#include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include enum subsystem { SUCCEEDEDFORWARDS, FAILEDFORWARDS, SUCCEEDEDPAYS, FAILEDPAYS, PAIDINVOICES, EXPIREDINVOICES, #define NUM_SUBSYSTEM (EXPIREDINVOICES + 1) }; static const char *subsystem_str[] = { "succeededforwards", "failedforwards", "succeededpays", "failedpays", "paidinvoices", "expiredinvoices", }; static const char *subsystem_to_str(enum subsystem subsystem) { assert(subsystem >= 0 && subsystem < NUM_SUBSYSTEM); return subsystem_str[subsystem]; } static bool json_to_subsystem(const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *tok, enum subsystem *subsystem) { for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_SUBSYSTEM; i++) { if (memeqstr(buffer + tok->start, tok->end - tok->start, subsystem_str[i])) { *subsystem = i; return true; } } return false; } /* Usually this refers to the global one, but for autoclean-once * it's a temporary. */ struct clean_info { struct command *cmd; size_t cleanup_reqs_remaining; u64 subsystem_age[NUM_SUBSYSTEM]; u64 num_cleaned[NUM_SUBSYSTEM]; u64 num_uncleaned; }; /* For deprecated API, setting this to zero disabled autoclean */ static u64 deprecated_cycle_seconds = UINT64_MAX; static u64 cycle_seconds = 3600; static struct clean_info timer_cinfo; static u64 total_cleaned[NUM_SUBSYSTEM]; static struct plugin *plugin; static struct plugin_timer *cleantimer; static void do_clean_timer(void *unused); /* Fatal failures */ static struct command_result *cmd_failed(struct command *cmd, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *result, const char *cmdname) { plugin_err(plugin, "Failed '%s': '%.*s'", cmdname, json_tok_full_len(result), json_tok_full(buf, result)); } static const char *datastore_path(const tal_t *ctx, enum subsystem subsystem, const char *field) { return tal_fmt(ctx, "autoclean/%s/%s", subsystem_to_str(subsystem), field); } static struct command_result *clean_finished(struct clean_info *cinfo) { for (enum subsystem i = 0; i < NUM_SUBSYSTEM; i++) { if (!cinfo->num_cleaned[i]) continue; plugin_log(plugin, LOG_DBG, "cleaned %"PRIu64" from %s", cinfo->num_cleaned[i], subsystem_to_str(i)); total_cleaned[i] += cinfo->num_cleaned[i]; jsonrpc_set_datastore_string(plugin, cinfo->cmd, datastore_path(tmpctx, i, "num"), tal_fmt(tmpctx, "%"PRIu64, total_cleaned[i]), "create-or-replace", NULL, NULL, NULL); } /* autoclean-once? */ if (cinfo->cmd) { struct json_stream *response = jsonrpc_stream_success(cinfo->cmd); json_object_start(response, "autoclean"); for (enum subsystem i = 0; i < NUM_SUBSYSTEM; i++) { if (cinfo->subsystem_age[i] == 0) continue; json_object_start(response, subsystem_to_str(i)); json_add_u64(response, "cleaned", cinfo->num_cleaned[i]); json_add_u64(response, "uncleaned", cinfo->num_uncleaned); json_object_end(response); } json_object_end(response); return command_finished(cinfo->cmd, response); } else { /* timer */ plugin_log(plugin, LOG_DBG, "setting next timer"); cleantimer = plugin_timer(plugin, time_from_sec(cycle_seconds), do_clean_timer, NULL); return timer_complete(plugin); } } static struct command_result *clean_finished_one(struct clean_info *cinfo) { assert(cinfo->cleanup_reqs_remaining != 0); if (--cinfo->cleanup_reqs_remaining > 0) return command_still_pending(cinfo->cmd); return clean_finished(cinfo); } struct del_data { enum subsystem subsystem; struct clean_info *cinfo; }; static struct command_result *del_done(struct command *cmd, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *result, struct del_data *del_data) { struct clean_info *cinfo = del_data->cinfo; cinfo->num_cleaned[del_data->subsystem]++; tal_free(del_data); return clean_finished_one(cinfo); } static struct command_result *del_failed(struct command *cmd, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *result, struct del_data *del_data) { struct clean_info *cinfo = del_data->cinfo; plugin_log(plugin, LOG_UNUSUAL, "%s del failed: %.