from ephemeral_port_reserve import reserve from fixtures import * # noqa: F401,F403 from pathlib import Path from pyln import grpc as clnpb from pyln.testing.utils import env, TEST_NETWORK, wait_for, sync_blockheight, TIMEOUT from utils import first_scid import grpc import pytest import subprocess import os import re # Skip the entire module if we don't have Rust. pytestmark = pytest.mark.skipif( env('RUST') != '1', reason='RUST is not enabled skipping rust-dependent tests' ) RUST_PROFILE = os.environ.get("RUST_PROFILE", "debug") def wait_for_grpc_start(node): """This can happen before "public key" which start() swallows""" wait_for(lambda: node.daemon.is_in_log(r'serving grpc on')) def test_rpc_client(node_factory): l1 = node_factory.get_node() bin_path = Path.cwd() / "target" / RUST_PROFILE / "examples" / "cln-rpc-getinfo" rpc_path = Path(l1.daemon.lightning_dir) / TEST_NETWORK / "lightning-rpc" out = subprocess.check_output([bin_path, rpc_path], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) assert(b'0266e4598d1d3c415f572a8488830b60f7e744ed9235eb0b1ba93283b315c03518' in out) def test_plugin_start(node_factory): """Start a minimal plugin and ensure it is well-behaved """ bin_path = Path.cwd() / "target" / RUST_PROFILE / "examples" / "cln-plugin-startup" l1 = node_factory.get_node(options={"plugin": str(bin_path), 'test-option': 31337}) l2 = node_factory.get_node() # The plugin should be in the list of active plugins plugins = l1.rpc.plugin('list')['plugins'] assert len([p for p in plugins if 'cln-plugin-startup' in p['name'] and p['active']]) == 1 assert str(bin_path) in l1.rpc.listconfigs()['configs']['plugin']['values_str'] # Now check that the `testmethod was registered ok assert"testmethod") == { 'help': [ { 'command': 'testmethod ', 'category': 'plugin', 'description': 'This is a test', 'verbose': 'This is a test' } ], 'format-hint': 'simple' } assert l1.rpc.testmethod() == "Hello" assert l1.rpc.test_custom_notification() == "Notification sent" l1.daemon.wait_for_log(r'Received a test_custom_notification') l1.connect(l2) l1.daemon.wait_for_log(r'Got a connect hook call') l1.daemon.wait_for_log(r'Got a connect notification') def test_plugin_optional_opts(node_factory): """Start a minimal plugin and ensure it is well-behaved """ bin_path = Path.cwd() / "target" / RUST_PROFILE / "examples" / "cln-plugin-startup" l1 = node_factory.get_node(options={"plugin": str(bin_path), 'opt-option': 31337}) opts = l1.rpc.testoptions() print(opts) # Do not set any value, should be None now l1 = node_factory.get_node(options={"plugin": str(bin_path)}) opts = l1.rpc.testoptions() print(opts) def test_grpc_connect(node_factory): """Attempts to connect to the grpc interface and call getinfo""" # These only exist if we have rust! grpc_port = reserve() l1 = node_factory.get_node(options={"grpc-port": str(grpc_port)}) p = Path(l1.daemon.lightning_dir) / TEST_NETWORK cert_path = p / "client.pem" key_path = p / "client-key.pem" ca_cert_path = p / "ca.pem" creds = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials('rb').read(),'rb').read(),'rb').read() ) wait_for_grpc_start(l1) channel = grpc.secure_channel( f"localhost:{grpc_port}", creds, options=(('grpc.ssl_target_name_override', 'cln'),) ) stub = clnpb.NodeStub(channel) response = stub.Getinfo(clnpb.GetinfoRequest()) print(response) response = stub.ListFunds(clnpb.ListfundsRequest()) print(response) inv = stub.Invoice(clnpb.InvoiceRequest( amount_msat=clnpb.AmountOrAny(any=True), description="hello", label="lbl1", preimage=b"\x00" * 