#include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define NO_ERROR 0 #define ERROR_BAD_DECODE 1 #define ERROR_USAGE 3 static bool well_formed = true; /* Tal wrappers for opt. */ static void *opt_allocfn(size_t size) { return tal_arr_label(NULL, char, size, TAL_LABEL("opt_allocfn", "")); } static void *tal_reallocfn(void *ptr, size_t size) { if (!ptr) return opt_allocfn(size); tal_resize_(&ptr, 1, size, false); return ptr; } static void tal_freefn(void *ptr) { tal_free(ptr); } static char *fmt_time(const tal_t *ctx, u64 time) { /* ctime is not sane. Take pointer, returns \n in string. */ time_t t = time; const char *p = ctime(&t); return tal_fmt(ctx, "%.*s", (int)strcspn(p, "\n"), p); } static bool must_str(bool expected, const char *complaint, const char *fieldname) { if (!expected) { fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n", complaint, fieldname); well_formed = false; return false; } return true; } #define must_have(obj, field) \ must_str((obj)->field != NULL, "Missing", stringify(field)) #define must_not_have(obj, field) \ must_str((obj)->field == NULL, "Unnecessary", stringify(field)) static void print_offer_chains(const struct bitcoin_blkid *chains) { printf("offer_chains:"); for (size_t i = 0; i < tal_count(chains); i++) { printf(" %s", fmt_bitcoin_blkid(tmpctx, &chains[i])); } printf("\n"); } static void print_hex(const char *fieldname, const u8 *bin) { printf("%s: %s\n", fieldname, tal_hex(tmpctx, bin)); } static void print_invreq_chain(const struct bitcoin_blkid *chain) { printf("invreq_chain: %s\n", fmt_bitcoin_blkid(tmpctx, chain)); } static bool print_offer_amount(const struct bitcoin_blkid *chains, const char *iso4217, u64 amount) { const char *currency; unsigned int minor_unit; bool ok = true; /* BOLT-offers #12: * - if a specific minimum `offer_amount` is required for successful payment: * - MUST set `offer_amount` to the amount expected (per item). * - if the currency for `offer_amount` is that of all entries in `chains`: * - MUST specify `amount` in multiples of the minimum lightning-payable unit * (e.g. milli-satoshis for bitcoin). * - otherwise: * - MUST specify `offer_currency` `iso4217` as an ISO 4712 three-letter code. * - MUST specify `offer_amount` in the currency unit adjusted by the ISO 4712 * exponent (e.g. USD cents). * - MUST set `offer_description` to a complete description of the purpose * of the payment. * - otherwise: * - MUST NOT set `offer_amount` * - MUST NOT set `offer_currency` * - MAY set `offer_description` */ if (!iso4217) { if (tal_count(chains) == 0) currency = "bc"; else { const struct chainparams *ch; ch = chainparams_by_chainhash(&chains[0]); if (!ch) { currency = tal_fmt(tmpctx, "UNKNOWN CHAINHASH %s", fmt_bitcoin_blkid(tmpctx, &chains[0])); ok = false; } else currency = ch->lightning_hrp; } minor_unit = 11; } else { const struct iso4217_name_and_divisor *iso; iso = find_iso4217(iso4217, tal_bytelen(iso4217)); if (iso) { minor_unit = iso->minor_unit; currency = iso->name; } else { minor_unit = 0; currency = tal_fmt(tmpctx, "%.*s (UNKNOWN CURRENCY)", (int)tal_bytelen(iso4217), iso4217); ok = false; } } if (!minor_unit) printf("offer_amount: %"PRIu64"%s\n", amount, currency); else { u64 minor_div = 1; for (size_t i = 0; i < minor_unit; i++) minor_div *= 10; printf("offer_amount: %"PRIu64".%.