lightning-splice\_init -- Command to initiate a channel to a peer ===================================================================== SYNOPSIS -------- **(WARNING: experimental-splicing only)** **splice\_init** *channel\_id* *relative\_amount* [*initalpsbt*] [*feerate\_per\_kw*] [*force\_feerate*] DESCRIPTION ----------- `splice_init` is a low level RPC command which initiates a channel splice for a given channel specified by `channel_id`. *channel\_id* is the channel id of the channel to be spliced. *relative\_amount* is a positive or negative amount of satoshis to add or subtract from the channel. *initalpsbt* is the (optional) base 64 encoded PSBT to begin with. If not specified, one will be generated automatically. *feerate\_per\_kw* is the miner fee we promise our peer to pay for our side of the splice transaction. It is calculated by `feerate_per_kw` * our\_bytes\_in\_splice\_tx / 1000. *force\_feerate* is a boolean flag. By default splices will fail if the fee provided looks too high. This is to protect against accidentally setting your fee higher than intended. Set `force_feerate` to true to skip this saftey check. Here is an example set of splice commands that will splice in 100,000 sats to the first channel that comes out of `listpeerchannels`. The example assumes you already have at least one confirmed channel. ```shell RESULT=$(lightning-cli listpeerchannels) CHANNEL_ID=$(echo $RESULT| jq -r ".channels[0].channel_id") echo $RESULT RESULT=$(lightning-cli fundpsbt -k satoshi=100000sat feerate=urgent startweight=800 excess_as_change=true) INITIALPSBT=$(echo $RESULT | jq -r ".psbt") echo $RESULT RESULT=$(lightning-cli splice_init $CHANNEL_ID 100000 $INITIALPSBT) PSBT=$(echo $RESULT | jq -r ".psbt") echo $RESULT RESULT=$(lightning-cli splice_update $CHANNEL_ID $PSBT) PSBT=$(echo $RESULT | jq -r ".psbt") echo $RESULT RESULT=$(lightning-cli signpsbt -k psbt="$PSBT") PSBT=$(echo $RESULT | jq -r ".signed_psbt") echo $RESULT lightning-cli splice_signed $CHANNEL_ID $PSBT ``` RETURN VALUE ------------ [comment]: # (GENERATE-FROM-SCHEMA-START) On success, an object is returned, containing: - **psbt** (string): the (incomplete) PSBT of the splice transaction [comment]: # (GENERATE-FROM-SCHEMA-END) SEE ALSO -------- AUTHOR ------ @dusty\_daemon RESOURCES --------- Main web site: [comment]: # ( SHA256STAMP:28e857bb214a084bb638c7db3e7277291b7d60d78360fb8603423bc4d1d427a1)