#include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* We need this global to decode indexes for hash functions */ static struct gossmap *map; /* This makes an htable of indices into our array. */ static struct short_channel_id chanidx_id(const ptrint_t *pidx); static bool chanidx_eq_id(const ptrint_t *pidx, struct short_channel_id scid) { struct short_channel_id pidxid = chanidx_id(pidx); return short_channel_id_eq(&pidxid, &scid); } static size_t scid_hash(const struct short_channel_id scid) { return siphash24(siphash_seed(), &scid, sizeof(scid)); } HTABLE_DEFINE_TYPE(ptrint_t, chanidx_id, scid_hash, chanidx_eq_id, chanidx_htable); static struct node_id nodeidx_id(const ptrint_t *pidx); static bool nodeidx_eq_id(const ptrint_t *pidx, const struct node_id id) { struct node_id pidxid = nodeidx_id(pidx); return node_id_eq(&pidxid, &id); } static size_t nodeid_hash(const struct node_id id) { return siphash24(siphash_seed(), &id, PUBKEY_CMPR_LEN); } HTABLE_DEFINE_TYPE(ptrint_t, nodeidx_id, nodeid_hash, nodeidx_eq_id, nodeidx_htable); struct gossmap { /* The file descriptor and filename to monitor */ int fd; const char *fname; /* The memory map of the file: u8 for arithmetic portability */ u8 *mmap; /* map_end is where we read to so far, map_size is total size */ size_t map_end, map_size; /* Map of node id -> node */ struct nodeidx_htable nodes; /* Map of short_channel_id id -> channel */ struct chanidx_htable channels; /* Array of nodes, so we can use simple index. */ struct gossmap_node *node_arr; /* This is tal_count(node_arr), which we call very often in assert() */ size_t num_node_arr; /* Array of chans, so we can use simple index */ struct gossmap_chan *chan_arr; /* This is tal_count(chan_arr), which we call very often in assert() */ size_t num_chan_arr; /* Linked list of freed ones, if any. */ u32 freed_nodes, freed_chans; /* local messages, if any. */ const u8 *local; }; /* Accessors for the gossmap */ static void map_copy(const struct gossmap *map, size_t offset, void *dst, size_t len) { if (offset >= map->map_size) { size_t localoff = offset - map->map_size; assert(localoff + len <= tal_bytelen(map->local)); memcpy(dst, map->local + localoff, len); } else { assert(offset + len <= map->map_size); if (map->mmap) memcpy(dst, map->mmap + offset, len); else { /* Yeah, we'll crash on I/O errors. */ if (pread(map->fd, dst, len, offset) != len) abort(); } } } static u8 map_u8(const struct gossmap *map, size_t offset) { u8 u8; map_copy(map, offset, &u8, sizeof(u8)); return u8; } static u16 map_be16(const struct gossmap *map, size_t offset) { be16 be16; map_copy(map, offset, &be16, sizeof(be16)); return be16_to_cpu(be16); } static u32 map_be32(const struct gossmap *map, size_t offset) { be32 be32; map_copy(map, offset, &be32, sizeof(be32)); return be32_to_cpu(be32); } static u64 map_be64(const struct gossmap *map, size_t offset) { be64 be64; map_copy(map, offset, &be64, sizeof(be64)); return be64_to_cpu(be64); } static void map_nodeid(const struct gossmap *map, size_t offset, struct node_id *id) { map_copy(map, offset, id, sizeof(*id)); } /* Returns optional or compulsory feature if set, otherwise -1 */ static int map_feature_test(const struct gossmap *map, int compulsory_bit, size_t offset, size_t len) { size_t bytenum = compulsory_bit / 8; u8 bits; assert(COMPULSORY_FEATURE(compulsory_bit) == compulsory_bit); if (bytenum >= len) return -1; /* Note reversed! */ bits = map_u8(map, offset + len - 1 - bytenum); if (bits & (1 << (compulsory_bit % 8))) return compulsory_bit; if (bits & (1 << (OPTIONAL_FEATURE(compulsory_bit) % 8))) return OPTIONAL_FEATURE(compulsory_bit); return -1; } /* These values can change across calls to gossmap_check. */ u32 gossmap_max_node_idx(const struct gossmap *map) { assert(tal_count(map->node_arr) == map->num_node_arr); return map->num_node_arr; } u32 gossmap_max_chan_idx(const struct gossmap *map) { assert(tal_count(map->chan_arr) == map->num_chan_arr); return map->num_chan_arr; } /* Each channel has a unique (low) index. */ u32 gossmap_node_idx(const struct gossmap *map, const struct gossmap_node *node) { assert(node - map->node_arr < map->num_node_arr); return node - map->node_arr; } u32 