#include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define NSEC_IN_SEC 1000000000 static size_t check_bind_pos(struct db_stmt *stmt) { size_t pos = ++stmt->bind_pos; assert(pos < tal_count(stmt->bindings)); return pos; } /* Local helpers once you have column number */ static bool db_column_is_null(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col) { return stmt->db->config->column_is_null_fn(stmt, col); } /* Returns true (and warns) if it's nul */ static bool db_column_null_warn(struct db_stmt *stmt, const char *colname, int col) { if (!db_column_is_null(stmt, col)) return false; db_warn(stmt->db, "Accessing a null column %s/%i in query %s", colname, col, stmt->query->query); return true; } void db_bind_int(struct db_stmt *stmt, int val) { size_t pos = check_bind_pos(stmt); memcheck(&val, sizeof(val)); stmt->bindings[pos].type = DB_BINDING_INT; stmt->bindings[pos].v.i = val; } int db_col_int(struct db_stmt *stmt, const char *colname) { size_t col = db_query_colnum(stmt, colname); if (db_column_null_warn(stmt, colname, col)) return 0; return stmt->db->config->column_int_fn(stmt, col); } int db_col_is_null(struct db_stmt *stmt, const char *colname) { return db_column_is_null(stmt, db_query_colnum(stmt, colname)); } void db_bind_null(struct db_stmt *stmt) { size_t pos = check_bind_pos(stmt); stmt->bindings[pos].type = DB_BINDING_NULL; } void db_bind_u64(struct db_stmt *stmt, u64 val) { size_t pos = check_bind_pos(stmt); memcheck(&val, sizeof(val)); stmt->bindings[pos].type = DB_BINDING_UINT64; stmt->bindings[pos].v.u64 = val; } void db_bind_blob(struct db_stmt *stmt, const u8 *val, size_t len) { size_t pos = check_bind_pos(stmt); stmt->bindings[pos].type = DB_BINDING_BLOB; stmt->bindings[pos].v.blob = memcheck(val, len); stmt->bindings[pos].len = len; } void db_bind_text(struct db_stmt *stmt, const char *val) { size_t pos = check_bind_pos(stmt); stmt->bindings[pos].type = DB_BINDING_TEXT; stmt->bindings[pos].v.text = val; stmt->bindings[pos].len = strlen(val); } void db_bind_preimage(struct db_stmt *stmt, const struct preimage *p) { db_bind_blob(stmt, p->r, sizeof(struct preimage)); } void db_bind_sha256(struct db_stmt *stmt, const struct sha256 *s) { db_bind_blob(stmt, s->u.u8, sizeof(struct sha256)); } void db_bind_sha256d(struct db_stmt *stmt, const struct sha256_double *s) { db_bind_sha256(stmt, &s->sha); } void db_bind_secret(struct db_stmt *stmt, const struct secret *s) { assert(sizeof(s->data) == 32); db_bind_blob(stmt, s->data, sizeof(s->data)); } void db_bind_secret_arr(struct db_stmt *stmt, const struct secret *s) { size_t num = tal_count(s), elsize = sizeof(s->data); u8 *ser = tal_arr(stmt, u8, num * elsize); for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) memcpy(ser + i * elsize, &s[i], elsize); db_bind_blob(stmt, ser, tal_count(ser)); } void db_bind_txid(struct db_stmt *stmt, const struct bitcoin_txid *t) { db_bind_sha256d(stmt, &t->shad); } void db_bind_channel_id(struct db_stmt *stmt, const struct channel_id *id) { db_bind_blob(stmt, id->id, sizeof(id->id)); } void db_bind_channel_type(struct db_stmt *stmt, const struct channel_type *type) { db_bind_talarr(stmt, type->features); } void db_bind_node_id(struct db_stmt *stmt, const struct node_id *id) { db_bind_blob(stmt, id->k, sizeof(id->k)); } void db_bind_node_id_arr(struct db_stmt *stmt, const struct node_id *ids) { /* Copy into contiguous array: ARM will add padding to struct node_id! */ size_t n = tal_count(ids); u8 *arr = tal_arr(stmt, u8, n * sizeof(ids[0].k)); for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) { assert(node_id_valid(&ids[i])); memcpy(arr + sizeof(ids[i].k) * i, ids[i].k, sizeof(ids[i].k)); } db_bind_blob(stmt, arr, tal_count(arr)); } void db_bind_pubkey(struct