32, cltv=24 )) print(inv) rates = stub.Feerates(clnpb.FeeratesRequest(style='PERKB')) print(rates) # Test a failing RPC call, so we know that errors are returned correctly. with pytest.raises(Exception, match=r'Duplicate label'): # This request creates a label collision stub.Invoice(clnpb.InvoiceRequest( amount_msat=clnpb.AmountOrAny(amount=clnpb.Amount(msat=12345)), description="hello", label="lbl1", )) def test_grpc_generate_certificate(node_factory): """Test whether we correctly generate the certificates. - If we have no certs, we need to generate them all - If we have certs, we they should just get loaded - If we delete one cert or its key it should get regenerated. """ grpc_port = reserve() l1 = node_factory.get_node(options={ "grpc-port": str(grpc_port), }, start=False) p = Path(l1.daemon.lightning_dir) / TEST_NETWORK files = [p / f for f in [ 'ca.pem', 'ca-key.pem', 'client.pem', 'client-key.pem', 'server-key.pem', 'server.pem', ]] # Before starting no files exist. assert [f.exists() for f in files] == [False] * len(files) l1.start() assert [f.exists() for f in files] == [True] * len(files) # The files exist, restarting should not change them contents = [ for f in files] l1.restart() assert contents == [ for f in files] # Now we delete the last file, we should regenerate it as well as its key files[-1].unlink() l1.restart() assert contents[-2] != files[-2].open().read() assert contents[-1] != files[-1].open().read() keys = [f for f in files if'-key.pem')] modes = [f.stat().st_mode for f in keys] private = [m % 8 == 0 and (m // 8) % 8 == 0 for m in modes] assert all(private) def test_grpc_no_auto_start(node_factory): """Ensure that we do not start cln-grpc unless a port is configured. Also check that we do not generate certificates. """ l1 = node_factory.get_node() wait_for(lambda: [p for p in l1.rpc.plugin('list')['plugins'] if 'cln-grpc' in p['name']] == []) assert l1.daemon.is_in_log(r'plugin-cln-grpc: Killing plugin: disabled itself at init') p = Path(l1.daemon.lightning_dir) / TEST_NETWORK files = os.listdir(p) pem_files = [f for f in files if re.match(r".*\.pem$", f)] assert pem_files == [] def test_grpc_wrong_auth(node_factory): """An mTLS client certificate should only be usable with its node We create two instances, each generates its own certs and keys, and then we try to cross the wires. """ # These only exist if we have rust! grpc_port = reserve() l1, l2 = node_factory.get_nodes(2, opts={ "start": False, "grpc-port": str(grpc_port), }) l1.start() wait_for_grpc_start(l1) def connect(node): p = Path(node.daemon.lightning_dir) / TEST_NETWORK cert, key, ca = ['rb').read() for f in [ p / 'client.pem', p / 'client-key.pem', p / "ca.pem"]] creds = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials( root_certificates=ca, private_key=key, certificate_chain=cert, ) channel = grpc.secure_channel( f"localhost:{grpc_port}", creds, options=(('grpc.ssl_target_name_override', 'cln'),) ) return clnpb.NodeStub(channel) stub = connect(l1) # This should work, it's the correct node stub.Getinfo(clnpb.GetinfoRequest()) l1.stop() l2.start() wait_for_grpc_start(l2) # This should not work, it's a different node with pytest.raises(Exception, match=r'Socket closed|StatusCode.UNAVAILABLE'): stub.Getinfo(clnpb.GetinfoRequest()) # Now load the correct ones and we should be good to go stub = connect(l2) stub.Getinfo(clnpb.GetinfoRequest()) def test_cln_plugin_reentrant(node_factory, executor): """Ensure