lightning-commando -- Command to Send a Command to a Remote Peer ================================================================ SYNOPSIS -------- **commando** *peer\_id* *method* [*params*] [*rune*] DESCRIPTION ----------- The **commando** RPC command is a homage to bad 80s movies. It also sends a directly-connected *peer\_id* a custom message, containing a request to run *method* (with an optional dictionary of *params*); generally the peer will only allow you to run a command if it has provided you with a *rune* which allows it. RETURN VALUE ------------ On success, the return depends on the *method* invoked. On failure, one of the following error codes may be returned: - -32600: Usually means peer is not connected - 19535: the local commando plugin discovered an error. - 19536: the remote commando plugin discovered an error. - 19537: the remote commando plugin said we weren't authorized. It can also fail if the peer does not respond, in which case it will simply hang awaiting a response. AUTHOR ------ Rusty Russell <> wrote the original Python plugin, the in-tree commando plugin, and this manual page. Christian Decker came up with the name "commando", which almost excuses his previous adoption of the name "Eltoo". SEE ALSO -------- lightning-commando-rune(7) RESOURCES --------- Main web site: [comment]: # ( SHA256STAMP:6f4406cae30cab813b3bf4e1242af914276716a057e558474e29340665ee8c2f)