db_stmt *stmt, const struct pubkey *pk) { u8 *der = tal_arr(stmt, u8, PUBKEY_CMPR_LEN); pubkey_to_der(der, pk); db_bind_blob(stmt, der, PUBKEY_CMPR_LEN); } void db_bind_short_channel_id(struct db_stmt *stmt, const struct short_channel_id *id) { db_bind_u64(stmt, id->u64); } void db_bind_short_channel_id_arr(struct db_stmt *stmt, const struct short_channel_id *id) { u8 *ser = tal_arr(stmt, u8, 0); size_t num = tal_count(id); for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) towire_short_channel_id(&ser, &id[i]); db_bind_talarr(stmt, ser); } void db_bind_signature(struct db_stmt *stmt, const secp256k1_ecdsa_signature *sig) { u8 *buf = tal_arr(stmt, u8, 64); int ret = secp256k1_ecdsa_signature_serialize_compact(secp256k1_ctx, buf, sig); assert(ret == 1); db_bind_blob(stmt, buf, 64); } void db_bind_timeabs(struct db_stmt *stmt, struct timeabs t) { u64 timestamp = t.ts.tv_nsec + (((u64) t.ts.tv_sec) * ((u64) NSEC_IN_SEC)); db_bind_u64(stmt, timestamp); } void db_bind_tx(struct db_stmt *stmt, const struct wally_tx *tx) { u8 *ser = linearize_wtx(stmt, tx); assert(ser); db_bind_talarr(stmt, ser); } void db_bind_psbt(struct db_stmt *stmt, const struct wally_psbt *psbt) { size_t bytes_written; const u8 *ser = psbt_get_bytes(stmt, psbt, &bytes_written); assert(ser); db_bind_blob(stmt, ser, bytes_written); } void db_bind_amount_msat(struct db_stmt *stmt, const struct amount_msat *msat) { db_bind_u64(stmt, msat->millisatoshis); /* Raw: low level function */ } void db_bind_amount_sat(struct db_stmt *stmt, const struct amount_sat *sat) { db_bind_u64(stmt, sat->satoshis); /* Raw: low level function */ } void db_bind_json_escape(struct db_stmt *stmt, const struct json_escape *esc) { db_bind_text(stmt, esc->s); } void db_bind_onionreply(struct db_stmt *stmt, const struct onionreply *r) { db_bind_talarr(stmt, r->contents); } void db_bind_talarr(struct db_stmt *stmt, const u8 *arr) { if (!arr) db_bind_null(stmt); else db_bind_blob(stmt, arr, tal_bytelen(arr)); } static size_t db_column_bytes(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col) { if (db_column_is_null(stmt, col)) return 0; return stmt->db->config->column_bytes_fn(stmt, col); } static const void *db_column_blob(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col) { if (db_column_is_null(stmt, col)) return NULL; return stmt->db->config->column_blob_fn(stmt, col); } u64 db_col_u64(struct db_stmt *stmt, const char *colname) { size_t col = db_query_colnum(stmt, colname); if (db_column_null_warn(stmt, colname, col)) return 0; return stmt->db->config->column_u64_fn(stmt, col); } int db_col_int_or_default(struct db_stmt *stmt, const char *colname, int def) { size_t col = db_query_colnum(stmt, colname); if (db_column_is_null(stmt, col)) return def; else return stmt->db->config->column_int_fn(stmt, col); } size_t db_col_bytes(struct db_stmt *stmt, const char *colname) { size_t col = db_query_colnum(stmt, colname); if (db_column_null_warn(stmt, colname, col)) return 0; return stmt->db->config->column_bytes_fn(stmt, col); } const void *db_col_blob(struct db_stmt *stmt, const char *colname) { size_t col = db_query_colnum(stmt, colname); if (db_column_null_warn(stmt, colname, col)) return NULL; return stmt->db->config->column_blob_fn(stmt, col); } char *db_col_strdup(const tal_t *ctx, struct db_stmt *stmt, const char *colname) { size_t col = db_query_colnum(stmt, colname); if (db_column_null_warn(stmt, colname, col)) return NULL; return tal_strdup(ctx, (char *)stmt->db->config->column_text_fn(stmt, col)); } char *db_col_strdup_optional(const tal_t *ctx, struct db_stmt *stmt, const char *colname) { size_t col = db_query_colnum(stmt, colname); if (db_column_is_null(stmt, col)) return NULL; return tal_strdup(ctx, (char *)stmt->db->config->column_text_fn(stmt, col)); } void db_col_preimage(struct db_stmt *stmt, const char *colname, struct preimage *preimage) { size_t col = db_query_colnum(stmt, colname); const u8 *raw; size_t size = sizeof(struct preimage); assert(db_column_bytes(stmt, col) == size); raw = db_column_blob(stmt, col); memcpy(preimage, raw, size); } void db_col_channel_id(struct db_stmt *stmt, const char *colname, struct channel_id *dest) { size_t col = db_query_colnum(stmt, colname); assert(db_column_bytes(stmt, col) == sizeof(dest->id)); memcpy(dest->id, db_column_blob(stmt, col), sizeof(dest->id)); } void db_col_node_id(struct db_stmt *stmt, const char *colname, struct node_id *dest) { size_t col = db_query_colnum(stmt, colname); assert(db_column_bytes(stmt, col) == sizeof(dest->k)); memcpy(dest->k, db_column_blob(stmt, col), sizeof(dest->k)); } /* We don't assume sizeof(struct node_id) == sizeof(struct node_id.k), * otherwise this would simply be a call to db_col_arr! * Thanks ARM! */ struct node_id *db_col_node_id_arr(const tal_t *ctx, struct db_stmt *stmt, const char *colname) { size_t col = db_query_colnum(stmt, colname); struct node_id *ret; size_t n = db_column_bytes(stmt, col) / sizeof(ret->k); const u8 *arr = db_column_blob(stmt, col); assert(n * sizeof(ret->k) == (size_t)db_column_bytes(stmt, col)); if (db_column_is_null(stmt, col)) return NULL; ret = tal_arr(ctx, struct node_id, n); for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) memcpy(ret[i].k, arr + i * sizeof(ret[i].k), sizeof(ret[i].k)); return ret; } void db_col_pubkey(struct db_stmt *stmt, const char *colname, struct pubkey *dest) { size_t col = db_query_colnum(stmt, colname); bool ok; assert(db_column_bytes(stmt, col) == PUBKEY_CMPR_LEN); ok = pubkey_from_der(db_column_blob(stmt, col), PUBKEY_CMPR_LEN, dest); assert(ok); } void db_col_short_channel_id(struct db_stmt *stmt, const char *colname, struct short_channel_id *dest) { dest->u64 = db_col_u64(stmt, colname); } void *db_col_optional_(tal_t *dst, struct db_stmt *stmt, const char *colname, void (*colfn)(struct db_stmt *, const char *, void *)) { if (db_col_is_null(stmt, colname)) return tal_free(dst); colfn(stmt, colname, dst); return dst; } struct short_channel_id * db_col_short_channel_id_arr(const tal_t *ctx, struct db_stmt *stmt, const char *colname) { size_t col = db_query_colnum(stmt, colname); const u8 *ser; size_t len; struct short_channel_id *ret; if (db_column_is_null(stmt, col)) return NULL; ser = db_column_blob(stmt, col); len = db_column_bytes(stmt, col); ret = tal_arr(ctx, struct short_channel_id, 0); while (len != 0) { struct short_channel_id scid; fromwire_short_channel_id(&ser, &len, &scid); tal_arr_expand(&ret, scid); } return ret; } bool db_col_signature(struct db_stmt *stmt, const char *colname, secp256k1_ecdsa_signature *sig) { size_t col = db_query_colnum(stmt, colname); assert(db_column_bytes(stmt, col) == 64); return secp256k1_ecdsa_signature_parse_compact( secp256k1_ctx, sig, db_column_blob(stmt, col)) == 1; } struct timeabs db_col_timeabs(struct db_stmt *stmt, const char *colname) { struct timeabs t; u64 timestamp = db_col_u64(stmt, colname); t.ts.tv_sec = timestamp / NSEC_IN_SEC; t.ts.tv_nsec = timestamp % NSEC_IN_SEC; return t; } struct bitcoin_tx *db_col_tx(const tal_t *ctx, struct db_stmt *stmt, const char *colname) { size_t col = db_query_colnum(stmt, colname); const u8 *src = db_column_blob(stmt, col); size_t len = db_column_bytes(stmt, col); struct bitcoin_tx *tx; bool is_null; is_null = db_column_null_warn(stmt, colname, col); tx = pull_bitcoin_tx(ctx, &src, &len); if (is_null || tx) return tx; /* Column wasn't null, but we couldn't retrieve a valid wally_tx! */ u8 *tx_dup = tal_dup_arr(stmt, u8, src, len, 