#include "sphinx.h" #include "utils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define BLINDING_FACTOR_SIZE 32 #define SHARED_SECRET_SIZE 32 #define NUM_STREAM_BYTES ((2 * NUM_MAX_HOPS + 2) * SECURITY_PARAMETER) #define KEY_LEN 32 struct hop_params { u8 secret[SHARED_SECRET_SIZE]; u8 blind[BLINDING_FACTOR_SIZE]; secp256k1_pubkey ephemeralkey; }; struct keyset { u8 pi[KEY_LEN]; u8 mu[KEY_LEN]; u8 rho[KEY_LEN]; u8 gamma[KEY_LEN]; }; /* Small helper to append data to a buffer and update the position * into the buffer */ static void write_buffer(u8 *dst, const void *src, const size_t len, int *pos) { memcpy(dst + *pos, src, len); *pos += len; } /* Read len bytes from the source at position pos into dst and update * the position pos accordingly. */ static void read_buffer(void *dst, const u8 *src, const size_t len, int *pos) { memcpy(dst, src + *pos, len); *pos += len; } u8 *serialize_onionpacket( const tal_t *ctx, const struct onionpacket *m) { u8 *dst = tal_arr(ctx, u8, TOTAL_PACKET_SIZE); u8 der[33]; size_t outputlen = 33; int p = 0; secp256k1_ec_pubkey_serialize(secp256k1_ctx, der, &outputlen, &m->ephemeralkey, SECP256K1_EC_COMPRESSED); write_buffer(dst, &m->version, 1, &p); write_buffer(dst, der, outputlen, &p); write_buffer(dst, m->mac, sizeof(m->mac), &p); write_buffer(dst, m->routinginfo, ROUTING_INFO_SIZE, &p); write_buffer(dst, m->hoppayloads, TOTAL_HOP_PAYLOAD_SIZE, &p); return dst; } struct onionpacket *parse_onionpacket( const tal_t *ctx, const void *src, const size_t srclen ) { struct onionpacket *m; int p = 0; u8 rawEphemeralkey[33]; if (srclen != TOTAL_PACKET_SIZE) return NULL; m = talz(ctx, struct onionpacket); read_buffer(&m->version, src, 1, &p); if (m->version != 0x01) { // FIXME add logging return tal_free(m); } read_buffer(rawEphemeralkey, src, 33, &p); if (secp256k1_ec_pubkey_parse(secp256k1_ctx, &m->ephemeralkey, rawEphemeralkey, 33) != 1) return tal_free(m); read_buffer(&m->mac, src, 20, &p); read_buffer(&m->routinginfo, src, ROUTING_INFO_SIZE, &p); read_buffer(&m->hoppayloads, src, TOTAL_HOP_PAYLOAD_SIZE, &p); return m; } static struct hoppayload *parse_hoppayload(const tal_t *ctx, u8 *src) { int p = 0; struct hoppayload *result = talz(ctx, struct hoppayload); read_buffer(&result->realm, src, sizeof(result->realm), &p); read_buffer(&result->amt_to_forward, src, sizeof(result->amt_to_forward), &p); read_buffer(&result->outgoing_cltv_value, src, sizeof(result->outgoing_cltv_value), &p); read_buffer(&result->unused_with_v0_version_on_header, src, sizeof(result->unused_with_v0_version_on_header), &p); return result; } static void serialize_hoppayload(u8 *dst, struct hoppayload *hp) { int p = 0; write_buffer(dst, &hp->realm, sizeof(hp->realm), &p); write_buffer(dst, &hp->amt_to_forward, sizeof(hp->amt_to_forward), &p); write_buffer(dst, &hp->outgoing_cltv_value, sizeof(hp->outgoing_cltv_value), &p); write_buffer(dst, &hp->unused_with_v0_version_on_header, sizeof(hp->unused_with_v0_version_on_header), &p); } static void xorbytes(uint8_t *d, const uint8_t *a, const uint8_t *b, size_t len) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) d[i] = a[i] ^ b[i]; } /* * Generate a pseudo-random byte stream of length `dstlen` from key `k` and * store it in `dst`. `dst must be at least `dstlen` bytes long. */ static void generate_cipher_stream(void *dst, const u8 *k, size_t dstlen) { u8 nonce[8] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; crypto_stream_chacha20(dst, dstlen, nonce, k); } static bool compute_hmac( void *dst, const void *src, size_t len, const void *key, size_t keylen) { crypto_auth_hmacsha256_state state; crypto_auth_hmacsha256_init(&state, key, keylen); crypto_auth_hmacsha256_update(&state, memcheck(src, len), len); crypto_auth_hmacsha256_final(&state, dst); return true; } static void compute_packet_hmac(const struct onionpacket *packet, const u8 *assocdata, const size_t assocdatalen, u8 *mukey, u8 *hmac) { u8 mactemp[ROUTING_INFO_SIZE + TOTAL_HOP_PAYLOAD_SIZE + assocdatalen]; u8 mac[32]; int pos = 0; write_buffer(mactemp, packet->routinginfo, ROUTING_INFO_SIZE, &pos); write_buffer(mactemp, packet->hoppayloads, TOTAL_HOP_PAYLOAD_SIZE, &pos); write_buffer(mactemp, assocdata, assocdatalen, &pos); compute_hmac(mac, mactemp, sizeof(mactemp), mukey, KEY_LEN); memcpy(hmac, mac, 20); } static bool generate_key(void *k, const char *t, u8 tlen, const u8 *s) { return compute_hmac(k, s, KEY_LEN, t, tlen); } static bool generate_header_padding( void *dst, size_t dstlen, const size_t hopsize, const char *keytype, size_t keytypelen, const u8 numhops, struct hop_params *params ) { int i; u8 cipher_stream[(NUM_MAX_HOPS + 1) * hopsize]; u8 key[KEY_LEN]; memset(dst, 0, dstlen); for (i = 1; i < numhops; i++) { if (!generate_key(&key, keytype, keytypelen, params[i - 1].secret)) return false; generate_cipher_stream(cipher_stream, key, sizeof(cipher_stream)); int pos = ((NUM_MAX_HOPS - i) + 1) * hopsize; xorbytes(dst, dst, cipher_stream + pos, sizeof(cipher_stream) - pos); } return true; } static void compute_blinding_factor(const secp256k1_pubkey *key, const u8 sharedsecret[SHARED_SECRET_SIZE], u8 res[BLINDING_FACTOR_SIZE]) { struct sha256_ctx ctx; u8 der[33]; size_t outputlen = 33; struct sha256 temp; secp256k1_ec_pubkey_serialize(secp256k1_ctx, der, &outputlen, key, SECP256K1_EC_COMPRESSED); sha256_init(&ctx); sha256_update(&ctx, der, sizeof(der)); sha256_update(&ctx, sharedsecret, SHARED_SECRET_SIZE); sha256_done(&ctx, &temp); memcpy(res, &temp, 32); } static bool blind_group_element( secp256k1_pubkey *blindedelement, const secp256k1_pubkey *pubkey, const u8 blind[BLINDING_FACTOR_SIZE]) { /* tweak_mul is inplace so copy first. */ if (pubkey != blindedelement) *blindedelement = *pubkey; if (secp256k1_ec_pubkey_tweak_mul(secp256k1_ctx, blindedelement, blind) != 1) return false; return true; } static bool create_shared_secret( u8 *secret, const secp256k1_pubkey *pubkey, const u8 *sessionkey) { if (secp256k1_ecdh(secp256k1_ctx, secret, pubkey, sessionkey) != 1) return false; return true; } bool onion_shared_secret( u8 *secret, const struct onionpacket *packet, const struct privkey *privkey) { return create_shared_secret(secret, &packet->ephemeralkey, privkey->secret.data); } static void generate_key_set(const u8 secret[SHARED_SECRET_SIZE], struct keyset *keys) { generate_key(keys->rho, "rho", 3, secret); generate_key(keys->pi, "pi", 2, secret); generate_key(keys->mu, "mu", 2, secret); generate_key(keys->gamma, "gamma", 