#include #include #include #include "test-cli/gather_updates.h" #include "commit_tx.h" #include "funding.h" #include "pkt.h" #include "protobuf_convert.h" static void check_preimage(const Sha256Hash *preimage, const struct sha256 *old, const struct sha256 *h, const char *file) { struct sha256 sha; if (!h) return; proto_to_sha256(preimage, &sha); sha256(&sha, &sha, sizeof(sha)); if (!structeq(&sha, old)) errx(1, "Invalid preimage in %s!", file); } static void update_rhash(const Sha256Hash *rhash, bool received, size_t *num_updates, struct sha256 *old_our_rhash, struct sha256 *old_their_rhash, struct sha256 *our_rhash, struct sha256 *their_rhash) { /* Update rhash (and save old one for checking) */ if (received) { *old_their_rhash = *their_rhash; proto_to_sha256(rhash, their_rhash); } else { *old_our_rhash = *our_rhash; proto_to_sha256(rhash, our_rhash); } /* If they care, we count number of updates. */ if (num_updates) (*num_updates)++; } /* Takes complete update history, gets summary of last state. */ struct channel_state *gather_updates(const tal_t *ctx, const OpenChannel *o1, const OpenChannel *o2, const OpenAnchor *oa, uint64_t fee, char **argv, size_t *num_updates, struct sha256 *our_rhash, struct sha256 *their_rhash, struct signature *their_commit_sig) { Signature *sig = NULL; struct sha256 old_our_rhash, old_their_rhash, rhash1, rhash2; struct channel_state *cstate; /* Start sanity check. */ cstate = initial_funding(NULL, o1, o2, oa, fee); if (!cstate) errx(1, "Invalid open combination (need 1 anchor offer)"); /* If they don't want these, use dummy ones. */ if (!our_rhash) our_rhash = &rhash1; if (!their_rhash) their_rhash = &rhash2; proto_to_sha256(o1->revocation_hash, our_rhash); proto_to_sha256(o2->revocation_hash, their_rhash); /* If o2 sent anchor, it contains their commit sig. */ if (o2->anch == OPEN_CHANNEL__ANCHOR_OFFER__WILL_CREATE_ANCHOR) sig = oa->commit_sig; if (num_updates) *num_updates = 0; while (*argv) { int64_t delta; bool received; Pkt *pkt; /* + marks messages sent by us, - for messages from them */ if (strstarts(*argv, "+")) { received = false; } else if (strstarts(*argv, "-")) { received = true; } else errx(1, "%s does not start with +/-", *argv); pkt = any_pkt_from_file(*argv + 1); switch (pkt->pkt_case) { case PKT__PKT_OPEN_COMMIT_SIG: if (received) sig = pkt->open_commit_sig->sig; break; case PKT__PKT_UPDATE: if (received) delta = -pkt->update->delta; else delta = pkt->update->delta; if (!funding_delta(o1, o2, oa, delta, 0, &cstate->a, &cstate->b)) errx(1, "Impossible funding update %lli %s", (long long)delta, *argv); update_rhash(pkt->update->revocation_hash, received, num_updates, &old_our_rhash, &old_their_rhash, our_rhash, their_rhash); break; case PKT__PKT_UPDATE_ACCEPT: if (received) sig = pkt->update_accept->sig; /* Does not increase num_updates */ update_rhash(pkt->update_accept->revocation_hash, received, NULL, &old_our_rhash, &old_their_rhash, our_rhash, their_rhash); break; case PKT__PKT_UPDATE_SIGNATURE: if (received) { sig = pkt->update_signature->sig; check_preimage(pkt->update_signature ->revocation_preimage, &old_their_rhash, their_rhash, *argv); } else { check_preimage(pkt->update_signature ->revocation_preimage, &old_our_rhash, our_rhash, *argv); } break; case PKT__PKT_UPDATE_COMPLETE: if (received) { check_preimage(pkt->update_complete ->revocation_preimage, &old_their_rhash, their_rhash, *argv); } else { check_preimage(pkt->update_complete ->revocation_preimage, &old_our_rhash, our_rhash, *argv); } break; default: errx(1, "Unexpected packet type %u", pkt->pkt_case); } argv++; } if (their_commit_sig) { if (!sig) errx(1, "No commit signature message found"); if (!proto_to_signature(sig, their_commit_sig)) errx(1, "Invalid signature"); } return cstate; }