#include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef SUPERVERBOSE #define SUPERVERBOSE(...) #endif /* BOLT-offers #12: * Each form is signed using one or more *signature TLV elements*: TLV * types 240 through 1000 (inclusive). */ static bool is_signature_field(const struct tlv_field *field) { return field->numtype >= 240 && field->numtype <= 1000; } static void sha256_update_bigsize(struct sha256_ctx *ctx, u64 bigsize) { u8 buf[BIGSIZE_MAX_LEN]; size_t len; len = bigsize_put(buf, bigsize); SUPERVERBOSE("%s", tal_hexstr(tmpctx, buf, len)); sha256_update(ctx, buf, len); } static void sha256_update_tlvfield(struct sha256_ctx *ctx, const struct tlv_field *field) { /* We don't keep it raw, so reconstruct. */ sha256_update_bigsize(ctx, field->numtype); sha256_update_bigsize(ctx, field->length); SUPERVERBOSE("%s", tal_hexstr(tmpctx, field->value, field->length)); sha256_update(ctx, field->value, field->length); } /* BOLT-offers #12: * Thus we define H(`tag`,`msg`) as SHA256(SHA256(`tag`) || SHA256(`tag`) || `msg`)*/ /* Create a sha256_ctx which has the tag part done. */ static void h_simpletag_ctx(struct sha256_ctx *sctx, const char *tag) { struct sha256 sha; sha256(&sha, tag, strlen(tag)); sha256_init(sctx); sha256_update(sctx, &sha, sizeof(sha)); sha256_update(sctx, &sha, sizeof(sha)); SUPERVERBOSE("tag=SHA256(%s) -> %s", tal_hexstr(tmpctx, tag, strlen(tag)), fmt_sha256(tmpctx, &sha)); } /* BOLT-offers #12: * The Merkle tree's leaves are, in TLV-ascending order for each tlv: * 1. The H("LnLeaf",tlv). * 2. The H("LnNonce"||first-tlv,tlv-type) where first-tlv is the numerically-first TLV entry in the stream, and tlv-type is the "type" field (1-9 bytes) of the current tlv. */ /* Create a sha256_ctx which has the tag part done. */ static void h_lnnonce_ctx(struct sha256_ctx *sctx, const struct tlv_field *fields) { struct sha256_ctx inner_sctx; struct sha256 sha; sha256_init(&inner_sctx); sha256_update(&inner_sctx, "LnNonce", 7); SUPERVERBOSE("tag=SHA256(%s", tal_hexstr(tmpctx, "LnNonce", 7)); assert(tal_count(fields)); sha256_update_tlvfield(&inner_sctx, &fields[0]); sha256_done(&inner_sctx, &sha); SUPERVERBOSE(") -> %s\n", fmt_sha256(tmpctx, &sha)); sha256_init(sctx); sha256_update(sctx, &sha, sizeof(sha)); sha256_update(sctx, &sha, sizeof(sha)); } /* Use h_lnnonce_ctx to create nonce */ static void calc_nonce(const struct sha256_ctx *lnnonce_ctx, const struct tlv_field *field, struct sha256 *hash) { /* Copy context, to add field */ struct sha256_ctx ctx = *lnnonce_ctx; SUPERVERBOSE("nonce: H(noncetag,"); sha256_update_bigsize(&ctx, field->numtype); sha256_done(&ctx, hash); SUPERVERBOSE(") = %s\n", fmt_sha256(tmpctx, hash)); } static void calc_lnleaf(const struct tlv_field *field, struct sha256 *hash) { struct sha256_ctx sctx; SUPERVERBOSE("leaf: H("); h_simpletag_ctx(&sctx, "LnLeaf"); SUPERVERBOSE(","); sha256_update_tlvfield(&sctx, field); sha256_done(&sctx, hash); SUPERVERBOSE(") -> %s\n", fmt_sha256(tmpctx, hash)); } /* BOLT-offers #12: * The Merkle tree inner nodes are H("LnBranch", lesser-SHA256||greater-SHA256) */ static struct sha256 *merkle_pair(const tal_t *ctx, const struct sha256 *a, const struct sha256 *b) { struct sha256 *res; struct sha256_ctx sctx; /* Make sure a < b */ if (memcmp(a->u.u8, b->u.u8, sizeof(a->u.u8)) > 0) return merkle_pair(ctx, b, a); SUPERVERBOSE("branch: H("); h_simpletag_ctx(&sctx, "LnBranch"); SUPERVERBOSE(",%s %s", tal_hexstr(tmpctx, a->u.u8, sizeof(a->u.u8)), tal_hexstr(tmpctx, b->u.u8, sizeof(b->u.u8))); sha256_update(&sctx, a->u.u8, sizeof(a->u.u8)); sha256_update(&sctx, b->u.u8, sizeof(b->u.u8)); res = tal(ctx, struct sha256); sha256_done(&sctx, res); SUPERVERBOSE(") -> %s\n", fmt_sha256(tmpctx, res)); return res; } static const struct sha256 *merkle_recurse(const struct sha256 **base, const struct sha256 **arr, size_t len) { const struct sha256 *left, *right; if (len == 1) return arr[0]; SUPERVERBOSE("Merkle recurse [%zu - %zu] and [%zu - %zu]\n", arr - base, arr + len / 2 - 1 - base, arr + len / 2 - base, arr + len - 1 - base); left = merkle_recurse(base, arr, len / 2); right = merkle_recurse(base, arr + len / 2, len / 2); /* left is never NULL if right is not NULL */ if (!right) { SUPERVERBOSE("[%zu - %zu] is NULL!\n", arr + len / 2 - base, arr + len - base); return left; } return merkle_pair(base, left, right); } /* This is not the fastest way, but it is the most intuitive. */ void merkle_tlv(const struct tlv_field *fields, struct sha256 *merkle) { struct sha256 **arr; struct sha256_ctx lnnonce_ctx; size_t n; SUPERVERBOSE("nonce tag:"); h_lnnonce_ctx(&lnnonce_ctx, fields); /* We build an oversized power-of-2 symmentic tree, but with * NULL nodes at the end. When we recurse, we pass through * NULL. This is less efficient than calculating the * power-of-2 split as we recurse, but simpler. */ arr = tal_arrz(NULL, struct sha256 *, 1ULL << (ilog64(tal_count(fields)) + 1)); n = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < tal_count(fields); i++) { struct sha256 leaf, nonce; if (is_signature_field(&fields[i])) continue; calc_lnleaf(&fields[i], &leaf); calc_nonce(&lnnonce_ctx, &fields[i], &nonce); arr[n++] = merkle_pair(arr, &leaf, &nonce); } /* This should never happen, but define it a distinctive all-zeroes */ if (n == 0) memset(merkle, 0, sizeof(*merkle)); else *merkle = *merkle_recurse(cast_const2(const struct sha256 **, arr), cast_const2(const struct sha256 **, arr), tal_count(arr)); tal_free(arr); } /* BOLT-offers #12: * All signatures are created as per * [BIP-340](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0340.mediawiki) * and tagged as recommended there. Thus we define H(`tag`,`msg`) as * SHA256(SHA256(`tag`) || SHA256(`tag`) || `msg`), and SIG(`tag`,`msg`,`key`) * as the signature of H(`tag`,`msg`) using `key`. * * Each form is signed using one or more *signature TLV elements*: TLV types * 240 through 1000 (inclusive). For these, the tag is "lightning" || * `messagename` || `fieldname`, and `msg` is the Merkle-root; "lightning" is * the literal 9-byte ASCII string, `messagename` is the name of the TLV * stream being signed (i.e. "invoice_request" or "invoice") and the * `fieldname` is the TLV field containing the signature (e.g. "signature"). */ void sighash_from_merkle(const char *messagename, const char *fieldname, const struct sha256 *merkle, struct sha256 *sighash) { struct sha256_ctx sctx; bip340_sighash_init(&sctx, "lightning", messagename, fieldname); sha256_update(&sctx, merkle, sizeof(*merkle)); sha256_done(&sctx, sighash); }