*s", subsystem_to_str(del_data->subsystem), json_tok_full_len(result), json_tok_full(buf, result)); tal_free(del_data); return clean_finished_one(cinfo); } static struct out_req *del_request_start(const char *method, struct clean_info *cinfo, enum subsystem subsystem) { struct del_data *del_data = tal(plugin, struct del_data); del_data->cinfo = cinfo; del_data->subsystem = subsystem; cinfo->cleanup_reqs_remaining++; return jsonrpc_request_start(plugin, NULL, method, del_done, del_failed, del_data); } static struct command_result *listinvoices_done(struct command *cmd, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *result, struct clean_info *cinfo) { const jsmntok_t *t, *inv = json_get_member(buf, result, "invoices"); size_t i; u64 now = time_now().ts.tv_sec; json_for_each_arr(i, t, inv) { const jsmntok_t *status = json_get_member(buf, t, "status"); const jsmntok_t *time; enum subsystem subsys; u64 invtime; if (json_tok_streq(buf, status, "expired")) { subsys = EXPIREDINVOICES; time = json_get_member(buf, t, "expires_at"); } else if (json_tok_streq(buf, status, "paid")) { subsys = PAIDINVOICES; time = json_get_member(buf, t, "paid_at"); } else { cinfo->num_uncleaned++; continue; } /* Continue if we don't care. */ if (cinfo->subsystem_age[subsys] == 0) { cinfo->num_uncleaned++; continue; } if (!json_to_u64(buf, time, &invtime)) { plugin_err(plugin, "Bad time '%.*s'", json_tok_full_len(time), json_tok_full(buf, time)); } if (invtime <= now - cinfo->subsystem_age[subsys]) { struct out_req *req; const jsmntok_t *label = json_get_member(buf, t, "label"); req = del_request_start("delinvoice", cinfo, subsys); json_add_tok(req->js, "label", label, buf); json_add_tok(req->js, "status", status, buf); send_outreq(plugin, req); } } if (cinfo->cleanup_reqs_remaining) return command_still_pending(cmd); return clean_finished(cinfo); } static struct command_result *listsendpays_done(struct command *cmd, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *result, struct clean_info *cinfo) { const jsmntok_t *t, *pays = json_get_member(buf, result, "payments"); size_t i; u64 now = time_now().ts.tv_sec; json_for_each_arr(i, t, pays) { const jsmntok_t *status = json_get_member(buf, t, "status"); const jsmntok_t *time; enum subsystem subsys; u64 paytime; if (json_tok_streq(buf, status, "failed")) { subsys = FAILEDPAYS; } else if (json_tok_streq(buf, status, "complete")) { subsys = SUCCEEDEDPAYS; } else { cinfo->num_uncleaned++; continue; } /* Continue if we don't care. */ if (cinfo->subsystem_age[subsys] == 0) { cinfo->num_uncleaned++; continue; } time = json_get_member(buf, t, "created_at"); if (!json_to_u64(buf, time, &paytime)) { plugin_err(plugin, "Bad created_at '%.*s'", json_tok_full_len(time), json_tok_full(buf, time)); } if (paytime <= now - cinfo->subsystem_age[subsys]) { struct out_req *req; const jsmntok_t *phash = json_get_member(buf, t, "payment_hash"); const jsmntok_t *groupid = json_get_member(buf, t, "groupid"); const jsmntok_t *partidtok = json_get_member(buf, t, "partid"); u64 partid; if (partidtok) json_to_u64(buf, partidtok, &partid); else partid = 0; req = del_request_start("delpay", cinfo, subsys); json_add_tok(req->js, "payment_hash", phash, buf); json_add_tok(req->js, "status", status, buf); json_add_tok(req->js, "groupid", groupid, buf); json_add_u64(req->js, "partid", partid); send_outreq(plugin, req); } } if (cinfo->cleanup_reqs_remaining) return command_still_pending(cmd); return clean_finished(cinfo); } static struct command_result *listforwards_done(struct command *cmd, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *result, struct clean_info *cinfo) { const jsmntok_t *t, *fwds = json_get_member(buf, result, "forwards"); size_t i; u64 now = time_now().ts.tv_sec; json_for_each_arr(i, t, fwds) { const jsmntok_t *status = json_get_member(buf, t, "status"); jsmntok_t time; enum subsystem subsys; u64 restime; if (json_tok_streq(buf, status, "settled")) { subsys = SUCCEEDEDFORWARDS; } else if (json_tok_streq(buf, status, "failed") || json_tok_streq(buf, status, "local_failed")) { subsys = FAILEDFORWARDS; } else { cinfo->num_uncleaned++; continue; } /* Continue if we don't care. */ if (cinfo->subsystem_age[subsys] == 0) { cinfo->num_uncleaned++; continue; } time = *json_get_member(buf, t, "resolved_time"); /* This is a float, so truncate at '.' */ for (int off = time.start; off < time.end; off++) { if (buf[off] == '.') time.end = off; } if (!json_to_u64(buf, &time, &restime)) { plugin_err(plugin, "Bad time '%.