*"PRIu64"%s\n", amount / minor_div, minor_unit, amount % minor_div, currency); } return ok; } static bool print_utf8(const char *fieldname, const char *description) { bool valid = utf8_check(description, tal_bytelen(description)); printf("%s: %.*s%s\n", fieldname, (int)tal_bytelen(description), description, valid ? "" : "(INVALID UTF-8)"); return valid; } static void print_node_id(const char *fieldname, const struct pubkey *node_id) { printf("%s: %s\n", fieldname, fmt_pubkey(tmpctx, node_id)); } static void print_u64(const char *fieldname, u64 max) { printf("%s: %"PRIu64"\n", fieldname, max); } static bool print_recurrance(const struct recurrence *recurrence, const struct recurrence_paywindow *paywindow, const u32 *limit, const struct recurrence_base *base) { const char *unit; bool ok = true; /* BOLT-offers-recurrence #12: * Thus, each offer containing a recurring payment has: * 1. A `time_unit` defining 0 (seconds), 1 (days), 2 (months), * 3 (years). * 2. A `period`, defining how often (in `time_unit`) it has to be paid. * 3. An optional `recurrence_limit` of total payments to be paid. * 4. An optional `recurrence_base`: * * `basetime`, defining when the first period starts * in seconds since 1970-01-01 UTC. * * `start_any_period` if non-zero, meaning you don't have to start * paying at the period indicated by `basetime`, but can use * `recurrence_start` to indicate what period you are starting at. * 5. An optional `recurrence_paywindow`: * * `seconds_before`, defining how many seconds prior to the start of * the period a payment will be accepted. * * `proportional_amount`, if set indicating that a payment made * during the period itself will be charged proportionally to the * remaining time in the period (e.g. 150 seconds into a 1500 * second period gives a 10% discount). * * `seconds_after`, defining how many seconds after the start of the * period a payment will be accepted. * If this field is missing, payment will be accepted during the prior * period and the paid-for period. */ switch (recurrence->time_unit) { case 0: unit = "seconds"; break; case 1: unit = "days"; break; case 2: unit = "months"; break; case 3: unit = "years"; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "recurrence: unknown time_unit %u", recurrence->time_unit); unit = ""; ok = false; } printf("offer_recurrence: every %u %s", recurrence->period, unit); if (limit) printf(" limit %u", *limit); if (base) { printf(" start %"PRIu64" (%s)", base->basetime, fmt_time(tmpctx, base->basetime)); if (base->start_any_period) printf(" (can start any period)"); } if (paywindow) { printf(" paywindow -%u to +%u", paywindow->seconds_before, paywindow->seconds_after); if (paywindow->proportional_amount) printf(" (pay proportional)"); } printf("\n"); return ok; } static void print_abstime(const char *fieldname, u64 expiry) { printf("%s: %"PRIu64" (%s)\n", fieldname, expiry, fmt_time(tmpctx, expiry)); } static void print_features(const char *fieldname, const u8 *features) { printf("%s:", fieldname); for (size_t i = 0; i < tal_bytelen(features) * CHAR_BIT; i++) { if (feature_is_set(features, i)) printf(" %zu", i); } printf("\n"); } static bool print_blindedpaths(const char *fieldname, struct blinded_path **paths, struct blinded_payinfo **blindedpay) { size_t bp_idx = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < tal_count(paths); i++) { struct onionmsg_hop **p = paths[i]->path; printf("%s %zu/%zu: blinding %s ", fieldname, i, tal_count(paths), fmt_pubkey(tmpctx, &paths[i]->blinding)); printf("first_node_id %s ", fmt_sciddir_or_pubkey(tmpctx, &paths[i]->first_node_id)); printf("path "); for (size_t j = 0; j < tal_count(p); j++) { printf(" %s:%s", fmt_pubkey(tmpctx, &p[j]->blinded_node_id), tal_hex(tmpctx, p[j]->encrypted_recipient_data)); if (blindedpay) { if (bp_idx < tal_count(blindedpay)) printf("fee=%u/%u,cltv=%u,features=%s", blindedpay[bp_idx]->fee_base_msat, blindedpay[bp_idx]->fee_proportional_millionths, blindedpay[bp_idx]->cltv_expiry_delta, tal_hex(tmpctx, blindedpay[bp_idx]->features)); bp_idx++; } } printf("\n"); } if (blindedpay && tal_count(blindedpay) != bp_idx) { fprintf(stderr, "Expected %zu blindedpay fields, got %zu\n", bp_idx, tal_count(blindedpay)); return false; } return true; } static bool print_signature(const char *messagename, const char *fieldname, const struct tlv_field *fields, const struct pubkey *node_id, const struct bip340sig *sig) { struct sha256 m, shash; /* No key, it's already invalid */ if (!node_id) return false; merkle_tlv(fields, &m); sighash_from_merkle(messagename, fieldname, &m, &shash); if (!check_schnorr_sig(&shash, &node_id->pubkey, sig)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: INVALID\n", fieldname); return false; } printf("%s: %s\n", fieldname, fmt_bip340sig(tmpctx, sig)); return true; } static void print_recurrence_counter(const u32 *recurrence_counter, const u32 *recurrence_start) { printf("invreq_recurrence_counter: %u", *recurrence_counter); if (recurrence_start) printf(" (start +%u)", *recurrence_start); printf("\n"); } static bool print_recurrence_counter_with_base(const u32 *recurrence_counter, const u32 *recurrence_start, const u64 *recurrence_base) { if (!recurrence_base) { fprintf(stderr, "Missing recurrence_base\n"); return false; } printf("invreq_recurrence_counter: %u", *recurrence_counter); if (recurrence_start) printf(" (start +%u)", *recurrence_start); printf(" (base %"PRIu64")\n", *recurrence_base); return true; } static void print_hash(const char *fieldname, const struct sha256 *hash) { printf("%s: %s\n", fieldname, fmt_sha256(tmpctx, hash)); } static void print_relative_expiry(u64 *created_at, u32 *relative) { /* Ignore if already malformed */ if (!created_at) return; /* BOLT-offers #12: * - if `invoice_relative_expiry` is present: * - MUST reject the invoice if the current time since 1970-01-01 UTC * is greater than `invoice_created_at` plus `seconds_from_creation`. * - otherwise: * - MUST reject the invoice if the current time since 1970-01-01 UTC * is greater than `invoice_created_at` plus 7200. */ if (!relative) printf("invoice_relative_expiry: %u (%s) (default)\n", BOLT12_DEFAULT_REL_EXPIRY, fmt_time(tmpctx, *created_at + BOLT12_DEFAULT_REL_EXPIRY)); else printf("invoice_relative_expiry: %u (%s)\n", *relative, fmt_time(tmpctx, *created_at + *relative)); } static void print_fallbacks(struct fallback_address **fallbacks) { for (size_t i = 0; i < tal_count(fallbacks); i++) { /* FIXME: format properly! */ printf("invocice_fallbacks: %u %s\n", fallbacks[i]->version, tal_hex(tmpctx, fallbacks[i]->address)); } } static void print_msat(const char *fieldname, u64 amount) { printf("%s: %s\n", fieldname, fmt_amount_msat(tmpctx, amount_msat(amount))); } static bool print_extra_fields(const struct tlv_field *fields) { bool ok = true; for (size_t i = 0; i < tal_count(fields); i++) { if (fields[i].meta) continue; if (fields[i].numtype % 2 == 0) { printf("UNKNOWN EVEN field %"PRIu64": %s\n", fields[i].numtype, tal_hexstr(tmpctx, fields[i].value, fields[i].length)); ok = false; } else { printf("Unknown field %"PRIu64": %s\n", fields[i].numtype, tal_hexstr(tmpctx, fields[i].value, fields[i].length)); } } return ok; } static u64 get_offer_type(const char *name) { u64 val; char *endptr; struct name_map { const char *name; u64 val; } map[] = { /* BOLT-offers #12: * 1. `tlv_stream`: `offer` * 2. types: * 1. type: 2 (`offer_chains`) * 2. data: * * [`...