lightningd-config -- Lightning daemon configuration file ======================================================== SYNOPSIS -------- **~/.lightning/config** DESCRIPTION ----------- When lightningd(8) starts up it usually reads a general configuration file (default: **$HOME/.lightning/config**) then a network-specific configuration file (default: **$HOME/.lightning/testnet/config**). This can be changed: see *--conf* and *--lightning-dir*. Note that some configuration options, marked *dynamic*m can be changed at runtime: see lightning-setconfig(7). General configuration files are processed first, then network-specific ones, then command line options: later options override earlier ones except *addr* options and *log-level* with subsystems, which accumulate. `include` followed by a filename includes another configuration file at that point, relative to the current configuration file. All these options are mirrored as commandline arguments to lightningd(8), so `--foo` becomes simply `foo` in the configuration file, and `--foo=bar` becomes `foo=bar` in the configuration file. Blank lines and lines beginning with `#` are ignored. DEBUGGING --------- *--help* will show you the defaults for many options; they vary with network settings so you can specify *--network* before *--help* to see the defaults for that network. The lightning-listconfigs(7) command will output a valid configuration file using the current settings. OPTIONS ------- ### General options * **allow-deprecated-apis**=*BOOL* Enable deprecated options, JSONRPC commands, fields, etc. It defaults to *true*, but you should set it to *false* when testing to ensure that an upgrade won't break your configuration. * **help** Print help and exit. Not very useful inside a configuration file, but fun to put in other's config files while their computer is unattended. * **version** Print version and exit. Also useless inside a configuration file, but putting this in someone's config file may convince them to read this man page. * **database-upgrade**=*BOOL* Upgrades to Core Lightning often change the database: once this is done, downgrades are not generally possible. By default, Core Lightning will exit with an error rather than upgrade, unless this is an official released version. If you really want to upgrade to a non-release version, you can set this to *true* (or *false* to never allow a non-reversible upgrade!). ### Bitcoin control options: Bitcoin control options: * **network**=*NETWORK* Select the network parameters (*bitcoin*, *testnet*, *signet*, or *regtest*). This is not valid within the per-network configuration file. * **mainnet** Alias for *network=bitcoin*. * **regtest** Alias for *network=regtest* (added in v23.08) * **testnet** Alias for *network=testnet*. * **signet** Alias for *network=signet*. * **bitcoin-cli**=*PATH* [plugin `bcli`] The name of *bitcoin-cli* executable to run. * **bitcoin-datadir**=*DIR* [plugin `bcli`] *-datadir* argument to supply to bitcoin-cli(1). * **bitcoin-rpcuser**=*USER* [plugin `bcli`] The RPC username for talking to bitcoind(1). * **bitcoin-rpcpassword**=*PASSWORD* [plugin `bcli`] The RPC password for talking to bitcoind(1). * **bitcoin-rpcconnect**=*HOST* [plugin `bcli`] The bitcoind(1) RPC host to connect to. * **bitcoin-rpcport**=*PORT* [plugin `bcli`] The bitcoind(1) RPC port to connect to. * **bitcoin-retry-timeout**=*SECONDS* [plugin `bcli`] Number of seconds to keep trying a bitcoin-cli(1) command. If the command keeps failing after this time, exit with a fatal error. * **rescan**=*BLOCKS* Number of blocks to rescan from the current head, or absolute blockheight if negative. This is only needed if something goes badly wrong. ### Lightning daemon options * **lightning-dir**=*DIR* Sets the working directory. All files (except *--conf* and *--lightning-dir* on the command line) are relative to this. This is only valid on the command-line, or in a configuration file specified by *--conf*. * **subdaemon**=*SUBDAEMON*:*PATH* Specifies an alternate subdaemon binary. Current subdaemons are *channeld*, *closingd*, *connectd*, *gossipd*, *hsmd*, *onchaind*, and *openingd*. If the supplied path is relative the subdaemon binary is found in the working directory. This option may be specified multiple times. So, **subdaemon=hsmd:remote\_signer** would use a hypothetical remote signing proxy instead of the standard *lightning\_hsmd* binary. * **pid-file**=*PATH* Specify pid file to write