5, secret); } static struct hop_params *generate_hop_params( const tal_t *ctx, const u8 *sessionkey, struct pubkey path[]) { int i, j, num_hops = tal_count(path); secp256k1_pubkey temp; u8 blind[BLINDING_FACTOR_SIZE]; struct hop_params *params = tal_arr(ctx, struct hop_params, num_hops); /* Initialize the first hop with the raw information */ if (secp256k1_ec_pubkey_create( secp256k1_ctx, ¶ms[0].ephemeralkey, sessionkey) != 1) return NULL; if (!create_shared_secret( params[0].secret, &path[0].pubkey, sessionkey)) return NULL; compute_blinding_factor( ¶ms[0].ephemeralkey, params[0].secret, params[0].blind); /* Recursively compute all following ephemeral public keys, * secrets and blinding factors */ for (i = 1; i < num_hops; i++) { if (!blind_group_element( ¶ms[i].ephemeralkey, ¶ms[i - 1].ephemeralkey, params[i - 1].blind)) return NULL; /* Blind this hop's point with all previous blinding factors * Order is indifferent, multiplication is commutative. */ memcpy(&blind, sessionkey, 32); temp = path[i].pubkey; if (!blind_group_element(&temp, &temp, blind)) return NULL; for (j = 0; j < i; j++) if (!blind_group_element( &temp, &temp, params[j].blind)) return NULL; /* Now hash temp and store it. This requires us to * DER-serialize first and then skip the sign byte. */ u8 der[33]; size_t outputlen = 33; secp256k1_ec_pubkey_serialize( secp256k1_ctx, der, &outputlen, &temp, SECP256K1_EC_COMPRESSED); struct sha256 h; sha256(&h, der, sizeof(der)); memcpy(¶ms[i].secret, &h, sizeof(h)); compute_blinding_factor( ¶ms[i].ephemeralkey, params[i].secret, params[i].blind); } return params; } struct onionpacket *create_onionpacket( const tal_t *ctx, struct pubkey *path, struct hoppayload hoppayloads[], const u8 *sessionkey, const u8 *assocdata, const size_t assocdatalen ) { struct onionpacket *packet = talz(ctx, struct onionpacket); int i, num_hops = tal_count(path); u8 filler[2 * (num_hops - 1) * SECURITY_PARAMETER]; u8 hopfiller[(num_hops - 1) * HOP_PAYLOAD_SIZE]; struct keyset keys; struct bitcoin_address nextaddr; u8 nexthmac[SECURITY_PARAMETER]; u8 stream[ROUTING_INFO_SIZE], hopstream[TOTAL_HOP_PAYLOAD_SIZE]; struct hop_params *params = generate_hop_params(ctx, sessionkey, path); u8 binhoppayloads[tal_count(path)][HOP_PAYLOAD_SIZE]; for (i = 0; i < num_hops; i++) serialize_hoppayload(binhoppayloads[i], &hoppayloads[i]); if (!params) return NULL; packet->version = 1; memset(&nextaddr, 0, 20); memset(nexthmac, 0, 20); memset(packet->routinginfo, 0, ROUTING_INFO_SIZE); generate_header_padding(filler, sizeof(filler), 2 * SECURITY_PARAMETER, "rho", 3, num_hops, params); generate_header_padding(hopfiller, sizeof(hopfiller), HOP_PAYLOAD_SIZE, "gamma", 5, num_hops, params); for (i = num_hops - 1; i >= 0; i--) { generate_key_set(params[i].secret, &keys); generate_cipher_stream(stream, keys.rho, ROUTING_INFO_SIZE); /* Rightshift mix-header by 2*SECURITY_PARAMETER */ memmove(packet->routinginfo + 2 * SECURITY_PARAMETER, packet->routinginfo, ROUTING_INFO_SIZE - 2 * SECURITY_PARAMETER); memcpy(packet->routinginfo, &nextaddr, SECURITY_PARAMETER); memcpy(packet->routinginfo + SECURITY_PARAMETER, nexthmac, SECURITY_PARAMETER); xorbytes(packet->routinginfo, packet->routinginfo, stream, ROUTING_INFO_SIZE); /* Rightshift