*chain_hash`:`chains`] * 1. type: 4 (`offer_metadata`) * 2. data: * * [`...*byte`:`data`] * 1. type: 6 (`offer_currency`) * 2. data: * * [`...*utf8`:`iso4217`] * 1. type: 8 (`offer_amount`) * 2. data: * * [`tu64`:`amount`] * 1. type: 10 (`offer_description`) * 2. data: * * [`...*utf8`:`description`] * 1. type: 12 (`offer_features`) * 2. data: * * [`...*byte`:`features`] * 1. type: 14 (`offer_absolute_expiry`) * 2. data: * * [`tu64`:`seconds_from_epoch`] * 1. type: 16 (`offer_paths`) * 2. data: * * [`...*blinded_path`:`paths`] * 1. type: 18 (`offer_issuer`) * 2. data: * * [`...*utf8`:`issuer`] * 1. type: 20 (`offer_quantity_max`) * 2. data: * * [`tu64`:`max`] * 1. type: 22 (`offer_issuer_id`) * 2. data: * * [`point`:`id`] */ { "offer_chains", 2 }, { "offer_metadata", 4 }, { "offer_currency", 6 }, { "offer_amount", 8 }, { "offer_description", 10 }, { "offer_features", 12 }, { "offer_absolute_expiry", 14 }, { "offer_paths", 16 }, { "offer_issuer", 18 }, { "offer_quantity_max", 20 }, { "offer_issuer_id", 22 }, /* BOLT-offers #12: * 1. `tlv_stream`: `invoice_request` * 2. types: * 1. type: 0 (`invreq_metadata`) * 2. data: * * [`...*byte`:`blob`] * 1. type: 2 (`offer_chains`) * 2. data: * * [`...*chain_hash`:`chains`] * 1. type: 4 (`offer_metadata`) * 2. data: * * [`...*byte`:`data`] * 1. type: 6 (`offer_currency`) * 2. data: * * [`...*utf8`:`iso4217`] * 1. type: 8 (`offer_amount`) * 2. data: * * [`tu64`:`amount`] * 1. type: 10 (`offer_description`) * 2. data: * * [`...*utf8`:`description`] * 1. type: 12 (`offer_features`) * 2. data: * * [`...*byte`:`features`] * 1. type: 14 (`offer_absolute_expiry`) * 2. data: * * [`tu64`:`seconds_from_epoch`] * 1. type: 16 (`offer_paths`) * 2. data: * * [`...*blinded_path`:`paths`] * 1. type: 18 (`offer_issuer`) * 2. data: * * [`...*utf8`:`issuer`] * 1. type: 20 (`offer_quantity_max`) * 2. data: * * [`tu64`:`max`] * 1. type: 22 (`offer_issuer_id`) * 2. data: * * [`point`:`id`] * 1. type: 80 (`invreq_chain`) * 2. data: * * [`chain_hash`:`chain`] * 1. type: 82 (`invreq_amount`) * 2. data: * * [`tu64`:`msat`] * 1. type: 84 (`invreq_features`) * 2. data: * * [`...*byte`:`features`] * 1. type: 86 (`invreq_quantity`) * 2. data: * * [`tu64`:`quantity`] * 1. type: 88 (`invreq_payer_id`) * 2. data: * * [`point`:`key`] * 1. type: 89 (`invreq_payer_note`) * 2. data: * * [`...*utf8`:`note`] * 1. type: 90 (`invreq_paths`) * 2. data: * * [`...*blinded_path`:`paths`] * 1. type: 240 (`signature`) * 2. data: * * [`bip340sig`:`sig`] */ { "invreq_metadata", 0 }, { "invreq_chain", 80 }, { "invreq_amount", 82 }, { "invreq_features", 84 }, { "invreq_quantity", 86 }, { "invreq_payer_id", 88 }, { "invreq_payer_note", 89 }, { "invreq_paths", 90 }, { "signature", 240 }, /* BOLT-offers #12: * 1. `tlv_stream`: `invoice` * 2. types: * 1. type: 0 (`invreq_metadata`) * 2. data: * * [`...*byte`:`blob`] * 1. type: 2 (`offer_chains`) * 2. data: * * [`...