lightning-unreserveinputs -- Release reserved UTXOs =================================================== SYNOPSIS -------- **unreserveinputs** *psbt* DESCRIPTION ----------- The **unreserveinputs** RPC command releases UTXOs which were previously marked as reserved, generally by lightning-reserveinputs(7). The inputs to unreserve are the inputs specified in the passed-in *psbt*. RETURN VALUE ------------ On success, an object with *outputs* will be returned. *outputs* will include an entry for each input specified in the *psbt*, indicating the *txid* and *vout* for that input plus a boolean result *unreserved*, which will be true if that UTXO was successfully unreserved by this call. Note that restarting lightningd will unreserve all UTXOs by default. The following error codes may occur: - -1: An unparseable PSBT. AUTHOR ------ niftynei <> is mainly responsible. SEE ALSO -------- lightning-unreserveinputs(7), lightning-signpsbt(7), lightning-sendpsbt(7) RESOURCES --------- Main web site: