from fixtures import * # noqa: F401,F403 from flaky import flaky from pyln.client import RpcError from utils import ( only_one, sync_blockheight, wait_for, DEVELOPER, TIMEOUT, VALGRIND, SLOW_MACHINE, COMPAT ) import os import queue import pytest import re import threading import unittest @unittest.skipIf(not DEVELOPER, "Too slow without --dev-bitcoind-poll") def test_closing(node_factory, bitcoind, chainparams): l1, l2 = node_factory.line_graph(2) chan = l1.get_channel_scid(l2) fee = 5430 if not chainparams['elements'] else 8955, 200000000) assert bitcoind.rpc.getmempoolinfo()['size'] == 0 billboard = only_one(l1.rpc.listpeers(['id'])['peers'][0]['channels'])['status'] assert billboard == ['CHANNELD_NORMAL:Funding transaction locked.'] billboard = only_one(l2.rpc.listpeers(['id'])['peers'][0]['channels'])['status'] assert billboard == ['CHANNELD_NORMAL:Funding transaction locked.'] bitcoind.generate_block(5) # Only wait for the channels to activate with DEVELOPER=1, # otherwise it's going to take too long because of the missing # --dev-fast-gossip if DEVELOPER: wait_for(lambda: len(l1.getactivechannels()) == 2) wait_for(lambda: len(l2.getactivechannels()) == 2) billboard = only_one(l1.rpc.listpeers(['id'])['peers'][0]['channels'])['status'] # This may either be from a local_update or an announce, so just # check for the substring assert 'CHANNELD_NORMAL:Funding transaction locked.' in billboard[0] l1.rpc.close(chan) l1.daemon.wait_for_log(' to CHANNELD_SHUTTING_DOWN') l2.daemon.wait_for_log(' to CHANNELD_SHUTTING_DOWN') l1.daemon.wait_for_log(' to CLOSINGD_SIGEXCHANGE') l2.daemon.wait_for_log(' to CLOSINGD_SIGEXCHANGE') # And should put closing into mempool. l1.daemon.wait_for_log('sendrawtx exit 0') l2.daemon.wait_for_log('sendrawtx exit 0') # Both nodes should have disabled the channel in their view wait_for(lambda: len(l1.getactivechannels()) == 0) wait_for(lambda: len(l2.getactivechannels()) == 0) assert bitcoind.rpc.getmempoolinfo()['size'] == 1 # Now grab the close transaction closetxid = only_one(bitcoind.rpc.getrawmempool(False)) billboard = only_one(l1.rpc.listpeers(['id'])['peers'][0]['channels'])['status'] assert billboard == [ 'CLOSINGD_SIGEXCHANGE:We agreed on a closing fee of {} satoshi for tx:{}'.format(fee, closetxid), ] bitcoind.generate_block(1) l1.daemon.wait_for_log(r'Owning output.* \(SEGWIT\).* txid %s.* CONFIRMED' % closetxid) l2.daemon.wait_for_log(r'Owning output.* \(SEGWIT\).* txid %s.* CONFIRMED' % closetxid) # Make sure both nodes have grabbed their close tx funds assert closetxid in set([o['txid'] for o in l1.rpc.listfunds()['outputs']]) assert closetxid in set([o['txid'] for o in l2.rpc.listfunds()['outputs']]) wait_for(lambda: only_one(l1.rpc.listpeers(['id'])['peers'][0]['channels'])['status'] == [ 'CLOSINGD_SIGEXCHANGE:We agreed on a closing fee of {} satoshi for tx:{}'.format(fee, closetxid), 'ONCHAIN:Tracking mutual close transaction', 'ONCHAIN:All outputs resolved: waiting 99 more blocks before forgetting channel' ]) bitcoind.generate_block(9) wait_for(lambda: only_one(l1.rpc.listpeers(['id'])['peers'][0]['channels'])['status'] == [ 'CLOSINGD_SIGEXCHANGE:We agreed on a closing fee of {} satoshi for tx:{}'.format(fee, closetxid), 'ONCHAIN:Tracking mutual close transaction', 'ONCHAIN:All outputs resolved: waiting 90 more blocks before forgetting channel' ]) # Make sure both have forgotten about it bitcoind.generate_block(90) wait_for(lambda: len(l1.rpc.listchannels()['channels']) == 0) wait_for(lambda: len(l2.rpc.listchannels()['channels']) == 0) # The entry in the channels table should still be there assert l1.db_query("SELECT count(*) as c FROM channels;")[0]['c'] == 1 assert l2.db_query("SELECT count(*) as c FROM channels;")[0]['c'] == 1 def test_closing_while_disconnected(node_factory, bitcoind, executor): l1, l2 = node_factory.line_graph(2, opts={'may_reconnect': True}) chan = l1.get_channel_scid(l2), 200000000) l2.stop() # The close should still be triggered afterwards. fut = executor.submit(l1.rpc.close, chan, 0) l1.daemon.wait_for_log(' to CHANNELD_SHUTTING_DOWN') l2.start() fut.result(TIMEOUT) l1.daemon.wait_for_log(' to CLOSINGD_SIGEXCHANGE') l2.daemon.wait_for_log(' to CLOSINGD_SIGEXCHANGE') # And should put closing into mempool. l1.daemon.wait_for_log('sendrawtx exit 0') l2.daemon.wait_for_log('sendrawtx exit 0') bitcoind.generate_block(101) wait_for(lambda: len(l1.rpc.listchannels()['channels']) == 0) wait_for(lambda: len(l2.rpc.listchannels()['channels']) == 0) def test_closing_id(node_factory): """Test closing using peer ID and full channel ID """ l1, l2 = node_factory.get_nodes(2) # Close by full channel ID. l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l2.port) l1.fund_channel(l2, 10**6) cid = l2.rpc.listpeers()['peers'][0]['channels'][0]['channel_id'] l2.rpc.close(cid) wait_for(lambda: not only_one(l1.rpc.listpeers(['id'])['peers'])['connected']) wait_for(lambda: not only_one(l2.rpc.listpeers(['id'])['peers'])['connected']) # Close by peer ID. l2.