#include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct payment *payment_new(const tal_t *ctx, struct command *cmd, const char *invstr TAKES, const char *label TAKES, const char *description TAKES, const struct sha256 *local_offer_id TAKES, const struct secret *payment_secret TAKES, const u8 *payment_metadata TAKES, const struct route_info **routes TAKES, const struct node_id *destination, const struct sha256 *payment_hash, struct amount_msat amount, struct amount_msat maxfee, unsigned int maxdelay, u64 retryfor, u16 final_cltv, /* Tweakable in --developer mode */ u64 base_fee_penalty, u64 prob_cost_factor, u64 riskfactor_millionths, u64 min_prob_success_millionths, bool use_shadow) { struct payment *p = tal(ctx,struct payment); p->cmd = cmd; p->paynotes = tal_arr(p, const char *, 0); p->total_sent = AMOUNT_MSAT(0); p->total_delivering = AMOUNT_MSAT(0); p->invstr = tal_strdup(p, invstr); p->amount = amount; p->destination = *destination; p->payment_hash = *payment_hash; if (!amount_msat_add(&p->maxspend, amount, maxfee)) p->maxspend = AMOUNT_MSAT(UINT64_MAX); if (taken(routes)) p->routes = tal_steal(p, routes); else { /* Deep copy */ p->routes = tal_dup_talarr(p, const struct route_info *, routes); for (size_t i = 0; i < tal_count(p->routes); i++) p->routes[i] = tal_steal(p->routes, p->routes[i]); } p->maxdelay = maxdelay; p->start_time = time_now(); p->stop_time = timeabs_add(p->start_time, time_from_sec(retryfor)); p->preimage = NULL; p->payment_secret = tal_dup_or_null(p, struct secret, payment_secret); p->payment_metadata = tal_dup_talarr(p, u8, payment_metadata); p->status=PAYMENT_PENDING; list_head_init(&p->flows); p->final_cltv=final_cltv; // p->list= p->description = tal_strdup_or_null(p, description); p->label = tal_strdup_or_null(p, label); p->delay_feefactor = riskfactor_millionths / 1e6; p->base_fee_penalty = base_fee_penalty; p->prob_cost_factor = prob_cost_factor; p->min_prob_success = min_prob_success_millionths / 1e6; p->local_offer_id = tal_dup_or_null(p, struct sha256, local_offer_id); p->use_shadow = use_shadow; p->groupid=1; p->local_gossmods = NULL; p->disabled_scids = tal_arr(p,struct short_channel_id,0); p->next_partid=1; p->progress_deadline = NULL; return p; } /* Disable this scid for this payment, and tell me why! */ void payflow_disable_chan(struct pay_flow *pf, struct short_channel_id scid, enum log_level lvl, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; const char *str; va_start(ap, fmt); str = tal_vfmt(tmpctx, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); payflow_note(pf, lvl, "disabling %s: %s", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct short_channel_id, &scid), str); tal_arr_expand(&pf->payment->disabled_scids, scid); } void payment_disable_chan(struct payment *p, struct short_channel_id scid, enum log_level lvl, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; const char *str; va_start(ap, fmt); str = tal_vfmt(tmpctx, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); payment_note(p, lvl, "disabling %s: %s", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct short_channel_id, &scid), str); tal_arr_expand(&p->disabled_scids, scid); } struct amount_msat payment_sent(const struct payment *p) { return p->total_sent; } struct amount_msat payment_delivered(const struct payment *p) { return p->total_delivering; } struct amount_msat payment_amount(const struct payment *p) { return p->amount; } struct amount_msat payment_fees(const struct payment *p) { struct amount_msat fees; struct amount_msat sent = payment_sent(p), delivered = payment_delivered(p); if(!amount_msat_sub(&fees,sent,delivered)) plugin_err(pay_plugin->plugin, "Strange, sent amount (%s) is less than delivered (%s), aborting.", type_to_string(tmpctx,struct amount_msat,&sent), type_to_string(tmpctx,struct amount_msat,&delivered)); return fees; } void payment_note(struct payment *p, enum log_level lvl, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; const char *str; va_start(ap, fmt); str = tal_vfmt(p->paynotes, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); tal_arr_expand(&p->paynotes, str); /* Log at debug, unless it's weird... */ plugin_log(pay_plugin->plugin, lvl < LOG_UNUSUAL ? LOG_DBG : lvl, "%s", str); if (p->cmd) plugin_notify_message(p->cmd, lvl, "%s", str); } void payflow_note(struct pay_flow *pf, enum log_level lvl, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; const