from collections import Counter from fixtures import * # noqa: F401,F403 from fixtures import TEST_NETWORK from pyln.client import RpcError, Millisatoshi from utils import ( wait_for, TIMEOUT, only_one, sync_blockheight, expected_node_features, mine_funding_to_announce, default_ln_port, CHANNEL_SIZE, first_scid, generate_gossip_store, GenChannel ) import json import logging import math import os import pytest import struct import subprocess import time import unittest import shutil import socket with open('config.vars') as configfile: config = dict([(line.rstrip().split('=', 1)) for line in configfile]) def test_gossip_pruning(node_factory, bitcoind): """ Create channel and see it being updated in time before pruning """ l1, l2, l3 = node_factory.get_nodes(3, opts={'dev-fast-gossip-prune': None, 'allow_bad_gossip': True}) l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l2.port) l2.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l3.port) scid1, _ = l1.fundchannel(l2, 10**6) scid2, _ = l2.fundchannel(l3, 10**6) mine_funding_to_announce(bitcoind, [l1, l2, l3]) l1_initial_cupdate_timestamp = only_one(l1.rpc.listchannels(['id'])['channels'])['last_update'] # Get timestamps of initial updates, so we can ensure they change. # Channels should be activated locally wait_for(lambda: [c['active'] for c in l1.rpc.listchannels()['channels']] == [True] * 4) wait_for(lambda: [c['active'] for c in l2.rpc.listchannels()['channels']] == [True] * 4) wait_for(lambda: [c['active'] for c in l3.rpc.listchannels()['channels']] == [True] * 4) # All of them should send a keepalive message (after 30 seconds) l1.daemon.wait_for_logs([ 'Sending keepalive channel_update for {}'.format(scid1), ], timeout=50) l2.daemon.wait_for_logs([ 'Sending keepalive channel_update for {}'.format(scid1), 'Sending keepalive channel_update for {}'.format(scid2), ]) l3.daemon.wait_for_logs([ 'Sending keepalive channel_update for {}'.format(scid2), ]) # Everyone should see l1's update change. for n in (l1, l2, l3): wait_for(lambda: only_one(n.rpc.listchannels(['id'])['channels'])['last_update'] != l1_initial_cupdate_timestamp) # Now kill l2, so that l1 and l3 will prune from their view after 60 seconds l2.stop() # We check every 60/4 seconds, and takes 60 seconds since last update. l1.daemon.wait_for_log("Pruning channel {} from network view".format(scid2), timeout=80) l3.daemon.wait_for_log("Pruning channel {} from network view".format(scid1)) assert scid2 not in [c['short_channel_id'] for c in l1.rpc.listchannels()['channels']] assert scid1 not in [c['short_channel_id'] for c in l3.rpc.listchannels()['channels']] assert['id'] not in [n['nodeid'] for n in l1.rpc.listnodes()['nodes']] assert['id'] not in [n['nodeid'] for n in l3.rpc.listnodes()['nodes']] def test_gossip_disable_channels(node_factory, bitcoind): """Simple test to check that channels get disabled correctly on disconnect and reenabled upon reconnecting """ opts = {'dev-no-reconnect': None, 'may_reconnect': True} l1, l2 = node_factory.get_nodes(2, opts=opts) l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l2.port) scid, _ = l1.fundchannel(l2, 10**6) bitcoind.generate_block(5) def count_active(node): chans = node.rpc.listchannels()['channels'] active = [c for c in chans if c['active']] connected = len([p for p in node.rpc.listpeerchannels()['channels'] if p['peer_connected'] is True]) return connected * len(active) l1.wait_channel_active(scid) l2.wait_channel_active(scid) assert(count_active(l1) == 2) assert(count_active(l2) == 2) l2.restart() wait_for(lambda: count_active(l1) == 0) assert(count_active(l2) == 0) # Now reconnect, they should re-enable the channels l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l2.port) wait_for(lambda: count_active(l1) == 2) wait_for(lambda: count_active(l2) == 2) def test_announce_address(node_factory, bitcoind): """Make sure our announcements are well formed.""" # We do not allow announcement of duplicates. opts = {'announce-addr': ['4acth47i6kxnvkewtm6q7ib2s3ufpo5sqbsnzjpbi7utijcltosqemad.onion', '', '', '::'], 'log-level': 'io', 'dev-allow-localhost': None} l1, l2 = node_factory.get_nodes(2, opts=[opts, {}]) l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l2.port) scid, _ = l1.fundchannel(l2, 10**6) bitcoind.generate_block(5) l1.wait_channel_active(scid) l2.wait_channel_active(scid) # We should see it send node announce with all addresses (257 = 0x0101) # Note: local ephemeral port is masked out. # Note: Since we `disable-dns` it should not announce a resolved IPv4 # or IPv6 address for # # Also expect the address descriptor types to be sorted! # BOLT #7: # - MUST place address descriptors in ascending order. l1.daemon.wait_for_log(r"\[OUT\] 0101.*0056" "010102030404d2" # IPv4 01 "017f000001...." # IPv4 01 "0200000000000000000000000000000000...." # IPv6 02 ::: "04e00533f3e8f2aedaa8969b3d0fa03a96e857bbb28064dca5e147e934244b9ba5023003...." # TORv3 04 "050b6578616d706c652e636f6d04d4") # DNS 05 len # Check other node can parse these (make sure it has digested msg) wait_for(lambda: 'addresses' in l2.rpc.listnodes(['id'])['nodes'][0]) addresses = l2.rpc.listnodes(['id'])['nodes'][0]['addresses'] addresses_dns = [address for address in addresses if address['type'] == 'dns'] assert len(addresses) == 5 assert len(addresses_dns) == 1 assert addresses_dns[0]['address'] == '' assert addresses_dns[0]['port'] == 1236 def test_announce_dns_suppressed(node_factory, bitcoind): """By default announce DNS names as IPs""" opts = {'announce-addr': '', 'start': False} l1, l2 = node_factory.get_nodes(2, opts=[opts, {}]) # Remove unwanted disable-dns option! del l1.daemon.opts['disable-dns'] l1.start() # Need a channel so l1 will announce itself. l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l2.port) scid, _ = l1.fundchannel(l2, 10**6) bitcoind.generate_block(5) # Wait for l2 to see l1, with addresses. wait_for(lambda: l2.rpc.listnodes(['id'])['nodes'] != []) wait_for(lambda: 'addresses' in only_one(l2.rpc.listnodes(['id'])['nodes'])) addresses = only_one(l2.rpc.listnodes(['id'])['nodes'])['addresses'] assert len(addresses) == 1 assert addresses[0]['type'] in ['ipv4', 'ipv6'] assert addresses[0]['address'] != '' assert addresses[0]['port'] == 1236 def test_announce_and_connect_via_dns(node_factory, bitcoind): """ Test that DNS announcements propagate and can be used when connecting. - First node announces only a FQDN like 'localhost.localdomain'. - Second node gets a channel with first node. - Third node just connects to second node. - Fourth node with DNS disabled also connects to second node. - Wait for gossip so third and fourth node sees first node. - Third node must be able to 'resolve' 'localhost.localdomain' and connect to first node. - Fourth node must not be able to connect because he has disabled DNS. Notes: - --disable-dns is needed so the first node does not announce itself. - 'dev-allow-localhost' must not be set, so it does not resolve localhost anyway. """ opts1 = {'disable-dns': None, 'announce-addr': ['dns:localhost.localdomain:12345'], # announce dns 'bind-addr': ['', '[::1]:12345']} # and bind local IPs opts3 = {'may_reconnect': True} opts4 = {'disable-dns': None} l1, l2, l3, l4 = node_factory.get_nodes(4, opts=[opts1, {}, opts3, opts4]) # In order to enable DNS on a pyln testnode we need to delete the # 'disable-dns' opt (which is added by pyln test utils) and restart it. del l3.daemon.opts['disable-dns'] l3.restart() l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l2.port) l3.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l2.port) l4.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l2.port) scid, _ = l1.fundchannel(l2, 10**6) mine_funding_to_announce(bitcoind, [l1, l2, l3]) # wait until l3 and l4 see l1 via gossip with announced addresses wait_for(lambda: len(l3.rpc.listnodes(['id'])['nodes']) == 1) wait_for(lambda: len(l4.rpc.listnodes(['id'])['nodes']) == 1) wait_for(lambda: 'addresses' in l3.rpc.listnodes(['id'])['nodes'][0]) wait_for(lambda: 'addresses' in l4.rpc.listnodes(['id'])['nodes'][0]) addresses = l3.rpc.listnodes(['id'])['nodes'][0]['addresses'] assert(len(addresses) == 1) # no other addresses must be announced for this assert(addresses[0]['type'] == 'dns') assert(addresses[0]['address'] == 'localhost.localdomain') assert(addresses[0]['port'] == 12345) # now l3 must be able to use DNS to resolve and connect to l1 result = l3.rpc.connect(['id']) assert result['id'] ==['id'] assert result['direction'] == 'out' assert result['address']['port'] == 12345 if result['address']['type'] == 'ipv4': assert result['address']['address'] == '' elif result['address']['type'] == 'ipv6': assert result['address']['address'] == '::1' else: assert False # l4 however must not be able to connect because he used '--disable-dns' # This raises RpcError code 401, currently with an empty error message. with pytest.raises(RpcError, match=r"401.