gossmap_chan_idx(const struct gossmap *map, const struct gossmap_chan *chan) { assert(chan - map->chan_arr < map->num_chan_arr); return chan - map->chan_arr; } struct gossmap_node *gossmap_node_byidx(const struct gossmap *map, u32 idx) { assert(idx < gossmap_max_node_idx(map)); if (map->node_arr[idx].chan_idxs == NULL) return NULL; return &map->node_arr[idx]; } struct gossmap_chan *gossmap_chan_byidx(const struct gossmap *map, u32 idx) { assert(idx < gossmap_max_chan_idx(map)); if (map->chan_arr[idx].plus_scid_off == 0) return NULL; return &map->chan_arr[idx]; } /* htable can't handle NULL or 1 values, so we add 2 */ static struct gossmap_chan *ptrint2chan(const ptrint_t *pidx) { return map->chan_arr + ptr2int(pidx) - 2; } static ptrint_t *chan2ptrint(const struct gossmap_chan *chan) { return int2ptr(chan - map->chan_arr + 2); } static struct gossmap_node *ptrint2node(const ptrint_t *pidx) { return map->node_arr + ptr2int(pidx) - 2; } static ptrint_t *node2ptrint(const struct gossmap_node *node) { return int2ptr(node - map->node_arr + 2); } static struct short_channel_id chanidx_id(const ptrint_t *pidx) { return gossmap_chan_scid(map, ptrint2chan(pidx)); } static struct node_id nodeidx_id(const ptrint_t *pidx) { struct node_id id; gossmap_node_get_id(map, ptrint2node(pidx), &id); return id; } struct gossmap_node *gossmap_find_node(const struct gossmap *map, const struct node_id *id) { ptrint_t *pi = nodeidx_htable_get(&map->nodes, *id); if (pi) return ptrint2node(pi); return NULL; } struct gossmap_chan *gossmap_find_chan(const struct gossmap *map, const struct short_channel_id *scid) { ptrint_t *pi = chanidx_htable_get(&map->channels, *scid); if (pi) return ptrint2chan(pi); return NULL; } static u32 init_node_arr(struct gossmap_node *node_arr, size_t start) { size_t i; for (i = start; i < tal_count(node_arr) - 1; i++) { node_arr[i].nann_off = i + 1; node_arr[i].chan_idxs = NULL; } node_arr[i].nann_off = UINT_MAX; node_arr[i].chan_idxs = NULL; return start; } /* Freelist links through node_off of unused entries. */ static struct gossmap_node *next_free_node(struct gossmap *map) { size_t f; if (map->freed_nodes == UINT_MAX) { /* Double in size, add second half to free list */ size_t n = tal_count(map->node_arr); map->num_node_arr *= 2; tal_resize(&map->node_arr, n * 2); map->freed_nodes = init_node_arr(map->node_arr, n); } f = map->freed_nodes; map->freed_nodes = map->node_arr[f].nann_off; return &map->node_arr[f]; } static u32 new_node(struct gossmap *map) { struct gossmap_node *node = next_free_node(map); assert(node->chan_idxs == NULL); node->nann_off = 0; node->num_chans = 0; return gossmap_node_idx(map, node); } static void remove_node(struct gossmap *map, struct gossmap_node *node) { u32 nodeidx = gossmap_node_idx(map, node); if (!nodeidx_htable_del(&map->nodes, node2ptrint(node))) abort(); node->nann_off = map->freed_nodes; free(node->chan_idxs); node->chan_idxs = NULL; node->num_chans = 0; map->freed_nodes = nodeidx; } static void node_add_channel(struct gossmap_node *node, u32 chanidx) { node->num_chans++; node->chan_idxs = realloc(node->chan_idxs, node->num_chans * sizeof(*node->chan_idxs)); node->chan_idxs[node->num_chans-1] = chanidx; } static u32 init_chan_arr(struct gossmap_chan *chan_arr, size_t start) { size_t i; for (i = start; i < tal_count(chan_arr) - 1; i++) { chan_arr[i].cann_off = i + 1; chan_arr[i].plus_scid_off = 0; } chan_arr[i].cann_off = UINT_MAX; chan_arr[i].plus_scid_off = 0; return start; } /* Freelist links through scid of unused entries. */ static struct gossmap_chan *next_free_chan(struct gossmap *map) { size_t f; if (map->freed_chans == UINT_MAX) { /* Double in size, add second half to free list */ size_t n = tal_count(map->chan_arr); map->num_chan_arr *= 2; tal_resize(&map->chan_arr, n * 2); map->freed_chans = init_chan_arr(map->chan_arr, n); } f = map->freed_chans; map->freed_chans = map->chan_arr[f].cann_off; return &map->chan_arr[f]; } static struct gossmap_chan *new_channel(struct gossmap *map, u32 cannounce_off, u32 plus_scid_off, bool private, u32 n1idx, u32 n2idx) { struct gossmap_chan *chan = next_free_chan(map); chan->cann_off = cannounce_off; chan->private = private; chan->plus_scid_off = plus_scid_off; chan->cupdate_off[0] = chan->cupdate_off[1] = 0; memset(chan->half, 0, sizeof(chan->half)); chan->half[0].nodeidx = n1idx; chan->half[1].nodeidx = n2idx; node_add_channel(map->node_arr + n1idx, gossmap_chan_idx(map, chan)); node_add_channel(map->node_arr + n2idx, gossmap_chan_idx(map, chan)); chanidx_htable_add(&map->channels, chan2ptrint(chan)); return chan; } static void remove_chan_from_node(struct gossmap *map, struct gossmap_node *node, u32 chanidx) { size_t i; if (node->num_chans == 1) { remove_node(map, node); return; } for (i = 0; node->chan_idxs[i] != chanidx; i++) assert(i < node->num_chans); memmove(node->chan_idxs + i, node->chan_idxs + i + 1, sizeof(node->chan_idxs[0]) * (node->num_chans - i - 1)); node->num_chans--; } void gossmap_remove_chan(struct gossmap *map, struct gossmap_chan *chan) { u32 chanidx = gossmap_chan_idx(map, chan); if (!chanidx_htable_del(&map->channels, chan2ptrint(chan))) abort(); remove_chan_from_node(map, gossmap_nth_node(map, chan, 0), chanidx); remove_chan_from_node(map, gossmap_nth_node(map, chan, 1), chanidx); chan->cann_off = map->freed_chans; chan->plus_scid_off = 0; map->freed_chans = chanidx; } void gossmap_remove_node(struct gossmap *map, struct gossmap_node *node) { while (node->num_chans != 0) gossmap_remove_chan(map, gossmap_nth_chan(map, node, 0, NULL)); } /* BOLT #7: * 1. type: 256 (`channel_announcement`) * 2. data: * * [`signature`:`node_signature_1`] * * [`signature`:`node_signature_2`] * * [`signature`:`bitcoin_signature_1`] * * [`signature`:`bitcoin_signature_2`] * * [`u16`:`len`] * * [`len*byte`:`features`] * * [`chain_hash`:`chain_hash`] * * [`short_channel_id`:`short_channel_id`] * * [`point`:`node_id_1`] * * [`point`:`node_id_2`] */ static struct gossmap_chan *add_channel(struct gossmap *map, size_t cannounce_off, bool private) { /* Note that first two bytes are message type */ const size_t feature_len_off = 2 + (64 + 64 + 64 + 64); size_t feature_len; size_t plus_scid_off; struct short_channel_id scid; struct node_id node_id[2]; struct gossmap_node *n[2]; struct gossmap_chan *chan; u32 nidx[2]; feature_len = map_be16(map, cannounce_off + feature_len_off); plus_scid_off = feature_len_off + 2 + feature_len + 32; map_nodeid(map, cannounce_off + plus_scid_off + 8, &node_id[0]); map_nodeid(map, cannounce_off + plus_scid_off + 8 + PUBKEY_CMPR_LEN, &node_id[1]); /* We can have a channel upgrade from private->public, but * that's the only time we get duplicates */ scid.u64 = map_be64(map, cannounce_off + plus_scid_off); chan = gossmap_find_chan(map, &scid); if (chan) gossmap_remove_chan(map, chan); /* We carefully map pointers to indexes, since new_node can move them! */ n[0] = gossmap_find_node(map, &node_id[0]); if (n[0]) nidx[0] = gossmap_node_idx(map, n[0]); else nidx[0] = new_node(map); n[1] = gossmap_find_node(map, &node_id[1]); if (n[1]) nidx[1] = gossmap_node_idx(map, n[1]); else nidx[1] = new_node(map); chan = new_channel(map, cannounce_off, plus_scid_off, private, nidx[0], nidx[1]); /* Now we have a channel, we can add nodes to htable */ if (!n[0]) nodeidx_htable_add(&map->nodes, node2ptrint(map->node_arr + nidx[0])); if (!n[1]) nodeidx_htable_add(&map->nodes, node2ptrint(map->node_arr + nidx[1])); return chan; } /* BOLT #7: * 1. type: 258 (`channel_update`) * 2. data: * * [`signature`:`signature`] * * [`chain_hash`:`chain_hash`] * * [`short_channel_id`:`short_channel_id`] * * [`u32`:`timestamp`] * * [`byte`:`message_flags`] * * [`byte`:`channel_flags`] * * [`u16`:`cltv_expiry_delta`] * * [`u64`:`htlc_minimum_msat`] * * [`u32`:`fee_base_msat`] * * [`u32`:`fee_proportional_millionths`] * * [`u64`:`htlc_maximum_msat`] */ static bool update_channel(struct gossmap *map, size_t cupdate_off) { /* Note that first two bytes are message type */ const size_t scid_off = cupdate_off + 2 + (64 + 32); const size_t message_flags_off = scid_off + 8 + 4; const size_t channel_flags_off = message_flags_off + 1; const size_t cltv_expiry_delta_off = channel_flags_off + 1; const size_t htlc_minimum_off = cltv_expiry_delta_off + 2; const size_t fee_base_off = htlc_minimum_off + 8; const size_t fee_prop_off = fee_base_off + 4; const size_t htlc_maximum_off = fee_prop_off + 4; struct short_channel_id scid; struct gossmap_chan *chan; struct half_chan hc; u8 chanflags; bool dumb_values; scid.u64 = map_be64(map, scid_off); chan = gossmap_find_chan(map, &scid); /* This can happen if channel gets deleted! */ if (!chan) return false; /* We round this *down*, since too-low min is more conservative */ hc.htlc_min = u64_to_fp16(map_be64(map, htlc_minimum_off), false); hc.htlc_max = u64_to_fp16(map_be64(map, htlc_maximum_off), true); chanflags = map_u8(map, channel_flags_off); hc.enabled = !