to. * **log-level**=*LEVEL*\[:*SUBSYSTEM*\]\[:*PATH*\] What log level to print out: options are io, debug, info, unusual, broken. If *SUBSYSTEM* is supplied, this sets the logging level for any subsystem (or *nodeid*) containing that string. If *PATH* is supplied, it means this log-level filter is only applied to that `log-file`, which is useful for creating logs to capture a specific subsystem. This option may be specified multiple times. Subsystems include: * *lightningd*: The main lightning daemon * *database*: The database subsystem * *wallet*: The wallet subsystem * *gossipd*: The gossip daemon * *plugin-manager*: The plugin subsystem * *plugin-P*: Each plugin, P = plugin path without directory * *hsmd*: The secret-holding daemon * *connectd*: The network connection daemon * *jsonrpc#FD*: Each JSONRPC connection, FD = file descriptor number The following subsystems exist for each channel, where N is an incrementing internal integer id assigned for the lifetime of the channel: * *openingd-chan#N*: Each opening / idling daemon * *channeld-chan#N*: Each channel management daemon * *closingd-chan#N*: Each closing negotiation daemon * *onchaind-chan#N*: Each onchain close handling daemon So, **log-level=debug:plugin** would set debug level logging on all plugins and the plugin manager. **log-level=io:chan#55** would set IO logging on channel number 55 (or 550, for that matter). **log-level=debug:024b9a1fa8:/tmp/024b9a1fa8.debug.log** would set debug logging for that channel only on the **log-file=/tmp/024b9a1fa8.debug.log** (or any node id containing that string). * **log-prefix**=*PREFIX* Prefix for all log lines: this can be customized if you want to merge logs with multiple daemons. Usually you want to include a space at the end of *PREFIX*, as the timestamp follows immediately. * **log-file**=*PATH* Log to this file (instead of stdout). If you specify this more than once you'll get more than one log file: **-** is used to mean stdout. Sending lightningd(8) SIGHUP will cause it to reopen each file (useful for log rotation). * **log-timestamps**=*BOOL* Set this to false to turn off timestamp prefixes (they will still appear in crash log files). * **rpc-file**=*PATH* Set JSON-RPC socket (or /dev/tty), such as for lightning-cli(1). * **rpc-file-mode**=*MODE* Set JSON-RPC socket file mode, as a 4-digit octal number. Default is 0600, meaning only the user that launched lightningd can command it. Set to 0660 to allow users with the same group to access the RPC as well. * **daemon** Run in the background, suppress stdout and stderr. Note that you need to specify **log-file** for this case. * **conf**=*PATH* Sets configuration file, and disable reading the normal general and network ones. If this is a relative path, it is relative to the starting directory, not **lightning-dir** (unlike other paths). *PATH* must exist and be readable (we allow missing files in the default case). Using this inside a configuration file is invalid. * **wallet**=*DSN* Identify the location of the wallet. This is a fully qualified data source name, including a scheme such as `sqlite3` or `postgres` followed by the connection parameters. The default wallet corresponds to the following DSN: `--wallet=sqlite3://$HOME/.lightning/bitcoin/lightningd.sqlite31` For the `sqlite3` scheme, you can specify a single backup database file by separating it with a `:` character, like so: `--wallet=sqlite3://$HOME/.lightning/bitcoin/lightningd.sqlite3:/backup/lightningd.sqlite3` The following is an example of a postgresql wallet DSN: `--wallet=postgres://user:pass@localhost:5432/db_name` This will connect to a DB server running on `localhost` port `5432`, authenticate with username `user` and password `pass`, and then use the database `db_name`. The database must exist, but the schema will be managed automatically by `lightningd`. * **bookkeeper-dir**=*DIR* [plugin `bookkeeper`] Directory to keep the accounts.sqlite3 database file in. Defaults to lightning-dir. * **bookkeeper-db**=*DSN* [plugin `bookkeeper`] Identify the location of the bookkeeper data. This is a fully qualified data source name, including a scheme such as `sqlite3` or `postgres` followed by the connection parameters. Defaults to `sqlite3://accounts.sqlite3` in the `bookkeeper-dir`. * **encrypted-hsm** If set, you will be prompted to enter a password used to encrypt the `hsm_secret`. Note that once you encrypt the `hsm_secret` this option will be mandatory for `lightningd` to start. If there is no `hsm_secret` yet, `lightningd` will create a new encrypted secret. If you have an unencrypted `hsm_secret` you want to encrypt on-disk, or vice versa, see lightning-hsmtool(8). * **grpc-port**=*portnum* [plugin `cln-grpc`] The port number for the GRPC plugin to listen for incoming connections; default is not to activate the plugin at all. ### Lightning node customization options * **recover**=*codex32secret* Restore the node from a 32-byte secret encoded as a codex32 secret string: this will fail if the `hsm_secret` file exists. Your node will start the node in offline mode, for manual recovery. The secret can be extracted from the `hsm_secret` using hsmtool(8). * **alias**=*NAME* Up to 32 bytes of UTF-8 characters to tag your node. Completely silly, since anyone can call their node anything they want. The default is an NSA-style codename derived from your public key, but "Peter Todd" and "VAULTERO" are good options, too. * **rgb**=*RRGGBB* Your favorite color as a hex code. * **fee-base**=*MILLISATOSHI* Default: 1000. The base fee to charge for every payment which passes through. Note that millisatoshis are a very, very small unit! Changing this value will only affect new channels and not existing ones. If you want to change fees for existing channels, use the RPC call lightning-setchannel(7). * **fee-per-satoshi**=*MILLIONTHS* Default: 10 (0.001%). This is the proportional fee to charge for every payment which passes through. As percentages are too coarse, it's in millionths, so 10000 is 1%, 1000 is 0.1%. Changing this value will only affect new channels and not existing ones. If you want to change fees for existing channels, use the RPC call lightning-setchannel(7). * **min-capacity-sat**=*SATOSHI* [*dynamic*] Default: 10000. This value defines the minimal effective channel capacity in satoshi to accept for channel opening requests. This will reject any opening of a channel which can't pass an HTLC of least this value. Usually this prevents a peer opening a tiny channel, but it can also prevent a channel you open with a reasonable amount and the peer requesting such a large reserve that the capacity of the channel falls below this. * **ignore-fee-limits**=*BOOL* Allow nodes which establish channels to us to set any fee they want. This may result in a channel which cannot be closed, should fees increase, but make channels far more reliable since we never close it due to unreasonable fees. Note that this can be set on a per-channel basis with lightning-setchannel(7). * **commit-time**=*MILLISECONDS* How long to wait before sending commitment messages to the peer: in theory increasing this would reduce load, but your node would have to be extremely busy node for you to even notice. * **force-feerates**==*VALUES* Networks like regtest and testnet have unreliable fee estimates: we usually treat them as the minimum (253 sats/kw) if we can't get them. This allows override of one or more of our standard feerates (see lightning-feerates(7)). Up to 5 values, separated by '/' can be provided: if fewer are provided, then the final value is used for the remainder. The values are in per-kw (roughly 1/4 of bitcoind's per-kb values), and the order is "opening", "mutual\_close", "unilateral\_close", "delayed\_to\_us", "htlc\_resolution", and "penalty". You would usually put this option in the per-chain config file, to avoid setting it on Bitcoin mainnet! e.g. `~rusty/.lightning/regtest/config`. * **htlc-minimum-msat**=*MILLISATOSHI* Default: 0. Sets the minimal allowed HTLC value for newly created channels. If you want to change the `htlc_minimum_msat` for existing channels, use the RPC call lightning-setchannel(7). * **htlc-maximum-msat**=*MILLISATOSHI* Default: unset (no limit). Sets the maximum allowed HTLC value for newly created channels. If you want to change the `htlc_maximum_msat` for existing channels, use the RPC call lightning-setchannel(7). * **announce-addr-discovered**=*BOOL* Explicitly control the usage of discovered public IPs in `node_announcement` updates. Default: 'auto' - Only if we don't have anything else to announce. Note: You also need to open TCP port 9735 on your router towords your node. Note: Will always be disabled if you use 'always-use-proxy'. * **announce-addr-discovered-port**=*PORT* Sets the public TCP port to use for announcing dynamically discovered IPs. If unset, this defaults to the selected networks lightning port, which