/* Code for talking to bitcoind. We use bitcoin-cli. */ #include "bitcoin/base58.h" #include "bitcoin/shadouble.h" #include "bitcoin/tx.h" #include "bitcoind.h" #include "json.h" #include "lightningd.h" #include "log.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define BITCOIN_CLI "bitcoin-cli" static char **gather_args(const tal_t *ctx, const char *cmd, va_list ap) { size_t n = 2; char **args = tal_arr(ctx, char *, n+1); args[0] = BITCOIN_CLI; args[1] = cast_const(char *, cmd); while ((args[n] = va_arg(ap, char *)) != NULL) { args[n] = tal_strdup(args, args[n]); n++; tal_resize(&args, n + 1); } return args; } struct bitcoin_cli { struct list_node list; struct lightningd_state *dstate; int fd; pid_t pid; char **args; char *output; size_t output_bytes; size_t new_output; void (*process)(struct bitcoin_cli *); void *cb; void *cb_arg; }; static struct io_plan *read_more(struct io_conn *conn, struct bitcoin_cli *bcli) { bcli->output_bytes += bcli->new_output; if (bcli->output_bytes == tal_count(bcli->output)) tal_resize(&bcli->output, bcli->output_bytes * 2); return io_read_partial(conn, bcli->output + bcli->output_bytes, tal_count(bcli->output) - bcli->output_bytes, &bcli->new_output, read_more, bcli); } static struct io_plan *output_init(struct io_conn *conn, struct bitcoin_cli *bcli) { bcli->output_bytes = bcli->new_output = 0; bcli->output = tal_arr(bcli, char, 100); return read_more(conn, bcli); } static void next_bcli(struct lightningd_state *dstate); static void bcli_finished(struct io_conn *conn, struct bitcoin_cli *bcli) { int ret, status; struct lightningd_state *dstate = bcli->dstate; /* FIXME: If we waited for SIGCHILD, this could never hang! */ ret = waitpid(bcli->pid, &status, 0); if (ret != bcli->pid) fatal("bitcoind: '%s' '%s' %s", bcli->args[0], bcli->args[1], ret == 0 ? "not exited?" : strerror(errno)); if (!WIFEXITED(status)) fatal("bitcoind: '%s' '%s' died with signal %i", bcli->args[0], bcli->args[1], WTERMSIG(status)); if (WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0) fatal("bitcoind: '%s' '%s' failed (%i '%.*s')", bcli->args[0], bcli->args[1], WEXITSTATUS(status), (int)bcli->output_bytes, bcli->output); log_debug(dstate->base_log, "reaped %u: %s", ret, bcli->args[1]); dstate->bitcoin_req_running = false; bcli->process(bcli); next_bcli(dstate); } static void next_bcli(struct lightningd_state *dstate) { struct bitcoin_cli *bcli; struct io_conn *conn; if (dstate->bitcoin_req_running) return; bcli = list_pop(&dstate->bitcoin_req, struct bitcoin_cli, list); if (!bcli) return; log_debug(bcli->dstate->base_log, "starting: %s", bcli->args[1]); bcli->pid = pipecmdarr(&bcli->fd, NULL, &bcli->fd, bcli->args); if (bcli->pid < 0) fatal("%s exec failed: %s", bcli->args[0], strerror(errno)); dstate->bitcoin_req_running = true; conn = io_new_conn(dstate, bcli->fd, output_init, bcli); tal_steal(conn, bcli); io_set_finish(conn, bcli_finished, bcli); } static void start_bitcoin_cli(struct lightningd_state *dstate, void (*process)(struct bitcoin_cli *), void *cb, void *cb_arg, char *cmd, ...) { va_list ap; struct bitcoin_cli *bcli = tal(dstate, struct bitcoin_cli); bcli->dstate = dstate; bcli->process = process; bcli->cb = cb; bcli->cb_arg = cb_arg; va_start(ap, cmd); bcli->args = gather_args(bcli, cmd, ap); va_end(ap); list_add_tail(&dstate->bitcoin_req, &bcli->list); next_bcli(dstate); } static void process_importaddress(struct bitcoin_cli *bcli) { if (bcli->output_bytes != 0) fatal("bitcoind: '%s' '%s' unexpeced output '%.