*dns disabled"): l4.rpc.connect(['id']) def test_only_announce_one_dns(node_factory, bitcoind): # and test that we can't announce more than one DNS address l1 = node_factory.get_node(expect_fail=True, start=False, options={'announce-addr': ['dns:localhost.localdomain:12345', '']}) l1.daemon.start(wait_for_initialized=False, stderr_redir=True) wait_for(lambda: l1.daemon.is_in_stderr("Only one DNS can be announced")) def test_announce_dns_without_port(node_factory, bitcoind): """ Checks that the port of a DNS announcement is set to the corresponding network port. In this case regtest 19846 """ opts = {'announce-addr': ['']} l1 = node_factory.get_node(options=opts) # 'address': [{'type': 'dns', 'address': '', 'port': 0}] info = l1.rpc.getinfo() assert info['address'][0]['type'] == 'dns' assert info['address'][0]['address'] == '' if TEST_NETWORK == 'regtest': default_port = 19846 else: assert TEST_NETWORK == 'liquid-regtest' default_port = 20735 assert info['address'][0]['port'] == default_port def test_gossip_timestamp_filter(node_factory, bitcoind, chainparams): l1, l2, l3, l4 = node_factory.line_graph(4, fundchannel=False, opts={'log-level': 'io'}) genesis_blockhash = chainparams['chain_hash'] before_anything = int(time.time()) # Make a public channel. chan12, _ = l1.fundchannel(l2, 10**5) mine_funding_to_announce(bitcoind, [l1, l2, l3, l4]) l3.wait_for_channel_updates([chan12]) after_12 = int(time.time()) # Make another one, different timestamp. time.sleep(10) before_23 = int(time.time()) chan23, _ = l2.fundchannel(l3, 10**5) bitcoind.generate_block(5) l1.wait_for_channel_updates([chan23]) after_23 = int(time.time()) + 1 # Make sure l4 has received all the gossip. wait_for(lambda: ['alias' in node for node in l4.rpc.listnodes()['nodes']] == [True, True, True]) msgs = l4.query_gossip('gossip_timestamp_filter', genesis_blockhash, '0', '0xFFFFFFFF', filters=['0109', '0107', '0012']) # 0x0100 = channel_announcement # 0x0102 = channel_update # 0x0101 = node_announcement # The order of node_announcements relative to others is undefined. types = Counter([m[0:4] for m in msgs]) assert types == Counter(['0100'] * 2 + ['0102'] * 4 + ['0101'] * 3) # Now timestamp which doesn't overlap (gives nothing). msgs = l4.query_gossip('gossip_timestamp_filter', genesis_blockhash, '0', before_anything, filters=['0109', '0107', '0012']) assert msgs == [] # Now choose range which will only give first update. msgs = l4.query_gossip('gossip_timestamp_filter', genesis_blockhash, before_anything, after_12 - before_anything + 1, filters=['0109', '0107', '0012']) # 0x0100 = channel_announcement # 0x0102 = channel_update # (Node announcement may have any timestamp) types = Counter([m[0:4] for m in msgs]) assert types['0100'] == 1 assert types['0102'] == 2 # Now choose range which will only give second update. msgs = l4.query_gossip('gossip_timestamp_filter', genesis_blockhash, before_23, after_23 - before_23 + 1, filters=['0109', '0107', '0012']) # 0x0100 = channel_announcement # 0x0102 = channel_update # (Node announcement may have any timestamp) types = Counter([m[0:4] for m in msgs]) assert types['0100'] == 1 assert types['0102'] == 2 def test_connect_by_gossip(node_factory, bitcoind): """Test connecting to an unknown peer using node gossip """ # l1 announces a bogus addresses. l1, l2, l3 = node_factory.get_nodes(3, opts=[{'announce-addr': ['', '[::]:2', 'vww6ybal4bd7szmgncyruucpgfkqahzddi37ktceo3ah7ngmcopnpyyd.onion'], 'dev-allow-localhost': None}, {}, {'dev-allow-localhost': None, 'log-level': 'io'}]) l2.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l3.port) # Nodes are gossiped only if they have channels chanid, _ = l2.fundchannel(l3, 10**6) mine_funding_to_announce(bitcoind, [l1, l2, l3]) # Let channel reach announcement depth l2.wait_channel_active(chanid) # Make sure l3 has given node announcement to l2. l2.daemon.wait_for_logs(['Received node_announcement for node {}'.format(['id'])]) # Let l1 learn of l3 by node gossip l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l2.port) l1.daemon.wait_for_logs(['Received node_announcement for node {}'.format(['id'])]) # Have l1 connect to l3 without explicit host and port. ret = l1.rpc.connect(['id']) assert ret['address'] == {'type': 'ipv4', 'address': '', 'port': l3.port} # Now give it *wrong* port (after we make sure l2 isn't listening), it should fall back. l1.rpc.disconnect(['id']) l2.stop() ret = l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l2.port) assert ret['address'] == {'type': 'ipv4', 'address': '', 'port': l3.port} def test_gossip_jsonrpc(node_factory): l1, l2 = node_factory.line_graph(2, fundchannel=True, wait_for_announce=False) # Shouldn't send announce signatures until 6 deep. assert not l1.daemon.is_in_log('peer_out WIRE_ANNOUNCEMENT_SIGNATURES') # Make sure we can route through the channel, will raise on failure l1.rpc.getroute(['id'], 100, 1) # Channels not should be activated locally assert l1.rpc.listchannels() == {'channels': []} assert l2.rpc.listchannels() == {'channels': []} # Outgoing should be public, even if not announced yet. channels1 = l1.rpc.listpeerchannels()['channels'] channels2 = l2.rpc.listpeerchannels()['channels'] assert [c['private'] for c in channels1] == [False] assert [c['private'] for c in channels2] == [False] # Now proceed to funding-depth and do a full gossip round l1.bitcoin.generate_block(5) # Could happen in either order. l1.daemon.wait_for_logs(['peer_out WIRE_ANNOUNCEMENT_SIGNATURES', 'peer_in WIRE_ANNOUNCEMENT_SIGNATURES']) # Just wait for the update to kick off and then check the effect needle = "Received node_announcement for node" l1.daemon.wait_for_log(needle) l2.daemon.wait_for_log(needle) l1.wait_channel_active(only_one(channels1)['short_channel_id']) l2.wait_channel_active(only_one(channels1)['short_channel_id']) # Test listchannels-by-source channels1 = l1.rpc.listchannels(['id'])['channels'] channels2 = l2.rpc.listchannels(['id'])['channels'] assert only_one(channels1)['source'] ==['id'] assert only_one(channels1)['destination'] ==['id'] if['id'] >['id']: assert only_one(channels1)['direction'] == 1 else: assert only_one(channels1)['direction'] == 0 assert channels1 == channels2 # Test listchannels-by-destination channels1 = l1.rpc.listchannels(['id'])['channels'] channels2 = l2.rpc.listchannels(['id'])['channels'] assert only_one(channels1)['destination'] ==['id'] assert only_one(channels1)['source'] ==['id'] if['id'] >['id']: assert only_one(channels1)['direction'] == 1 else: assert only_one(channels1)['direction'] == 0 assert channels1 == channels2 # Test only one of short_channel_id, source or destination can be supplied with pytest.raises(RpcError, match=r"Can only specify one of.*"): l1.rpc.listchannels(['id'],['id']) with pytest.raises(RpcError, match=r"Can only specify one of.*"): l1.rpc.listchannels(short_channel_id="1x1x1",['id']) nodes = l1.rpc.listnodes()['nodes'] assert set([n['nodeid'] for n in nodes]) == set([['id'],['id']]) # Test listnodes with an arg, while we're here. n1 = l1.rpc.listnodes(['id'])['nodes'][0] n2 = l1.rpc.listnodes(['id'])['nodes'][0] assert n1['nodeid'] ==['id'] assert n2['nodeid'] ==['id'] # Might not have seen other node-announce yet. assert n1['alias'].startswith('JUNIORBEAM') assert n1['color'] == '0266e4' if 'alias' not in n2: assert 'color' not in n2 assert 'addresses' not in n2 else: assert n2['alias'].startswith('SILENTARTIST') assert n2['color'] == '022d22' assert [c['active'] for c in l1.rpc.listchannels()['channels']] == [True, True] assert [c['public'] for c in l1.rpc.listchannels()['channels']] == [True, True] assert [c['active'] for c in l2.rpc.listchannels()['channels']] == [True, True] assert [c['public'] for c in l2.rpc.listchannels()['channels']] == [True, True] def test_gossip_badsig(node_factory, bitcoind): """Make sure node announcement signatures are ok. This is a smoke test to see if signatures fail. This used to be the case occasionally before PR #276 was merged: we'd be waiting for the HSM to reply with a signature and would then regenerate the message, which might roll the timestamp, invalidating the signature. """ l1, l2, l3 = node_factory.get_nodes(3) # l2 connects to both, so l1 can't reconnect and thus l2 drops to chain l2.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l1.port) l2.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l3.port) l2.fundchannel(l1, 10**6) l2.fundchannel(l3, 10**6) # Wait for route propagation. mine_funding_to_announce(bitcoind, [l1, l2, l3]) l1.daemon.wait_for_log('Received node_announcement for node {}' .format(['id'])) assert not l1.daemon.is_in_log('signature verification failed') assert not l2.daemon.is_in_log('signature verification failed') assert not l3.daemon.is_in_log('signature verification failed') def test_gossip_weirdalias(node_factory, bitcoind): weird_name = '\t \n \" \n \r \n \\' normal_name = 'Normal name' opts = [ {'alias': weird_name}, {'alias': normal_name} ] l1, l2 = node_factory.get_nodes(2, opts=opts) weird_name_json = json.encoder.JSONEncoder().encode(weird_name)[1:-1] aliasline = l1.daemon.is_in_log('Server started with public key .* alias') assert weird_name_json in str(aliasline) assert l2.daemon.is_in_log('Server started with public key .* alias {}' .format(normal_name)) l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l2.port) l2.daemon.wait_for_log('Handed peer, entering loop') l2.fundchannel(l1, 10**6) bitcoind.generate_block(6) # They should gossip together. l1.daemon.wait_for_log('Received node_announcement for node {}' .format(['id'])) l2.daemon.wait_for_log('Received node_announcement for node {}' .format(['id'])) node = l1.rpc.listnodes(['id'])['nodes'][0] assert node['alias'] == weird_name node = l2.rpc.listnodes(['id'])['nodes'][0] assert node['alias'] == weird_name def test_gossip_persistence(node_factory, bitcoind): """Gossip for a while, restart and it should remember. Also tests for funding outpoint spends, and they should be persisted too. """ opts = {'dev-no-reconnect': None, 'may_reconnect': True} l1, l2, l3, l4 = node_factory.get_nodes(4, opts=opts) l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l2.port) l2.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l3.port) l3.