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l1.port) l1.daemon.wait_for_log("Handed peer, entering loop") l2.fund_channel(l1, 10**6) pid =['id'] l2.rpc.close(pid) wait_for(lambda: not only_one(l1.rpc.listpeers(['id'])['peers'])['connected']) wait_for(lambda: not only_one(l2.rpc.listpeers(['id'])['peers'])['connected']) @unittest.skipIf(VALGRIND, "Flaky under valgrind") def test_closing_torture(node_factory, executor, bitcoind): # We set up a fully-connected mesh of N nodes, then try # closing them all at once. amount = 10**6 num_nodes = 10 # => 45 channels (36 seconds on my laptop) if VALGRIND: num_nodes -= 4 # => 15 (135 seconds) if SLOW_MACHINE: num_nodes -= 1 # => 36/10 (37/95 seconds) nodes = node_factory.get_nodes(num_nodes) # Make sure bitcoind has plenty of utxos bitcoind.generate_block(num_nodes) # Give them all plenty of UTXOs, make sure they see them for i in range(len(nodes)): for j in range(i + 1, len(nodes)): addr = nodes[i].rpc.newaddr()['bech32'] bitcoind.rpc.sendtoaddress(addr, (amount + 1000000) / 10**8) bitcoind.generate_block(1) sync_blockheight(bitcoind, nodes) txs = [] for i in range(len(nodes)): for j in range(i + 1, len(nodes)): nodes[i].rpc.connect(nodes[j].info['id'], 'localhost', nodes[j].port) txs.append(nodes[i].rpc.fundchannel(nodes[j].info['id'], amount)['txid']) # Make sure they're all in, then lock them in. bitcoind.generate_block(1, wait_for_mempool=txs) # Wait for them all to be CHANNELD_NORMAL for n in nodes: wait_for(lambda: all(p['channels'][0]['state'] == 'CHANNELD_NORMAL' for p in n.rpc.listpeers()['peers'])) # Start closers: can take a long time under valgrind! futures = [] for i in range(len(nodes)): for j in range(i + 1, len(nodes)): futures.append(executor.submit(nodes[i].rpc.close, nodes[j].info['id'])) futures.append(executor.submit(nodes[j].rpc.close, nodes[i].info['id'])) # Wait for close to finish close_txs = set() for f in futures: # If one side completes closing, we'll get an error here 'Peer has no active channel' try: close_txs.add(f.result(TIMEOUT)['txid']) except RpcError as err: assert err.error['message'] == 'Peer has no active channel' # Should have one close for each open. assert len(close_txs) == len(txs) # Get closes confirmed bitcoind.generate_block(100, wait_for_mempool=list(close_txs)) # And make sure they hangup. for n in nodes: wait_for(lambda: n.rpc.listpeers()['peers'] == []) @unittest.skipIf(SLOW_MACHINE and VALGRIND, "slow test") def test_closing_different_fees(node_factory, bitcoind, executor): l1 = node_factory.get_node() # Default feerate = 15000/7500/1000 # It will start at the second number, accepting anything above the first. feerates = [[20000, 15000, 7400], [8000, 1001, 100]] amounts = [0, 545999, 546000] num_peers = len(feerates) * len(amounts) addr = l1.rpc.newaddr()['bech32'] bitcoind.rpc.sendtoaddress(addr, 1) numfunds = len(l1.rpc.listfunds()['outputs']) bitcoind.generate_block(1) wait_for(lambda: len(l1.rpc.listfunds()['outputs']) > numfunds) # Create them in a batch, for speed! peers = [] for feerate in feerates: for amount in amounts: p = node_factory.get_node(feerates=feerate) p.feerate = feerate p.amount = amount l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', p.port) peers.append(p) for p in peers: = l1.rpc.fundchannel(['id'], 10**6, minconf=0)['channel_id'] # Technically, this is async to fundchannel returning. l1.daemon.wait_for_log('sendrawtx exit 0') bitcoind.generate_block(6) # Now wait for them all to hit normal state, do payments l1.daemon.wait_for_logs(['update for channel .* now ACTIVE'] * num_peers + ['to CHANNELD_NORMAL'] * num_peers) for p in peers: if p.amount != 0:, 100000000) # Now close all channels (not unilaterally!) closes = [executor.submit(l1.rpc.close,, 0) for p in peers] for c in closes: c.result(90) # close does *not* wait for the sendrawtransaction, so do that! # Note that since they disagree on the ideal fee, they may conflict # (first one in will win), so we cannot look at logs, we need to # wait for mempool. wait_for(lambda: bitcoind.rpc.getmempoolinfo()['size'] == num_peers) bitcoind.generate_block(1) for p in peers: p.daemon.wait_for_log(' to ONCHAIN') wait_for(lambda: 'ONCHAIN:Tracking mutual close transaction' in only_one(p.rpc.listpeers(['id'])['peers'][0]['channels'])['status']) l1.daemon.wait_for_logs([' to ONCHAIN'] * num_peers) @unittest.skipIf(not DEVELOPER, "needs DEVELOPER=1") def test_closing_negotiation_reconnect(node_factory, bitcoind): disconnects = ['-WIRE_CLOSING_SIGNED', '@WIRE_CLOSING_SIGNED', '+WIRE_CLOSING_SIGNED'] l1 = node_factory.get_node(disconnect=disconnects, may_reconnect=True) l2 = node_factory.get_node(may_reconnect=True) l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l2.port) chan = l1.fund_channel(l2, 10**6), 200000000) assert bitcoind.rpc.getmempoolinfo()['size'] == 0 l1.rpc.close(chan) l1.daemon.wait_for_log(' to CHANNELD_SHUTTING_DOWN') l2.daemon.wait_for_log(' to CHANNELD_SHUTTING_DOWN') l1.daemon.wait_for_log(' to CLOSINGD_SIGEXCHANGE') l2.daemon.wait_for_log(' to CLOSINGD_SIGEXCHANGE') # And should put closing into mempool (happens async, so # CLOSINGD_COMPLETE may come first). l1.daemon.wait_for_logs(['sendrawtx exit 0', ' to CLOSINGD_COMPLETE']) l2.daemon.wait_for_logs(['sendrawtx exit 0', ' to CLOSINGD_COMPLETE']) assert bitcoind.rpc.getmempoolinfo()['size'] == 1 @unittest.skipIf(not DEVELOPER, "needs DEVELOPER=1") def test_closing_specified_destination(node_factory, bitcoind, chainparams): l1, l2, l3, l4 = node_factory.get_nodes(4) l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l2.port) l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l3.port) l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l4.port) chan12 = l1.fund_channel(l2, 10**6) chan13 = l1.fund_channel(l3, 10**6) chan14 = l1.fund_channel(l4, 10**6), 100000000), 100000000), 100000000) bitcoind.generate_block(5) addr = chainparams['example_addr'] l1.rpc.close(chan12, None, addr)'close', {'id': chan13, 'destination': addr})'close', [chan14, None, addr]) l1.daemon.wait_for_logs([' to CLOSINGD_SIGEXCHANGE'] * 3) # Both nodes should have disabled the channel in their view wait_for(lambda: len(l1.getactivechannels()) == 0) wait_for(lambda: bitcoind.rpc.getmempoolinfo()['size'] == 3) # Now grab the close transaction closetxs = {} for i, n in enumerate([l2, l3, l4]): billboard = only_one(l1.rpc.listpeers(['id'])['peers'][0]['channels'])['status'][0] m ='CLOSINGD_SIGEXCHANGE.* tx:([a-f0-9]{64})', billboard) closetxs[n] = bitcoind.generate_block(1) sync_blockheight(bitcoind, [l1, l2, l3, l4]) # l1 can't spent the output to addr. for txid in closetxs.values(): assert not l1.daemon.is_in_log(r'Owning output.* \(SEGWIT\).* txid {}.* CONFIRMED'.format(txid)) # Check the txid has at least 1 confirmation for n, txid in closetxs.items(): n.daemon.wait_for_log(r'Owning output.* \(SEGWIT\).* txid {}.* CONFIRMED'.format(txid)) for n in [l2, l3, l4]: # Make sure both nodes have grabbed their close tx funds closetx = closetxs[n] outputs = n.rpc.listfunds()['outputs'] assert closetx in set([o['txid'] for o in outputs]) output_num2 = [o for o in outputs if o['txid'] == closetx][0]['output'] output_num1 = 0 if output_num2 == 1 else 1 # Check the another address is addr assert addr == bitcoind.rpc.gettxout(closetx, output_num1)['scriptPubKey']['addresses'][0] assert 1 == bitcoind.rpc.gettxout(closetx, output_num1)['confirmations'] @unittest.skipIf(not COMPAT, "needs COMPAT=1") def test_deprecated_closing_compat(node_factory, bitcoind, chainparams): """ The old-style close command is: close {id} {force} {timeout} """ l1, l2 = node_factory.get_nodes(2, opts=[{'allow-deprecated-apis': True}, {}]) addr = chainparams['example_addr'] nodeid =['id'] l1.rpc.check(command_to_check='close', id=nodeid) # New-style l1.rpc.check(command_to_check='close', id=nodeid, unilateraltimeout=10, destination=addr) l1.rpc.check(command_to_check='close', id=nodeid, unilateraltimeout=0) l1.rpc.check(command_to_check='close', id=nodeid, destination=addr) # Old-style l1.rpc.check(command_to_check='close', id=nodeid, force=False) l1.rpc.check(command_to_check='close', id=nodeid, force=False, timeout=10) l1.rpc.check(command_to_check='close', id=nodeid, timeout=10)'check', ['close', nodeid]) # Array(new-style)'check', ['close', nodeid, 10])'check', ['close', nodeid, 0, addr])'check', ['close', nodeid, None, addr]) # Array(old-style)'check', ['close', nodeid, True, 10])'check', ['close', nodeid, False])'check', ['close', nodeid, None, 10]) # Not new-style nor old-style with pytest.raises(RpcError, match=r'Expected unilerataltimeout to be a number'):'check', ['close', nodeid, "Given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow."]) def closing_fee(node_factory, bitcoind, chainparams, opts): rate = opts['funder_feerate_per_kw'] funder = node_factory.get_node(feerates=(rate, rate, rate)) rate = opts['fundee_feerate_per_kw'] fundee = node_factory.get_node(feerates=(rate, rate, rate)) funder_id =['id'] fundee_id =['id'] fund_amount = 10**6 funder.rpc.connect(fundee_id, 'localhost', fundee.port) funder.fund_channel(fundee, fund_amount) assert bitcoind.rpc.getmempoolinfo()['size'] == 0 if opts['close_initiated_by'] == 'funder': funder.rpc.close(peer_id=fundee_id) else: assert opts['close_initiated_by'] == 