.TH "LIGHTNING-DATASTORE" "7" "" "" "lightning-datastore" .SH NAME lightning-datastore - Command for storing (plugin) data .SH SYNOPSIS \fBdatastore\fR \fIkey\fR [\fIstring\fR] [\fIhex\fR] [\fImode\fR] [\fIgeneration\fR] .SH DESCRIPTION The \fBdatastore\fR RPC command allows plugins to store data in the c-lightning database, for later retrieval\. There can only be one entry for each \fIkey\fR, so prefixing with the plugin name (e\.g\. \fBsummary.\fR) is recommended\. \fImode\fR is one of "must-create" (default, fails it it already exists), "must-replace" (fails it it doesn't already exist), "create-or-replace" (never fails), "must-append" (must already exist, append this to what's already there) or "create-or-append" (append if anything is there, otherwise create)\. \fIgeneration\fR, if specified, means that the update will fail if the previously-existing data is not exactly that generation\. This allows for simple atomicity\. This is only legal with \fImode\fR "must-replace" or "must-append"\. .SH RETURN VALUE On success, an object is returned, containing: .RS .IP \[bu] \fBkey\fR (string): The key which has been added to the datastore .IP \[bu] \fBgeneration\fR (u64): The number of times this has been updated .IP \[bu] \fBhex\fR (hex): The hex data which has been added to the datastore .IP \[bu] \fBstring\fR (string, optional): The data as a string, if it's valid utf-8 .RE The following error codes may occur: .RS .IP \[bu] 1202: The key already exists (and mode said it must not) .IP \[bu] 1203: The key does not exist (and mode said it must) .IP \[bu] 1204: The generation was wrong (and generation was specified) .IP \[bu] -32602: invalid parameters .RE .SH AUTHOR Rusty Russell \fI is mainly responsible\. .SH SEE ALSO \fBlightning-listdatastore\fR(7), \fBlightning-deldatastore\fR(7) .SH RESOURCES Main web site: \fIhttps://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning\fR \" SHA256STAMP:0ef09e6f98d7e34e7d8339351c29ffc70be71fbf9f05f581488e3c7f603d3721