*s'", bcli->args[0], bcli->args[1], (int)bcli->output_bytes, bcli->output); } void bitcoind_watch_addr(struct lightningd_state *dstate, const struct ripemd160 *redeemhash) { char *p2shaddr = p2sh_to_base58(dstate, dstate->config.testnet, redeemhash); start_bitcoin_cli(dstate, process_importaddress, NULL, NULL, "importaddress", p2shaddr, "", "false", NULL); tal_free(p2shaddr); } static void process_transactions(struct bitcoin_cli *bcli) { const jsmntok_t *tokens, *t, *end; bool valid; void (*cb)(struct lightningd_state *dstate, const struct sha256_double *txid, int confirmations, bool is_coinbase) = bcli->cb; tokens = json_parse_input(bcli->output, bcli->output_bytes, &valid); if (!tokens) fatal("bitcoind: '%s' '%s' %s response", bcli->args[0], bcli->args[1], valid ? "partial" : "invalid"); if (tokens[0].type != JSMN_ARRAY) fatal("listtransactions: '%s' '%s' gave non-array (%.*s)?", bcli->args[0], bcli->args[1], (int)bcli->output_bytes, bcli->output); end = json_next(tokens); for (t = tokens + 1; t < end; t = json_next(t)) { struct sha256_double txid; const jsmntok_t *txidtok, *conftok, *blkindxtok; unsigned int conf; bool is_coinbase; txidtok = json_get_member(bcli->output, t, "txid"); conftok = json_get_member(bcli->output, t, "confirmations"); blkindxtok = json_get_member(bcli->output, t, "blockindex"); if (!txidtok || !conftok) fatal("listtransactions: no %s field!", txidtok ? "confirmations" : "txid"); if (!bitcoin_txid_from_hex(bcli->output + txidtok->start, txidtok->end - txidtok->start, &txid)) { fatal("listtransactions: bad txid '%.*s'", (int)(txidtok->end - txidtok->start), bcli->output + txidtok->start); } if (!json_tok_number(bcli->output, conftok, &conf)) fatal("listtransactions: bad confirmations '%.*s'", (int)(conftok->end - conftok->start), bcli->output + conftok->start); /* This can happen with zero conf. */ blkindxtok = json_get_member(bcli->output, t, "blockindex"); if (!blkindxtok) is_coinbase = false; else { unsigned int blkidx; if (!json_tok_number(bcli->output, blkindxtok, &blkidx)) fatal("listtransactions: bad blockindex '%.*s'", (int)(blkindxtok->end - blkindxtok->start), bcli->output + blkindxtok->start); is_coinbase = (blkidx == 0); } /* FIXME: log txid */ log_debug(bcli->dstate->base_log, "txid %02x%02x%02x%02x..., conf %u, coinbase %u", txid.sha.u.u8[0], txid.sha.u.u8[1], txid.sha.u.u8[2], txid.sha.u.u8[3], conf, is_coinbase); cb(bcli->dstate, &txid, conf, is_coinbase); } } void bitcoind_poll_transactions(struct lightningd_state *dstate, void (*cb)(struct lightningd_state *dstate, const struct sha256_double *txid, int confirmations, bool is_coinbase)) { /* FIXME: Iterate and detect duplicates. */ start_bitcoin_cli(dstate, process_transactions, cb, NULL, "listtransactions", "*", "100000", "0", "true", NULL); } static void process_rawtx(struct bitcoin_cli *bcli) { struct bitcoin_tx *tx; void (*cb)(struct lightningd_state *dstate, const struct bitcoin_tx *tx, void *arg) = bcli->cb; tx = bitcoin_tx_from_hex(bcli, bcli->output, bcli->output_bytes); if (!tx) fatal("Unknown txid (output %.