*chain_hash`:`chains`] * 1. type: 4 (`offer_metadata`) * 2. data: * * [`...*byte`:`data`] * 1. type: 6 (`offer_currency`) * 2. data: * * [`...*utf8`:`iso4217`] * 1. type: 8 (`offer_amount`) * 2. data: * * [`tu64`:`amount`] * 1. type: 10 (`offer_description`) * 2. data: * * [`...*utf8`:`description`] * 1. type: 12 (`offer_features`) * 2. data: * * [`...*byte`:`features`] * 1. type: 14 (`offer_absolute_expiry`) * 2. data: * * [`tu64`:`seconds_from_epoch`] * 1. type: 16 (`offer_paths`) * 2. data: * * [`...*blinded_path`:`paths`] * 1. type: 18 (`offer_issuer`) * 2. data: * * [`...*utf8`:`issuer`] * 1. type: 20 (`offer_quantity_max`) * 2. data: * * [`tu64`:`max`] * 1. type: 22 (`offer_issuer_id`) * 2. data: * * [`point`:`id`] * 1. type: 80 (`invreq_chain`) * 2. data: * * [`chain_hash`:`chain`] * 1. type: 82 (`invreq_amount`) * 2. data: * * [`tu64`:`msat`] * 1. type: 84 (`invreq_features`) * 2. data: * * [`...*byte`:`features`] * 1. type: 86 (`invreq_quantity`) * 2. data: * * [`tu64`:`quantity`] * 1. type: 88 (`invreq_payer_id`) * 2. data: * * [`point`:`key`] * 1. type: 89 (`invreq_payer_note`) * 2. data: * * [`...*utf8`:`note`] * 1. type: 90 (`invreq_paths`) * 2. data: * * [`...*blinded_path`:`paths`] * 1. type: 160 (`invoice_paths`) * 2. data: * * [`...*blinded_path`:`paths`] * 1. type: 162 (`invoice_blindedpay`) * 2. data: * * [`...*blinded_payinfo`:`payinfo`] * 1. type: 164 (`invoice_created_at`) * 2. data: * * [`tu64`:`timestamp`] * 1. type: 166 (`invoice_relative_expiry`) * 2. data: * * [`tu32`:`seconds_from_creation`] * 1. type: 168 (`invoice_payment_hash`) * 2. data: * * [`sha256`:`payment_hash`] * 1. type: 170 (`invoice_amount`) * 2. data: * * [`tu64`:`msat`] * 1. type: 172 (`invoice_fallbacks`) * 2. data: * * [`...*fallback_address`:`fallbacks`] * 1. type: 174 (`invoice_features`) * 2. data: * * [`...*byte`:`features`] * 1. type: 176 (`invoice_node_id`) * 2. data: * * [`point`:`node_id`] * 1. type: 240 (`signature`) * 2. data: * * [`bip340sig`:`sig`] */ { "invoice_paths", 160 }, { "invoice_blindedpay", 162 }, { "invoice_created_at", 164 }, { "invoice_relative_expiry", 166 }, { "invoice_payment_hash", 168 }, { "invoice_amount", 170 }, { "invoice_fallbacks", 172 }, { "invoice_features", 174 }, { "invoice_node_id", 176 }, }; for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(map); i++) { if (streq(map[i].name, name)) return map[i].val; } /* Numeric value */ val = strtoul(name, &endptr, 0); if (*endptr) errx(1, "Unknown value %s", name); return val; } static u8 *get_tlv_val(const tal_t *ctx, const char *val) { u8 *data = tal_hexdata(ctx, val, strlen(val)); if (data) return data; /* Literal string */ return tal_dup_arr(ctx, u8, (u8 *)val, strlen(val), 0); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const tal_t *ctx = tal(NULL, char); const char *method; char *hrp; u8 *data; char *fail; bool to_hex = false; common_setup(argv[0]); opt_set_alloc(opt_allocfn, tal_reallocfn, tal_freefn); opt_register_noarg("--help|-h", opt_usage_and_exit, "decode|decodehex \n" "encodehex ...\n" "encode [ ]...", "Show this message"); opt_register_version(); opt_early_parse(argc, argv, opt_log_stderr_exit); opt_parse(&argc, argv, opt_log_stderr_exit); method = argv[1]; if (!method) errx(ERROR_USAGE, "Need at least one argument\n%s", opt_usage(argv[0], NULL)); if (streq(method, "encodehex")) { char *nospaces; if (argc < 4) errx(ERROR_USAGE, "Need hrp and hexstr...