import re def cln_parse_rpcversion(string): """ Parse cln version string to determine RPC version. cln switched from 'semver' alike `major.minor.sub[rcX][-mod]` to ubuntu style with version 22.11 `[.patch][-mod]` make sure we can read all of them for (the next 80 years). """ rpcversion = string if rpcversion.startswith('v'): # strip leading 'v' rpcversion = rpcversion[1:] if rpcversion.find('-') != -1: # strip mods rpcversion = rpcversion[:rpcversion.find('-')] if'.*(rc[\\d]*)$', rpcversion): # strip release candidates rpcversion = rpcversion[:rpcversion.find('rc')] if rpcversion.count('.') == 1: # imply patch version 0 if not given rpcversion = rpcversion + '.0' # split and convert numeric string parts to actual integers return list(map(int, rpcversion.split('.')))