hop-payloads and obfuscate */ memmove(packet->hoppayloads + HOP_PAYLOAD_SIZE, packet->hoppayloads, TOTAL_HOP_PAYLOAD_SIZE - HOP_PAYLOAD_SIZE); memcpy(packet->hoppayloads, binhoppayloads[i], HOP_PAYLOAD_SIZE); generate_cipher_stream(hopstream, keys.gamma, TOTAL_HOP_PAYLOAD_SIZE); xorbytes(packet->hoppayloads, packet->hoppayloads, hopstream, TOTAL_HOP_PAYLOAD_SIZE); if (i == num_hops - 1) { size_t len = (NUM_MAX_HOPS - num_hops + 1) * 2 * SECURITY_PARAMETER; memcpy(packet->routinginfo + len, filler, sizeof(filler)); len = (NUM_MAX_HOPS - num_hops + 1) * HOP_PAYLOAD_SIZE; memcpy(packet->hoppayloads + len, hopfiller, sizeof(hopfiller)); } compute_packet_hmac(packet, assocdata, assocdatalen, keys.mu, nexthmac); pubkey_to_hash160(&path[i], &nextaddr.addr); } memcpy(packet->mac, nexthmac, sizeof(nexthmac)); memcpy(&packet->ephemeralkey, ¶ms[0].ephemeralkey, sizeof(secp256k1_pubkey)); return packet; } /* * Given a onionpacket msg extract the information for the current * node and unwrap the remainder so that the node can forward it. */ struct route_step *process_onionpacket( const tal_t *ctx, const struct onionpacket *msg, const u8 *shared_secret, const u8 *assocdata, const size_t assocdatalen ) { struct route_step *step = talz(ctx, struct route_step); u8 hmac[20]; struct keyset keys; u8 paddedhoppayloads[TOTAL_HOP_PAYLOAD_SIZE + HOP_PAYLOAD_SIZE]; u8 hopstream[TOTAL_HOP_PAYLOAD_SIZE + HOP_PAYLOAD_SIZE]; u8 blind[BLINDING_FACTOR_SIZE]; u8 stream[NUM_STREAM_BYTES]; u8 paddedheader[ROUTING_INFO_SIZE + 2 * SECURITY_PARAMETER]; step->next = talz(step, struct onionpacket); step->next->version = msg->version; generate_key_set(shared_secret, &keys); compute_packet_hmac(msg, assocdata, assocdatalen, keys.mu, hmac); if (memcmp(msg->mac, hmac, sizeof(hmac)) != 0) { warnx("Computed MAC does not match expected MAC, the message was modified."); return tal_free(step); } //FIXME:store seen secrets to avoid replay attacks generate_cipher_stream(stream, keys.rho, sizeof(stream)); memset(paddedheader, 0, sizeof(paddedheader)); memcpy(paddedheader, msg->routinginfo, ROUTING_INFO_SIZE); xorbytes(paddedheader, paddedheader, stream, sizeof(stream)); /* Extract the per-hop payload */ generate_cipher_stream(hopstream, keys.gamma, sizeof(hopstream)); memset(paddedhoppayloads, 0, sizeof(paddedhoppayloads)); memcpy(paddedhoppayloads, msg->hoppayloads, TOTAL_HOP_PAYLOAD_SIZE); xorbytes(paddedhoppayloads, paddedhoppayloads, hopstream, sizeof(hopstream)); step->hoppayload = parse_hoppayload(step, paddedhoppayloads); memcpy(&step->next->hoppayloads, paddedhoppayloads + HOP_PAYLOAD_SIZE, TOTAL_HOP_PAYLOAD_SIZE); compute_blinding_factor(&msg->ephemeralkey, shared_secret, blind); if (!blind_group_element(&step->next->ephemeralkey, &msg->ephemeralkey, blind)) return tal_free(step); memcpy(&step->next->nexthop, paddedheader, SECURITY_PARAMETER); memcpy(&step->next->mac, paddedheader + SECURITY_PARAMETER, SECURITY_PARAMETER); memcpy(&step->next->routinginfo, paddedheader + 2 * SECURITY_PARAMETER, ROUTING_INFO_SIZE); if (memeqzero(step->next->mac, sizeof(step->next->mac))) { step->nextcase = ONION_END; } else { step->nextcase = ONION_FORWARD; } return step; }