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l4.port) scid12, _ = l1.fundchannel(l2, 10**6) scid23, _ = l2.fundchannel(l3, 10**6) # Make channels public, except for l3 -> l4, which is kept local-only mine_funding_to_announce(bitcoind, [l1, l2, l3, l4]) scid34, _ = l3.fundchannel(l4, 10**6, announce_channel=False) bitcoind.generate_block(1) def active(node): chans = node.rpc.listchannels()['channels'] return sorted([c['short_channel_id'] for c in chans if c['active']]) def non_public(node): # Not just c["private"] == True, but immature ones too. public_chans = [c['short_channel_id'] for c in node.rpc.listchannels()['channels']] our_chans = [c['short_channel_id'] for c in node.rpc.listpeerchannels()['channels'] if c['state'] in ('CHANNELD_NORMAL', 'CHANNELD_AWAITING_SPLICE')] return sorted(list(set(our_chans) - set(public_chans))) # Channels should be activated wait_for(lambda: active(l1) == [scid12, scid12, scid23, scid23]) wait_for(lambda: active(l2) == [scid12, scid12, scid23, scid23]) # This one has private channels, but doesn't appear in listchannels. wait_for(lambda: active(l3) == [scid12, scid12, scid23, scid23]) # l1 restarts and public gossip should persist l1.restart() wait_for(lambda: active(l1) == [scid12, scid12, scid23, scid23]) # Now reconnect, they should re-enable the two l1 <-> l2 directions l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l2.port) wait_for(lambda: active(l1) == [scid12, scid12, scid23, scid23]) # Now spend the funding tx, generate a block and see others deleting the # channel from their network view l1.rpc.dev_fail(['id']) # We need to wait for the unilateral close to hit the mempool, # and 12 blocks for nodes to actually forget it. bitcoind.generate_block(13, wait_for_mempool=1) wait_for(lambda: active(l1) == [scid23, scid23]) wait_for(lambda: active(l2) == [scid23, scid23]) wait_for(lambda: active(l3) == [scid23, scid23]) # The channel l3 -> l4 should be known only to them assert non_public(l1) == [] assert non_public(l2) == [] wait_for(lambda: non_public(l3) == [scid34]) wait_for(lambda: non_public(l4) == [scid34]) # Finally, it should also remember the deletion after a restart l3.restart() l4.restart() l2.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l3.port) l3.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l4.port) wait_for(lambda: active(l3) == [scid23, scid23]) # Both l3 and l4 should remember their local-only channel wait_for(lambda: non_public(l3) == [scid34]) wait_for(lambda: non_public(l4) == [scid34]) def test_routing_gossip_reconnect(node_factory, bitcoind): # Connect two peers, reconnect and then see if we resume the # gossip. disconnects = ['-WIRE_CHANNEL_ANNOUNCEMENT'] l1, l2, l3 = node_factory.get_nodes(3, opts=[{'disconnect': disconnects, 'may_reconnect': True}, {'may_reconnect': True}, {}]) # Make sure everyone is up to block height so we don't get bad gossip msgs! sync_blockheight(bitcoind, [l1, l2, l3]) l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l2.port) l1.openchannel(l2, CHANNEL_SIZE) # Make sure everyone is up to block height so we don't get bad gossip msgs! sync_blockheight(bitcoind, [l1, l2, l3]) # Now open new channels and everybody should sync l2.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l3.port) l2.openchannel(l3, CHANNEL_SIZE) # Settle the gossip for n in [l1, l2, l3]: wait_for(lambda: len(n.rpc.listchannels()['channels']) == 4) def test_gossip_no_empty_announcements(node_factory, bitcoind, chainparams): # Need full IO logging so we can see gossip # l2 sends CHANNEL_ANNOUNCEMENT to l1, but not CHANNEL_UDPATE. l1, l2, l3, l4 = node_factory.line_graph(4, opts=[{'log-level': 'io', 'dev-no-reconnect': None}, {'log-level': 'io', 'disconnect': ['+WIRE_CHANNEL_ANNOUNCEMENT'], 'may_reconnect': True}, {'may_reconnect': True}, {'may_reconnect': True}], fundchannel=False) l3.fundchannel(l4, 10**5) mine_funding_to_announce(bitcoind, [l1, l2, l3, l4]) # l2 sends CHANNEL_ANNOUNCEMENT to l1, then disconnects/ l2.daemon.wait_for_log('dev_disconnect') l1.daemon.wait_for_log(r'\[IN\] 0100') wait_for(lambda: l1.rpc.listchannels()['channels'] == []) # l1 won't mention it in reply (make sure it has time to digest though) # but it may actually relay it time.sleep(2) encoded =['devtools/mkencoded', '--scids', '00'], check=True, timeout=TIMEOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.strip().decode() assert l1.query_gossip('query_channel_range', chainparams['chain_hash'], 0, 1000000, filters=['0109', '0107', '0012', '0100']) == ['0108' # blockhash + chainparams['chain_hash'] # first_blocknum, number_of_blocks, complete + format(0, '08x') + format(1000000, '08x') + '01' # encoded_short_ids + format(len(encoded) // 2, '04x') + encoded] # If we reconnect, gossip will now flow. l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l2.port) wait_for(lambda: len(l1.rpc.listchannels()['channels']) == 2) def test_routing_gossip(node_factory, bitcoind): nodes = node_factory.get_nodes(5) for i in range(len(nodes) - 1): src, dst = nodes[i], nodes[i + 1] src.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', dst.port) src.openchannel(dst, CHANNEL_SIZE, confirm=False, wait_for_announce=False) # openchannel calls fundwallet which mines a block; so first channel # is 4 deep, last is unconfirmed. # Allow announce messages, but don't run too fast, otherwise gossip can be in the future for nodes. sync_blockheight(bitcoind, nodes) bitcoind.generate_block(wait_for_mempool=1) mine_funding_to_announce(bitcoind, nodes) # Deep check that all channels are in there comb = [] for i in range(len(nodes) - 1): comb.append((nodes[i].info['id'], nodes[i + 1].info['id'])) comb.append((nodes[i + 1].info['id'], nodes[i].info['id'])) def check_gossip(n): seen = [] channels = n.rpc.listchannels()['channels'] for c in channels: seen.append((c['source'], c['destination'])) missing = set(comb) - set(seen) logging.debug("Node {id} is missing channels {chans}".format(['id'], chans=missing) ) return len(missing) == 0 for n in nodes: wait_for(lambda: check_gossip(n)) def test_gossip_query_channel_range(node_factory, bitcoind, chainparams): l1, l2, l3, l4 = node_factory.line_graph(4, fundchannel=False) genesis_blockhash = chainparams['chain_hash'] # Make public channels on consecutive blocks l1.fundwallet(10**6) l2.fundwallet(10**6) num_tx = len(bitcoind.rpc.getrawmempool()) # We want these one block apart. l1.rpc.fundchannel(['id'], 10**5)['tx'] bitcoind.generate_block(wait_for_mempool=num_tx + 1) sync_blockheight(bitcoind, [l1, l2, l3, l4]) l2.rpc.fundchannel(['id'], 10**5)['tx'] # Get them both to gossip depth. mine_funding_to_announce(bitcoind, [l1, l2, l3, l4], num_blocks=6, wait_for_mempool=1) # Make sure l4 has received all the gossip. l4.daemon.wait_for_logs(['Received node_announcement for node ' +['id'] for n in (l1, l2, l3)]) scid12 = l1.rpc.listpeerchannels(['id'])['channels'][0]['short_channel_id'] scid23 = l3.rpc.listpeerchannels(['id'])['channels'][0]['short_channel_id'] block12 = int(scid12.split('x')[0]) block23 = int(scid23.split('x')[0]) assert block23 == block12 + 1 # Asks l4 for all channels, gets both. msgs = l4.query_gossip('query_channel_range', chainparams['chain_hash'], 0, 1000000, filters=['0109', '0107', '0012']) encoded =['devtools/mkencoded', '--scids', '00', scid12, scid23], check=True, timeout=TIMEOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.strip().decode() # reply_channel_range == 264 assert msgs == ['0108' # blockhash + genesis_blockhash # first_blocknum, number_of_blocks, complete + format(0, '08x') + format(1000000, '08x') + '01' # encoded_short_ids + format(len(encoded) // 2, '04x') + encoded] # Does not include scid12 msgs = l4.query_gossip('query_channel_range', genesis_blockhash, 0, block12, filters=['0109', '0107', '0012']) # reply_channel_range == 264 assert msgs == ['0108' # blockhash + genesis_blockhash # first_blocknum, number_of_blocks, complete + format(0, '08x') + format(block12, '08x') + '01' # encoded_short_ids '000100'] # Does include scid12 msgs = l4.query_gossip('query_channel_range', genesis_blockhash, 0, block12 + 1, filters=['0109', '0107', '0012']) encoded =['devtools/mkencoded', '--scids', '00', scid12], check=True, timeout=TIMEOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.strip().decode() # reply_channel_range == 264 assert msgs == ['0108' # blockhash + genesis_blockhash # first_blocknum, number_of_blocks, complete + format(0, '08x') + format(block12 + 1, '08x') + '01' # encoded_short_ids + format(len(encoded) // 2, '04x') + encoded] # Doesn't include scid23 msgs = l4.query_gossip('query_channel_range', genesis_blockhash, 0, block23, filters=['0109', '0107', '0012']) encoded =['devtools/mkencoded', '--scids', '00', scid12], check=True, timeout=TIMEOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.strip().decode() # reply_channel_range == 264 assert msgs == ['0108' # blockhash + genesis_blockhash # first_blocknum, number_of_blocks, complete + format(0, '08x') + format(block23, '08x') + '01' # encoded_short_ids + format(len(encoded) // 2, '04x') + encoded] # Does include scid23 msgs = l4.query_gossip('query_channel_range', genesis_blockhash, block12, block23 - block12 + 1, filters=['0109', '0107', '0012']) encoded =['devtools/mkencoded', '--scids', '00', scid12, scid23], check=True, timeout=TIMEOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.strip().decode() # reply_channel_range == 264 assert msgs == ['0108' # blockhash + genesis_blockhash # first_blocknum, number_of_blocks, complete + format(block12, '08x') + format(block23 - block12 + 1, '08x') + '01' # encoded_short_ids + format(len(encoded) // 2, '04x') + encoded] # Only includes scid23 msgs = l4.query_gossip('query_channel_range', genesis_blockhash, block23, 1, filters=['0109', '0107', '0012']) encoded =['devtools/mkencoded', '--scids', '00', scid23], check=True, timeout=TIMEOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.strip().decode() # reply_channel_range == 264 assert msgs == ['0108' # blockhash + genesis_blockhash # first_blocknum, number_of_blocks, complete + format(block23, '08x') + format(1, '08x') + '01' # encoded_short_ids + format(len(encoded) // 2, '04x') + encoded] # Past both msgs = l4.query_gossip('query_channel_range', genesis_blockhash, block23 + 1, 1000000, filters=['0109', '0107', '0012']) # reply_channel_range == 264 assert msgs == ['0108' # blockhash + genesis_blockhash # first_blocknum, number_of_blocks, complete + format(block23 + 1, '08x') + format(1000000, '08x') + '01' # encoded_short_ids + '000100'] # Make l4 split reply into two (technically async) l4.rpc.dev_set_max_scids_encode_size(max=9) l4.daemon.wait_for_log('Set max_scids_encode_bytes to 9') msgs = l4.query_gossip('query_channel_range', genesis_blockhash, 0, 1000000, filters=['0109', '0107', '0012']) # It should definitely have split l4.daemon.wait_for_log('reply_channel_range: splitting 0-1 of 2') start = 0 scids = '00' for m in msgs: assert m.startswith('0108' + genesis_blockhash) this_start = int(m[4 + 64:4 + 64 + 8], base=16) num = int(m[4 + 64 + 8:4 + 64 + 8 + 8], base=16) # Pull off end of packet, assume it's uncompressed, and no TLVs! scids += m[4 + 64 + 8 + 8 + 2 + 4 + 2:] assert this_start == start start += num encoded =['devtools/mkencoded', '--scids', '00', scid12, scid23], check=True, timeout=TIMEOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.strip().decode() assert scids == encoded # Test overflow case doesn't split forever; should still only get 2 for this msgs = l4.query_gossip('query_channel_range', genesis_blockhash, 1, 429496000, filters=['0109', '0107', '0012']) assert len(msgs) == 2 # Long test involving 4 lightningd instances. def test_report_routing_failure(node_factory, bitcoind): """Test routing failure and retrying of routing. """ # The setup is as follows: # l3-->l4 # ^ / | # | / | # | L v # l2<--l1 # # l1 wants to pay to l4. # The shortest route is l1-l4, but l1 cannot # afford to pay to l1 because l4 has all the # funds. # This is a local failure. # The next shortest route is l1-l2-l4, but # l2 cannot afford to pay l4 for same reason. # This is a remote failure. # Finally the only possible path is # l1-l2-l3-l4. # Setup # Construct lightningd l1, l2, l3, l4 = node_factory.get_nodes(4) # Wire them up # The ordering below matters! # Particularly, l1 is payer and we will # wait for l1 to receive gossip for the # channel being made. channels = [] for src, dst in [(l1, l2), (l2, l3), (l3, l4), (l4, l1), (l4, l2)]: src.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', dst.port) print("src={}, dst={}".format(src.daemon.lightning_dir, dst.daemon.lightning_dir)) c, _ = src.fundchannel(dst, 10**6) channels.append(c) mine_funding_to_announce(bitcoind, [l1, l2, l3, l4]) for c in channels: l1.wait_channel_active(c) # Test inv = l4.rpc.invoice(1234567, 'inv', 'for testing')['bolt11'] def test_query_short_channel_id(node_factory, bitcoind, chainparams): l1, l2, l3, l4 = node_factory.get_nodes(4) l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l2.port) l2.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l3.port) chain_hash = chainparams['chain_hash'] # Empty result tests. encoded =['devtools/mkencoded', '--scids', '00', '1x1x1', '2x2x2'], check=True, timeout=TIMEOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.strip().decode() msgs = l1.query_gossip('query_short_channel_ids', chain_hash, encoded, filters=['0109', '0107', '0012']) # Should just get the WIRE_REPLY_SHORT_CHANNEL_IDS_END = 262 # (with chainhash and completeflag = 1) assert len(msgs) == 1 assert msgs[0] == '0106{}01'.format(chain_hash) # Make channels public. scid12, _ = l1.fundchannel(l2, 10**5) scid23, _ = l2.fundchannel(l3, 10**5) mine_funding_to_announce(bitcoind, [l1, l2, l3]) # Attach node which won't spam us (since it's not their channel). l4.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l1.port) l4.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l2.port) l4.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l3.port) # Make sure it sees all channels, then node announcements. wait_for(lambda: len(l4.rpc.listchannels()['channels']) == 4) wait_for(lambda: all('alias' in n for n in l4.rpc.listnodes()['nodes'])) # This query should get channel announcements, channel updates, and node announcements. encoded =['devtools/mkencoded', '--scids', '00', scid23], check=True, timeout=TIMEOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.strip().decode() msgs = l4.query_gossip('query_short_channel_ids', chain_hash, encoded, filters=['0109', '0107', '0012']) assert len(msgs) == 6 # 0x0100 = channel_announcement assert msgs[0].startswith('0100') # 0x0102 = channel_update assert msgs[1].startswith('0102') assert msgs[2].startswith('0102') # 0x0101 = node_announcement assert msgs[3].startswith('0101') assert msgs[4].startswith('0101') assert msgs[5] == '0106{}01'.format(chain_hash) encoded =['devtools/mkencoded', '--scids', '00', scid12, scid23], check=True, timeout=TIMEOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.strip().decode() msgs = l4.query_gossip('query_short_channel_ids', chain_hash, encoded, filters=['0109', '0107', '0012']) # Technically, this order could be different, but this matches code. assert len(msgs) == 10 # 0x0100 = channel_announcement assert msgs[0].startswith('0100') # 0x0102 = channel_update assert msgs[1].startswith('0102') assert msgs[2].startswith('0102') # 0x0100 = channel_announcement assert msgs[3].startswith('0100') # 0x0102 = channel_update assert msgs[4].startswith('0102') assert msgs[5].startswith('0102') # 0x0101 = node_announcement assert msgs[6].startswith('0101') assert msgs[7].startswith('0101') assert msgs[8].startswith('0101') assert msgs[9] == '0106{}01'.format(chain_hash) def test_gossip_addresses(node_factory, bitcoind): l1 = node_factory.get_node(options={ 'announce-addr': [ '[::]:3', '[::]', '', '', 'vww6ybal4bd7szmgncyruucpgfkqahzddi37ktceo3ah7ngmcopnpyyd.onion', '4acth47i6kxnvkewtm6q7ib2s3ufpo5sqbsnzjpbi7utijcltosqemad.onion:1234' ], }) l2 = node_factory.get_node() l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l2.port) l1.fundchannel(l2, 100000) bitcoind.generate_block(6) l2.daemon.wait_for_log('Received node_announcement for node {}' .format(['id'])) nodes = l2.rpc.listnodes(['id'])['nodes'] if TEST_NETWORK == 'regtest': default_port = 19846 else: assert TEST_NETWORK == 'liquid-regtest' default_port = 20735 assert len(nodes) == 1 and nodes[0]['addresses'] == [ {'type': 'ipv4', 'address': '', 'port': 2}, {'type': 'ipv4', 'address': '', 'port': default_port}, {'type': 'ipv6', 'address': '::', 'port': 3}, {'type': 'ipv6', 'address': '::', 'port': default_port}, {'type': 'torv3', 'address': 'vww6ybal4bd7szmgncyruucpgfkqahzddi37ktceo3ah7ngmcopnpyyd.onion', 'port': default_port}, {'type': 'torv3', 'address': '4acth47i6kxnvkewtm6q7ib2s3ufpo5sqbsnzjpbi7utijcltosqemad.onion', 'port': 1234}, ] @unittest.skipIf(TEST_NETWORK != 'regtest', 'elementsd doesnt yet support PSBT features we need') @pytest.mark.openchannel('v2') def test_gossip_lease_rates(node_factory, bitcoind): lease_opts = {'lease-fee-basis': 50, 'lease-fee-base-sat': '2000msat', 'channel-fee-max-base-msat': '500sat', 'channel-fee-max-proportional-thousandths': 200} l1, l2 = node_factory.get_nodes(2, opts=[lease_opts, {}]) rates ='funderupdate') assert rates['channel_fee_max_base_msat'] == Millisatoshi('500000msat') assert rates['channel_fee_max_proportional_thousandths'] == 200 assert rates['funding_weight'] == 666 # Default on regtest assert rates['lease_fee_base_msat'] == Millisatoshi('2000msat') assert rates['lease_fee_basis'] == 50 rates ='funderupdate') assert 'channel_fee_max_base_msat' not in rates assert 'channel_fee_max_proportional_thousandths' not in rates assert 'funding_weight' not in rates assert 'lease_fee_base_msat' not in rates assert 'lease_fee_basis' not in rates # Open a channel, check that the node_announcements # include offer details, as expected l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l2.port) l1.fundchannel(l2, 10**6) # Don't have l2 reject channel_announcement as too far in future. sync_blockheight(bitcoind, [l1, l2]) # Announce depth is ALWAYS 6 blocks bitcoind.generate_block(5) l2.daemon.wait_for_log('Received node_announcement for node {}' .format(['id'])) l1.daemon.wait_for_log('Received node_announcement for node {}' .format(['id'])) l2_nodeinfo = only_one(l1.rpc.listnodes(['id'])['nodes']) l1_nodeinfo = only_one(l2.rpc.listnodes(['id'])['nodes']) assert 'option_will_fund' not in l2_nodeinfo rates = l1_nodeinfo['option_will_fund'] assert rates['channel_fee_max_base_msat'] == Millisatoshi('500000msat') assert rates['channel_fee_max_proportional_thousandths'] == 200 assert rates['funding_weight'] == 666 # Default on regtest assert rates['lease_fee_base_msat'] == Millisatoshi('2000msat') assert rates['lease_fee_basis'] == 50 # Update the node announce (set new on l2, turn off l1) # (Turn off by setting everything to zero)'funderupdate', {'channel_fee_max_base_msat': '0msat', 'channel_fee_max_proportional_thousandths': 0, 'funding_weight': 0, 'lease_fee_base_msat': '0msat', 'lease_fee_basis': 0})'funderupdate', {'channel_fee_max_base_msat': '30000msat', 'channel_fee_max_proportional_thousandths': 100, 'lease_fee_base_msat': '400000msat', 'lease_fee_basis': 20}) l1.daemon.wait_for_log('Received node_announcement for node {}'.format(['id'])) l2.daemon.wait_for_log('Received node_announcement for node {}'.format(['id'])) l2_nodeinfo = only_one(l1.rpc.listnodes(['id'])['nodes']) l1_nodeinfo = only_one(l2.rpc.listnodes(['id'])['nodes']) assert 'option_will_fund' not in l1_nodeinfo rates = l2_nodeinfo['option_will_fund'] assert rates['channel_fee_max_base_msat'] == Millisatoshi('30000msat') assert rates['channel_fee_max_proportional_thousandths'] == 100 assert rates['funding_weight'] == 666 # Default on regtest assert rates['lease_fee_base_msat'] == Millisatoshi('400000msat') assert rates['lease_fee_basis'] == 20 def test_gossip_store_load(node_factory): """Make sure we can read canned gossip store""" l1 = node_factory.get_node(start=False) with open(os.path.join(l1.daemon.lightning_dir, TEST_NETWORK, 'gossip_store'), 'wb') as f: f.write(bytearray.fromhex("0c" # GOSSIP_STORE_VERSION "000001b0" # len "fea676e8" # csum "5b8d9b44" # timestamp "0100" # WIRE_CHANNEL_ANNOUNCEMENT "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" "0000000a" # len "99dc98b4" # csum "00000000" # timestamp "1005" # WIRE_GOSSIP_STORE_CHANNEL_AMOUNT "0000000001000000" "0000008a" # len "0c6aca0e" # csum "5b8d9b44" # timestamp "0102" # WIRE_CHANNEL_UPDATE "1ea7c2eadf8a29eb8690511a519b5656e29aa0a853771c4e38e65c5abf43d907295a915e69e451f4c7a0c3dc13dd943cfbe3ae88c0b96667cd7d58955dbfedcf43497fd7f826957108f4a30fd9cec3aeba79972084e90ead01ea33090000000013a63c0000b500015b8d9b440100009000000000000003e8000003e8000000010000000000FFFFFF" "00000095" # len "f036515e" # csum "5aab817c" # timestamp "0101" # WIRE_NODE_ANNOUNCEMENT "cf5d870bc7ecabcb7cd16898ef66891e5f0c6c5851bd85b670f03d325bc44d7544d367cd852e18ec03f7f4ff369b06860a3b12b07b29f36fb318ca11348bf8ec00005aab817c03f113414ebdc6c1fb0f33c99cd5a1d09dd79e7fdf2468cf1fe1af6674361695d23974b250757a7a6c6549544300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007010566933e2607")) l1.start() # May preceed the Started msg waited for in 'start'. wait_for(lambda: l1.daemon.is_in_log('Read 1/1/1/0 cannounce/cupdate/nannounce/delete from store in 800 bytes, now 778 bytes')) assert not l1.daemon.is_in_log('gossip_store.