char *str; va_start(ap, fmt); str = tal_vfmt(tmpctx, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); payment_note(pf->payment, lvl, " Flow %"PRIu64": %s", pf->key.partid, str); } void payment_assert_delivering_incomplete(const struct payment *p) { if(!amount_msat_less(p->total_delivering, p->amount)) { plugin_err(pay_plugin->plugin, "Strange, delivering (%s) is not smaller than amount (%s)", type_to_string(tmpctx,struct amount_msat,&p->total_delivering), type_to_string(tmpctx,struct amount_msat,&p->amount)); } } void payment_assert_delivering_all(const struct payment *p) { if(amount_msat_less(p->total_delivering, p->amount)) { plugin_err(pay_plugin->plugin, "Strange, delivering (%s) is less than amount (%s)", type_to_string(tmpctx,struct amount_msat,&p->total_delivering), type_to_string(tmpctx,struct amount_msat,&p->amount)); } } struct command_result *payment_success(struct payment *p) { /* We only finish command once: its destructor clears this. */ if (!p->cmd) return NULL; struct json_stream *response = jsonrpc_stream_success(p->cmd); /* Any one succeeding is success. */ json_add_preimage(response, "payment_preimage", p->preimage); json_add_sha256(response, "payment_hash", &p->payment_hash); json_add_timeabs(response, "created_at", p->start_time); json_add_u32(response, "parts", payment_parts(p)); json_add_amount_msat(response, "amount_msat", p->amount); json_add_amount_msat(response, "amount_sent_msat", p->total_sent); json_add_string(response, "status", "complete"); json_add_node_id(response, "destination", &p->destination); return command_finished(p->cmd, response); } struct command_result *payment_fail( struct payment *payment, enum jsonrpc_errcode code, const char *fmt, ...) { struct command *cmd; /* We usually get called because a flow failed, but we * can also get called because we couldn't route any more * or some strange error. */ payment->status = PAYMENT_FAIL; /* We only finish command once: its destructor clears this. */ if (!payment->cmd) return NULL; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); char *message = tal_vfmt(tmpctx,fmt,args); va_end(args); /* Don't bother notifying command, it's about to get failure */ cmd = payment->cmd; payment->cmd = NULL; payment_note(payment, LOG_DBG, "%s", message); /* Restore to keep destructor happy! */ payment->cmd = cmd; return command_fail(cmd,code,"%s",message); } u64 payment_parts(const struct payment *payment) { return payment->next_partid-1; } void payment_reconsider(struct payment *payment) { struct pay_flow *i, *next; bool have_state[NUM_PAY_FLOW] = {false}; enum jsonrpc_errcode final_error COMPILER_WANTS_INIT("gcc 12.3.0 -O3"), ecode; const char *final_msg COMPILER_WANTS_INIT("gcc 12.3.0 -O3"); const char *errmsg; plugin_log(pay_plugin->plugin, LOG_DBG, "payment_reconsider"); /* Harvest results and free up finished flows */ list_for_each_safe(&payment->flows, i, next, list) { plugin_log(pay_plugin->plugin, LOG_DBG, "Flow in state %u", i->state); have_state[i->state] = true; switch (i->state) { case PAY_FLOW_NOT_STARTED: /* Can't happen: we start just after we add. */ plugin_err(pay_plugin->plugin, "flow not started?"); case PAY_FLOW_IN_PROGRESS: /* Don't free, it's still going! */ continue; case PAY_FLOW_FAILED: break; case PAY_FLOW_FAILED_FINAL: final_error = i->final_error; final_msg = tal_steal(tmpctx, i->final_msg); break; case PAY_FLOW_FAILED_GOSSIP_PENDING: /* Don't free, it's still going! */ continue; case PAY_FLOW_SUCCESS: if (payment->preimage) { /* This should be impossible without breaking SHA256 */ if (!preimage_eq(payment->preimage, i->payment_preimage)) { plugin_err(pay_plugin->plugin, "Impossible preimage clash for %s: %s and %s?", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct sha256, &payment->payment_hash), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct preimage, payment->preimage), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct preimage, i->payment_preimage)); } } else { payment->preimage = tal_dup(payment, struct preimage, i->payment_preimage); } break; } tal_free(i); } /* First, did one of these succeed? */ if (have_state[PAY_FLOW_SUCCESS]) { plugin_log(pay_plugin->plugin, LOG_DBG, "one succeeded!"); switch (payment->status) { case PAYMENT_PENDING: /* The normal case: one part succeeded, we can succeed immediately */ payment_success(payment); payment->status = PAYMENT_SUCCESS; /* fall thru */ case PAYMENT_SUCCESS: /* Since we already succeeded, cmd must be NULL */ assert(payment->cmd == NULL); break; case PAYMENT_FAIL: /* OK, they told us it failed, but also * succeeded? It's theoretically possible, * but someone screwed up. */ plugin_log(pay_plugin->plugin, LOG_BROKEN, "Destination %s succeeded payment %s" " (preimage %s) after previous final failure?", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct node_id, &payment->destination), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct sha256, &payment->payment_hash), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct preimage, payment->preimage)); break; } /* We don't need to do anything else. */ return; } /* One of these returned an error from the destination? */ if (have_state[PAY_FLOW_FAILED_FINAL]) { plugin_log(pay_plugin->plugin, LOG_DBG, "one failed final!"); switch (payment->status) { case PAYMENT_PENDING: /* The normal case: we can fail immediately */ payment_fail(payment, final_error, "%s", final_msg); /* fall thru */ case PAYMENT_FAIL: /* Since we already failed, cmd must be NULL */ assert(payment->cmd == NULL); break; case PAYMENT_SUCCESS: /* OK, they told us it failed, but also * succeeded? It's theoretically possible, * but someone screwed up. */ plugin_log(pay_plugin->plugin, LOG_BROKEN, "Destination %s failed payment %s with %u/%s" " after previous success?", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct node_id, &payment->destination), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct sha256, &payment->payment_hash), final_error, final_msg); break; } /* We don't need to do anything else. */ return; } /* Now, do we still care about retrying the payment? It could * have terminated a while ago, and we're just collecting * outstanding results. */ switch (payment->status) { case PAYMENT_PENDING: break; case PAYMENT_FAIL: case PAYMENT_SUCCESS: assert(!payment->cmd); plugin_log(pay_plugin->plugin, LOG_DBG, "payment already status %u!", payment->status); return; } /* Are we waiting on addgossip? We'll come back later when * they call pay_flow_finished_adding_gossip. */ if (have_state[PAY_FLOW_FAILED_GOSSIP_PENDING]) { plugin_log(pay_plugin->plugin, LOG_DBG, "%s waiting on addgossip return", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct sha256, &payment->payment_hash)); return; } /* Do we still have pending payment parts? First time, we set * up a deadline so we don't respond immediately to every * return: it's better to gather a few failed flows before * retrying. */ if (have_state[PAY_FLOW_IN_PROGRESS]) { struct timemono now = time_mono(); /* If we don't have a deadline yet, set it now. */ if (!payment->progress_deadline) { payment->progress_deadline = tal(payment, struct timemono); *payment->progress_deadline = timemono_add(now, time_from_msec(TIMER_COLLECT_FAILURES_MSEC)); plugin_log(pay_plugin->plugin, LOG_DBG, "Set deadline"); } /* FIXME: add timemono_before to ccan/time */ if (time_less_(now.ts, payment->progress_deadline->ts)) { /* Come back later. */ /* We don't care that this temporily looks like a leak; we don't even * care if we end up with multiple outstanding. They just check * the progress_deadline. */ plugin_log(pay_plugin->plugin, LOG_DBG, "Setting timer to kick us"); notleak(plugin_timer(pay_plugin->plugin, timemono_between(*payment->progress_deadline, now), payment_reconsider, payment)); return; } } /* At this point, we may have some funds to deliver (or we * could still be waiting). */ if (amount_msat_greater_eq(payment->total_delivering, payment->amount)) { plugin_log(pay_plugin->plugin, LOG_DBG, "No more to deliver right now"); assert(have_state[PAY_FLOW_IN_PROGRESS]); return; } /* If we had a deadline, reset it */ payment->progress_deadline = tal_free(payment->progress_deadline); /* Before we do that, make sure we're not going over time. */ if (time_after(time_now(), payment->stop_time)) { payment_fail(payment, PAY_STOPPED_RETRYING, "Timed out"); return; } plugin_log(pay_plugin->plugin, LOG_DBG, "Retrying payment"); errmsg = try_paying(tmpctx, payment, &ecode); if (errmsg) payment_fail(payment, ecode, "%s", errmsg); } /* Remove all flows with the given state. */ void payment_remove_flows(struct payment *p, enum pay_flow_state state) { struct pay_flow *pf, *next; list_for_each_safe(&p->flows, pf, next, list) { if(pf->state == state) list_del(&pf->list); } }