd]: exceeded[scidd] = f"Path total {path_total[scidd]} > spendable {maxes[scidd]}" assert exceeded == {}