(chanflags & 2); hc.base_fee = map_be32(map, fee_base_off); hc.proportional_fee = map_be32(map, fee_prop_off); hc.delay = map_be16(map, cltv_expiry_delta_off); /* Check they fit: we turn off if not. */ if (hc.base_fee != map_be32(map, fee_base_off) || hc.proportional_fee != map_be32(map, fee_prop_off) || hc.delay != map_be16(map, cltv_expiry_delta_off)) { dumb_values = true; hc.htlc_max = 0; hc.enabled = false; } else dumb_values = false; /* Preserve this */ hc.nodeidx = chan->half[chanflags & 1].nodeidx; chan->half[chanflags & 1] = hc; chan->cupdate_off[chanflags & 1] = cupdate_off; return !dumb_values; } static void remove_channel_by_deletemsg(struct gossmap *map, size_t del_off) { struct short_channel_id scid; struct gossmap_chan *chan; /* They can delete things we don't know about, since they also * get their length marked with the deleted bit */ /* Note that first two bytes are message type */ scid.u64 = map_be64(map, del_off + 2); chan = gossmap_find_chan(map, &scid); if (!chan) return; gossmap_remove_chan(map, chan); } struct short_channel_id gossmap_chan_scid(const struct gossmap *map, const struct gossmap_chan *c) { struct short_channel_id scid; scid.u64 = map_be64(map, c->cann_off + c->plus_scid_off); return scid; } /* BOLT #7: * 1. type: 257 (`node_announcement`) * 2. data: * * [`signature`:`signature`] * * [`u16`:`flen`] * * [`flen*byte`:`features`] * * [`u32`:`timestamp`] * * [`point`:`node_id`] * * [`3*byte`:`rgb_color`] * * [`32*byte`:`alias`] * * [`u16`:`addrlen`] * * [`addrlen*byte`:`addresses`] */ static void node_announcement(struct gossmap *map, size_t nann_off) { const size_t feature_len_off = 2 + 64; size_t feature_len; struct gossmap_node *n; struct node_id id; feature_len = map_be16(map, nann_off + feature_len_off); map_nodeid(map, nann_off + feature_len_off + 2 + feature_len + 4, &id); n = gossmap_find_node(map, &id); n->nann_off = nann_off; } static void reopen_store(struct gossmap *map, size_t ended_off) { int fd = open(map->fname, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) err(1, "Failed to reopen %s", map->fname); /* This tells us the equivalent offset in new map */ map->map_end = map_be64(map, ended_off + 2); close(map->fd); map->fd = fd; gossmap_refresh(map, NULL); } static bool map_catchup(struct gossmap *map, size_t *num_rejected) { size_t reclen; bool changed = false; size_t num_bad = 0; for (; map->map_end + sizeof(struct gossip_hdr) < map->map_size; map->map_end += reclen) { struct gossip_hdr ghdr; size_t off; u16 type; map_copy(map, map->map_end, &ghdr, sizeof(ghdr)); reclen = (be32_to_cpu(ghdr.len) & GOSSIP_STORE_LEN_MASK) + sizeof(ghdr); if (be32_to_cpu(ghdr.len) & GOSSIP_STORE_LEN_DELETED_BIT) continue; /* Partial write, this can happen. */ if (map->map_end + reclen > map->map_size) break; off = map->map_end + sizeof(ghdr); type = map_be16(map, off); if (type == WIRE_CHANNEL_ANNOUNCEMENT) add_channel(map, off, false); else if (type == WIRE_GOSSIP_STORE_PRIVATE_CHANNEL) add_channel(map, off + 2 + 8 + 2, true); else if (type == WIRE_CHANNEL_UPDATE) num_bad += !update_channel(map, off); else if (type == WIRE_GOSSIP_STORE_PRIVATE_UPDATE) num_bad += !update_channel(map, off + 2 + 2); else if (type == WIRE_GOSSIP_STORE_DELETE_CHAN) remove_channel_by_deletemsg(map, off); else if (type == WIRE_NODE_ANNOUNCEMENT) node_announcement(map, off); else if (type == WIRE_GOSSIP_STORE_ENDED) reopen_store(map, off); else continue; changed = true; } if (num_rejected) *num_rejected = num_bad; return changed; } static bool load_gossip_store(struct gossmap *map, size_t *num_rejected) { map->fd = open(map->fname, O_RDONLY); if (map->fd < 0) return false; map->map_size = lseek(map->fd, 