is 9735 on mainnet. ### Lightning channel and HTLC options * **large-channels** Removes capacity limits for channel creation. Version 1.0 of the specification limited channel sizes to 16777215 satoshi. With this option (which your node will advertize to peers), your node will accept larger incoming channels and if the peer supports it, will open larger channels. Note: this option is spelled **large-channels** but it's pronounced **wumbo**. * **watchtime-blocks**=*BLOCKS* How long we need to spot an outdated close attempt: on opening a channel we tell our peer that this is how long they'll have to wait if they perform a unilateral close. * **max-locktime-blocks**=*BLOCKS* The longest our funds can be delayed (ie. the longest **watchtime-blocks** our peer can ask for, and also the longest HTLC timeout we will accept). If our peer asks for longer, we'll refuse to create a channel, and if an HTLC asks for longer, we'll refuse it. * **funding-confirms**=*BLOCKS* Confirmations required for the funding transaction when the other side opens a channel before the channel is usable. * **commit-fee**=*PERCENT* The percentage of *estimatesmartfee 2/CONSERVATIVE* to use for the commitment transactions: default is 100. * **max-concurrent-htlcs**=*INTEGER* Number of HTLCs one channel can handle concurrently in each direction. Should be between 1 and 483 (default 30). * **max-dust-htlc-exposure-msat**=*MILLISATOSHI* Option which limits the total amount of sats to be allowed as dust on a channel. * **cltv-delta**=*BLOCKS* The number of blocks between incoming payments and outgoing payments: this needs to be enough to make sure that if we have to, we can close the outgoing payment before the incoming, or redeem the incoming once the outgoing is redeemed. * **cltv-final**=*BLOCKS* The number of blocks to allow for payments we receive: if we have to, we might need to redeem this on-chain, so this is the number of blocks we have to do that. * **accept-htlc-tlv-type**=*types* Normally HTLC onions which contain unknown even fields are rejected. This option specifies that this type is to be accepted, and ignored. Can be specified multuple times. (Added in v23.08). * **min-emergency-msat**=*msat* This is the amount of funds to keep in the wallet to close anchor channels (which don't carry their own transaction fees). It defaults to 25000sat, and is only maintained if there are any anchor channels (or, when opening an anchor channel). This amount may be insufficient for multiple closes at once, however. ### Cleanup control options: * **autoclean-cycle**=*SECONDS* [plugin `autoclean`, *dynamic*] Perform search for things to clean every *SECONDS* seconds (default 3600, or 1 hour, which is usually sufficient). * **autoclean-succeededforwards-age**=*SECONDS* [plugin `autoclean`, *dynamic*] How old successful forwards (`settled` in listforwards `status`) have to be before deletion (default 0, meaning never). * **autoclean-failedforwards-age**=*SECONDS* [plugin `autoclean`, *dynamic*] How old failed forwards (`failed` or `local_failed` in listforwards `status`) have to be before deletion (default 0, meaning never). * **autoclean-succeededpays-age**=*SECONDS* [plugin `autoclean`, *dynamic*] How old successful payments (`complete` in listpays `status`) have to be before deletion (default 0, meaning never). * **autoclean-failedpays-age**=*SECONDS* [plugin `autoclean`, *dynamic*] How old failed payment attempts (`failed` in listpays `status`) have to be before deletion (default 0, meaning never). * **autoclean-paidinvoices-age**=*SECONDS* [plugin `autoclean`, *dynamic*] How old invoices which were paid (`paid` in listinvoices `status`) have to be before deletion (default 0, meaning never). * **autoclean-expiredinvoices-age**=*SECONDS* [plugin `autoclean`, *dynamic*] How old invoices which were not paid (and cannot be) (`expired` in listinvoices `status`) before deletion (default 0, meaning never). Note: prior to v22.11, forwards for channels which were closed were not easily distinguishable. As a result, autoclean may delete more than one of these at once, and then suffer failures when it fails to delete the others. ### Payment control options: * **disable-mpp** [plugin `pay`] Disable the multi-part payment sending support in the `pay` plugin. By default the MPP support is enabled, but it can be desirable to disable in situations in which each payment should result in a single HTLC being forwarded in the