{ "$schema": "../rpc-schema-draft.json", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "added": "v23.11", "rpc": "addpsbtoutput", "title": "Command to populate PSBT outputs from the wallet", "description": [ "`addpsbtoutput` is a low-level RPC command which creates or modifies a PSBT by adding a single output of amount *satoshi*.", "", "This is used to receive funds into the on-chain wallet interactively using PSBTs." ], "request": { "required": [ "satoshi" ], "properties": { "satoshi": { "type": "sat", "description": [ "The satoshi value of the output. It can be a whole number, a whole number ending in *sat*, or a number with 1 to 8 decimal places ending in *btc*." ] }, "initialpsbt": { "type": "string", "description": [ "Base 64 encoded PSBT to add the output to. If not specified, one will be generated automatically." ] }, "locktime": { "type": "u32", "description": [ "If not set, it is set to a recent block height (if no initial psbt is specified)." ] }, "destination": { "type": "string", "description": [ "If it is not set, an internal address is generated." ] } } }, "response": { "required": [ "psbt", "estimated_added_weight", "outnum" ], "properties": { "psbt": { "type": "string", "description": [ "Unsigned PSBT which fulfills the parameters given." ] }, "estimated_added_weight": { "type": "u32", "description": [ "The estimated weight of the added output." ] }, "outnum": { "type": "u32", "description": [ "The 0-based number where the output was placed." ] } } }, "example_usage": [ "Here is a command to make a PSBT with a 100,000 sat output that leads to the on-chain wallet.", "", "```shell", "lightning-cli addpsbtoutput 100000sat", "```" ], "example_json_request": [ { "id": "example:addpsbtoutput#1", "method": "addpsbtoutput", "params": { "satoshi": 100000, "initialpsbt": null, "locktime": null, "destination": null } }, { "id": "example:addpsbtoutput#2", "method": "addpsbtoutput", "params": { "satoshi": 1000000, "initialpsbt": null, "locktime": 111, "destination": null } }, { "id": "example:addpsbtoutput#3", "method": "addpsbtoutput", "params": { "satoshi": 974343, "initialpsbt": "cHNidP8BAF4CAAAAAfwbEpvpi6D14YV4VLnuVB47Y0uF41kXEyJRL4IusySSAQAAAAD9////ASICAAAAAAAAIlEgeDY1X9yKgtxMsAp3LFVUFR0GOEpN1l6NP2isCFZrhL5nAAAAAAEA9gIAAAAAAQFEkxvLatohY6mw5gr5qG1aiArSrziFPR2YoqD21Hv+RAAAAAAA/f///wJAQg8AAAAAACIAIFuM07kUz2fN2Ppic8kwNT3TZHZzT72WIQLC31O5CIDNrz8PAAAAAAAiUSBj/+5Op9UebK35CG4oaiUnkiqqJbjFOuvzL6MqCmJ/WgJHMEQCIEu1nfVRt9i+rFM219mwhMqdwJsqygWSWTFUS+cemdh6AiBG3Qo8g9J/aAMO2RHDsIBScscj6pTTIwZp7Gw8G3EOKAEhA9dFRFyTYmZfIuDZbp52byc/MmDeo5yKdr+gXdJoTdzPZgAAAAEBK68/DwAAAAAAIlEgY//uTqfVHmyt+QhuKGolJ5IqqiW4xTrr8y+jKgpif1oAAA==", "locktime": null, "destination": "bcrt1q9tc6q49l6wrrtp8ul45rj92hsleehwwxty32zu" } } ], "example_json_response": [ { "psbt": "cHNidP8BAgQCAAAAAQMEbAAAAAEEAQABBQEBAQYBAwH7BAIAAAAAAQMIoIYBAAAAAAABBCJRIHg2NV/cioLcTLAKdyxVVBUdBjhKTdZejT9orAhWa4S+AA==", "estimated_added_weight": 172, "outnum": 0 }, { "psbt": "cHNidP8BAgQCAAAAAQMEbwAAAAEEAQABBQEBAQYBAwH7BAIAAAAAAQMIQEIPAAAAAAABBCJRIJd6ICNAQALFOMhoUHuSVSuzcaUdkDKlk4K+A+DR9+4uAA==", "estimated_added_weight": 172, "outnum": 0 }, { "psbt": "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", "estimated_added_weight": 172, "outnum": 1 } ], "author": [ "Dusty <<@dusty_daemon>> is mainly responsible." ], "see_also": [ "lightning-fundpsbt(7)", "lightning-utxopsbt(7)" ], "resources": [ "Main web site: " ] }