*s'", json_tok_full_len(&time), json_tok_full(buf, &time)); } if (restime <= now - cinfo->subsystem_age[subsys]) { struct out_req *req; const jsmntok_t *inchan, *inid; inchan = json_get_member(buf, t, "in_channel"); inid = json_get_member(buf, t, "in_htlc_id"); req = del_request_start("delforward", cinfo, subsys); json_add_tok(req->js, "in_channel", inchan, buf); /* This can be missing if it was a forwards record from an old * closed channel in version <= 0.12.1. This is a special value * but we will delete them *all*, resulting in some failures! */ #ifdef COMPAT_V0121 if (!inid) json_add_u64(req->js, "in_htlc_id", -1ULL); else #endif json_add_tok(req->js, "in_htlc_id", inid, buf); json_add_tok(req->js, "status", status, buf); send_outreq(plugin, req); } } if (cinfo->cleanup_reqs_remaining) return command_still_pending(cmd); return clean_finished(cinfo); } static struct command_result *listsendpays_failed(struct command *cmd, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *result, void *unused) { return cmd_failed(cmd, buf, result, "listsendpays"); } static struct command_result *listinvoices_failed(struct command *cmd, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *result, void *unused) { return cmd_failed(cmd, buf, result, "listinvoices"); } static struct command_result *listforwards_failed(struct command *cmd, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *result, void *unused) { return cmd_failed(cmd, buf, result, "listforwards"); } static struct command_result *do_clean(struct clean_info *cinfo) { struct out_req *req = NULL; cinfo->cleanup_reqs_remaining = 0; cinfo->num_uncleaned = 0; memset(cinfo->num_cleaned, 0, sizeof(cinfo->num_cleaned)); if (cinfo->subsystem_age[SUCCEEDEDPAYS] != 0 || cinfo->subsystem_age[FAILEDPAYS] != 0) { req = jsonrpc_request_start(plugin, NULL, "listsendpays", listsendpays_done, listsendpays_failed, cinfo); send_outreq(plugin, req); } if (cinfo->subsystem_age[EXPIREDINVOICES] != 0 || cinfo->subsystem_age[PAIDINVOICES] != 0) { req = jsonrpc_request_start(plugin, NULL, "listinvoices", listinvoices_done, listinvoices_failed, cinfo); send_outreq(plugin, req); } if (cinfo->subsystem_age[SUCCEEDEDFORWARDS] != 0 || cinfo->subsystem_age[FAILEDFORWARDS] != 0) { req = jsonrpc_request_start(plugin, NULL, "listforwards", listforwards_done, listforwards_failed, cinfo); send_outreq(plugin, req); } if (req) return command_still_pending(NULL); else return clean_finished(cinfo); } /* Needs a different signature than do_clean */ static void do_clean_timer(void *unused) { assert(timer_cinfo.cleanup_reqs_remaining == 0); do_clean(&timer_cinfo); } static struct command_result *json_autocleaninvoice(struct command *cmd, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *params) { u64 *cycle; u64 *exby; struct json_stream *response; if (!param(cmd, buffer, params, p_opt_def("cycle_seconds", param_u64, &cycle, 3600), p_opt_def("expired_by", param_u64, &exby, 86400), NULL)) return command_param_failed(); cleantimer = tal_free(cleantimer); if (*cycle == 0) { timer_cinfo.subsystem_age[EXPIREDINVOICES] = 0; response = jsonrpc_stream_success(cmd); json_add_bool(response, "enabled", false); return command_finished(cmd, response); } cycle_seconds = *cycle; timer_cinfo.subsystem_age[EXPIREDINVOICES] = *exby; cleantimer = plugin_timer(cmd->plugin, time_from_sec(cycle_seconds), do_clean_timer, NULL); response = jsonrpc_stream_success(cmd); json_add_bool(response, "enabled", true); json_add_u64(response, "cycle_seconds", cycle_seconds); json_add_u64(response, "expired_by", timer_cinfo.subsystem_age[EXPIREDINVOICES]); return command_finished(cmd, response); } static struct command_result *param_subsystem(struct command *cmd, const char *name, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *tok, enum subsystem **subsystem) { *subsystem = tal(cmd, enum subsystem); if (json_to_subsystem(buffer, tok, *subsystem)) return NULL; return command_fail_badparam(cmd, name, buffer, tok, "should be a valid subsystem name"); } static struct command_result *json_success_subsystems(struct command *cmd, const enum subsystem *subsystem) { struct json_stream *response = jsonrpc_stream_success(cmd); json_object_start(response, "autoclean"); for (enum subsystem i = 0; i < NUM_SUBSYSTEM; i++) { if (subsystem && i != *subsystem) continue; json_object_start(response, subsystem_to_str(i)); json_add_bool(response, "enabled", timer_cinfo.subsystem_age[i] != 0); if (timer_cinfo.subsystem_age[i] != 0) json_add_u64(response, "age", timer_cinfo.subsystem_age[i]); json_add_u64(response, "cleaned", total_cleaned[i]); json_object_end(response); } json_object_end(response); return