network. ### Networking options Note that for simple setups, the implicit *autolisten* option does the right thing: for the mainnet (bitcoin) network it will try to bind to port 9735 on IPv4 and IPv6, and will announce it to peers if it seems like a public address (and other default ports for other networks, as described below). Core Lightning also support IPv4/6 address discovery behind NAT routers. If your node detects an new public address, it will update its announcement. For this to work you need to forward the default TCP port 9735 to your node. IP discovery is only active if no other addresses are announced. You can instead use *addr* to override this (eg. to change the port), or precisely control where to bind and what to announce with the *bind-addr* and *announce-addr* options. These will **disable** the *autolisten* logic, so you must specifiy exactly what you want! * **addr**=*\[IPADDRESS\[:PORT\]\]|autotor:TORIPADDRESS\[:SERVICEPORT\]\[/torport=TORPORT\]|statictor:TORIPADDRESS\[:SERVICEPORT\]\[/torport=TORPORT\]\[/torblob=\[blob\]\]|HOSTNAME\[:PORT\]* Set an IP address (v4 or v6) or automatic Tor address to listen on and (maybe) announce as our node address. An empty 'IPADDRESS' is a special value meaning bind to IPv4 and/or IPv6 on all interfaces, '' means bind to all IPv4 interfaces, '::' means 'bind to all IPv6 interfaces' (if you want to specify an IPv6 address *and* a port, use `[]` around the IPv6 address, like `[::]:9750`). If 'PORT' is not specified, the default port 9735 is used for mainnet (testnet: 19735, signet: 39735, regtest: 19846). If we can determine a public IP address from the resulting binding, the address is announced. If the argument begins with 'autotor:' then it is followed by the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the Tor control port (default port 9051), and this will be used to configure a Tor hidden service for port 9735 in case of mainnet (bitcoin) network whereas other networks (testnet, signet, regtest) will set the same default ports they use for non-Tor addresses (see above). The Tor hidden service will be configured to point to the first IPv4 or IPv6 address we bind to and is by default unique to your node's id. If the argument begins with 'statictor:' then it is followed by the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the Tor control port (default port 9051), and this will be used to configure a static Tor hidden service. You can add the text '/torblob=BLOB' followed by up to 64 Bytes of text to generate from this text a v3 onion service address text unique to the first 32 Byte of this text. You can also use an postfix '/torport=TORPORT' to select the external tor binding. The result is that over tor your node is accessible by a port defined by you and possibly different from your local node port assignment. This option can be used multiple times to add more addresses, and its use disables autolisten. If necessary, and 'always-use-proxy' is not specified, a DNS lookup may be done to resolve `HOSTNAME` or `TORIPADDRESS'`. If `HOSTNAME` was given that resolves to a local interface, the daemon will bind to that interface. * **bind-addr**=*\[IPADDRESS\[:PORT\]\]|SOCKETPATH|HOSTNAME\[:PORT\]* Set an IP address or UNIX domain socket to listen to, but do not announce. A UNIX domain socket is distinguished from an IP address by beginning with a */*. An empty 'IPADDRESS' is a special value meaning bind to IPv4 and/or IPv6 on all interfaces, '' means bind to all IPv4 interfaces, '::' means 'bind to all IPv6 interfaces'. 'PORT' is not specified, 9735 is used. This option can be used multiple times to add more addresses, and its use disables autolisten. If necessary, and 'always-use-proxy' is not specified, a DNS lookup may be done to resolve 'IPADDRESS'. If a HOSTNAME was given and `always-use-proxy` is not specified, a DNS lookup may be done to resolve it and bind to a local interface (if found). * **announce-addr**=*IPADDRESS\[:PORT\]|TORADDRESS.onion\[:PORT\]|dns:HOSTNAME\[:PORT\]* Set an IP (v4 or v6) address or Tor address to announce; a Tor address is distinguished by ending in *.onion*. *PORT* defaults to 9735. Empty or wildcard IPv4 and IPv6 addresses don't make sense here. Also, unlike the 'addr' option, there is no checking that your announced addresses are public (e.g. not localhost). This option can be used multiple times to add more addresses, and its use disables autolisten. Since v23.058, the `dns:` prefix