'fundee' fundee.rpc.close(peer_id=funder_id) # Get the closing transaction from the bitcoind mempool and get its fee mempool = None mempool_tx_ids = None def get_mempool_when_size_1(): nonlocal mempool, mempool_tx_ids mempool = bitcoind.rpc.getrawmempool(True) mempool_tx_ids = list(mempool.keys()) return len(mempool_tx_ids) == 1 wait_for(get_mempool_when_size_1) close_tx_id = mempool_tx_ids[0] fee_mempool = round(mempool[close_tx_id]['fee'] * 10**8) # Get the proclaimed closing fee from the two nodes' statuses status_agreed_regex = re.compile("agreed on a closing fee of ([0-9]+) satoshi") # [fee_from_funder_status, fee_from_fundee_status] fees_from_status = [None, None] def get_fee_from_status(node, peer_id, i): nonlocal fees_from_status status = only_one(only_one(node.rpc.listpeers(peer_id)['peers'][0]['channels'])['status']) m = if not m: return False fees_from_status[i] = int( return True wait_for(lambda: get_fee_from_status(funder, fundee_id, 0)) wait_for(lambda: get_fee_from_status(fundee, funder_id, 1)) assert fee_mempool == fees_from_status[0] assert fee_mempool == fees_from_status[1] assert fee_mempool == opts['expected_close_fee'] def test_closing_fee(node_factory, bitcoind, chainparams): """Test that the closing negotiation strategy works""" # feerate 27625 -> closing fee negotiation starts at 20000 # feerate 29006 -> closing fee negotiation starts at 21000 opts = { 'funder_feerate_per_kw': 29006, 'fundee_feerate_per_kw': 27625, 'close_initiated_by': 'funder', 'expected_close_fee': 33533 if chainparams['elements'] else 20333 } closing_fee(node_factory, bitcoind, chainparams, opts) opts['close_initiated_by'] = 'fundee' closing_fee(node_factory, bitcoind, chainparams, opts) @unittest.skipIf(not DEVELOPER, "needs DEVELOPER=1") def test_penalty_inhtlc(node_factory, bitcoind, executor, chainparams): """Test penalty transaction with an incoming HTLC""" # We suppress each one after first commit; HTLC gets added not fulfilled. # Feerates identical so we don't get gratuitous commit to update them l1 = node_factory.get_node(disconnect=['=WIRE_COMMITMENT_SIGNED-nocommit'], may_fail=True, feerates=(7500, 7500, 7500), allow_broken_log=True) l2 = node_factory.get_node(disconnect=['=WIRE_COMMITMENT_SIGNED-nocommit']) l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l2.port) l1.fund_channel(l2, 10**6) # Now, this will get stuck due to l1 commit being disabled.. t = executor.submit(, l2, 100000000) assert len(l1.getactivechannels()) == 2 assert len(l2.getactivechannels()) == 2 # They should both have commitments blocked now. l1.daemon.wait_for_log('=WIRE_COMMITMENT_SIGNED-nocommit') l2.daemon.wait_for_log('=WIRE_COMMITMENT_SIGNED-nocommit') # Make sure l1 got l2's commitment to the HTLC, and sent to master. l1.daemon.wait_for_log('got commitsig') # Take our snapshot. tx = l1.rpc.dev_sign_last_tx(['id'])['tx'] # Let them continue l1.rpc.dev_reenable_commit(['id']) l2.rpc.dev_reenable_commit(['id']) # Should fulfill. l1.daemon.wait_for_log('peer_in WIRE_UPDATE_FULFILL_HTLC') l1.daemon.wait_for_log('peer_out WIRE_REVOKE_AND_ACK') l2.daemon.wait_for_log('peer_out WIRE_UPDATE_FULFILL_HTLC') l1.daemon.wait_for_log('peer_in WIRE_REVOKE_AND_ACK') # Payment should now complete. t.result(timeout=10) # Now we really mess things up! bitcoind.rpc.sendrawtransaction(tx) bitcoind.generate_block(1) l2.daemon.wait_for_log(' to ONCHAIN') # FIXME: l1 should try to stumble along! wait_for(lambda: len(l2.getactivechannels()) == 0) # l2 should spend all of the outputs (except to-us). # Could happen in any order, depending on commitment tx. needle = l2.daemon.logsearch_start l2.wait_for_onchaind_broadcast('OUR_PENALTY_TX', 'THEIR_REVOKED_UNILATERAL/DELAYED_OUTPUT_TO_THEM') l2.daemon.logsearch_start = needle l2.wait_for_onchaind_broadcast('OUR_PENALTY_TX', 'THEIR_REVOKED_UNILATERAL/THEIR_HTLC') # FIXME: test HTLC tx race! # 100 blocks later, all resolved. bitcoind.generate_block(100) l2.daemon.wait_for_log('onchaind complete, forgetting peer') outputs = l2.rpc.listfunds()['outputs'] assert [o['status'] for o in outputs] == ['confirmed'] * 2 # Allow some lossage for fees. slack = 27000 if chainparams['elements'] else 15000 assert sum(o['value'] for o in outputs) < 10**6 assert sum(o['value'] for o in outputs) > 10**6 - slack @unittest.skipIf(not DEVELOPER, "needs DEVELOPER=1") def test_penalty_outhtlc(node_factory, bitcoind, executor, chainparams): """Test penalty transaction with an outgoing HTLC""" # First we need to get funds to l2, so suppress after second. # Feerates identical so we don't get gratuitous commit to update them l1 = node_factory.get_node(disconnect=['=WIRE_COMMITMENT_SIGNED*3-nocommit'], may_fail=True, feerates=(7500, 7500, 7500), allow_broken_log=True) l2 = node_factory.get_node(disconnect=['=WIRE_COMMITMENT_SIGNED*3-nocommit']) l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l2.port) l1.fund_channel(l2, 10**6) # Move some across to l2., 200000000) assert not l1.daemon.is_in_log('=WIRE_COMMITMENT_SIGNED') assert not l2.daemon.is_in_log('=WIRE_COMMITMENT_SIGNED') # Now, this will get stuck due to l1 commit being disabled.. t = executor.submit(, l1, 100000000) # Make sure we get signature from them. l1.daemon.wait_for_log('peer_in WIRE_UPDATE_ADD_HTLC') l1.daemon.wait_for_log('peer_in WIRE_COMMITMENT_SIGNED') # They should both have commitments blocked now. l1.daemon.wait_for_log('dev_disconnect: =WIRE_COMMITMENT_SIGNED') l2.daemon.wait_for_log('dev_disconnect: =WIRE_COMMITMENT_SIGNED') # Make sure both sides got revoke_and_ack for that commitment. l1.daemon.wait_for_log('peer_in WIRE_REVOKE_AND_ACK') l2.daemon.wait_for_log('peer_in WIRE_REVOKE_AND_ACK') # Take our snapshot. tx = l1.rpc.dev_sign_last_tx(['id'])['tx'] # Let them continue l1.rpc.dev_reenable_commit(['id']) l2.rpc.dev_reenable_commit(['id']) # Thread should complete. t.result(timeout=10) # Make sure both sides got revoke_and_ack for final. l1.daemon.wait_for_log('peer_in WIRE_REVOKE_AND_ACK') l2.daemon.wait_for_log('peer_in WIRE_REVOKE_AND_ACK') # Now we really mess things up! bitcoind.rpc.sendrawtransaction(tx) bitcoind.generate_block(1) l2.daemon.wait_for_log(' to ONCHAIN') # FIXME: l1 should try to stumble along! # l2 should spend all of the outputs (except to-us). # Could happen in any order, depending on commitment tx. needle = l2.daemon.logsearch_start l2.wait_for_onchaind_broadcast('OUR_PENALTY_TX', 'THEIR_REVOKED_UNILATERAL/DELAYED_OUTPUT_TO_THEM') l2.daemon.logsearch_start = needle l2.wait_for_onchaind_broadcast('OUR_PENALTY_TX', 'THEIR_REVOKED_UNILATERAL/OUR_HTLC') l2.daemon.logsearch_start = needle l2.daemon.wait_for_log('Ignoring output.*: THEIR_REVOKED_UNILATERAL/OUTPUT_TO_US') # FIXME: test HTLC tx race! # 100 blocks later, all resolved. bitcoind.generate_block(100) wait_for(lambda: len(l2.rpc.listpeers()['peers']) == 0) outputs = l2.rpc.listfunds()['outputs'] assert [o['status'] for o in outputs] == ['confirmed'] * 3 # Allow some lossage for fees. slack = 27000 if chainparams['elements'] else 15000 assert sum(o['value'] for o in outputs) < 10**6 assert sum(o['value'] for o in outputs) > 10**6 - slack @unittest.skipIf(not DEVELOPER, "needs DEVELOPER=1") def test_onchain_first_commit(node_factory, bitcoind): """Onchain handling where funder immediately drops to chain""" # HTLC 1->2, 1 fails just after funding. disconnects = ['+WIRE_FUNDING_LOCKED', 'permfail'] l1 = node_factory.get_node(disconnect=disconnects) # Make locktime different, as we once had them reversed! l2 = node_factory.get_node(options={'watchtime-blocks': 10}) l1.fundwallet(10**7) l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l2.port) l1.rpc.fundchannel(['id'], 10**6) l1.daemon.wait_for_log('sendrawtx exit 0') l1.bitcoin.generate_block(1) # l1 will drop to chain. l1.daemon.wait_for_log('permfail') l1.daemon.wait_for_log('sendrawtx exit 0') l1.bitcoin.generate_block(1) l1.daemon.wait_for_log(' to ONCHAIN') l2.daemon.wait_for_log(' to ONCHAIN') # 10 later, l1 should collect its to-self payment. bitcoind.generate_block(10) l1.wait_for_onchaind_broadcast('OUR_DELAYED_RETURN_TO_WALLET', 'OUR_UNILATERAL/DELAYED_OUTPUT_TO_US') # 94 later, l2 is done. bitcoind.generate_block(94) l2.daemon.wait_for_log('onchaind complete, forgetting peer') # Now, 100 blocks and l1 should be done. bitcoind.generate_block(6) l1.daemon.wait_for_log('onchaind complete, forgetting peer') @unittest.skipIf(not DEVELOPER, "needs DEVELOPER=1") def test_onchain_unwatch(node_factory, bitcoind): """Onchaind should not watch random spends""" l1, l2 = node_factory.line_graph(2), 200000000) l1.rpc.dev_fail(['id']) l1.daemon.wait_for_log('Failing due to dev-fail command') l1.wait_for_channel_onchain(['id']) l1.bitcoin.generate_block(1) l1.daemon.wait_for_log(' to ONCHAIN') l2.daemon.wait_for_log(' to ONCHAIN') # 10 later, l1 should collect its to-self payment. bitcoind.generate_block(10) l1.wait_for_onchaind_broadcast('OUR_DELAYED_RETURN_TO_WALLET', 'OUR_UNILATERAL/DELAYED_OUTPUT_TO_US') # First time it sees it, onchaind cares. bitcoind.generate_block(1) l1.daemon.wait_for_log('Resolved OUR_UNILATERAL/DELAYED_OUTPUT_TO_US by our proposal ' 'OUR_DELAYED_RETURN_TO_WALLET') # Now test unrelated onchain churn. # Daemon gets told about wallet; says it doesn't care. l1.rpc.withdraw(l1.rpc.newaddr()['bech32'], 'all') bitcoind.generate_block(1) l1.daemon.wait_for_log("but we don't care") # And lightningd should respect that! assert not l1.daemon.is_in_log("Can't unwatch txid") # So these should not generate further messages for i in range(5): l1.rpc.withdraw(l1.rpc.newaddr()['bech32'], 'all') bitcoind.generate_block(1) # Make sure it digests the block sync_blockheight(bitcoind, [l1]) # We won't see this again. assert not l1.daemon.is_in_log("but we don't care", start=l1.daemon.logsearch_start) # Note: for this test we leave onchaind running, so we can detect # any leaks! @unittest.skipIf(not DEVELOPER, "needs DEVELOPER=1") def test_onchaind_replay(node_factory, bitcoind): disconnects = ['+WIRE_REVOKE_AND_ACK', 'permfail'] options = {'watchtime-blocks': 201, 'cltv-delta': 101} # Feerates identical so we don't get gratuitous commit to update them l1 = node_factory.get_node(options=options, disconnect=disconnects, feerates=(7500, 7500, 7500)) l2 = node_factory.get_node(options=options) l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l2.port) l1.fund_channel(l2, 10**6) rhash = l2.rpc.invoice(10**8, 'onchaind_replay', 'desc')['payment_hash'] routestep = { 'msatoshi': 10**8 - 1, 'id':['id'], 'delay': 101, 'channel': '1x1x1' } l1.rpc.sendpay([routestep], rhash) l1.daemon.wait_for_log('sendrawtx exit 0') bitcoind.generate_block(1) # Wait for nodes to notice the failure, this seach needle is after the # DB commit so we're sure the tx entries in onchaindtxs have been added l1.daemon.wait_for_log("Deleting channel .* due to the funding outpoint being spent") l2.daemon.wait_for_log("Deleting channel .* due to the funding outpoint being spent") # We should at least have the init tx now assert len(l1.db_query("SELECT * FROM channeltxs;")) > 0 assert len(l2.db_query("SELECT * FROM channeltxs;")) > 0 # Generate some blocks so we restart the onchaind from DB (we rescan # last_height - 100) bitcoind.generate_block(100) sync_blockheight(bitcoind, [l1, l2]) # l1 should still have a running onchaind assert len(l1.db_query("SELECT * FROM channeltxs;")) > 0 l2.rpc.stop() l1.restart() # Can't wait for it, it's after the "Server started" wait in restart() assert l1.daemon.is_in_log(r'Restarting onchaind for channel') # l1 should still notice that the funding was spent and that we should react to it l1.daemon.wait_for_log("Propose handling OUR_UNILATERAL/DELAYED_OUTPUT_TO_US by OUR_DELAYED_RETURN_TO_WALLET") sync_blockheight(bitcoind, [l1]) bitcoind.generate_block(10) sync_blockheight(bitcoind, [l1]) @unittest.skipIf(not DEVELOPER, "needs DEVELOPER=1") def test_onchain_dust_out(node_factory, bitcoind, executor): """Onchain handling of outgoing dust htlcs (they should fail)""" # HTLC 1->2, 1 fails after it's irrevocably committed disconnects = ['@WIRE_REVOKE_AND_ACK', 'permfail'] # Feerates identical so we don't get gratuitous commit to update them l1 = node_factory.get_node(disconnect=disconnects, feerates=(7500, 7500, 7500)) l2 = node_factory.get_node() l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l2.port) l1.fund_channel(l2, 10**6) # Must be dust! rhash = l2.rpc.invoice(1, 'onchain_dust_out', 'desc')['payment_hash'] routestep = { 'msatoshi': 1, 'id':['id'], 'delay': 5, 'channel': '1x1x1' } l1.rpc.sendpay([routestep], rhash) payfuture = executor.submit(l1.rpc.waitsendpay, rhash) # l1 will drop to chain. l1.daemon.wait_for_log('permfail') l1.wait_for_channel_onchain(['id']) l1.bitcoin.generate_block(1) l1.daemon.wait_for_log(' to ONCHAIN') l2.daemon.wait_for_log(' to ONCHAIN') # We use 3 blocks for "reasonable depth" bitcoind.generate_block(3) # It should fail. with pytest.raises(RpcError, match=r'WIRE_PERMANENT_CHANNEL_FAILURE: missing in commitment tx'): payfuture.result(5) # Retry payment, this should fail (and, as a side-effect, tickle a # bug). with pytest.raises(RpcError, match=r'WIRE_UNKNOWN_NEXT_PEER'): l1.rpc.sendpay([routestep], rhash) # 6 later, l1 should collect its to-self payment. bitcoind.generate_block(6) l1.wait_for_onchaind_broadcast('OUR_DELAYED_RETURN_TO_WALLET', 'OUR_UNILATERAL/DELAYED_OUTPUT_TO_US') # 94 later, l2 is done. bitcoind.generate_block(94) l2.daemon.wait_for_log('onchaind complete, forgetting peer') # Restart l1, it should not crash! l1.restart() # Now, 100 blocks and l1 should be done. bitcoind.generate_block(6) l1.daemon.wait_for_log('onchaind complete, forgetting peer') # Payment failed, BTW assert only_one(l2.rpc.listinvoices('onchain_dust_out')['invoices'])['status'] == 'unpaid' @unittest.skipIf(not DEVELOPER, "needs DEVELOPER=1") def test_onchain_timeout(node_factory, bitcoind, executor): """Onchain handling of outgoing failed htlcs""" # HTLC 1->2, 1 fails just after it's irrevocably committed disconnects = ['+WIRE_REVOKE_AND_ACK*3', 'permfail'] # Feerates identical so we don't get gratuitous commit to update them l1 = node_factory.get_node(disconnect=disconnects, feerates=(7500, 7500, 7500)) l2 = node_factory.get_node() l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l2.port) l1.fund_channel(l2, 