0, SEEK_END); map->local = NULL; /* If this fails, we fall back to read */ map->mmap = mmap(NULL, map->map_size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, map->fd, 0); if (map->mmap == MAP_FAILED) map->mmap = NULL; /* We only support major version 0 */ if (GOSSIP_STORE_MAJOR_VERSION(map_u8(map, 0)) != 0) { close(map->fd); if (map->mmap) munmap(map->mmap, map->map_size); errno = EINVAL; return false; } /* Since channel_announcement is ~430 bytes, and channel_update is 136, * node_announcement is 144, and current topology has 35000 channels * and 10000 nodes, let's assume each channel gets about 750 bytes. * * We halve this, since often some records are deleted. */ chanidx_htable_init_sized(&map->channels, map->map_size / 750 / 2); nodeidx_htable_init_sized(&map->nodes, map->map_size / 2500 / 2); map->num_chan_arr = map->map_size / 750 / 2 + 1; map->chan_arr = tal_arr(map, struct gossmap_chan, map->num_chan_arr); map->freed_chans = init_chan_arr(map->chan_arr, 0); map->num_node_arr = map->map_size / 2500 / 2 + 1; map->node_arr = tal_arr(map, struct gossmap_node, map->num_node_arr); map->freed_nodes = init_node_arr(map->node_arr, 0); map->map_end = 1; map_catchup(map, num_rejected); return true; } static void destroy_map(struct gossmap *map) { if (map->mmap) munmap(map->mmap, map->map_size); chanidx_htable_clear(&map->channels); nodeidx_htable_clear(&map->nodes); for (size_t i = 0; i < tal_count(map->node_arr); i++) free(map->node_arr[i].chan_idxs); } /* Local modifications. We only expect a few, so we use a simple * array. */ struct localmod { struct short_channel_id scid; /* If this is an entirely-local channel, here's its offset. * Otherwise, 0xFFFFFFFF. */ u32 local_off; /* Are updates in either direction set? */ bool updates_set[2]; /* hc[n] defined if updates_set[n]. */ struct half_chan hc[2]; /* orig[n] defined if updates_set[n] and local_off == 0xFFFFFFFF */ struct half_chan orig[2]; /* Original update offsets */ u32 orig_cupdate_off[2]; }; struct gossmap_localmods { struct localmod *mods; /* This is the local array to be used by the gossmap */ u8 *local; }; struct gossmap_localmods *gossmap_localmods_new(const tal_t *ctx) { struct gossmap_localmods *localmods; localmods = tal(ctx, struct gossmap_localmods); localmods->mods = tal_arr(localmods, struct localmod, 0); localmods->local = tal_arr(localmods, u8, 0); return localmods; } /* Create space at end of local map, return offset it was added at. */ static size_t insert_local_space(struct gossmap_localmods *localmods, size_t msglen) { size_t oldlen = tal_bytelen(localmods->local); tal_resize(&localmods->local, oldlen + msglen); return oldlen; } static struct localmod *find_localmod(struct gossmap_localmods *localmods, const struct short_channel_id *scid) { for (size_t i = 0; i < tal_count(localmods->mods); i++) if (short_channel_id_eq(&localmods->mods[i].scid, scid)) return &localmods->mods[i]; return NULL; } bool gossmap_local_addchan(struct gossmap_localmods *localmods, const struct node_id *n1, const struct node_id *n2, const struct short_channel_id *scid, const u8 *features) { be16 be16; be64 be64; size_t off; struct localmod mod; /* Don't create duplicate channels. */ if (find_localmod(localmods, scid)) return false; /* BOLT #7: * * - MUST set `node_id_1` and `node_id_2` to the public keys * of the two nodes operating the channel, such that * `node_id_1` is the lexicographically-lesser of the two * compressed keys sorted in ascending lexicographic order. */ if (node_id_cmp(n1, n2) > 0) return gossmap_local_addchan(localmods, n2, n1, scid, features); mod.scid = *scid; mod.updates_set[0] = mod.updates_set[1] = false; /* We create fake local channel_announcement. */ off = insert_local_space(localmods, 2 + 64 * 4 + 2 + tal_bytelen(features) + 32 + 8 + 33 + 33); mod.local_off = off; /* Set type to be kosher. */ be16 = CPU_TO_BE16(WIRE_CHANNEL_ANNOUNCEMENT); memcpy(localmods->local + off, &be16, sizeof(be16)); off += sizeof(be16); /* Skip sigs */ off += 64 * 4; /* Set length and features */ be16 = cpu_to_be16(tal_bytelen(features)); memcpy(localmods->local + off, &be16, sizeof(be16)); off += sizeof(be16); memcpy(localmods->local + off, features, tal_bytelen(features)); off += tal_bytelen(features); /* Skip chain_hash */ off += 32; /* Set scid */ be64 = be64_to_cpu(scid->u64); memcpy(localmods->local + off, &be64, sizeof(be64)); off += sizeof(be64); /* set node_ids */ memcpy(localmods->local + off, n1->k, sizeof(n1->k)); off += sizeof(n1->k); memcpy(localmods->local + off, n2->k, sizeof(n2->k)); off += sizeof(n2->k); assert(off == tal_bytelen(localmods->local)); tal_arr_expand(&localmods->mods, mod); return true; }; /* Insert a local-only channel_update. */ bool gossmap_local_updatechan(struct gossmap_localmods *localmods, const struct short_channel_id *scid, struct amount_msat htlc_min, struct amount_msat htlc_max, u32 base_fee, u32 proportional_fee, u16 delay, bool enabled, int dir) { struct localmod *mod; mod = find_localmod(localmods, scid); if (!mod) { /* Create new reference to (presumably) existing channel. */ size_t nmods = tal_count(localmods->mods); tal_resize(&localmods->mods, nmods + 1); mod = &localmods->mods[nmods]; mod->scid = *scid; mod->updates_set[0] = mod->updates_set[1] = false; mod->local_off = 0xFFFFFFFF; } assert(dir == 0 || dir == 1); mod->updates_set[dir] = true; mod->hc[dir].enabled = enabled; /* node_idx needs to be set once we're in the gossmap. */ mod->hc[dir].htlc_min = u64_to_fp16(htlc_min.millisatoshis, /* Raw: to fp16 */ false); mod->hc[dir].htlc_max = u64_to_fp16(htlc_max.millisatoshis, /* Raw: to fp16 */ true); mod->hc[dir].base_fee = base_fee; mod->hc[dir].proportional_fee = proportional_fee; mod->hc[dir].delay = delay; /* Check they fit */ if (mod->hc[dir].base_fee != base_fee || mod->hc[dir].proportional_fee != proportional_fee || mod->hc[dir].delay != delay) return false; return true; } /* Apply localmods to this map */ void gossmap_apply_localmods(struct gossmap *map, struct gossmap_localmods *localmods) { size_t n = tal_count(localmods->mods); assert(!map->local); map->local = localmods->local; for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { struct localmod *mod = &localmods->mods[i]; struct gossmap_chan *chan; /* Find gossmap entry which this applies to. */ chan = gossmap_find_chan(map, &mod->scid); /* If it doesn't exist, are we supposed to create a local one? */ if (!chan) { if (mod->local_off == 0xFFFFFFFF) continue; /* Create new channel, pointing into local. */ chan = add_channel(map, map->map_size + mod->local_off, true); } /* Save old, overwrite (keep nodeidx) */ for (size_t h = 0; h < 2; h++) { if (!mod->updates_set[h]) continue; mod->orig[h] = chan->half[h]; mod->orig_cupdate_off[h] = chan->cupdate_off[h]; chan->half[h] = mod->hc[h]; chan->half[h].nodeidx = mod->orig[h].nodeidx; chan->cupdate_off[h] = 0xFFFFFFFF; } } } void gossmap_remove_localmods(struct gossmap *map, const struct gossmap_localmods *localmods) { size_t n = tal_count(localmods->mods); assert(map->local == localmods->local); for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { const struct localmod *mod = &localmods->mods[i]; struct gossmap_chan *chan = gossmap_find_chan(map, &mod->scid); /* If that's a local channel, remove it now. */ if (chan->cann_off >= map->map_size) { gossmap_remove_chan(map, chan); } else { /* Restore (keep nodeidx). */ for (size_t h = 0; h < 2; h++) { u32 nodeidx; if (!mod->updates_set[h]) continue; nodeidx = chan->half[h].nodeidx; chan->half[h] = mod->orig[h]; chan->half[h].nodeidx = nodeidx; chan->cupdate_off[h] = mod->orig_cupdate_off[h]; } } } map->local = NULL; } bool gossmap_refresh(struct gossmap *map, size_t *num_rejected) { off_t len; /* You must remove local updates before this. */ assert(!map->local); /* If file has gotten larger, try rereading */ len = lseek(map->fd, 0, SEEK_END); if (len == map->map_size) return false; if (map->mmap) munmap(map->mmap, map->map_size); map->map_size = len; map->mmap = mmap(NULL, map->map_size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, map->fd, 0); if (map->mmap == MAP_FAILED) map->mmap = NULL; return map_catchup(map, num_rejected); } struct gossmap *gossmap_load(const tal_t *ctx, const char *filename, size_t *num_channel_updates_rejected) { map = tal(ctx, struct gossmap); map->fname = tal_strdup(map, filename); if (load_gossip_store(map, num_channel_updates_rejected)) tal_add_destructor(map, destroy_map); else map = tal_free(map); return map; } void gossmap_node_get_id(const struct gossmap *map, const struct gossmap_node *node, struct node_id *id) { /* We extract nodeid from first channel. */ int dir; struct gossmap_chan *c = gossmap_nth_chan(map, node, 0, &dir); map_nodeid(map, c->cann_off + c->plus_scid_off + 8 + PUBKEY_CMPR_LEN*dir, id); } bool gossmap_chan_get_capacity(const struct gossmap *map, const struct gossmap_chan *c, struct amount_sat *amount) { struct gossip_hdr ghdr; size_t off; u16 type; /* Fail for local channels */ if (c->cann_off >= map->map_size) return false; /* For private, we need to go back WIRE_GOSSIP_STORE_PRIVATE_CHANNEL, * which is 8 (satoshis) + 2 (len) */ if (c->private) { *amount = amount_sat(map_be64(map, c->cann_off - 8 - 2)); return true; } /* Skip over this record to next; expect a gossip_store_channel_amount */ off = c->cann_off - sizeof(ghdr); map_copy(map, off, &ghdr, sizeof(ghdr)); off += sizeof(ghdr) + (be32_to_cpu(ghdr.len) & GOSSIP_STORE_LEN_MASK); /* Partial write, this can happen. */ if (off + sizeof(ghdr) + 2 > map->map_size) return false; /* Get type of next field. */ type = map_be16(map, off + sizeof(ghdr)); if (type != WIRE_GOSSIP_STORE_CHANNEL_AMOUNT) return false; *amount = amount_sat(map_be64(map, off + sizeof(ghdr) + sizeof(be16))); return true; } struct gossmap_chan *gossmap_nth_chan(const struct gossmap *map, const struct gossmap_node *node, u32 n, int *which_half) { struct gossmap_chan *chan; assert(n < node->num_chans); assert(node->chan_idxs[n] < map->num_chan_arr); chan = map->chan_arr + node->chan_idxs[n]; if (which_half) { if (chan->half[0].nodeidx == gossmap_node_idx(map, node)) *which_half = 0; else { assert(chan->half[1].nodeidx == gossmap_node_idx(map, node)); *which_half = 1; } } return chan; } struct gossmap_node *gossmap_nth_node(const struct gossmap *map, const struct gossmap_chan *chan, int n) { assert(n == 0 || n == 1); return map->node_arr + chan->half[n].nodeidx; } size_t gossmap_num_nodes(const struct gossmap *map) { return nodeidx_htable_count(&map->nodes); } static struct gossmap_node *node_iter(const struct gossmap *map, size_t start) { for (size_t i = start; i < map->num_node_arr; i++) { if (map->node_arr[i].chan_idxs != NULL) return &map->node_arr[i]; } return NULL; } struct gossmap_node *gossmap_first_node(const struct gossmap *map) { return node_iter(map, 0); } struct gossmap_node *gossmap_next_node(const struct gossmap *map, const struct gossmap_node *prev) { return node_iter(map, prev - map->node_arr + 1); } size_t gossmap_num_chans(const struct gossmap *map) { return chanidx_htable_count(&map->channels); } static struct gossmap_chan *chan_iter(const struct gossmap *map, size_t start) { for (size_t i = start; i < map->num_chan_arr; i++) { if (map->chan_arr[i].plus_scid_off != 0) return &map->chan_arr[i]; } return NULL; } struct gossmap_chan *gossmap_first_chan(const struct gossmap *map) { return chan_iter(map, 0); } struct gossmap_chan *gossmap_next_chan(const struct gossmap *map, struct gossmap_chan *prev) { return chan_iter(map, prev - map->chan_arr + 1); } bool gossmap_chan_capacity(const struct gossmap_chan *chan, int direction, struct amount_msat amount) { if (amount_msat_less_fp16(amount, chan->half[direction].htlc_min)) return false; if (amount_msat_greater_fp16(amount, chan->half[direction].htlc_max)) return false; return true; } /* Get the announcement msg which created this chan */ u8 *gossmap_chan_get_announce(const tal_t *ctx, const struct gossmap *map, const struct gossmap_chan *c) { u32 len; u8 *msg; u32 pre_off; /* We need to go back to struct gossip_hdr to get len */ if (c->private) pre_off = 2 + 8 + 2 + sizeof(struct gossip_hdr); else pre_off = sizeof(struct gossip_hdr); len = (map_be32(map, c->cann_off - pre_off) & GOSSIP_STORE_LEN_MASK); msg = tal_arr(ctx, u8, len); map_copy(map, c->cann_off, msg, len); return msg; } /* Get the announcement msg (if any) for this node. */ u8 *gossmap_node_get_announce(const tal_t *ctx, const struct gossmap *map, const struct gossmap_node *n) { u32 len; u8 *msg; if (n->nann_off == 0) return NULL; len = (map_be32(map, n->nann_off - sizeof(struct