#include "config.h" #include #include #include #include /* Matches the hash function used in devtools/sql-rewrite.py */ static u32 hash_djb2(const char *str) { u32 hash = 5381; for (size_t i = 0; str[i]; i++) hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) ^ str[i]; return hash; } size_t db_query_colnum(const struct db_stmt *stmt, const char *colname) { u32 col; assert(stmt->query->colnames != NULL); col = hash_djb2(colname) % stmt->query->num_colnames; for (;;) { const char *n = stmt->query->colnames[col].sqlname; if (!n) db_fatal(stmt->db, "Unknown column name %s in query %s", colname, stmt->query->query); if (streq(n, colname)) break; col = (col + 1) % stmt->query->num_colnames; } #if DEVELOPER strset_add(stmt->cols_used, colname); #endif return stmt->query->colnames[col].val; } static void db_stmt_free(struct db_stmt *stmt) { if (!stmt->executed) db_fatal(stmt->db, "Freeing an un-executed statement from %s: %s", stmt->location, stmt->query->query); #if DEVELOPER /* If they never got a db_step, we don't track */ if (stmt->cols_used) { for (size_t i = 0; i < stmt->query->num_colnames; i++) { if (!stmt->query->colnames[i].sqlname) continue; if (!strset_get(stmt->cols_used, stmt->query->colnames[i].sqlname)) { db_fatal(stmt->db, "Never accessed column %s in query %s", stmt->query->colnames[i].sqlname, stmt->query->query); } } strset_clear(stmt->cols_used); } #endif if (stmt->inner_stmt) stmt->db->config->stmt_free_fn(stmt); assert(stmt->inner_stmt == NULL); } static struct db_stmt *db_prepare_core(struct db *db, const char *location, const struct db_query *db_query) { struct db_stmt *stmt = tal(db, struct db_stmt); size_t num_slots = db_query->placeholders; /* Allocate the slots for placeholders/bindings, zeroed next since * that sets the type to DB_BINDING_UNINITIALIZED for later checks. */ stmt->bindings = tal_arrz(stmt, struct db_binding, num_slots); stmt->location = location; stmt->error = NULL; stmt->db = db; stmt->query = db_query; stmt->executed = false; stmt->inner_stmt = NULL; tal_add_destructor(stmt, db_stmt_free); list_add(&db->pending_statements, &stmt->list); #if DEVELOPER stmt->cols_used = NULL; #endif /* DEVELOPER */ return stmt; } struct db_stmt *db_prepare_v2_(const char *location, struct db *db, const char *query_id) { size_t pos; /* Normalize query_id paths, because unit tests are compiled with this * prefix. */ if (strncmp(query_id, "./", 2) == 0) query_id += 2; if (!db->in_transaction) db_fatal(db, "Attempting to prepare a db_stmt outside of a " "transaction: %s", location); /* Look up the query by its ID */ pos = hash_djb2(query_id) % db->queries->query_table_size; for (;;) { if (!db->queries->query_table[pos].name) db_fatal(db, "Could not resolve query %s", query_id); if (streq(query_id, db->queries->query_table[pos].name)) break; pos = (pos + 1) % db->queries->query_table_size; } return db_prepare_core(db, location, &db->queries->query_table[pos]); } /* Provides replication and hook interface for raw SQL too */ struct db_stmt *db_prepare_untranslated(struct db *db, const char *query) { struct db_query *db_query = tal(NULL, struct db_query); struct db_stmt *stmt; db_query->name = db_query->query = query; db_query->placeholders = strcount(query, "?"); db_query->readonly = false; /* Use raw accessors! */ db_query->colnames = NULL; db_query->num_colnames = 0; stmt = db_prepare_core(db, "db_prepare_untranslated", db_query); tal_steal(stmt, db_query); return stmt; } bool db_query_prepared_canfail(struct db_stmt *stmt) { /* Make sure we don't accidentally execute a modifying query using a * read-only path. */ bool ret; assert(stmt->query->readonly); ret = stmt->db->config->query_fn(stmt); stmt->executed = true; list_del_from(&stmt->db->pending_statements, &stmt->list); return ret; } void db_query_prepared(struct db_stmt *stmt) { if (!db_query_prepared_canfail(stmt)) db_fatal(stmt->db, "query failed: %s: %s", stmt->location, stmt->query->query); } bool db_step(struct db_stmt *stmt) { bool ret; assert(stmt->executed); ret = stmt->db->config->step_fn(stmt); #if DEVELOPER /* We only track cols_used if we return a result! */ if (ret && !stmt->cols_used) { stmt->cols_used = tal(stmt, struct strset); strset_init(stmt->cols_used); } #endif return ret; } void db_exec_prepared_v2(struct db_stmt *stmt TAKES) { bool ret = stmt->db->config->exec_fn(stmt); /* If this was a write we need to bump the data_version upon commit. */ stmt->db->dirty = stmt->db->dirty || !stmt->query->readonly; stmt->executed = true; list_del_from(&stmt->db->pending_statements, &stmt->list); /* The driver itself doesn't call `fatal` since we want to override it * for testing. Instead we check here that the error message is set if * we report an error. */ if (!ret) { assert(stmt->error); db_fatal(stmt->db, "Error executing statement: %s", stmt->error); } if (taken(stmt)) tal_free(stmt); } size_t db_count_changes(struct db_stmt *stmt) { assert(stmt->executed); return stmt->db->config->count_changes_fn(stmt); } const char **db_changes(struct db *db) { return db->changes; } u64 db_last_insert_id_v2(struct db_stmt *stmt TAKES) { u64 id; assert(stmt->executed); id = stmt->db->config->last_insert_id_fn(stmt); if (taken(stmt)) tal_free(stmt); return id; } /* We expect min changes (ie. BEGIN TRANSACTION): report if more. * Optionally add "final" at the end (ie. COMMIT). */ void db_report_changes(struct db *db, const char *final, size_t min) { assert(db->changes); assert(tal_count(db->changes) >= min); /* Having changes implies that we have a dirty TX. The opposite is * currently not true, e.g., the postgres driver doesn't record * changes yet. */ assert(!tal_count(db->changes) || db->dirty); if (tal_count(db->changes) > min && db->report_changes_fn) db->report_changes_fn(db); db->changes = tal_free(db->changes); } void db_changes_add(struct db_stmt *stmt, const char * expanded) { struct db *db = stmt->db; if (stmt->query->readonly) { return; } /* We get a "COMMIT;" after we've sent our changes. */ if (!db->changes) { assert(streq(expanded, "COMMIT;")); return; } tal_arr_expand(&db->changes, tal_strdup(db->changes, expanded)); } #if DEVELOPER void db_assert_no_outstanding_statements(struct db *db) { struct db_stmt *stmt; stmt = list_top(&db->pending_statements, struct db_stmt, list); if (stmt) db_fatal(stmt->db, "Unfinalized statement %s", stmt->location); } #else void db_assert_no_outstanding_statements(struct db *db) { } #endif static void destroy_db(struct db *db) { db_assert_no_outstanding_statements(db); if (db->config->teardown_fn) db->config->teardown_fn(db); } static struct db_config *db_config_find(const struct db *db, const char *dsn) { size_t num_configs; struct db_config **configs = autodata_get(db_backends, &num_configs); const char *sep, *driver_name; sep = strstr(dsn, "://"); if (!sep) db_fatal(db, "%s doesn't look like a valid data-source name (missing \"://\" separator.", dsn); driver_name = tal_strndup(tmpctx, dsn, sep - dsn); for (size_t i=0; iname)) { tal_free(driver_name); return configs[i]; } } tal_free(driver_name); return NULL; } static struct db_query_set *db_queries_find(const struct db_config *config) { size_t num_queries; struct db_query_set **queries = autodata_get(db_queries, &num_queries); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_queries; i++) { if (streq(config->name, queries[i]->name)) { return queries[i]; } } return NULL; } void db_prepare_for_changes(struct db *db) { assert(!db->changes); db->changes = tal_arr(db, const char *, 0); } void db_fatal(const struct db *db, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); db->errorfn(db->errorfn_arg, true, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } void db_warn(const struct db *db, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); db->errorfn(db->errorfn_arg, false, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } struct db *db_open_(const tal_t *ctx, const char *filename, void (*errorfn)(void *arg, bool fatal, const char *fmt, va_list ap), void *arg) { struct db *db; db = tal(ctx, struct db); db->filename = tal_strdup(db, filename); db->errorfn = errorfn; db->errorfn_arg = arg; list_head_init(&db->pending_statements); if (!strstr(db->filename, "://")) db_fatal(db, "Could not extract driver name from \"%s\"", db->filename); db->config = db_config_find(db, db->filename); if (!db->config) db_fatal(db, "Unable to find DB driver for %s", db->filename); db->queries = db_queries_find(db->config); if (!db->queries) db_fatal(db, "Unable to find DB queries for %s", db->config->name); tal_add_destructor(db, destroy_db); db->in_transaction = NULL; db->changes = NULL; /* This must be outside a transaction, so catch it */ assert(!db->in_transaction); db_prepare_for_changes(db); if (db->config->setup_fn && !db->config->setup_fn(db)) db_fatal(db, "Error calling DB setup: %s", db->error); db_report_changes(db, NULL, 0); return db; }