can be used to indicate that this hostname and port should be announced as a DNS hostname entry. Please note that most mainnet nodes do not yet use, read or propagate this information correctly. * **announce-addr-dns**=*BOOL* (deprecated in v23.08) When set to *true* (default is *false*), prefixes all `HOSTNAME` in **announce-addr** with `dns:`. * **offline** Do not bind to any ports, and do not try to reconnect to any peers. This can be useful for maintenance and forensics, so is usually specified on the command line. Overrides all *addr* and *bind-addr* options. * **autolisten**=*BOOL* By default, we bind (and maybe announce) on IPv4 and IPv6 interfaces if no *addr*, *bind-addr* or *announce-addr* options are specified. Setting this to *false* disables that. * **proxy**=*IPADDRESS\[:PORT\]* Set a socks proxy to use to connect to Tor nodes (or for all connections if **always-use-proxy** is set). The port defaults to 9050 if not specified. * **always-use-proxy**=*BOOL* Always use the **proxy**, even to connect to normal IP addresses (you can still connect to Unix domain sockets manually). This also disables all DNS lookups, to avoid leaking information. * **disable-dns** Disable the DNS bootstrapping mechanism to find a node by its node ID. * **tor-service-password**=*PASSWORD* Set a Tor control password, which may be needed for *autotor:* to authenticate to the Tor control port. * **rest-port**=*PORT* [plugin ``] Sets the REST server port to listen to (3010 is common). If this is not specified, the plugin will be disabled. * **rest-protocol**=*PROTOCOL* [plugin ``] Specifies the REST server protocol. Default is HTTPS. * **rest-host**=*HOST* [plugin ``] Defines the REST server host. Default is * **rest-certs**=*PATH* [plugin ``] Defines the path for HTTPS cert & key. Default path is same as RPC file path to utilize gRPC's client certificate. If it is missing at the configured location, new identity (`client.pem` and `client-key.pem`) will be generated. * **rest-cors-origins**=*CORSORIGINS* [plugin ``] Define multiple origins which are allowed to share resources on web pages to a domain different from the one that served the web page. Default is `*` which allows all origins. * **rest-csp**=*CSPOLICY* [plugin ``] Creates a whitelist of trusted content sources that can run on a webpage and helps mitigate the risk of attacks. Default CSP is `default-src 'self'; font-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data:; frame-src 'self'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline';`. ### Lightning Plugins lightningd(8) supports plugins, which offer additional configuration options and JSON-RPC methods, depending on the plugin. Some are supplied by default (usually located in **libexec/c-lightning/plugins/**). If a **plugins** directory exists under *lightning-dir* that is searched for plugins along with any immediate subdirectories). You can specify additional paths too: * **plugin**=*PATH* Specify a plugin to run as part of Core Lightning. This can be specified multiple times to add multiple plugins. Note that unless plugins themselves specify ordering requirements for being called on various hooks, plugins will be ordered by commandline, then config file. * **plugin-dir**=*DIRECTORY* Specify a directory to look for plugins; all executable files not containing punctuation (other than *.*, *-* or *\_) in 'DIRECTORY* are loaded. *DIRECTORY* must exist; this can be specified multiple times to add multiple directories. The ordering of plugins within a directory is currently unspecified. * **clear-plugins** This option clears all *plugin*, *important-plugin*, and *plugin-dir* options preceeding it, including the default built-in plugin directory. You can still add *plugin-dir*, *plugin*, and *important-plugin* options following this and they will have the normal effect. * **disable-plugin**=*PLUGIN* If *PLUGIN* contains a /, plugins with the same path as *PLUGIN* will not be loaded at startup. Otherwise, no plugin with that base name will be loaded at startup, whatever directory it is in. This option is useful for disabling a single plugin inside a directory. You can still explicitly load plugins which have been disabled, using lightning-plugin(7) `start`. * **important-plugin**=*PLUGIN* Speciy a plugin to run as part of Core Lightning. This can be specified multiple times to add multiple plugins. Plugins specified via this option are considered so important, that if the