*truncating') def test_gossip_store_v10_upgrade(node_factory): """We remove a channel_update without an htlc_maximum_msat""" l1 = node_factory.get_node(start=False) with open(os.path.join(l1.daemon.lightning_dir, TEST_NETWORK, 'gossip_store'), 'wb') as f: f.write(bytearray.fromhex("0a" # GOSSIP_STORE_VERSION "000001b0" # len "fea676e8" # csum "5b8d9b44" # timestamp "0100" # WIRE_CHANNEL_ANNOUNCEMENT "bb8d7b6998cca3c2b3ce12a6bd73a8872c808bb48de2a30c5ad9cdf835905d1e27505755087e675fb517bbac6beb227629b694ea68f49d357458327138978ebfd7adfde1c69d0d2f497154256f6d5567a5cf2317c589e0046c0cc2b3e986cf9b6d3b44742bd57bce32d72cd1180a7f657795976130b20508b239976d3d4cdc4d0d6e6fbb9ab6471f664a662972e406f519eab8bce87a8c0365646df5acbc04c91540b4c7c518cec680a4a6af14dae1aca0fd5525220f7f0e96fcd2adef3c803ac9427fe71034b55a50536638820ef21903d09ccddd38396675b598587fa886ca711415c813fc6d69f46552b9a0a539c18f265debd0e2e286980a118ba349c216000043497fd7f826957108f4a30fd9cec3aeba79972084e90ead01ea33090000000013a63c0000b50001021bf3de4e84e3d52f9a3e36fbdcd2c4e8dbf203b9ce4fc07c2f03be6c21d0c67503f113414ebdc6c1fb0f33c99cd5a1d09dd79e7fdf2468cf1fe1af6674361695d203801fd8ab98032f11cc9e4916dd940417082727077609d5c7f8cc6e9a3ad25dd102517164b97ab46cee3826160841a36c46a2b7b9c74da37bdc070ed41ba172033a" "0000000a" # len "99dc98b4" # csum "00000000" # timestamp "1005" # WIRE_GOSSIP_STORE_CHANNEL_AMOUNT "0000000001000000" "00000082" # len "fd421aeb" # csum "5b8d9b44" # timestamp "0102" # WIRE_CHANNEL_UPDATE "1ea7c2eadf8a29eb8690511a519b5656e29aa0a853771c4e38e65c5abf43d907295a915e69e451f4c7a0c3dc13dd943cfbe3ae88c0b96667cd7d58955dbfedcf43497fd7f826957108f4a30fd9cec3aeba79972084e90ead01ea33090000000013a63c0000b500015b8d9b440000009000000000000003e8000003e800000001")) l1.start() # Channel "exists" but doesn't show in listchannels, as it has no updates. assert l1.rpc.listchannels() == {'channels': []} assert only_one(l1.rpc.listnodes('021bf3de4e84e3d52f9a3e36fbdcd2c4e8dbf203b9ce4fc07c2f03be6c21d0c675')['nodes']) assert only_one(l1.rpc.listnodes('03f113414ebdc6c1fb0f33c99cd5a1d09dd79e7fdf2468cf1fe1af6674361695d2')['nodes']) assert len(l1.rpc.listnodes()['nodes']) == 2 def test_gossip_store_load_announce_before_update(node_factory): """Make sure we can read canned gossip store with node_announce before update. This happens when a channel_update gets replaced, leaving node_announce before it""" l1 = node_factory.get_node(start=False) with open(os.path.join(l1.daemon.lightning_dir, TEST_NETWORK, 'gossip_store'), 'wb') as f: f.write(bytearray.fromhex("0c" # GOSSIP_STORE_VERSION "000001b0" # len "fea676e8" # csum "5b8d9b44" # timestamp "0100" # WIRE_CHANNEL_ANNOUNCEMENT "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" "0000000a" # len "99dc98b4" # csum "00000000" # timestamp "1005" # WIRE_GOSSIP_STORE_CHANNEL_AMOUNT "0000000001000000" "8000008a" # len (DELETED) "ca01ed56" # csum "5b8d9b44" # timestamp "0102" # WIRE_CHANNEL_UPDATE # Note - msgflags set and htlc_max added by hand, so signature doesn't match (gossipd ignores) "1ea7c2eadf8a29eb8690511a519b5656e29aa0a853771c4e38e65c5abf43d907295a915e69e451f4c7a0c3dc13dd943cfbe3ae88c0b96667cd7d58955dbfedcf43497fd7f826957108f4a30fd9cec3aeba79972084e90ead01ea33090000000013a63c0000b500015b8d9b440100009000000000000003e8000003e8000000010000000000FFFFFF" "00000095" # len "f036515e" # csum "5aab817c" # timestamp "0101" # WIRE_NODE_ANNOUNCEMENT "cf5d870bc7ecabcb7cd16898ef66891e5f0c6c5851bd85b670f03d325bc44d7544d367cd852e18ec03f7f4ff369b06860a3b12b07b29f36fb318ca11348bf8ec00005aab817c03f113414ebdc6c1fb0f33c99cd5a1d09dd79e7fdf2468cf1fe1af6674361695d23974b250757a7a6c6549544300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007010566933e2607" "0000008a" # len "0c6aca0e" # csum "5b8d9b44" # timestamp "0102" # WIRE_CHANNEL_UPDATE # Note - msgflags set and htlc_max added by hand, so signature doesn't match (gossipd ignores) "1ea7c2eadf8a29eb8690511a519b5656e29aa0a853771c4e38e65c5abf43d907295a915e69e451f4c7a0c3dc13dd943cfbe3ae88c0b96667cd7d58955dbfedcf43497fd7f826957108f4a30fd9cec3aeba79972084e90ead01ea33090000000013a63c0000b500015b8d9b440100009000000000000003e8000003e8000000010000000000FFFFFF")) l1.start() # May preceed the Started msg waited for in 'start'. wait_for(lambda: l1.daemon.is_in_log('Read 1/1/1/1 cannounce/cupdate/nannounce/delete from store in 950 bytes, now 778 bytes')) assert not l1.daemon.is_in_log('gossip_store.*truncating') def test_gossip_store_load_amount_truncated(node_factory): """Make sure we can read canned gossip store with truncated amount""" l1 = node_factory.get_node(start=False, broken_log=r'gossip_store: channel_announcement without amount \(offset 1\). Moving to gossip_store.corrupt and truncating|plugin-cln-renepay:.*unable to fetch channel capacity') with open(os.path.join(l1.daemon.lightning_dir, TEST_NETWORK, 'gossip_store'), 'wb') as f: f.write(bytearray.fromhex("0c" # GOSSIP_STORE_VERSION "000001b0" # len "fea676e8" # csum "5b8d9b44" # timestamp "0100" # WIRE_CHANNEL_ANNOUNCEMENT "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")) l1.start() # May preceed the Started msg waited for in 'start'. wait_for(lambda: l1.daemon.is_in_log(r'\*\*BROKEN\*\* gossipd: gossip_store: channel_announcement without amount \(offset 1\). Moving to gossip_store.corrupt and truncating')) wait_for(lambda: l1.daemon.is_in_log(r'gossip_store: Read 0/0/0/0 cannounce/cupdate/nannounce/delete from store in 467 bytes, now 1 bytes \(populated=false\)')) assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(l1.daemon.lightning_dir, TEST_NETWORK, 'gossip_store.corrupt')) @pytest.mark.openchannel('v1') @pytest.mark.openchannel('v2') def test_node_reannounce(node_factory, bitcoind, chainparams): "Test that we reannounce a node when parameters change" l1, l2 = node_factory.line_graph(2, opts={'may_reconnect': True, 'log-level': 'io'}) bitcoind.generate_block(5) genesis_blockhash = chainparams['chain_hash'] # Wait for node_announcement for l1. l2.daemon.wait_for_log(r'\[IN\] 0101.*{}'.format(['id'])) # Wait for it to process it. wait_for(lambda: l2.rpc.listnodes(['id'])['nodes'] != []) wait_for(lambda: 'alias' in only_one(l2.rpc.listnodes(['id'])['nodes'])) assert only_one(l2.rpc.listnodes(['id'])['nodes'])['alias'].startswith('JUNIORBEAM') # Make sure it gets features correct. assert only_one(l2.rpc.listnodes(['id'])['nodes'])['features'] == expected_node_features() l1.stop() l1.daemon.opts['alias'] = 'SENIORBEAM' # It won't update within 5 seconds, so sleep. time.sleep(5) l1.start() wait_for(lambda: only_one(l2.rpc.listnodes(['id'])['nodes'])['alias'] == 'SENIORBEAM') # Get node_announcements. msgs = l1.query_gossip('gossip_timestamp_filter', genesis_blockhash, '0', '0xFFFFFFFF', # Filter out gossip_timestamp_filter, # channel_announcement and channel_updates. # And pings. filters=['0109', '0107', '0102', '0100', '0012']) # May send its own announcement *twice*, since it always spams us. msgs = list(set(msgs)) assert len(msgs) == 2 assert (bytes("SENIORBEAM", encoding="utf8").hex() in msgs[0] or bytes("SENIORBEAM", encoding="utf8").hex() in msgs[1]) # Restart should re-xmit exact same update on reconnect! l1.restart() msgs2 = l1.query_gossip('gossip_timestamp_filter', genesis_blockhash, '0', '0xFFFFFFFF', # Filter out gossip_timestamp_filter, # channel_announcement and channel_updates. # And pings. filters=['0109', '0107', '0102', '0100', '0012']) # May send its own announcement *twice*, since it always spams us. assert set(msgs) == set(msgs2) # Won't have queued up another one, either. assert not l1.daemon.is_in_log('node_announcement: delaying') # Try updating the lease rates ad ad ='setleaserates', {'lease_fee_base_msat': '1000sat', 'lease_fee_basis': 20, 'funding_weight': 150, 'channel_fee_max_base_msat': '2000msat', 'channel_fee_max_proportional_thousandths': 22}) assert ad['lease_fee_base_msat'] == Millisatoshi('1000000msat') assert ad['lease_fee_basis'] == 20 assert ad['funding_weight'] == 150 assert ad['channel_fee_max_base_msat'] == Millisatoshi('2000msat') assert ad['channel_fee_max_proportional_thousandths'] == 22 # May send its own announcement *twice*, since it always spams us. msgs2 = l1.query_gossip('gossip_timestamp_filter', genesis_blockhash, '0', '0xFFFFFFFF', # Filter out gossip_timestamp_filter, # channel_announcement and channel_updates. # And pings. filters=['0109', '0107', '0102', '0100', '0012']) assert set(msgs) != set(msgs2) def test_gossipwith(node_factory): l1, l2 = node_factory.line_graph(2, wait_for_announce=True) out =['devtools/gossipwith', '--all-gossip', '--network={}'.format(TEST_NETWORK), '--timeout-after={}'.format(int(math.sqrt(TIMEOUT) + 1)), '{}@localhost:{}'.format(['id'], l1.port)], check=True, timeout=TIMEOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout msgs = set() while len(out): l, t = struct.unpack('>HH', out[0:4]) msg = out[2:2 + l] out = out[2 + l:] # Ignore pings, gossip_timestamp_filter, query_channel_range if t in (18, 263, 265): continue # channel_announcement node_announcement or channel_update assert t == 256 or t == 257 or t == 258 msgs.add(msg) # one channel announcement, two channel_updates, two node announcements. # due to initial blast, we can have duplicates! assert len(msgs) == 5 def test_gossip_notices_close(node_factory, bitcoind): # We want IO logging so we can replay a channel_announce to l1; # We also *really* do feed it bad gossip! l1, l2, l3 = node_factory.get_nodes(3, opts=[{'log-level': 'io', 'allow_bad_gossip': True}, {}, {}]) node_factory.join_nodes([l2, l3]) l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l2.port) mine_funding_to_announce(bitcoind, [l1, l2, l3]) # Make