10**6) rhash = l2.rpc.invoice(10**8, 'onchain_timeout', 'desc')['payment_hash'] # We underpay, so it fails. routestep = { 'msatoshi': 10**8 - 1, 'id':['id'], 'delay': 5, 'channel': '1x1x1' } l1.rpc.sendpay([routestep], rhash) with pytest.raises(RpcError): l1.rpc.waitsendpay(rhash) # Make sure CLTVs are different, in case it confuses onchaind. bitcoind.generate_block(1) sync_blockheight(bitcoind, [l1]) # Second one will cause drop to chain. l1.rpc.sendpay([routestep], rhash) payfuture = executor.submit(l1.rpc.waitsendpay, rhash) # l1 will drop to chain. l1.daemon.wait_for_log('permfail') l1.wait_for_channel_onchain(['id']) l1.bitcoin.generate_block(1) l1.daemon.wait_for_log(' to ONCHAIN') l2.daemon.wait_for_log(' to ONCHAIN') # Wait for timeout. l1.daemon.wait_for_logs(['Propose handling OUR_UNILATERAL/DELAYED_OUTPUT_TO_US by OUR_DELAYED_RETURN_TO_WALLET .* after 5 blocks', 'Propose handling OUR_UNILATERAL/OUR_HTLC by OUR_HTLC_TIMEOUT_TX .* after 6 blocks']) bitcoind.generate_block(4) l1.wait_for_onchaind_broadcast('OUR_DELAYED_RETURN_TO_WALLET', 'OUR_UNILATERAL/DELAYED_OUTPUT_TO_US') bitcoind.generate_block(1) l1.wait_for_onchaind_broadcast('OUR_HTLC_TIMEOUT_TX', 'OUR_UNILATERAL/OUR_HTLC') # We use 3 blocks for "reasonable depth" bitcoind.generate_block(3) # It should fail. with pytest.raises(RpcError, match=r'WIRE_PERMANENT_CHANNEL_FAILURE: timed out'): payfuture.result(5) # 2 later, l1 spends HTLC (5 blocks total). bitcoind.generate_block(2) l1.wait_for_onchaind_broadcast('OUR_DELAYED_RETURN_TO_WALLET', 'OUR_HTLC_TIMEOUT_TX/DELAYED_OUTPUT_TO_US') # 89 later, l2 is done. bitcoind.generate_block(89) l2.daemon.wait_for_log('onchaind complete, forgetting peer') # Now, 100 blocks and l1 should be done. bitcoind.generate_block(10) sync_blockheight(bitcoind, [l1]) assert not l1.daemon.is_in_log('onchaind complete, forgetting peer') bitcoind.generate_block(1) l1.daemon.wait_for_log('onchaind complete, forgetting peer') # Payment failed, BTW assert only_one(l2.rpc.listinvoices('onchain_timeout')['invoices'])['status'] == 'unpaid' @unittest.skipIf(not DEVELOPER, "needs DEVELOPER=1") def test_onchain_middleman(node_factory, bitcoind): # HTLC 1->2->3, 1->2 goes down after 2 gets preimage from 3. disconnects = ['-WIRE_UPDATE_FULFILL_HTLC', 'permfail'] l1 = node_factory.get_node() l2 = node_factory.get_node(disconnect=disconnects) l3 = node_factory.get_node() # l2 connects to both, so l1 can't reconnect and thus l2 drops to chain l2.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l1.port) l2.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l3.port) l2.fund_channel(l1, 10**6) c23 = l2.fund_channel(l3, 10**6) # Make sure routes finalized. bitcoind.generate_block(5) l1.wait_channel_active(c23) # Give l1 some money to play with., 2 * 10**8) # Must be bigger than dust! rhash = l3.rpc.invoice(10**8, 'middleman', 'desc')['payment_hash'] route = l1.rpc.getroute(['id'], 10**8, 1)["route"] assert len(route) == 2 q = queue.Queue() def try_pay(): try: l1.rpc.sendpay(route, rhash) l1.rpc.waitsendpay(rhash) q.put(None) except Exception as err: q.put(err) t = threading.Thread(target=try_pay) t.daemon = True t.start() # l2 will drop to chain. l2.daemon.wait_for_log('sendrawtx exit 0') l1.bitcoin.generate_block(1) l2.daemon.wait_for_log(' to ONCHAIN') l1.daemon.wait_for_log(' to ONCHAIN') l2.daemon.wait_for_log('OUR_UNILATERAL/THEIR_HTLC') # l2 should fulfill HTLC onchain, and spend to-us (any order) l2.wait_for_onchaind_broadcast('OUR_HTLC_SUCCESS_TX', 'OUR_UNILATERAL/THEIR_HTLC') # Payment should succeed. l1.bitcoin.generate_block(1) l1.daemon.wait_for_log('THEIR_UNILATERAL/OUR_HTLC gave us preimage') err = q.get(timeout=10) if err: print("Got err from sendpay thread") raise err t.join(timeout=1) assert not t.is_alive() # Three more, l2 can spend to-us. bitcoind.generate_block(3) l2.wait_for_onchaind_broadcast('OUR_DELAYED_RETURN_TO_WALLET', 'OUR_UNILATERAL/DELAYED_OUTPUT_TO_US') # One more block, HTLC tx is now spendable. l1.bitcoin.generate_block(1) l2.wait_for_onchaind_broadcast('OUR_DELAYED_RETURN_TO_WALLET', 'OUR_HTLC_SUCCESS_TX/DELAYED_OUTPUT_TO_US') # 100 blocks after last spend, l2 should be done. l1.bitcoin.generate_block(100) l2.daemon.wait_for_log('onchaind complete, forgetting peer') @unittest.skipIf(not DEVELOPER, "needs DEVELOPER=1") def test_onchain_feechange(node_factory, bitcoind, executor): """Onchain handling when we restart with different fees""" # HTLC 1->2, 2 fails just after they're both irrevocably committed # We need 2 to drop to chain, because then 1's HTLC timeout tx # is generated on-the-fly, and is thus feerate sensitive. disconnects = ['-WIRE_UPDATE_FAIL_HTLC', 'permfail'] l1 = node_factory.get_node(may_reconnect=True) l2 = node_factory.get_node(disconnect=disconnects, may_reconnect=True) l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l2.port) l1.fund_channel(l2, 10**6) rhash = l2.rpc.invoice(10**8, 'onchain_timeout', 'desc')['payment_hash'] # We underpay, so it fails. routestep = { 'msatoshi': 10**8 - 1, 'id':['id'], 'delay': 5, 'channel': '1x1x1' } executor.submit(l1.rpc.sendpay, [routestep], rhash) # l2 will drop to chain. l2.daemon.wait_for_log('permfail') l2.wait_for_channel_onchain(['id']) bitcoind.generate_block(1) l1.daemon.wait_for_log(' to ONCHAIN') l2.daemon.wait_for_log(' to ONCHAIN') # Wait for timeout. l1.daemon.wait_for_log('Propose handling THEIR_UNILATERAL/OUR_HTLC by OUR_HTLC_TIMEOUT_TO_US .