plugin stops for any reason (including via lightning-plugin(7) `stop`), Core Lightning will also stop running. This way, you can monitor crashes of important plugins by simply monitoring if Core Lightning terminates. Built-in plugins, which are installed with lightningd(8), are automatically considered important. ### Experimental Options Experimental options are subject to breakage between releases: they are made available for advanced users who want to test proposed features. * **experimental-onion-messages** Specifying this enables sending, forwarding and receiving onion messages, which are in draft status in the [bolt][bolt] specifications (PR #759). This is automatically enabled by `experimental-offers`. * **experimental-offers** Specifying this enables the `offers` and `fetchinvoice` plugins and corresponding functionality, which are in draft status ([bolt][bolt] #798) as [bolt12][bolt12], as well as `experimental-onion-messages`. * **fetchinvoice-noconnect** Specifying this prevents `fetchinvoice` and `sendinvoice` from trying to connect directly to the offering node as a last resort. * **experimental-shutdown-wrong-funding** Specifying this allows the `wrong_funding` field in _shutdown: if a remote node has opened a channel but claims it used the incorrect txid (and the channel hasn't been used yet at all) this allows them to negotiate a clean shutdown with the txid they offer ([#4421][pr4421]). * **experimental-dual-fund** Specifying this enables support for the dual funding protocol ([bolt][bolt] #851), allowing both parties to contribute funds to a channel. The decision about whether to add funds or not to a proposed channel is handled automatically by a plugin that implements the appropriate logic for your needs. The default behavior is to not contribute funds. * **experimental-splicing** Specifying this enables support for the splicing protocol ([bolt][bolt] #863), allowing both parties to dynamically adjust the size a channel. These changes can be built interactively using PSBT and combined with other channel actions including dual fund, additional channel splices, or generic transaction activity. The operations will be bundled into a single transaction. The channel will remain active while awaiting splice confirmation, however you can only spend the smaller of the prior channel balance and the new one. * **experimental-websocket-port**=*PORT* (deprecated in v23.08) Specifying this enables support for accepting incoming WebSocket connections on that port, on any IPv4 and IPv6 addresses you listen to ([bolt][bolt] #891). The normal protocol is expected to be sent over WebSocket binary frames once the connection is upgraded. You should use `bind=ws::` instead to create a WebSocket listening port. * **experimental-peer-storage** Specifying this option means we will store up to 64k of encrypted data for our peers, and give them our (encrypted!) backup data to store as well, based on a protocol similar to [bolt][bolt] #881. * **experimental-quiesce** Specifying this option advertizes `option_quiesce`. Not very useful by itself, except for testing. * **experimental-upgrade-protocol** Specifying this option means we send (and allow receipt of) a simple protocol to update channel types. At the moment, we only support setting `option_static_remotekey` to ancient channels. The peer must also support this option. * **experimental-anchors** Specifying this option turns on the `option_anchors_zero_fee_htlc_tx` feature, meaning we can open anchor-based channels. This will become the default for new channels in future, after more testing. Anchor-based channels use larger commitment transactions, with the trade-off that they don't have to use a worst-case fee, but can bump the commitment transaction if it's needed. Note that this means that we need to keep some funds aside: see `min-emergency-msat`. BUGS ---- You should report bugs on our github issues page, and maybe submit a fix to gain our eternal gratitude! AUTHOR ------ Rusty Russell <> wrote this man page, and much of the configuration language, but many others did the hard work of actually implementing these options. SEE ALSO -------- lightning-listconfigs(7) lightning-setchannel(7) lightningd(8) lightning-hsmtool(8) RESOURCES --------- Main web site: COPYING ------- Note: the modules in the ccan/ directory have their own licenses, but the rest of the code is covered by the BSD-style MIT license. [bolt]: [bolt12]: [pr4421]: