lightning-openchannel\_update -- Command to update a collab channel open ======================================================================== SYNOPSIS -------- **openchannel\_update** *channel\_id* *psbt* DESCRIPTION ----------- `openchannel_update` is a low level RPC command which continues an open channel, as specified by *channel\_id*. An updated *psbt* is passed in; any changes from the PSBT last returned (either from `openchannel_init` or a previous call to `openchannel_update`) will be communicated to the peer. Must be called after `openchannel_init` and before `openchannel_signed`. Must be called until *commitments\_secured* is returned as true, at which point `openchannel_signed` should be called with a signed version of the PSBT returned by the last call to `openchannel_update`. *channel\_id* is the id of the channel. *psbt* is the updated PSBT to be sent to the peer. May be identical to the PSBT last returned by either `openchannel_init` or `openchannel_update`. RETURN VALUE ------------ [comment]: # (GENERATE-FROM-SCHEMA-START) On success, an object is returned, containing: - **channel\_id** (hex): the channel id of the channel (always 64 characters) - **psbt** (string): the PSBT of the funding transaction - **commitments\_secured** (boolean): whether the *psbt* is complete (if true, sign *psbt* and call `openchannel_signed` to complete the channel open) - **funding\_outnum** (u32): The index of the funding output in the psbt - **close\_to** (hex, optional): scriptPubkey which we have to close to if we mutual close [comment]: # (GENERATE-FROM-SCHEMA-END) If *commitments\_secured* is true, will also return: - The derived *channel\_id*. - A *close\_to* script, iff a `close_to` address was provided to `openchannel_init` and the peer supports `option_upfront_shutdownscript`. - The *funding\_outnum*, the index of the funding output for this channel in the funding transaction. - -32602: If the given parameters are wrong. - -1: Catchall nonspecific error. - 305: Peer is not connected. - 309: PSBT missing required fields - 311: Unknown channel id. - 312: Channel in an invalid state SEE ALSO -------- lightning-openchannel\_init(7), lightning-openchannel\_signed(7), lightning-openchannel\_bump(7), lightning-openchannel\_abort(7), lightning-fundchannel\_start(7), lightning-fundchannel\_complete(7), lightning-fundchannel(7), lightning-fundpsbt(7), lightning-utxopsbt(7), lightning-multifundchannel(7) AUTHOR ------ @niftynei <> is mainly responsible. RESOURCES --------- Main web site: [comment]: # ( SHA256STAMP:11e23b688eb714707cf3203397761454b140a96ab5d7512208013700227aff4c)