#include "invoice.h" #include "jsonrpc.h" #include "lightningd.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct invoice_waiter { struct list_node list; struct command *cmd; }; struct invoices { /* Payments for r values we know about. */ struct list_head invlist; /* Waiting for new invoices to be paid. */ struct list_head invoice_waiters; }; static struct invoice *find_inv(const struct list_head *list, const struct sha256 *rhash, enum invoice_status state) { struct invoice *i; list_for_each(list, i, list) { if (structeq(rhash, &i->rhash) && i->state == state) return i; } return NULL; } struct invoice *find_unpaid(struct invoices *invs, const struct sha256 *rhash) { return find_inv(&invs->invlist, rhash, UNPAID); } static struct invoice *find_paid(struct invoices *invs, const struct sha256 *rhash) { return find_inv(&invs->invlist, rhash, PAID); } static struct invoice *find_invoice_by_label(const struct list_head *list, const char *label) { struct invoice *i; list_for_each(list, i, list) { if (streq(i->label, label)) return i; } return NULL; } void invoice_add(struct invoices *invs, struct invoice *inv) { tal_steal(invs, inv); struct invoice *invoice = tal(invs, struct invoice); sha256(&invoice->rhash, invoice->r.r, sizeof(invoice->r.r)); list_add(&invs->invlist, &inv->list); } struct invoices *invoices_init(const tal_t *ctx) { struct invoices *invs = tal(ctx, struct invoices); list_head_init(&invs->invlist); list_head_init(&invs->invoice_waiters); return invs; } static void tell_waiter(struct command *cmd, const struct invoice *paid) { struct json_result *response = new_json_result(cmd); json_object_start(response, NULL); json_add_string(response, "label", paid->label); json_add_hex(response, "rhash", &paid->rhash, sizeof(paid->rhash)); json_add_u64(response, "msatoshi", paid->msatoshi); json_add_bool(response, "complete", paid->state == PAID); json_object_end(response); command_success(cmd, response); } void resolve_invoice(struct lightningd *ld, struct invoice *invoice) { struct invoice_waiter *w; struct invoices *invs = ld->invoices; invoice->state = PAID; /* Tell all the waiters about the new paid invoice */ while ((w = list_pop(&invs->invoice_waiters, struct invoice_waiter, list)) != NULL) tell_waiter(w->cmd, invoice); wallet_invoice_save(ld->wallet, invoice); } static void json_invoice(struct command *cmd, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *params) { struct invoice *invoice; jsmntok_t *msatoshi, *r, *label, *desc; struct json_result *response = new_json_result(cmd); struct invoices *invs = cmd->ld->invoices; struct bolt11 *b11; char *b11enc; if (!json_get_params(buffer, params, "amount", &msatoshi, "label", &label, "description", &desc, "?r", &r, NULL)) { command_fail(cmd, "Need {amount}, {label} and {description}"); return; } invoice = tal(cmd, struct invoice); invoice->id = 0; invoice->state = UNPAID; if (r) { if (!hex_decode(buffer + r->start, r->end - r->start, invoice->r.r, sizeof(invoice->r.r))) { command_fail(cmd, "Invalid hex r '%.*s'", r->end - r->start, buffer + r->start); return; } } else randombytes_buf(invoice->r.r, sizeof(invoice->r.r)); sha256(&invoice->rhash, invoice->r.r, sizeof(invoice->r.r)); if (find_unpaid(invs, &invoice->rhash) || find_paid(invs, &invoice->rhash)) { command_fail(cmd, "Duplicate r value '%s'", tal_hexstr(cmd, &invoice->rhash, sizeof(invoice->rhash))); return; } if (!json_tok_u64(buffer, msatoshi, &invoice->msatoshi) || invoice->msatoshi == 0) { command_fail(cmd, "'%.*s' is not a valid positive number", msatoshi->end - msatoshi->start, buffer + msatoshi->start); return; } invoice->label = tal_strndup(invoice, buffer + label->start, label->end - label->start); if (find_invoice_by_label(&invs->invlist, invoice->label)) { command_fail(cmd, "Duplicate label '%s'", invoice->label); return; } if (strlen(invoice->label) > INVOICE_MAX_LABEL_LEN) { command_fail(cmd, "label '%s' over %u bytes", invoice->label, INVOICE_MAX_LABEL_LEN); return; } wallet_invoice_save(cmd->ld->wallet, invoice); /* Construct bolt11 string. */ b11 = new_bolt11(cmd, &invoice->msatoshi); b11->chain = get_chainparams(cmd->ld); b11->timestamp = time_now().ts.tv_sec; b11->payment_hash = invoice->rhash; b11->receiver_id = cmd->ld->id; b11->min_final_cltv_expiry = cmd->ld->config.cltv_final; if (desc->end - desc->start >= BOLT11_FIELD_BYTE_LIMIT) { b11->description_hash = tal(b11, struct sha256); sha256(b11->description_hash, buffer + desc->start, desc->end - desc->start); } else b11->description = tal_strndup(b11, buffer + desc->start, desc->end - desc->start); /* FIXME: add option to set expiry */ /* FIXME: add private routes if necessary! */ b11enc = bolt11_encode(cmd, cmd->ld, b11, false); /* OK, connect it to main state, respond with hash */ tal_steal(invs, invoice); list_add(&invs->invlist, &invoice->list); json_object_start(response, NULL); json_add_hex(response, "rhash", &invoice->rhash, sizeof(invoice->rhash)); json_add_string(response, "bolt11", b11enc); if (b11->description_hash) json_add_string(response, "description", b11->description); json_object_end(response); command_success(cmd, response); } static const struct json_command invoice_command = { "invoice", json_invoice, "Create invoice for {msatoshi} with {label} and {description} (with a set {r}, otherwise generate one)", "Returns the {rhash} and {bolt11} on success, and {description} if too alrge for {bolt11}. " }; AUTODATA(json_command, &invoice_command); static void json_add_invoices(struct json_result *response, const struct list_head *list, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *label) { struct invoice *i; char *lbl = NULL; if (label) lbl = tal_strndup(response, &buffer[label->start], label->end - label->start); list_for_each(list, i, list) { if (lbl && !streq(i->label, lbl)) continue; json_object_start(response, NULL); json_add_string(response, "label", i->label); json_add_hex(response, "rhash", &i->rhash, sizeof(i->rhash)); json_add_u64(response, "msatoshi", i->msatoshi); json_add_bool(response, "complete", i->state == PAID); json_object_end(response); } } static void json_listinvoice(struct command *cmd, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *params) { jsmntok_t *label = NULL; struct json_result *response = new_json_result(cmd); struct invoices *invs = cmd->ld->invoices; if (!json_get_params(buffer, params, "?label", &label, NULL)) { command_fail(cmd, "Invalid arguments"); return; } json_array_start(response, NULL); json_add_invoices(response, &invs->invlist, buffer, label); json_array_end(response); command_success(cmd, response); } static const struct json_command listinvoice_command = { "listinvoice", json_listinvoice, "Show invoice {label} (or all, if no {label}))", "Returns an array of {label}, {rhash}, {msatoshi} and {complete} on success. " }; AUTODATA(json_command, &listinvoice_command); static void json_delinvoice(struct command *cmd, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *params) { struct invoice *i; jsmntok_t *labeltok; struct json_result *response = new_json_result(cmd); const char *label; struct invoices *invs = cmd->ld->invoices; if (!json_get_params(buffer, params, "label", &labeltok, NULL)) { command_fail(cmd, "Invalid arguments"); return; } label = tal_strndup(cmd, buffer + labeltok->start, labeltok->end - labeltok->start); i = find_invoice_by_label(&invs->invlist, label); if (!i) { command_fail(cmd, "Unknown invoice"); return; } if (!wallet_invoice_remove(cmd->ld->wallet, i)) { log_broken(cmd->ld->log, "Error attempting to remove invoice %"PRIu64, i->id); command_fail(cmd, "Database error"); return; } list_del_from(&invs->invlist, &i->list); json_object_start(response, NULL); json_add_string(response, "label", i->label); json_add_hex(response, "rhash", &i->rhash, sizeof(i->rhash)); json_add_u64(response, "msatoshi", i->msatoshi); json_object_end(response); command_success(cmd, response); tal_free(i); } static const struct json_command delinvoice_command = { "delinvoice", json_delinvoice, "Delete unpaid invoice {label}))", "Returns {label}, {rhash} and {msatoshi} on success. " }; AUTODATA(json_command, &delinvoice_command); static void json_waitanyinvoice(struct command *cmd, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *params) { struct invoice *i; jsmntok_t *labeltok; const char *label = NULL; struct invoice_waiter *w; struct invoices *invs = cmd->ld->invoices; if (!json_get_params(buffer, params, "?label", &labeltok, NULL)) { command_fail(cmd, "Invalid arguments"); return; } if (!labeltok) { i = list_top(&invs->invlist, struct invoice, list); /* Advance until we find a PAID one */ while (i && i->state == UNPAID) { i = list_next(&invs->invlist, i, list); } } else { label = tal_strndup(cmd, buffer + labeltok->start, labeltok->end - labeltok->start); i = find_invoice_by_label(&invs->invlist, label); if (!i) { command_fail(cmd, "Label not found"); return; } while (i && i->state == UNPAID) { i = list_next(&invs->invlist, i, list); } } /* If we found one, return it. */ if (i) { tell_waiter(cmd, i); return; } /* Otherwise, wait. */ /* FIXME: Better to use io_wait directly? */ w = tal(cmd, struct invoice_waiter); w->cmd = cmd; list_add_tail(&invs->invoice_waiters, &w->list); } static const struct json_command waitanyinvoice_command = { "waitanyinvoice", json_waitanyinvoice, "Wait for the next invoice to be paid, after {label} (if supplied)))", "Returns {label}, {rhash} and {msatoshi} on success. " }; AUTODATA(json_command, &waitanyinvoice_command); /* Wait for an incoming payment matching the `label` in the JSON * command. This will either return immediately if the payment has * already been received or it may add the `cmd` to the list of * waiters, if the payment is still pending. */ static void json_waitinvoice(struct command *cmd, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *params) { struct invoice *i; jsmntok_t *labeltok; const char *label = NULL; struct invoice_waiter *w; struct invoices *invs = cmd->ld->invoices; if (!json_get_params(buffer, params, "label", &labeltok, NULL)) { command_fail(cmd, "Missing {label}"); return; } /* Search in paid invoices, if found return immediately */ label = tal_strndup(cmd, buffer + labeltok->start, labeltok->end - labeltok->start); i = find_invoice_by_label(&invs->invlist, label); if (!i) { command_fail(cmd, "Label not found"); return; } else if (i->state == PAID) { tell_waiter(cmd, i); return; } else { /* There is an unpaid one matching, let's wait... */ w = tal(cmd, struct invoice_waiter); w->cmd = cmd; list_add_tail(&invs->invoice_waiters, &w->list); } } static const struct json_command waitinvoice_command = { "waitinvoice", json_waitinvoice, "Wait for an incoming payment matching the invoice with {label}", "Returns {label}, {rhash} and {msatoshi} on success" }; AUTODATA(json_command, &waitinvoice_command);