from .bech32 import bech32_encode, bech32_decode, CHARSET from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify from decimal import Decimal from io import BufferedReader, BytesIO import base58 import bitstring import hashlib import re import secp256k1 import time import struct # BOLT #11: # # A writer MUST encode `amount` as a positive decimal integer with no # leading zeroes, SHOULD use the shortest representation possible. def shorten_amount(amount): """ Given an amount in bitcoin, shorten it """ # Convert to pico initially amount = int(amount * 10**12) units = ['p', 'n', 'u', 'm', ''] for unit in units: if amount % 1000 == 0: amount //= 1000 else: break return str(amount) + unit def unshorten_amount(amount): """ Given a shortened amount, convert it into a decimal """ # BOLT #11: # The following `multiplier` letters are defined: # # * `m` (milli): multiply by 0.001 # * `u` (micro): multiply by 0.000001 # * `n` (nano): multiply by 0.000000001 # * `p` (pico): multiply by 0.000000000001 units = { 'p': 10**12, 'n': 10**9, 'u': 10**6, 'm': 10**3, } unit = str(amount)[-1] # BOLT #11: # A reader SHOULD fail if `amount` contains a non-digit, or is followed by # anything except a `multiplier` in the table above. if not re.fullmatch(r'\d+[pnum]?', str(amount)): raise ValueError("Invalid amount '{}'".format(amount)) if unit in units.keys(): return Decimal(amount[:-1]) / units[unit] else: return Decimal(amount) # Bech32 spits out array of 5-bit values. Shim here. def u5_to_bitarray(arr): ret = bitstring.BitArray() for a in arr: ret += bitstring.pack("uint:5", a) return ret def bitarray_to_u5(barr): assert barr.len % 5 == 0 ret = [] s = bitstring.ConstBitStream(barr) while s.pos != s.len: ret.append( return ret def encode_fallback(fallback, currency): """ Encode all supported fallback addresses. """ if currency == 'bc' or currency == 'tb': fbhrp, witness = bech32_decode(fallback) if fbhrp: if fbhrp != currency: raise ValueError("Not a bech32 address for this currency") wver = witness[0] if wver > 16: raise ValueError("Invalid witness version {}".format(witness[0])) wprog = u5_to_bitarray(witness[1:]) else: addr = base58.b58decode_check(fallback) if is_p2pkh(currency, addr[0]): wver = 17 elif is_p2sh(currency, addr[0]): wver = 18 else: raise ValueError("Unknown address type for {}".format(currency)) wprog = addr[1:] return tagged('f', bitstring.pack("uint:5", wver) + wprog) else: raise NotImplementedError("Support for currency {} not implemented".format(currency)) def parse_fallback(fallback, currency): if currency == 'bc' or currency == 'tb': wver = fallback[0:5].uint if wver == 17: addr = base58.b58encode_check(bytes([base58_prefix_map[currency][0]]) + fallback[5:].tobytes()) elif wver == 18: addr = base58.b58encode_check(bytes([base58_prefix_map[currency][1]]) + fallback[5:].tobytes()) elif wver <= 16: addr = bech32_encode(currency, bitarray_to_u5(fallback)) else: return None else: addr = fallback.tobytes() return addr # Map of classical and witness address prefixes base58_prefix_map = { 'bc': (0, 5), 'tb': (111, 196) } def is_p2pkh(currency, prefix): return prefix == base58_prefix_map[currency][0] def is_p2sh(currency, prefix): return prefix == base58_prefix_map[currency][1] # Tagged field containing BitArray def tagged(char, l): # Tagged fields need to be zero-padded to 5 bits. while l.len % 5 != 0: l.append('0b0') return bitstring.pack("uint:5, uint:5, uint:5", CHARSET.find(char), (l.len / 5) / 32, (l.len / 5) % 32) + l # Tagged field containing bytes def tagged_bytes(char, l): return tagged(char, bitstring.BitArray(l)) # Discard trailing bits, convert to bytes. def trim_to_bytes(barr): # Adds a byte if necessary. b = barr.tobytes() if barr.len % 8 != 0: return b[:-1] return b # Try to pull out tagged data: returns tag, tagged data and remainder. def pull_tagged(stream): tag = length = * 32 + return (CHARSET[tag], * 5), stream) class Invoice(object): def __init__(self, paymenthash=None, amount=None, currency='bc', tags=None, date=None): = int(time.time()) if not date else int(date) self.tags = [] if not tags else tags self.unknown_tags = [] self.paymenthash = paymenthash self.signature = None self.pubkey = None self.currency = currency self.amount = amount self.min_final_cltv_expiry = None self.route_hints = None def __str__(self): return "Invoice[{}, amount={}{} tags=[{}]]".format( hexlify(self.pubkey.serialize()).decode('utf-8'), self.amount, self.currency, ", ".join([k + '=' + str(v) for k, v in self.tags]) ) @property def hexpubkey(self): return hexlify(self.pubkey.serialize()).decode('ASCII') @property def hexpaymenthash(self): return hexlify(self.paymenthash).decode('ASCII') def _get_tagged(self, tag): return [t[1] for t in self.tags + self.unknown_tags if t[0] == tag] @property def featurebits(self): features = self._get_tagged('9') assert(len(features) <= 1) if features == []: return 0 else: return features[0] def encode(self, privkey): if self.amount: amount = Decimal(str(self.amount)) # We can only send down to millisatoshi. if amount * 10**12 % 10: raise ValueError("Cannot encode {}: too many decimal places".format( self.amount)) amount = self.currency + shorten_amount(amount) else: amount = self.currency if self.currency else '' hrp = 'ln' + amount # Start with the timestamp data = bitstring.pack('uint:35', # Payment hash data += tagged_bytes('p', self.paymenthash) tags_set = set() if self.route_hints is not None: for rh in self.route_hints.route_hints: data += tagged_bytes('r', rh.to_bytes()) for k, v in self.tags: # BOLT #11: # # A writer MUST NOT include more than one `d`, `h`, `n` or `x` fields, if k in ('d', 'h', 'n', 'x'): if k in tags_set: raise ValueError("Duplicate '{}' tag".format(k)) if k == 'r': pubkey, channel, fee, cltv = v route = bitstring.BitArray(pubkey) + bitstring.BitArray(channel) + bitstring.pack('intbe:64', fee) + bitstring.pack('intbe:16', cltv) data += tagged('r', route) elif k == 'f': data += encode_fallback(v, self.currency) elif k == 'd': data += tagged_bytes('d', v.encode()) elif k == 'x': # Get minimal length by trimming leading 5 bits at a time. expirybits = bitstring.pack('intbe:64', v)[4:64] while expirybits.startswith('0b00000'): expirybits = expirybits[5:] data += tagged('x', expirybits) elif k == 'h': data += tagged_bytes('h', hashlib.sha256(v.encode('utf-8')).digest()) elif k == 'n': data += tagged_bytes('n', v) else: # FIXME: Support unknown tags? raise ValueError("Unknown tag {}".format(k)) tags_set.add(k) # BOLT #11: # # A writer MUST include either a `d` or `h` field, and MUST NOT include # both. if 'd' in tags_set and 'h' in tags_set: raise ValueError("Cannot include both 'd' and 'h'") if 'd' not in tags_set and 'h' not in tags_set: raise ValueError("Must include either 'd' or 'h'") # We actually sign the hrp, then data (padded to 8 bits with zeroes). privkey = secp256k1.PrivateKey(bytes(unhexlify(privkey))) sig = privkey.ecdsa_sign_recoverable(bytearray([ord(c) for c in hrp]) + data.tobytes()) # This doesn't actually serialize, but returns a pair of values :( sig, recid = privkey.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(sig) data += bytes(sig) + bytes([recid]) return bech32_encode(hrp, bitarray_to_u5(data)) @classmethod def decode(cls, b): hrp, data = bech32_decode(b) if not hrp: raise ValueError("Bad bech32 checksum") # BOLT #11: # # A reader MUST fail if it does not understand the `prefix`. if not hrp.startswith('ln'): raise ValueError("Does not start with ln") data = u5_to_bitarray(data) # Final signature 65 bytes, split it off. if len(data) < 65 * 8: raise ValueError("Too short to contain signature") sigdecoded = data[-65 * 8:].tobytes() data = bitstring.ConstBitStream(data[:-65 * 8]) inv = Invoice() inv.pubkey = None m ='[^\d]+', hrp[2:]) if m: inv.currency = amountstr = hrp[2 + m.end():] # BOLT #11: # # A reader SHOULD indicate if amount is unspecified, otherwise it MUST # multiply `amount` by the `multiplier` value (if any) to derive the # amount required for payment. if amountstr != '': inv.amount = unshorten_amount(amountstr) = while data.pos != data.len: tag, tagdata, data = pull_tagged(data) # BOLT #11: # # A reader MUST skip over unknown fields, an `f` field with unknown # `version`, or a `p`, `h`, `n` or `r` field which does not have # `data_length` 52, 52, 53 or 82 respectively. data_length = len(tagdata) / 5 if tag == 'r': inv.route_hints = RouteHintSet.from_bytes(trim_to_bytes(tagdata)) continue if data_length != 82: inv.unknown_tags.append((tag, tagdata)) continue tagbytes = trim_to_bytes(tagdata) inv.tags.append(('r', ( tagbytes[0:33], tagbytes[33:41], tagdata[41 * 8:49 * 8].intbe, tagdata[49 * 8:51 * 8].intbe ))) elif tag == 'f': fallback = parse_fallback(tagdata, inv.currency) if fallback: inv.tags.append(('f', fallback)) else: # Incorrect version. inv.unknown_tags.append((tag, tagdata)) continue elif tag == 'd': inv.tags.append(('d', trim_to_bytes(tagdata).decode('utf-8'))) elif tag == 'h': if data_length != 52: inv.unknown_tags.append((tag, tagdata)) continue inv.tags.append(('h', trim_to_bytes(tagdata))) elif tag == 'x': inv.tags.append(('x', tagdata.uint)) elif tag == 'p': if data_length != 52: inv.unknown_tags.append((tag, tagdata)) continue inv.paymenthash = trim_to_bytes(tagdata) elif tag == 'n': if data_length != 53: inv.unknown_tags.append((tag, tagdata)) continue inv.pubkey = secp256k1.PublicKey(flags=secp256k1.ALL_FLAGS) inv.pubkey.deserialize(trim_to_bytes(tagdata)) elif tag == 'c': inv.min_final_cltv_expiry = tagdata.uint else: inv.unknown_tags.append((tag, tagdata)) # BOLT #11: # # A reader MUST check that the `signature` is valid (see the `n` tagged # field specified below). if inv.pubkey: # Specified by `n` # BOLT #11: # # A reader MUST use the `n` field to validate the signature instead of # performing signature recovery if a valid `n` field is provided. inv.signature = inv.pubkey.ecdsa_deserialize_compact(sigdecoded[0:64]) if not inv.pubkey.ecdsa_verify(bytearray([ord(c) for c in hrp]) + data.tobytes(), inv.signature): raise ValueError('Invalid signature') else: # Recover pubkey from signature. inv.pubkey = secp256k1.PublicKey(flags=secp256k1.ALL_FLAGS) inv.signature = inv.pubkey.ecdsa_recoverable_deserialize( sigdecoded[0:64], sigdecoded[64]) inv.pubkey.public_key = inv.pubkey.ecdsa_recover( bytearray([ord(c) for c in hrp]) + data.tobytes(), inv.signature) return inv class RouteHint(object): length = 33 + 8 + 4 + 4 + 2 def __init__(self): self.pubkey = None self.short_channel_id = None self.fee_base_msat = None self.fee_proportional_millionths = None self.cltv_expiry_delta = None @classmethod def from_bytes(cls, b): inst = RouteHint() inst.pubkey = inst.short_channel_id, = struct.unpack("!Q", inst.fee_base_msat, inst.fee_proportional_millionths, inst.cltv_expiry_delta = struct.unpack("!IIH", return inst def to_bytes(self): return self.pubkey + struct.pack( "!QIIH", self.short_channel_id, self.fee_base_msat, self.fee_proportional_millionths, self.cltv_expiry_delta ) def __str__(self): pubkey = hexlify(self.pubkey).decode('ASCII') return f"RouteHint" class RouteHintSet(object): def __init__(self): self.route_hints = [] @classmethod def from_bytes(cls, b): if isinstance(b, bytes): b = BufferedReader(BytesIO(b)) if not isinstance(b, BufferedReader): raise TypeError('from_bytes can only read from bytes-arrays or BufferedReader') if len(b.raw.getvalue()) % RouteHint.length != 0: raise TypeError("byte string is not a multiple of the route hint size: {}".format( len(b.raw.getvalue()) )) instance = RouteHintSet() while b.peek(): instance.route_hints.append(RouteHint.from_bytes(b)) return instance def to_bytes(self): return b''.join([rh.to_bytes() for rh in self.route_hints]) def __str__(self): return "RouteHintSet[{}]".format( ", ".join([str(rh) for rh in self.route_hints]) ) def add(self, rh: RouteHint): self.route_hints.append(rh)