sure l1 learns about channel and nodes. wait_for(lambda: len(l1.rpc.listchannels()['channels']) == 2) wait_for(lambda: ['alias' in n for n in l1.rpc.listnodes()['nodes']] == [True, True]) l1.rpc.disconnect(['id']) # Grab channel_announcement from io logs (ends in ') channel_announcement = l1.daemon.is_in_log(r'\[IN\] 0100').split(' ')[-1][:-1] channel_update = l1.daemon.is_in_log(r'\[IN\] 0102').split(' ')[-1][:-1] node_announcement = l1.daemon.is_in_log(r'\[IN\] 0101').split(' ')[-1][:-1] txid = l2.rpc.close(['id'])['txid'] wait_for(lambda: l2.rpc.listpeerchannels(['id'])['channels'][0]['state'] == 'CLOSINGD_COMPLETE') bitcoind.generate_block(13, txid) wait_for(lambda: l1.rpc.listchannels()['channels'] == []) wait_for(lambda: l1.rpc.listnodes()['nodes'] == [])['devtools/gossipwith', '--network={}'.format(TEST_NETWORK), '--max-messages=0', '{}@localhost:{}'.format(['id'], l1.port), channel_announcement, channel_update, node_announcement], timeout=TIMEOUT) # l1 should reject it. assert(l1.rpc.listchannels()['channels'] == []) assert(l1.rpc.listnodes()['nodes'] == []) l1.stop() l1.start() assert(l1.rpc.listchannels()['channels'] == []) assert(l1.rpc.listnodes()['nodes'] == []) def test_getroute_exclude_duplicate(node_factory): """Test that accidentally duplicating the same channel or same node in the exclude list will not have permanent effects. """ l1, l2 = node_factory.line_graph(2, wait_for_announce=True) # Starting route route = l1.rpc.getroute(['id'], 1, 1)['route'] # l1 id is > l2 id, so 1 means l1->l2 chan_l1l2 = route[0]['channel'] + '/1' # This should fail to find a route as the only viable channel # is excluded, and worse, is excluded twice. with pytest.raises(RpcError): l1.rpc.getroute(['id'], 1, 1, exclude=[chan_l1l2, chan_l1l2]) # This should still succeed since nothing is excluded anymore # and in particular should return the exact same route as # earlier. route2 = l1.rpc.getroute(['id'], 1, 1)['route'] assert route == route2 # This should also fail to find a route as the only viable channel # is excluded, and worse, is excluded twice. with pytest.raises(RpcError): l1.rpc.getroute(['id'], 1, 1, exclude=[['id'],['id']]) # This should still succeed since nothing is excluded anymore # and in particular should return the exact same route as # earlier. route3 = l1.rpc.getroute(['id'], 1, 1)['route'] assert route == route3 def test_getroute_exclude(node_factory, bitcoind): """Test getroute's exclude argument""" l1, l2, l3, l4, l5 = node_factory.get_nodes(5) node_factory.join_nodes([l1, l2, l3, l4], wait_for_announce=True) # This should work route = l1.rpc.getroute(['id'], 1, 1)['route'] # l1 id is > l2 id, so 1 means l1->l2 chan_l1l2 = route[0]['channel'] + '/1' chan_l2l1 = route[0]['channel'] + '/0' # This should not with pytest.raises(RpcError): l1.rpc.getroute(['id'], 1, 1, exclude=[chan_l1l2]) # This should also not with pytest.raises(RpcError): l1.rpc.getroute(['id'], 1, 1, exclude=[['id']]) # Blocking the wrong way should be fine. l1.rpc.getroute(['id'], 1, 1, exclude=[chan_l2l1]) # Now, create an alternate (better) route. l2.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l4.port) scid, _ = l2.fundchannel(l4, 1000000, wait_for_active=False) mine_funding_to_announce(bitcoind, [l1, l2, l3, l4, l5]) # We don't wait above, because we care about it hitting l1. l1.daemon.wait_for_logs([r'update for channel {}/0 now ACTIVE' .format(scid), r'update for channel {}/1 now ACTIVE' .format(scid)]) # l3 id is > l2 id, so 1 means l3->l2 # chan_l3l2 = route[1]['channel'] + '/1' chan_l2l3 = route[1]['channel'] + '/0' # l4 is > l2 # chan_l4l2 = scid + '/1' chan_l2l4 = scid + '/0' # This works l1.rpc.getroute(['id'], 1, 1, exclude=[chan_l2l3]) # This works l1.rpc.getroute(['id'], 1, 1, exclude=[chan_l2l4]) # This works l1.rpc.getroute(['id'], 1, 1, exclude=[['id']]) # This doesn't with pytest.raises(RpcError): l1.rpc.getroute(['id'], 1, 1, exclude=[chan_l2l3, chan_l2l4]) # This doesn't with pytest.raises(RpcError): l1.rpc.getroute(['id'], 1, 1, exclude=[['id'], chan_l2l4]) l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l5.port) scid15, _ = l1.fundchannel(l5, 1000000, wait_for_active=False) l5.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l4.port) scid54, _ = l5.fundchannel(l4, 1000000, wait_for_active=False) mine_funding_to_announce(bitcoind, [l1, l2, l3, l4, l5]) # We don't wait above, because we care about it hitting l1. l1.daemon.wait_for_logs([r'update for channel {}/0 now ACTIVE' .format(scid15), r'update for channel {}/1 now ACTIVE' .format(scid15), r'update for channel {}/0 now ACTIVE' .format(scid54), r'update for channel {}/1 now ACTIVE' .format(scid54)]) # This works now l1.rpc.getroute(['id'], 1, 1, exclude=[['id'], chan_l2l4]) # This works now l1.rpc.getroute(['id'], 1, 1, exclude=[['id'],['id']]) # This doesn't work with pytest.raises(RpcError): l1.rpc.getroute(['id'], 1, 1, exclude=[['id'],['id'], chan_l2l4]) # This doesn't work with pytest.raises(RpcError): l1.rpc.getroute(['id'], 1, 1, exclude=[chan_l2l3,['id'], chan_l2l4]) def setup_gossip_store_test(node_factory, bitcoind): l1, l2, l3 = node_factory.line_graph(3, wait_for_announce=True) # Now, replace the one channel_update, so it's past the node announcements. l2.rpc.setchannel(['id'], 20, 1000) l3.rpc.setchannel(['id'], 21, 1001) # Wait for it to hit l1's gossip store. wait_for(lambda: sorted([c['fee_per_millionth'] for c in l1.rpc.listchannels()['channels']]) == [10, 10, 1000, 1001]) # Records in l2's store now looks (something) like: # channel_announcement (scid12) # channel_amount # channel_update (scid12/0) # channel_update (scid12/1) # node_announcement (l1) # node_announcement (l2) # channel_announcement (scid23) # channel_amount # DELETED: channel_update (scid23/0) # DELETED: channel_update (scid23/1) # node_announcement # channel_update (scid23/0) # channel_update (scid23/1) return l2 def test_gossip_store_compact_noappend(node_factory, bitcoind): l2 = setup_gossip_store_test(node_factory, bitcoind) # It should truncate this, not leave junk! with open(os.path.join(l2.daemon.lightning_dir, TEST_NETWORK, 'gossip_store.tmp'), 'wb') as f: f.write(bytearray.fromhex("07deadbeef")) l2.restart() wait_for(lambda: l2.daemon.is_in_log('gossip_store: Read ')) assert not l2.daemon.is_in_log('gossip_store:.*truncate') def test_gossip_store_load_complex(node_factory, bitcoind): l2 = setup_gossip_store_test(node_factory, bitcoind) l2.restart() wait_for(lambda: l2.daemon.is_in_log('gossip_store: Read ')) def test_gossip_store_load_no_channel_update(node_factory): """Make sure we can read truncated gossip store with a channel_announcement and no channel_update""" l1 = node_factory.get_node(start=False) # A channel announcement with no channel_update. with open(os.path.join(l1.daemon.lightning_dir, TEST_NETWORK, 'gossip_store'), 'wb') as f: f.write(bytearray.fromhex("0d" # GOSSIP_STORE_VERSION "000001b0" # len "fea676e8" # csum "5b8d9b44" # timestamp "0100" # WIRE_CHANNEL_ANNOUNCEMENT "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" "0000000a" # len "99dc98b4" # csum "00000000" # timestamp "1005" # WIRE_GOSSIP_STORE_CHANNEL_AMOUNT "0000000001000000" "00000095" # len "f036515e" # csum "5aab817c" # timestamp "0101" # WIRE_NODE_ANNOUNCEMENT "cf5d870bc7ecabcb7cd16898ef66891e5f0c6c5851bd85b670f03d325bc44d7544d367cd852e18ec03f7f4ff369b06860a3b12b07b29f36fb318ca11348bf8ec00005aab817c03f113414ebdc6c1fb0f33c99cd5a1d09dd79e7fdf2468cf1fe1af6674361695d23974b250757a7a6c6549544300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007010566933e2607")) l1.start() # May preceed the Started msg waited for in 'start'. wait_for(lambda: l1.daemon.is_in_log('Read 1/0/1/0 cannounce/cupdate/nannounce/delete from store in 650 bytes, now 628 bytes')) assert not os.path.exists(os.path.join(l1.daemon.lightning_dir, TEST_NETWORK, 'gossip_store.corrupt')) def test_gossip_store_compact_on_load(node_factory, bitcoind): l2 = setup_gossip_store_test(node_factory, bitcoind) gs_path = os.path.join(l2.daemon.lightning_dir, TEST_NETWORK, 'gossip_store') gs =['devtools/dump-gossipstore', '--print-deleted', gs_path], check=True, timeout=TIMEOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) print(gs.stdout.decode()) l2.restart() # These appear before we're fully started, so will already in log: assert l2.daemon.is_in_log('gossip_store: Read 2/4/3/2 cannounce/cupdate/nannounce/delete from store') def test_gossip_announce_invalid_block(node_factory, bitcoind): """bitcoind lags and we might get an announcement for a block we don't have. """ # Need to slow down the poll interval so the announcement preceeds the # blockchain catchup, otherwise we won't call `getfilteredblock`. opts = {'dev-bitcoind-poll': TIMEOUT // 2} l1 = node_factory.get_node(options=opts) bitcoind.generate_block(1) assert bitcoind.rpc.getblockchaininfo()['blocks'] == 102 # Test gossip for an unknown block.['devtools/gossipwith', '--network={}'.format(TEST_NETWORK), '--max-messages=0', '{}@localhost:{}'.format(['id'], l1.port), # short_channel_id=103x1x1 '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'], check=True, timeout=TIMEOUT) # Make sure it's OK once it's caught up. sync_blockheight(bitcoind, [l1]) def test_gossip_announce_unknown_block(node_factory, bitcoind): """Don't backfill the future! If we get a channel_announcement that is for a block height that is above our sync height we should not store the filteredblock in the blocks table, otherwise we end up with a duplicate when we finally catch up with the blockchain. """ # Need to slow down the poll interval so the announcement preceeds the # blockchain catchup, otherwise we won't call `getfilteredblock`. opts = {'dev-bitcoind-poll': TIMEOUT // 2} l1 = node_factory.get_node(options=opts) bitcoind.generate_block(2) assert bitcoind.rpc.getblockchaininfo()['blocks'] == 103 # Test gossip for unknown block.