gossip_hdr)) & GOSSIP_STORE_LEN_MASK); msg = tal_arr(ctx, u8, len); map_copy(map, n->nann_off, msg, len); return msg; } /* BOLT #7: * 1. type: 256 (`channel_announcement`) * 2. data: * * [`signature`:`node_signature_1`] * * [`signature`:`node_signature_2`] * * [`signature`:`bitcoin_signature_1`] * * [`signature`:`bitcoin_signature_2`] * * [`u16`:`len`] * * [`len*byte`:`features`] * * [`chain_hash`:`chain_hash`] * * [`short_channel_id`:`short_channel_id`] * * [`point`:`node_id_1`] * * [`point`:`node_id_2`] */ int gossmap_chan_get_feature(const struct gossmap *map, const struct gossmap_chan *c, int fbit) { /* Note that first two bytes are message type */ const size_t feature_len_off = 2 + (64 + 64 + 64 + 64); size_t feature_len; feature_len = map_be16(map, c->cann_off + feature_len_off); return map_feature_test(map, COMPULSORY_FEATURE(fbit), c->cann_off + feature_len_off + 2, feature_len); } u8 *gossmap_chan_get_features(const tal_t *ctx, const struct gossmap *map, const struct gossmap_chan *c) { u8 *ret; /* Note that first two bytes are message type */ const size_t feature_len_off = 2 + (64 + 64 + 64 + 64); size_t feature_len; feature_len = map_be16(map, c->cann_off + feature_len_off); ret = tal_arr(ctx, u8, feature_len); map_copy(map, c->cann_off + feature_len_off + 2, ret, feature_len); return ret; } /* BOLT #7: * 1. type: 258 (`channel_update`) * 2. data: * * [`signature`:`signature`] * * [`chain_hash`:`chain_hash`] * * [`short_channel_id`:`short_channel_id`] * * [`u32`:`timestamp`] * * [`byte`:`message_flags`] * * [`byte`:`channel_flags`] * * [`u16`:`cltv_expiry_delta`] * * [`u64`:`htlc_minimum_msat`] * * [`u32`:`fee_base_msat`] * * [`u32`:`fee_proportional_millionths`] * * [`u64`:`htlc_maximum_msat`] */ void gossmap_chan_get_update_details(const struct gossmap *map, const struct gossmap_chan *chan, int dir, u32 *timestamp, u8 *message_flags, u8 *channel_flags, u32 *fee_base_msat, u32 *fee_proportional_millionths, struct amount_msat *htlc_minimum_msat, struct amount_msat *htlc_maximum_msat) { /* Note that first two bytes are message type */ const size_t scid_off = chan->cupdate_off[dir] + 2 + (64 + 32); const size_t timestamp_off = scid_off + 8; const size_t message_flags_off = timestamp_off + 4; const size_t channel_flags_off = message_flags_off + 1; const size_t cltv_expiry_delta_off = channel_flags_off + 1; const size_t htlc_minimum_off = cltv_expiry_delta_off + 2; const size_t fee_base_off = htlc_minimum_off + 8; const size_t fee_prop_off = fee_base_off + 4; const size_t htlc_maximum_off = fee_prop_off + 4; assert(gossmap_chan_set(chan, dir)); if (timestamp) *timestamp = map_be32(map, timestamp_off); if (channel_flags) *channel_flags = map_u8(map, channel_flags_off); if (message_flags) *message_flags = map_u8(map, message_flags_off); if (fee_base_msat) *fee_base_msat = map_be32(map, fee_base_off); if (fee_proportional_millionths) *fee_proportional_millionths = map_be32(map, fee_prop_off); if (htlc_minimum_msat) *htlc_minimum_msat = amount_msat(map_be64(map, htlc_minimum_off)); if (htlc_maximum_msat) *htlc_maximum_msat = amount_msat(map_be64(map, htlc_maximum_off)); } /* BOLT #7: * 1. type: 257 (`node_announcement`) * 2. data: * * [`signature`:`signature`] * * [`u16`:`flen`] * * [`flen*byte`:`features`] * * [`u32`:`timestamp`] * * [`point`:`node_id`] * * [`3*byte`:`rgb_color`] * * [`32*byte`:`alias`] * * [`u16`:`addrlen`] * * [`addrlen*byte`:`addresses`] */ int gossmap_node_get_feature(const struct gossmap *map, const struct gossmap_node *n, int fbit) { const size_t feature_len_off = 2 + 64; size_t feature_len; if (n->nann_off == 0) return -1; feature_len = map_be16(map, n->nann_off + feature_len_off); return map_feature_test(map, COMPULSORY_FEATURE(fbit), n->nann_off + feature_len_off + 2, feature_len); } u8 *gossmap_node_get_features(const tal_t *ctx, const struct gossmap *map, const struct gossmap_node *n) { u8 *ret; /* Note that first two bytes are message type */ const size_t feature_len_off = 2 + 64; size_t feature_len; if (n->nann_off == 0) return NULL; feature_len = map_be16(map, n->nann_off + feature_len_off); ret = tal_arr(ctx, u8, feature_len); map_copy(map, n->nann_off + feature_len_off + 2, ret, feature_len); return ret; }