\n%s", opt_usage(argv[0], NULL)); nospaces = tal_arr(ctx, char, 0); for (size_t i = 3; i < argc; i++) { const char *src; for (src = argv[i]; *src; src++) { if (cisspace(*src)) continue; tal_arr_expand(&nospaces, *src); } } data = tal_hexdata(ctx, nospaces, tal_bytelen(nospaces)); if (!data) errx(ERROR_USAGE, "Invalid hexstr\n%s", opt_usage(argv[0], NULL)); printf("%s\n", to_bech32_charset(ctx, argv[2], data)); goto out; } if (streq(method, "encode")) { data = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); /* We encode literally, to make it possible to create invalid ones for * testing! */ for (size_t i = 3; i < argc; i += 2) { u64 tlvtype = get_offer_type(argv[i]); u8 *tlvval = get_tlv_val(ctx, argv[i+1]); towire_bigsize(&data, tlvtype); towire_bigsize(&data, tal_bytelen(tlvval)); towire(&data, tlvval, tal_bytelen(tlvval)); } printf("%s\n", to_bech32_charset(ctx, argv[2], data)); goto out; } if (streq(method, "decode")) to_hex = false; else if (streq(method, "decodehex")) to_hex = true; else errx(ERROR_USAGE, "Need encodehex/decode/decodehex argument\n%s", opt_usage(argv[0], NULL)); if (!argv[2]) errx(ERROR_USAGE, "Need argument\n%s", opt_usage(argv[0], NULL)); if (!from_bech32_charset(ctx, argv[2], strlen(argv[2]), &hrp, &data)) errx(ERROR_USAGE, "Bad bech32 string\n%s", opt_usage(argv[0], NULL)); if (to_hex) { const u8 *cursor = data; size_t max = tal_bytelen(data); printf("%s %s\n", hrp, tal_hex(ctx, data)); /* Now break down each element */ while (max) { bigsize_t len; const u8 *s = cursor; fromwire_bigsize(&cursor, &max); if (!cursor) errx(ERROR_BAD_DECODE, "Bad type"); printf("%s ", tal_hexstr(ctx, s, cursor - s)); s = cursor; len = fromwire_bigsize(&cursor, &max); if (!cursor) errx(ERROR_BAD_DECODE, "Bad len"); printf("%s ", tal_hexstr(ctx, s, cursor - s)); s = cursor; fromwire(&cursor, &max, NULL, len); if (!cursor) errx(ERROR_BAD_DECODE, "Bad value"); printf("%s\n", tal_hexstr(ctx, s, cursor - s)); } goto out; } if (streq(hrp, "lno")) { struct sha256 offer_id; const struct tlv_offer *offer = offer_decode(ctx, argv[2], strlen(argv[2]), NULL, NULL, &fail); if (!offer) errx(ERROR_BAD_DECODE, "Bad offer: %s", fail); offer_offer_id(offer, &offer_id); print_hash("offer_id", &offer_id); if (offer->offer_chains) print_offer_chains(offer->offer_chains); if (offer->offer_amount) well_formed &= print_offer_amount(offer->offer_chains, offer->offer_currency, *offer->offer_amount); if (offer->offer_description) well_formed &= print_utf8("offer_description", offer->offer_description); /* BOLT-offers #12: * - if `offer_amount` is set and `offer_description` is not set: * - MUST NOT respond to the offer. */ if (offer->offer_amount && !offer->offer_description) { fprintf(stderr, "Missing offer_description (with offer_amount)\n"); well_formed = false; } if (offer->offer_features) print_features("offer_features", offer->offer_features); if (offer->offer_absolute_expiry) print_abstime("offer_absolute_expiry", *offer->offer_absolute_expiry); if (offer->offer_paths) print_blindedpaths("offer_paths", offer->offer_paths, NULL); if (offer->offer_issuer) well_formed &= print_utf8("offer_issuer", offer->offer_issuer); if (offer->offer_quantity_max) print_u64("offer_quantity_max", *offer->offer_quantity_max); if (offer->offer_issuer_id) print_node_id("offer_issuer_id", offer->offer_issuer_id); /* BOLT-offers #12: * * - if neither `offer_issuer_id` nor `offer_paths` are set: * - MUST NOT respond to the offer. */ if (!offer->offer_issuer_id && !offer->offer_paths) { fprintf(stderr, "Missing offer_issuer_id and offer_paths\n"); well_formed = false; } if (offer->offer_recurrence) well_formed &= print_recurrance(offer->offer_recurrence, offer->offer_recurrence_paywindow, offer->offer_recurrence_limit, offer->offer_recurrence_base); if (!print_extra_fields(offer->fields)) well_formed = false; } else if (streq(hrp, "lnr")) { struct sha256 offer_id, invreq_id; const struct tlv_invoice_request *invreq = invrequest_decode(ctx, argv[2], strlen(argv[2]), NULL, NULL, &fail); if (!invreq) errx(ERROR_BAD_DECODE, "Bad invreq: %s", fail); if (invreq->offer_issuer_id) { invreq_offer_id(invreq, &offer_id); print_hash("offer_id", &offer_id); } invreq_invreq_id(invreq, &invreq_id); print_hash("invreq_id", &invreq_id); /* FIXME: We can do more intra-field checking! */ if (must_have(invreq, invreq_metadata)) print_hex("invreq_metadata", invreq->invreq_metadata); if (invreq->offer_chains) print_offer_chains(invreq->offer_chains); if (invreq->offer_amount) well_formed &= print_offer_amount(invreq->offer_chains, invreq->offer_currency, *invreq->offer_amount); if (must_have(invreq, offer_description)) well_formed &= print_utf8("offer_description", invreq->offer_description); if (invreq->offer_features) print_features("offer_features", invreq->offer_features); if (invreq->offer_absolute_expiry) print_abstime("offer_absolute_expiry", *invreq->offer_absolute_expiry); if (invreq->offer_paths) print_blindedpaths("offer_paths", invreq->offer_paths, NULL); if (invreq->offer_issuer) well_formed &= print_utf8("offer_issuer", invreq->offer_issuer); if (invreq->offer_quantity_max) print_u64("offer_quantity_max", *invreq->offer_quantity_max); if (invreq->offer_issuer_id) print_node_id("offer_issuer_id", invreq->offer_issuer_id); if (invreq->offer_recurrence) well_formed &= print_recurrance(invreq->offer_recurrence, invreq->offer_recurrence_paywindow, invreq->offer_recurrence_limit, invreq->offer_recurrence_base); if (invreq->invreq_chain) print_invreq_chain(invreq->invreq_chain); if (invreq->invreq_amount) print_msat("invreq_amount", *invreq->invreq_amount); if (invreq->invreq_features) print_features("invreq_features", invreq->invreq_features); if (invreq->invreq_quantity) print_u64("invreq_quantity", *invreq->invreq_quantity); if (must_have(invreq, invreq_payer_id)) print_node_id("invreq_payer_id", invreq->invreq_payer_id); if (invreq->invreq_payer_note) well_formed &= print_utf8("invreq_payer_note", invreq->invreq_payer_note); if (invreq->invreq_recurrence_counter) { print_recurrence_counter(invreq->invreq_recurrence_counter, invreq->invreq_recurrence_start); } else { must_not_have(invreq, invreq_recurrence_start); } if (invreq->invreq_paths) print_blindedpaths("invreq_paths", invreq->invreq_paths, NULL); if (must_have(invreq, signature)) { well_formed = print_signature("invoice_request", "signature", invreq->fields, invreq->invreq_payer_id, invreq->signature); } if (!print_extra_fields(invreq->fields)) well_formed = false; } else if (streq(hrp, "lni")) { struct sha256 offer_id, invreq_id; const struct tlv_invoice *invoice = invoice_decode(ctx, argv[2], strlen(argv[2]), NULL, NULL, &fail); if (!invoice) errx(ERROR_BAD_DECODE, "Bad invoice: %s", fail); if (invoice->invreq_payer_id) { if (invoice->offer_issuer_id) { invoice_offer_id(invoice, &offer_id); print_hash("offer_id", &offer_id); } invoice_invreq_id(invoice, &invreq_id); print_hash("invreq_id", &invreq_id); } /* FIXME: We can do more intra-field checking! */ if (must_have(invoice, invreq_metadata)) print_hex("invreq_metadata", invoice->invreq_metadata); if (invoice->offer_chains) print_offer_chains(invoice->offer_chains); if (invoice->offer_amount) well_formed &= print_offer_amount(invoice->offer_chains, invoice->offer_currency, *invoice->offer_amount); if (must_have(invoice, offer_description)) well_formed &= print_utf8("offer_description", invoice->offer_description); if (invoice->offer_features) print_features("offer_features", invoice->offer_features); if (invoice->offer_absolute_expiry) print_abstime("offer_absolute_expiry", *invoice->offer_absolute_expiry); if (invoice->offer_paths) print_blindedpaths("offer_paths", invoice->offer_paths, NULL); if (invoice->offer_issuer) well_formed &= print_utf8("offer_issuer", invoice->offer_issuer); if (invoice->offer_quantity_max) print_u64("offer_quantity_max", *invoice->offer_quantity_max); if (invoice->offer_issuer_id) print_node_id("offer_issuer_id", invoice->offer_issuer_id); if (invoice->offer_recurrence) well_formed &= print_recurrance(invoice->offer_recurrence, invoice->offer_recurrence_paywindow, invoice->offer_recurrence_limit, invoice->offer_recurrence_base); if (invoice->invreq_chain) print_invreq_chain(invoice->invreq_chain); if (invoice->invreq_amount) print_msat("invreq_amount", *invoice->invreq_amount); if (invoice->invreq_features) print_features("invreq_features", invoice->invreq_features); if (invoice->invreq_quantity) print_u64("invreq_quantity", *invoice->invreq_quantity); if (must_have(invoice, invreq_payer_id)) print_node_id("invreq_payer_id", invoice->invreq_payer_id); if (invoice->invreq_payer_note) well_formed &= print_utf8("invreq_payer_note", invoice->invreq_payer_note); if (invoice->invreq_recurrence_counter) { well_formed &= print_recurrence_counter_with_base(invoice->invreq_recurrence_counter, invoice->invreq_recurrence_start, invoice->invoice_recurrence_basetime); } else { must_not_have(invoice, invreq_recurrence_start); } if (invoice->invreq_paths) print_blindedpaths("invreq_paths", invoice->invreq_paths, NULL); if (must_have(invoice, invoice_paths)) print_blindedpaths("invoice_paths", invoice->invoice_paths, invoice->invoice_blindedpay); if (must_have(invoice, invoice_created_at)) print_abstime("invoice_created_at", *invoice->invoice_created_at); print_relative_expiry(invoice->invoice_created_at, invoice->invoice_relative_expiry); if (must_have(invoice, invoice_payment_hash)) print_hash("invoice_payment_hash", invoice->invoice_payment_hash); if (must_have(invoice, invoice_amount)) print_msat("invoice_amount", *invoice->invoice_amount); if (invoice->invoice_fallbacks) print_fallbacks(invoice->invoice_fallbacks); if (invoice->invoice_features) print_features("invoice_features", invoice->invoice_features); if (must_have(invoice, invoice_node_id)) print_node_id("invoice_node_id", invoice->invoice_node_id); if (must_have(invoice, signature)) well_formed &= print_signature("invoice", "signature", invoice->fields, invoice->invoice_node_id, invoice->signature); if (!print_extra_fields(invoice->fields)) well_formed = false; } else errx(ERROR_BAD_DECODE, "Unknown prefix %s", hrp); out: tal_free(ctx); common_shutdown(); if (well_formed) return NO_ERROR; else return ERROR_BAD_DECODE; }