['devtools/gossipwith', '--network={}'.format(TEST_NETWORK), '--max-messages=0', '{}@localhost:{}'.format(['id'], l1.port), # short_channel_id=103x1x1 '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'], check=True, timeout=TIMEOUT) # Make sure it's OK once it's caught up. sync_blockheight(bitcoind, [l1]) def test_gossip_no_backtalk(node_factory): # l3 connects, gets gossip, but should *not* play it back. l1, l2, l3 = node_factory.get_nodes(3, opts=[{}, {}, {'log-level': 'io'}]) node_factory.join_nodes([l1, l2], wait_for_announce=True) l3.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l2.port) # Will get channel_announce, then two channel_update and two node_announcement l3.daemon.wait_for_logs([r'\[IN\] 0100', r'\[IN\] 0102', r'\[IN\] 0102', r'\[IN\] 0101', r'\[IN\] 0101']) # With --developer, this is long enough for gossip flush. time.sleep(2) assert not l3.daemon.is_in_log(r'\[OUT\] 0100') @unittest.skipIf( TEST_NETWORK != 'regtest', "Channel announcement contains genesis hash, receiving node discards on mismatch" ) def check_socket(ip_addr, port): result = True sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # let's also check for fatal and try it ;-) try: result = sock.connect_ex((ip_addr, port)) sock.close() except Exception: return False return not result def test_static_tor_onions(node_factory): """First basic tests ;-) Assume that tor is configured and just test if we see the right onion address for our blob """ # please define your values torip = '' torips = '' torport = 9050 torserviceport = 9051 if not check_socket(format(torip), torserviceport): return if not check_socket(format(torip), torport): return portA = node_factory.get_unused_port() l1 = node_factory.get_node(may_fail=True, options={ 'bind-addr': '{}'.format(portA), 'addr': ['statictor:{}'.format(torips)] }) portB = node_factory.get_unused_port() l2 = node_factory.get_node(may_fail=True, options={ 'bind-addr': '{}'.format(portB), 'addr': ['statictor:{}/torblob=11234567890123456789012345678901/torport={}'.format(torips, 9736)] }) assert l1.daemon.is_in_log('{}'.format(l1.port)) # Did not specify torport, so it's the default. assert l1.daemon.is_in_log('.onion:{}'.format(default_ln_port(["network"]))) assert l2.daemon.is_in_log('x2y4zvh4fn5q3eouuh7nxnc7zeawrqoutljrup2xjtiyxgx3emgkemad.onion:{},{}'.format(9736, l2.port)) def test_tor_port_onions(node_factory): """First basic tests for torport ;-) Assume that tor is configured and just test if we see the right onion address for our blob """ # please define your values torip = '' torips = '' torport = 9050 torserviceport = 9051 if not check_socket(torip, torserviceport): return if not check_socket(torip, torport): return portA = node_factory.get_unused_port() l1 = node_factory.get_node(may_fail=True, options={'bind-addr': '{}'.format(portA), 'addr': ['statictor:{}/torport=45321'.format(torips)]}) portB = node_factory.get_unused_port() l2 = node_factory.get_node(may_fail=True, options={'bind-addr': '{}'.format(portB), 'addr': ['statictor:{}/torport=45321/torblob=11234567890123456789012345678901'.format(torips)]}) assert l1.daemon.is_in_log('45321,{}'.format(l1.port)) assert l2.daemon.is_in_log('x2y4zvh4fn5q3eouuh7nxnc7zeawrqoutljrup2xjtiyxgx3emgkemad.onion:45321,{}'.format(l2.port)) def test_routetool(node_factory): """Test that route tool can see published channels""" l1, l2 = node_factory.line_graph(2, wait_for_announce=True)['devtools/route', os.path.join(l1.daemon.lightning_dir, TEST_NETWORK, 'gossip_store'),['id'],['id']], check=True, timeout=TIMEOUT) def test_addgossip(node_factory): l1, l2 = node_factory.line_graph(2, fundchannel=True, wait_for_announce=True, opts={'log-level': 'io'}) # We should get two node_announcements, one channel_announcement, and two # channel_update. l3 = node_factory.get_node() # 0x0100 = channel_announcement # 0x0102 = channel_update # 0x0101 = node_announcement l1.daemon.logsearch_start = 0 ann = l1.daemon.wait_for_log(r"\[(OUT|IN)\] 0100.*") # Either direction will suppress the other. l2.daemon.logsearch_start = 0 l2.daemon.wait_for_log(r"\[(OUT|IN)\] 0100.*") # Be sure not to get the *private* updates! upd1 = l1.daemon.is_in_log(r"\[OUT\] 0102.*", start=l1.daemon.logsearch_start) upd2 = l2.daemon.is_in_log(r"\[OUT\] 0102.*", start=l2.daemon.logsearch_start) nann1 = l1.daemon.is_in_log(r"\[OUT\] 0101.*") nann2 = l2.daemon.is_in_log(r"\[OUT\] 0101.*") # Feed them to l3 (Each one starts with PREFIX TIMESTAMP chanid-xxx: [OUT] ...) l3.rpc.addgossip(ann.split()[4]) l3.rpc.addgossip(upd1.split()[4]) l3.rpc.addgossip(upd2.split()[4]) l3.rpc.addgossip(nann1.split()[4]) l3.rpc.addgossip(nann2.split()[4]) # In this case, it can actually have to wait, since it does scid lookup. wait_for(lambda: len(l3.rpc.listchannels()['channels']) == 2) wait_for(lambda: len(l3.rpc.listnodes()['nodes']) == 2) # Now corrupt an update badupdate = upd1.split()[4] if badupdate.endswith('f'): badupdate = badupdate[:-1] + 'e' else: badupdate = badupdate[:-1] + 'f' with pytest.raises(RpcError, match='Bad signature'): l3.rpc.addgossip(badupdate) def test_topology_leak(node_factory, bitcoind): l1, l2, l3 = node_factory.line_graph(3) l1.rpc.listchannels() mine_funding_to_announce(bitcoind, [l1, l2, l3]) # Wait until l1 sees all the channels. wait_for(lambda: len(l1.rpc.listchannels()['channels']) == 4) # Close and wait for gossip to catchup. txid = l2.rpc.close(['id'])['txid'] bitcoind.generate_block(13, txid) wait_for(lambda: len(l1.rpc.listchannels()['channels']) == 2) def test_parms_listforwards(node_factory): """ Simple test to ensure that the order of the listforwards is correct as describe in the documentation. This test is written by a issue report in the IR channel, it is simple and not useful, but it is good to have to avoid simile errors in the future. """ l1, l2 = node_factory.line_graph(2) l2.stop() l2.daemon.opts['allow-deprecated-apis'] = True l2.start() forwards_new = l1.rpc.listforwards("settled")["forwards"] forwards_dep ="listforwards", {"in_channel": "0x1x2", "out_channel": "0x2x3", "status": "settled"})["forwards"] assert len(forwards_new) == 0 assert len(forwards_dep) == 0 def test_close_12_block_delay(node_factory, bitcoind): l1, l2, l3, l4 = node_factory.line_graph(4, wait_for_announce=True) # Close l1-l2 txid = l1.rpc.close(['id'])['txid'] bitcoind.generate_block(1, txid) # But l4 doesn't believe it immediately. l4.daemon.wait_for_log("channel .* closing soon due to the funding outpoint being spent") # Close l2-l3 one block later. txid = l2.rpc.close(['id'])['txid'] bitcoind.generate_block(1, txid) l4.daemon.wait_for_log("channel .* closing soon due to the funding outpoint being spent") # BOLT #7: # - once its funding output has been spent OR reorganized out: # - SHOULD forget a channel after a 12-block delay. # That implies 12 blocks *after* spending, i.e. 13 blocks deep! # 12 blocks deep, l4 still sees it bitcoind.generate_block(10) sync_blockheight(bitcoind, [l4]) assert len(l4.rpc.listchannels(['id'])['channels']) == 1 # 13 blocks deep does it. bitcoind.generate_block(1) wait_for(lambda: l4.rpc.listchannels(['id'])['channels'] == []) # Other channel still visible. assert len(l4.rpc.listchannels(['id'])['channels']) == 1 # Restart: it remembers channel is dying. l4.restart() # One more block, it's forgotten too. bitcoind.generate_block(1) wait_for(lambda: l4.rpc.listchannels(['id'])['channels'] == []) def test_gossip_not_dying(node_factory, bitcoind): l1 = node_factory.get_node() l2, l3 = node_factory.line_graph(2, wait_for_announce=True) l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l2.port) # Wait until it sees all the updates, node announcments. wait_for(lambda: len([n for n in l1.rpc.listnodes()['nodes'] if 'alias' in n]) + len(l1.rpc.listchannels()['channels']) == 4) def get_gossip(node): out =['devtools/gossipwith', '--network={}'.format(TEST_NETWORK), '--all-gossip', '--timeout-after=2', '{}@localhost:{}'.format(['id'], node.port)], check=True, timeout=TIMEOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout msgs = [] while len(out): l, t = struct.unpack('>HH', out[0:4]) msg = out[2:2 + l] out = out[2 + l:] # Ignore pings, gossip_timestamp_filter, query_channel_range if t in (18, 263, 265): continue # channel_announcement node_announcement or channel_update assert t == 256 or t == 257 or t == 258 msgs.append(msg) return msgs assert len(get_gossip(l1)) == 5 # Close l2->l3, mine block. l2.rpc.close(['id']) bitcoind.generate_block(1, wait_for_mempool=1) l1.daemon.wait_for_log("closing soon due to the funding outpoint being spent") # We won't gossip the dead channel any more, nor the node_announcements. But connectd is not explicitly synced, so wait for "a bit". time.sleep(1) assert get_gossip(l1) == [] def test_dump_own_gossip(node_factory): """We *should* send all self-related gossip unsolicited, if we have any""" l1, l2 = node_factory.line_graph(2, wait_for_announce=True) # Make sure l1 has updates in both directions, and node_announcements wait_for(lambda: len(l1.rpc.listchannels()['channels']) == 2) wait_for(lambda: len(l1.rpc.listnodes()['nodes']) == 2) # We should get channel_announcement, channel_update, node_announcement. # (Plus random pings, timestamp_filter) out =['devtools/gossipwith', '--no-gossip', '--timeout-after={}'.format(int(math.sqrt(TIMEOUT) + 1)), '--network={}'.format(TEST_NETWORK), '{}@localhost:{}'.format(['id'], l1.port)], check=True, timeout=TIMEOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout # In theory, we could do the node_announcement any time after channel_announcement, but we don't. expect = [256, # channel_announcement 258, # channel_update 258, # channel_update 257] # node_announcement while len(out): l, t = struct.unpack('>HH', out[0:4]) out = out[2 + l:] # Ignore pings, timestamp_filter, query_channel_range if t in (18, 263, 265): continue assert t == expect[0] expect = expect[1:] # We should get exactly what we expected. assert expect == [] def test_listchannels_deprecated_local(node_factory, bitcoind): """Test listchannels shows local/private channels only in deprecated mode""" l1, l2, l3 = node_factory.get_nodes(3, opts=[{}, {'allow-deprecated-apis': True, 'broken_log': 'plugin-topology: DEPRECATED API USED: listchannels.include_private'}, {}]) # This will be in block 103 node_factory.join_nodes([l1, l2], wait_for_announce=False) l1l2 = first_scid(l1, l2) # This will be in block 104 node_factory.join_nodes([l2, l3], wait_for_announce=False) l2l3 = first_scid(l2, l3) # Non-deprecated nodes say no. assert l1.rpc.listchannels() == {'channels': []} assert l3.rpc.listchannels() == {'channels': []} # Deprecated API lists both sides of local channels: vals = [(c['active'], c['public'], c['short_channel_id']) for c in l2.rpc.listchannels()['channels']] # Either order assert vals == [(True, False, l1l2)] * 2 + [(True, False, l2l3)] * 2 or vals == [(True, False, l2l3)] * 2 + [(True, False, l1l2)] * 2 # Mine l1-l2 channel so it's public. bitcoind.generate_block(4) sync_blockheight(bitcoind, [l1, l2, l3]) wait_for(lambda: len(l1.rpc.listchannels()['channels']) == 2) wait_for(lambda: len(l3.rpc.listchannels()['channels']) == 2) # l2 shows public one correctly, and private one correctly # Either order vals = [(c['active'], c['public'], c['short_channel_id']) for c in l2.rpc.listchannels()['channels']] assert vals == [(True, True, l1l2)] * 2 + [(True, False, l2l3)] * 2 or vals == [(True, False, l2l3)] * 2 + [(True, True, l1l2)] * 2 def test_gossip_throttle(node_factory, bitcoind, chainparams): """Make some gossip, test it gets throttled""" l1, l2, l3, l4 = node_factory.line_graph(4, wait_for_announce=True, opts=[{}, {}, {}, {'dev-throttle-gossip': None}]) # We expect: self-advertizement (3 messages for l1 and l4) plus # 4 node announcements, 3 channel announcements and 6 channel updates. # We also expect it to send a timestamp filter message. # (We won't take long enough to get a ping!) expected = 4 + 4 + 3 + 6 + 1 # l1 is unlimited start_fast = time.time() out1 =['devtools/gossipwith', '--all-gossip', '--hex', '--network={}'.format(TEST_NETWORK), '--max-messages={}'.format(expected), '{}@localhost:{}'.format(['id'], l1.port)], check=True, timeout=TIMEOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.split() time_fast = time.time() - start_fast assert time_fast < 2 # Remove timestamp filter, since timestamp will change! out1 = [m for m in out1 if not m.startswith(b'0109')] # l4 is throttled start_slow = time.time() out2 =['devtools/gossipwith', '--all-gossip', '--hex', '--network={}'.format(TEST_NETWORK), '--max-messages={}'.format(expected), '{}@localhost:{}'.format(['id'], l4.port)], check=True, timeout=TIMEOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.split() time_slow = time.time() - start_slow assert time_slow > 3 # Remove timestamp filter, since timestamp will change! out2 = [m for m in out2 if not m.startswith(b'0109')] # Contents should be identical (once uniquified, since each # doubles-up on its own gossip) assert set(out1) == set(out2) encoded =['devtools/mkencoded', '--scids', '00', first_scid(l1, l2), first_scid(l2, l3), first_scid(l3, l4)], check=True, timeout=TIMEOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.strip().decode() query =['devtools/mkquery', 'query_short_channel_ids', chainparams['chain_hash'], encoded, # We want channel announce, updates and node ann. '00', '1F1F1F'], check=True, timeout=TIMEOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.strip() # Queries should also be ratelimited, so compare l1 vs l4. start_fast = time.time() out3 =['devtools/gossipwith', '--no-gossip', '--hex', '--network={}'.format(TEST_NETWORK), '--max-messages={}'.format(expected), '{}@localhost:{}'.format(['id'], l1.port), query], check=True, timeout=TIMEOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.split() time_fast = time.time() - start_fast assert time_fast < 2 out3 = [m for m in out3 if not m.startswith(b'0109')] assert set(out1) == set(out3) start_slow = time.time() out4 =['devtools/gossipwith', '--no-gossip', '--hex', '--network={}'.format(TEST_NETWORK), '--max-messages={}'.format(expected), '{}@localhost:{}'.format(['id'], l4.port), query], check=True, timeout=TIMEOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.split() time_slow = time.time() - start_slow assert time_slow > 3 out4 = [m for m in out4 if not m.startswith(b'0109')] assert set(out2) == set(out4) def test_generate_gossip_store(node_factory): l1 = node_factory.get_node(start=False) chans = [GenChannel(0, 1), GenChannel(0, 2, capacity_sats=5000), GenChannel(0, 3, forward=GenChannel.Half(enabled=False, htlc_min=10, htlc_max=5000000 - 10, basefee=10, propfee=10), reverse=GenChannel.Half(htlc_min=11, htlc_max=5000000 - 11, basefee=11, propfee=11)), GenChannel(0, 4)] gsfile, nodemap = generate_gossip_store(chans) # Set up l1 with this as the gossip_store shutil.copy(, os.path.join(l1.daemon.lightning_dir, TEST_NETWORK, 'gossip_store')) l1.start() nodes = [nodemap[i] for i in range(0, 5)] expected = [] chancount = 0 for c in chans: for d in (0, 1): # listchannels direction 0 always lesser -> greater. if nodes[c.node1] < nodes[c.node2]: expected_dir = d else: expected_dir = d ^ 1 channel_flags = expected_dir if not c.half[d].enabled: active = False channel_flags |= 2 else: active = True if d == 0: n1 = nodes[c.node1] n2 = nodes[c.node2] else: n1 = nodes[c.node2] n2 = nodes[c.node1] expected.append({'source': n1, 'destination': n2, 'short_channel_id': '{}x{}x{}'.format(c.node1, c.node2, chancount), 'direction': expected_dir, 'public': True, 'amount_msat': c.capacity_sats * 1000, 'message_flags': 1, 'channel_flags': channel_flags, 'active': active, 'last_update': 0, 'base_fee_millisatoshi': c.half[d].basefee, 'fee_per_millionth': c.half[d].propfee, 'delay': c.half[d].delay, 'htlc_minimum_msat': c.half[d].htlc_min, 'htlc_maximum_msat': c.half[d].htlc_max, 'features': ''}) chancount += 1 # Order is not well-defined, and sets don't like dicts :( lchans = sorted(l1.rpc.listchannels()['channels'], key=lambda x: x['source'] + x['destination']) expected = sorted(expected, key=lambda x: x['source'] + x['destination']) assert lchans == expected def test_seeker_first_peer(node_factory, bitcoind): l1, l2, l3, l4, l5 = node_factory.get_nodes(5) node_factory.join_nodes([l4, l5], wait_for_announce=True) # We always ask peer for everything if we have no gossip. l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l2.port) l1.daemon.wait_for_log(rf"{['id']}-gossipd: seeker: starting gossip \(EVERYTHING\)") # Still no gossip, so we ask second peer too. l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l3.port) l1.daemon.wait_for_log(rf"{['id']}-gossipd: seeker: starting gossip \(EVERYTHING\)") # We can actually get gossip *before* we kick seeker, so it may stream here! l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l4.port) wait_for(lambda: len(l1.rpc.listchannels()['channels']) == 2) l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l5.port) l1.daemon.wait_for_log(rf"{['id']}-gossipd: seeker: starting gossip \(streaming\)") # Now we restart, and we'll ask the first peer, even though we have gossip. l1.restart() l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l2.port) l1.daemon.wait_for_log(rf"{['id']}-gossipd: seeker: starting gossip \(EVERYTHING\)") l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l3.port) # This can take more than 10 seconds, so we add to timeout here! l1.daemon.wait_for_log(rf"{['id']}-gossipd: seeker: starting gossip \(streaming\)", timeout=TIMEOUT + 10) def test_gossip_force_broadcast_channel_msgs(node_factory, bitcoind): """ Send our own channel_update, node_announcement or channel_announcement to existing peers, even if they say they're not interested. """ l1, l2 = node_factory.get_nodes(2) # One block away from being announced. node_factory.join_nodes([l1, l2], wait_for_announce=False) bitcoind.generate_block(4) # It will send timestamp_filter. It should also send a channel_announcement, a # channel_update, and a node_announcement, even though we said no gossip. # It may or may not send: # query_short_channel_ids, query_channel_range, a ping. process = subprocess.Popen(['devtools/gossipwith', '--no-gossip', '--hex', '--network={}'.format(TEST_NETWORK), '--max-messages={}'.format(7), '--timeout-after=30', '{}@localhost:{}'.format(['id'], l1.port)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # Now do the final announcement bitcoind.generate_block(1) stdout, stderr = process.communicate(timeout=30 + TIMEOUT) assert process.returncode == 0, f"Exit failed: output = {stderr}" lines = stdout.decode('utf-8').splitlines() types = {'0100': 'channel_announce', '0102': 'channel_update', '0101': 'node_announce', '0105': 'query_short_channel_ids', '0107': 'query_channel_range', '0109': 'gossip_filter', '0012': 'ping'} tally = {key: 0 for key in types.values()} for l in lines: tally[types[l[0:4]]] += 1 # Make sure the noise is within reasonable bounds assert tally['query_short_channel_ids'] <= 1 assert tally['query_channel_range'] <= 1 assert tally['ping'] <= 1 del tally['query_short_channel_ids'] del tally['query_channel_range'] del tally['ping'] assert tally == {'channel_announce': 1, 'channel_update': 1, 'node_announce': 1, 'gossip_filter': 1} # Make sure l1 sees l2's channel update wait_for(lambda: len(l1.rpc.listchannels()['channels']) == 2) # Now, let's test fast gossip. l1.stop() l1.daemon.opts['dev-fast-gossip-prune'] = None l1.start() # If we reconnect, we will get the four immediate messages, then # a cupdate refresh (due to fast gossip). lines =['devtools/gossipwith', '--no-gossip', '--hex', '--network={}'.format(TEST_NETWORK), '--max-messages={}'.format(7), '--timeout-after={}'.format(30), '{}@localhost:{}'.format(['id'], l1.port)], check=True, timeout=30 + TIMEOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('utf-8').split() tally = {key: 0 for key in types.values()} for l in lines: tally[types[l[0:4]]] += 1 del tally['query_short_channel_ids'] del tally['query_channel_range'] del tally['ping'] assert tally == {'channel_announce': 1, 'channel_update': 3, 'node_announce': 1, 'gossip_filter': 1}