*s)", (int)bcli->output_bytes, (char *)bcli->output); cb(bcli->dstate, tx, bcli->cb_arg); } /* FIXME: Cache! */ void bitcoind_txid_lookup_(struct lightningd_state *dstate, const struct sha256_double *txid, void (*cb)(struct lightningd_state *dstate, const struct bitcoin_tx *tx, void *arg), void *arg) { char txidhex[hex_str_size(sizeof(*txid))]; if (!bitcoin_txid_to_hex(txid, txidhex, sizeof(txidhex))) fatal("Incorrect txid size"); start_bitcoin_cli(dstate, process_rawtx, cb, arg, "getrawtransaction", txidhex, NULL); } static void process_sendrawrx(struct bitcoin_cli *bcli) { struct sha256_double txid; const char *out = (char *)bcli->output; /* We expect a txid, plus \n */ if (bcli->output_bytes == 0 || !bitcoin_txid_from_hex(out, bcli->output_bytes-1, &txid)) fatal("sendrawtransaction failed: %.*s", (int)bcli->output_bytes, out); log_debug(bcli->dstate->base_log, "sendrawtx gave %.*s", (int)bcli->output_bytes, out); /* FIXME: Compare against expected txid? */ } void bitcoind_send_tx(struct lightningd_state *dstate, const struct bitcoin_tx *tx) { u8 *raw = linearize_tx(dstate, tx); char *hex = tal_arr(raw, char, hex_str_size(tal_count(raw))); hex_encode(raw, tal_count(raw), hex, tal_count(hex)); start_bitcoin_cli(dstate, process_sendrawrx, NULL, NULL, "sendrawtransaction", hex, NULL); tal_free(raw); } static void process_sendtoaddress(struct bitcoin_cli *bcli) { const char *out = (char *)bcli->output; char *txidstr; /* We expect a txid (followed by \n, vs hex_str_size including \0) */ if (bcli->output_bytes != hex_str_size(sizeof(struct sha256_double))) fatal("sendtoaddress failed: %.*s", (int)bcli->output_bytes, out); txidstr = tal_strndup(bcli, out, bcli->output_bytes-1); log_debug(bcli->dstate->base_log, "sendtoaddress gave %s", txidstr); /* Now we need the raw transaction. */ start_bitcoin_cli(bcli->dstate, process_rawtx, bcli->cb, bcli->cb_arg, "getrawtransaction", txidstr, NULL); } void bitcoind_create_payment(struct lightningd_state *dstate, const char *addr, u64 satoshis, void (*cb)(struct lightningd_state *dstate, const struct bitcoin_tx *tx, struct peer *peer), struct peer *peer) { char amtstr[STR_MAX_CHARS(satoshis) * 2 + 1]; sprintf(amtstr, "%"PRIu64 "." "%08"PRIu64, satoshis / 100000000, satoshis % 100000000); start_bitcoin_cli(dstate, process_sendtoaddress, cb, peer, "sendtoaddress", addr, amtstr, NULL); } /* We make sure they have walletbroadcast=0, so we don't broadcast * the anchor. */ void check_bitcoind_config(struct lightningd_state *dstate) { void *ctx = tal(dstate, char); char *path, *config, **lines; size_t i; bool nowalletbroadcast = false; int testnet = -1, regtest = -1; path = path_simplify(ctx, path_join(ctx, path_cwd(ctx), "../.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf")); config = grab_file(ctx, path); if (!config) { log_unusual(dstate->base_log, "Could not open %s to check it", path); goto out; } lines = tal_strsplit(ctx, config, "\n", STR_NO_EMPTY); for (i = 0; lines[i]; i++) { char *str; if (tal_strreg(ctx, lines[i], "^[ \t]*walletbroadcast[ \t]*=[ \t]*0")) nowalletbroadcast = true; else if (tal_strreg(ctx, lines[i], "^[ \t]*testnet[ \t]*=[ \t]*([01])", &str)) testnet = atoi(str); else if (tal_strreg(ctx, lines[i], "^[ \t]*regtest[ \t]*=[ \t]*([01])", &str)) regtest = atoi(str); } if (!nowalletbroadcast) log_unusual(dstate->base_log, "%s does not contain walletbroadcast=0", path); if (dstate->config.testnet) { if (testnet != 1 && regtest != 1) log_unusual(dstate->base_log, "%s does not set testnet/regtest," " but we are on testnet.", path); } else if (testnet == 1 || regtest == 1) log_unusual(dstate->base_log, "%s sets %s, but we are not on testnet", path, testnet == 1 ? "testnet" : "regtest"); out: tal_free(ctx); }