0); db_fatal(stmt->db, "db_col_tx: Invalid bitcoin transaction bytes retrieved: %s", tal_hex(stmt, tx_dup)); return NULL; } struct wally_psbt *db_col_psbt(const tal_t *ctx, struct db_stmt *stmt, const char *colname) { struct wally_psbt *psbt; size_t col = db_query_colnum(stmt, colname); const u8 *src = db_column_blob(stmt, col); size_t len = db_column_bytes(stmt, col); db_column_null_warn(stmt, colname, col); psbt = psbt_from_bytes(ctx, src, len); psbt_set_version(psbt, 2); return psbt; } struct bitcoin_tx *db_col_psbt_to_tx(const tal_t *ctx, struct db_stmt *stmt, const char *colname) { struct wally_psbt *psbt = db_col_psbt(ctx, stmt, colname); if (!psbt) return NULL; return bitcoin_tx_with_psbt(ctx, psbt); } struct channel_type *db_col_channel_type(const tal_t *ctx, struct db_stmt *stmt, const char *colname) { return channel_type_from(ctx, take(db_col_arr(NULL, stmt, colname, u8))); } void *db_col_arr_(const tal_t *ctx, struct db_stmt *stmt, const char *colname, size_t bytes, const char *label, const char *caller) { size_t col = db_query_colnum(stmt, colname); size_t sourcelen; void *p; if (db_column_is_null(stmt, col)) return NULL; sourcelen = db_column_bytes(stmt, col); if (sourcelen % bytes != 0) db_fatal(stmt->db, "%s: %s/%zu column size for %zu not a multiple of %s (%zu)", caller, colname, col, sourcelen, label, bytes); p = tal_arr_label(ctx, char, sourcelen, label); if (sourcelen != 0) memcpy(p, db_column_blob(stmt, col), sourcelen); return p; } void db_col_amount_msat_or_default(struct db_stmt *stmt, const char *colname, struct amount_msat *msat, struct amount_msat def) { size_t col = db_query_colnum(stmt, colname); if (db_column_is_null(stmt, col)) *msat = def; else msat->millisatoshis = db_col_u64(stmt, colname); /* Raw: low level function */ } struct amount_msat db_col_amount_msat(struct db_stmt *stmt, const char *colname) { return amount_msat(db_col_u64(stmt, colname)); } struct amount_sat db_col_amount_sat(struct db_stmt *stmt, const char *colname) { return amount_sat(db_col_u64(stmt, colname)); } struct json_escape *db_col_json_escape(const tal_t *ctx, struct db_stmt *stmt, const char *colname) { size_t col = db_query_colnum(stmt, colname); return json_escape_string_(ctx, db_column_blob(stmt, col), db_column_bytes(stmt, col)); } void db_col_sha256(struct db_stmt *stmt, const char *colname, struct sha256 *sha) { size_t col = db_query_colnum(stmt, colname); const u8 *raw; size_t size = sizeof(struct sha256); assert(db_column_bytes(stmt, col) == size); raw = db_column_blob(stmt, col); memcpy(sha, raw, size); } void db_col_sha256d(struct db_stmt *stmt, const char *colname, struct sha256_double *shad) { size_t col = db_query_colnum(stmt, colname); const u8 *raw; size_t size = sizeof(struct sha256_double); assert(db_column_bytes(stmt, col) == size); raw = db_column_blob(stmt, col); memcpy(shad, raw, size); } void db_col_secret(struct db_stmt *stmt, const char *colname, struct secret *s) { size_t col = db_query_colnum(stmt, colname); const u8 *raw; assert(db_column_bytes(stmt, col) == sizeof(struct secret)); raw = db_column_blob(stmt, col); memcpy(s, raw, sizeof(struct secret)); } struct secret *db_col_secret_arr(const tal_t *ctx, struct db_stmt *stmt, const char *colname) { return db_col_arr(ctx, stmt, colname, struct secret); } void db_col_txid(struct db_stmt *stmt, const char *colname, struct bitcoin_txid *t) { db_col_sha256d(stmt, colname, &t->shad); } struct onionreply *db_col_onionreply(const tal_t *ctx, struct db_stmt *stmt, const char *colname) { struct onionreply *r = tal(ctx, struct onionreply); r->contents = db_col_arr(ctx, stmt, colname, u8); return r; } void db_col_ignore(struct db_stmt *stmt, const char *colname) { #if DEVELOPER db_query_colnum(stmt, colname); #endif }