{ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", "type": "object", "required": [ "in_channel", "in_htlc_id", "status" ], "properties": { "in_channel": { "type": "short_channel_id", "description": "only the matching forwards on the given inbound channel are deleted.\tNote: for **listforwards** entries without an *in_htlc_id* entry (no longer created in v22.11, but can exist from older versions), a value of 18446744073709551615 can be used, but then it will delete *all* entries without *in_htlc_id* for this *in_channel* and *status*" }, "in_htlc_id": { "type": "u64", "description": "the unique HTLC id the sender gave this (not present if incoming channel was closed before ugprade to v22.11)" }, "status": { "type": "string", "description": "the status of the forward to delete. You cannot delete forwards which have status *offered* (i.e. are currently active)", "enum": [ "settled", "local_failed", "failed" ] } } }