command_finished(cmd, response); } static struct command_result *json_autoclean_status(struct command *cmd, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *params) { enum subsystem *subsystem; if (!param(cmd, buffer, params, p_opt("subsystem", param_subsystem, &subsystem), NULL)) return command_param_failed(); return json_success_subsystems(cmd, subsystem); } static struct command_result *param_u64_nonzero(struct command *cmd, const char *name, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *tok, u64 **val) { struct command_result *res = param_u64(cmd, name, buffer, tok, val); if (res == NULL && *val == 0) res = command_fail_badparam(cmd, name, buffer, tok, "Must be non-zero"); return res; } static struct command_result *json_autoclean_once(struct command *cmd, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *params) { enum subsystem *subsystem; u64 *age; struct clean_info *cinfo; if (!param(cmd, buffer, params, p_req("subsystem", param_subsystem, &subsystem), p_req("age", param_u64_nonzero, &age), NULL)) return command_param_failed(); cinfo = tal(cmd, struct clean_info); cinfo->cmd = cmd; memset(cinfo->subsystem_age, 0, sizeof(cinfo->subsystem_age)); cinfo->subsystem_age[*subsystem] = *age; return do_clean(cinfo); } static const char *init(struct plugin *p, const char *buf UNUSED, const jsmntok_t *config UNUSED) { plugin = p; if (deprecated_cycle_seconds != UINT64_MAX) { if (deprecated_cycle_seconds == 0) { plugin_log(p, LOG_DBG, "autocleaning not active"); return NULL; } else cycle_seconds = deprecated_cycle_seconds; } cleantimer = plugin_timer(p, time_from_sec(cycle_seconds), do_clean_timer, NULL); for (enum subsystem i = 0; i < NUM_SUBSYSTEM; i++) { rpc_scan_datastore_str(plugin, datastore_path(tmpctx, i, "num"), JSON_SCAN(json_to_u64, &total_cleaned[i])); } /* Optimization FTW! */ rpc_enable_batching(p); return NULL; } static const struct plugin_command commands[] = { { "autocleaninvoice", "payment", "Set up autoclean of expired invoices. ", "Perform cleanup every {cycle_seconds} (default 3600), or disable autoclean if 0. " "Clean up expired invoices that have expired for {expired_by} seconds (default 86400). ", json_autocleaninvoice, true, /* deprecated! */ }, { "autoclean-status", "utility", "Show status of autocleaning", "Takes optional {subsystem}", json_autoclean_status, }, { "autoclean-once", "utility", "Perform a single run of autocleaning on one subsystem", "Requires {subsystem} and {age}", json_autoclean_once, }, }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { setup_locale(); plugin_main(argv, init, PLUGIN_STATIC, true, NULL, commands, ARRAY_SIZE(commands), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, plugin_option_deprecated("autocleaninvoice-cycle", "string", "Perform cleanup of expired invoices every" " given seconds, or do not autoclean if 0", u64_option, &deprecated_cycle_seconds), plugin_option_deprecated("autocleaninvoice-expired-by", "string", "If expired invoice autoclean enabled," " invoices that have expired for at least" " this given seconds are cleaned", u64_option, &timer_cinfo.subsystem_age[EXPIREDINVOICES]), plugin_option("autoclean-cycle", "int", "Perform cleanup every" " given seconds", u64_option, &cycle_seconds), plugin_option("autoclean-succeededforwards-age", "int", "How old do successful forwards have to be before deletion (0 = never)", u64_option, &timer_cinfo.subsystem_age[SUCCEEDEDFORWARDS]), plugin_option("autoclean-failedforwards-age", "int", "How old do failed forwards have to be before deletion (0 = never)", u64_option, &timer_cinfo.subsystem_age[FAILEDFORWARDS]), plugin_option("autoclean-succeededpays-age", "int", "How old do successful pays have to be before deletion (0 = never)", u64_option, &timer_cinfo.subsystem_age[SUCCEEDEDPAYS]), plugin_option("autoclean-failedpays-age", "int", "How old do failed pays have to be before deletion (0 = never)", u64_option, &timer_cinfo.subsystem_age[FAILEDPAYS]), plugin_option("autoclean-paidinvoices-age", "int", "How old do paid invoices have to be before deletion (0 = never)", u64_option, &timer_cinfo.subsystem_age[PAIDINVOICES]), plugin_option("autoclean-expiredinvoices-age", "int", "How old do expired invoices have to be before deletion (0 = never)", u64_option, &timer_cinfo.subsystem_age[EXPIREDINVOICES]), NULL); }