check-units: gossipd-tests # Note that these actually #include everything they need, except ccan/ and bitcoin/. # That allows for unit testing of statics, and special effects. GOSSIPD_TEST_SRC := $(wildcard gossipd/test/run-*.c) GOSSIPD_TEST_OBJS := $(GOSSIPD_TEST_SRC:.c=.o) GOSSIPD_TEST_PROGRAMS := $(GOSSIPD_TEST_OBJS:.o=) GOSSIPD_TEST_COMMON_OBJS := \ common/amount.o \ common/bigsize.o \ common/channel_id.o \ common/features.o \ common/node_id.o \ common/json.o \ common/json_helpers.o \ common/lease_rates.o \ common/pseudorand.o \ common/setup.o \ common/type_to_string.o \ common/utils.o \ gossipd/gossip_store_wiregen.o \ wire/peer$(EXP)_wiregen.o \ wire/fromwire.o \ wire/tlvstream.o \ wire/towire.o ALL_C_SOURCES += $(GOSSIPD_TEST_SRC) ALL_TEST_PROGRAMS += $(GOSSIPD_TEST_PROGRAMS) $(GOSSIPD_TEST_PROGRAMS): $(GOSSIPD_TEST_COMMON_OBJS) $(BITCOIN_OBJS) # Test objects depend on ../ src and headers. $(GOSSIPD_TEST_OBJS): $(GOSSIPD_HEADERS) $(GOSSIPD_SRC) gossipd-tests: $(GOSSIPD_TEST_PROGRAMS:%=unittest/%)