#include #include #include #include #include static struct command_result * json_fundchannel(struct command *cmd, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *params); const struct plugin_command fundchannel_commands[] = { { "fundchannel", "channels", "Fund channel with {id} using {amount} (or 'all'), at optional {feerate}. " "Only use outputs that have {minconf} confirmations.", "Initiaties a channel open with node 'id'. Must " "be connected to the node and have enough funds available at the requested minimum confirmation " "depth (minconf)", json_fundchannel } }; const size_t num_fundchannel_commands = ARRAY_SIZE(fundchannel_commands); static struct command_result * fundchannel_get_result(struct command *cmd, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *result, void *nothing UNUSED); /* Thin wrapper aroud multifundchannel. */ static struct command_result * json_fundchannel(struct command *cmd, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *params) { const char *id; const jsmntok_t *amount; const jsmntok_t *feerate; const jsmntok_t *announce; const jsmntok_t *minconf; const jsmntok_t *utxos; const jsmntok_t *push_msat; const jsmntok_t *close_to; const jsmntok_t *request_amt; const jsmntok_t *compact_lease; struct out_req *req; if (!param(cmd, buf, params, p_req("id", param_string, &id), p_req("amount", param_tok, &amount), p_opt("feerate", param_tok, &feerate), p_opt("announce", param_tok, &announce), p_opt("minconf", param_tok, &minconf), p_opt("utxos", param_tok, &utxos), p_opt("push_msat", param_tok, &push_msat), p_opt("close_to", param_tok, &close_to), p_opt("request_amt", param_tok, &request_amt), p_opt("compact_lease", param_tok, &compact_lease), NULL)) return command_param_failed(); if (request_amt && !compact_lease) return command_fail(cmd, JSONRPC2_INVALID_PARAMS, "Must pass in 'compact_lease' if requesting" " funds from peer"); req = jsonrpc_request_start(cmd->plugin, cmd, "multifundchannel", &fundchannel_get_result, &forward_error, NULL); json_array_start(req->js, "destinations"); json_object_start(req->js, NULL); json_add_string(req->js, "id", id); json_add_tok(req->js, "amount", amount, buf); if (announce) json_add_tok(req->js, "announce", announce, buf); if (push_msat) json_add_tok(req->js, "push_msat", push_msat, buf); if (close_to) json_add_tok(req->js, "close_to", close_to, buf); if (request_amt) { json_add_tok(req->js, "request_amt", request_amt, buf); json_add_tok(req->js, "compact_lease", compact_lease, buf); } json_object_end(req->js); json_array_end(req->js); if (feerate) json_add_tok(req->js, "feerate", feerate, buf); if (minconf) json_add_tok(req->js, "minconf", minconf, buf); if (utxos) json_add_tok(req->js, "utxos", utxos, buf); return send_outreq(cmd->plugin, req); } static struct command_result * fundchannel_get_result(struct command *cmd, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *result, void *nothing UNUSED) { bool ok; const jsmntok_t *tx; const jsmntok_t *txid; const jsmntok_t *channel_ids_array; const jsmntok_t *channel_ids_obj; const jsmntok_t *channel_id; const jsmntok_t *outnum; const jsmntok_t *close_to_script; struct json_stream *out; ok = true; tx = ok ? json_get_member(buf, result, "tx") : NULL; ok = ok && tx; txid = ok ? json_get_member(buf, result, "txid") : NULL; ok = ok && txid; channel_ids_array = ok ? json_get_member(buf, result, "channel_ids") : NULL; ok = ok && channel_ids_array; channel_ids_obj = ok ? json_get_arr(channel_ids_array, 0) : NULL; ok = ok && channel_ids_obj; channel_id = ok ? json_get_member(buf, channel_ids_obj, "channel_id") : NULL; ok = ok && channel_id; outnum = ok ? json_get_member(buf, channel_ids_obj, "outnum") : NULL; ok = ok && outnum; close_to_script = ok ? json_get_member(buf, channel_ids_obj, "close_to") : NULL; if (!ok) plugin_err(cmd->plugin, "Unexpected result from nultifundchannel: %.*s", json_tok_full_len(result), json_tok_full(buf, result)); out = jsonrpc_stream_success(cmd); json_add_tok(out, "tx", tx, buf); json_add_tok(out, "txid", txid, buf); json_add_tok(out, "channel_id", channel_id, buf); json_add_tok(out, "outnum", outnum, buf); if (close_to_script) json_add_tok(out, "close_to", close_to_script, buf); return command_finished(cmd, out); }