that we continue processing events while already handling. We should be continuing to handle incoming events even though a prior event has not completed. This is important for things like the `htlc_accepted` hook which needs to hold on to multiple incoming HTLCs. Scenario: l1 uses an `htlc_accepted` to hold on to incoming HTLCs, and we release them using an RPC method. """ bin_path = Path.cwd() / "target" / RUST_PROFILE / "examples" / "cln-plugin-reentrant" l1 = node_factory.get_node(options={"plugin": str(bin_path)}) l2 = node_factory.get_node() l2.connect(l1) l2.fundchannel(l1) # Now create two invoices, and pay them both. Neither should # succeed, but we should queue them on the plugin. i1 = l1.rpc.invoice(label='lbl1', msatoshi='42sat', description='desc')['bolt11'] i2 = l1.rpc.invoice(label='lbl2', msatoshi='31337sat', description='desc')['bolt11'] f1 = executor.submit(, i1) f2 = executor.submit(, i2) l1.daemon.wait_for_logs(["plugin-cln-plugin-reentrant: Holding on to incoming HTLC Object"] * 2) print("Releasing HTLCs after holding them")'release') assert f1.result(timeout=TIMEOUT) assert f2.result(timeout=TIMEOUT) def test_grpc_keysend_routehint(bitcoind, node_factory): """The routehints are a bit special, test that conversions work. 3 node line graph, with l1 as the keysend sender and l3 the recipient. """ grpc_port = reserve() l1, l2, l3 = node_factory.line_graph( 3, opts=[ {"grpc-port": str(grpc_port)}, {}, {} ], announce_channels=True, # Do not enforce scid-alias ) bitcoind.generate_block(3) sync_blockheight(bitcoind, [l1, l2, l3]) stub = l1.grpc chan = l2.rpc.listpeerchannels(['id']) routehint = clnpb.RoutehintList(hints=[ clnpb.Routehint(hops=[ clnpb.RouteHop( id=bytes.fromhex(['id']), short_channel_id=chan['channels'][0]['short_channel_id'], # Fees are defaults from CLN feebase=clnpb.Amount(msat=1), feeprop=10, expirydelta=18, ) ]) ]) # FIXME: keysend needs (unannounced) channel in gossip_store l1.wait_channel_active(first_scid(l1, l2)) # And now we send a keysend with that routehint list call = clnpb.KeysendRequest( destination=bytes.fromhex(['id']), amount_msat=clnpb.Amount(msat=42), routehints=routehint, ) res = stub.KeySend(call) print(res) def test_grpc_listpeerchannels(bitcoind, node_factory): """ Check that conversions of this rather complex type work. """ grpc_port = reserve() l1, l2 = node_factory.line_graph( 2, opts=[ {"grpc-port": str(grpc_port)}, {} ], announce_channels=True, # Do not enforce scid-alias ) stub = l1.grpc res = stub.ListPeerChannels(clnpb.ListpeerchannelsRequest(id=None)) # Way too many fields to check, so just do a couple assert len(res.channels) == 1 c = res.channels[0] assert c.peer_id.hex() ==['id'] assert c.state == 2 # CHANNELD_NORMAL # And since we're at it let's close the channel as well so we can # see it in listclosedchanenls res = stub.Close(clnpb.CloseRequest(['id'])) bitcoind.generate_block(100, wait_for_mempool=1) l1.daemon.wait_for_log(r'onchaind complete, forgetting peer') stub.ListClosedChannels(clnpb.ListclosedchannelsRequest()) def test_grpc_decode(node_factory): grpc_port = reserve() l1 = node_factory.get_node(options={'grpc-port': str(grpc_port)}) inv = l1.grpc.Invoice(clnpb.InvoiceRequest( amount_msat=clnpb.AmountOrAny(any=True), description="desc", label="label", )) res = l1.grpc.DecodePay(clnpb.DecodepayRequest( bolt11=inv.bolt11 )) # If we get here we're good, conversions work print(res) res = l1.grpc.Decode(clnpb.DecodeRequest( string=inv.bolt11 )) print(res)