* after 6 blocks') bitcoind.generate_block(6) l1.wait_for_onchaind_broadcast('OUR_HTLC_TIMEOUT_TO_US', 'THEIR_UNILATERAL/OUR_HTLC') # Make sure that gets included. bitcoind.generate_block(1) # Now we restart with different feerates. l1.stop() l1.daemon.cmd_line.append('--override-fee-rates=20000/9000/2000') l1.start() # We recognize different proposal as ours. l1.daemon.wait_for_log('Resolved THEIR_UNILATERAL/OUR_HTLC by our proposal OUR_HTLC_TIMEOUT_TO_US') # We use 3 blocks for "reasonable depth", so add two more bitcoind.generate_block(2) # Note that the very similar test_onchain_timeout looks for a # different string: that's because it sees the JSONRPC response, # and due to the l1 restart, there is none here. l1.daemon.wait_for_log('WIRE_PERMANENT_CHANNEL_FAILURE') # 90 later, l2 is done bitcoind.generate_block(89) sync_blockheight(bitcoind, [l2]) assert not l2.daemon.is_in_log('onchaind complete, forgetting peer') bitcoind.generate_block(1) l2.daemon.wait_for_log('onchaind complete, forgetting peer') # Now, 7 blocks and l1 should be done. bitcoind.generate_block(6) sync_blockheight(bitcoind, [l1]) assert not l1.daemon.is_in_log('onchaind complete, forgetting peer') bitcoind.generate_block(1) l1.daemon.wait_for_log('onchaind complete, forgetting peer') # Payment failed, BTW assert only_one(l2.rpc.listinvoices('onchain_timeout')['invoices'])['status'] == 'unpaid' @unittest.skipIf(not DEVELOPER, "needs DEVELOPER=1 for dev-set-fees") def test_onchain_all_dust(node_factory, bitcoind, executor): """Onchain handling when we reduce output to all dust""" # HTLC 1->2, 2 fails just after they're both irrevocably committed # We need 2 to drop to chain, because then 1's HTLC timeout tx # is generated on-the-fly, and is thus feerate sensitive. disconnects = ['-WIRE_UPDATE_FAIL_HTLC', 'permfail'] # Feerates identical so we don't get gratuitous commit to update them l1 = node_factory.get_node(options={'dev-no-reconnect': None}, feerates=(7500, 7500, 7500)) l2 = node_factory.get_node(disconnect=disconnects) l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l2.port) l1.fund_channel(l2, 10**6) rhash = l2.rpc.invoice(10**8, 'onchain_timeout', 'desc')['payment_hash'] # We underpay, so it fails. routestep = { 'msatoshi': 10**7 - 1, 'id':['id'], 'delay': 5, 'channel': '1x1x1' } executor.submit(l1.rpc.sendpay, [routestep], rhash) # l2 will drop to chain. l2.daemon.wait_for_log('permfail') l2.wait_for_channel_onchain(['id']) # Make l1's fees really high (and wait for it to exceed 50000) l1.set_feerates((100000, 100000, 100000)) l1.daemon.wait_for_log('Feerate estimate for unilateral_close set to [56789][0-9]{4}') bitcoind.generate_block(1) l1.daemon.wait_for_log(' to ONCHAIN') l2.daemon.wait_for_log(' to ONCHAIN') # Wait for timeout. l1.daemon.wait_for_log('Propose handling THEIR_UNILATERAL/OUR_HTLC by IGNORING_TINY_PAYMENT .* after 6 blocks') bitcoind.generate_block(5) l1.wait_for_onchaind_broadcast('IGNORING_TINY_PAYMENT', 'THEIR_UNILATERAL/OUR_HTLC') l1.daemon.wait_for_log('Ignoring output 0 of .*: THEIR_UNILATERAL/OUR_HTLC') # 100 deep and l2 forgets. bitcoind.generate_block(93) sync_blockheight(bitcoind, [l1, l2]) assert not l2.daemon.is_in_log('onchaind complete, forgetting peer') assert not l1.daemon.is_in_log('onchaind complete, forgetting peer') bitcoind.generate_block(1) l2.daemon.wait_for_log('onchaind complete, forgetting peer') # l1 does not wait for ignored payment. l1.daemon.wait_for_log('onchaind complete, forgetting peer') @unittest.skipIf(not DEVELOPER, "needs DEVELOPER=1 for dev_fail") def test_onchain_different_fees(node_factory, bitcoind, executor): """Onchain handling when we've had a range of fees""" l1, l2 = node_factory.line_graph(2, fundchannel=True, fundamount=10**7, opts={'may_reconnect': True}) l2.rpc.dev_ignore_htlcs(['id'], ignore=True) p1 = executor.submit(, l2, 1000000000) l1.daemon.wait_for_log('htlc 0: RCVD_ADD_ACK_COMMIT->SENT_ADD_ACK_REVOCATION') l1.set_feerates((16000, 7500, 3750)) p2 = executor.submit(, l2, 900000000) l1.daemon.wait_for_log('htlc 1: RCVD_ADD_ACK_COMMIT->SENT_ADD_ACK_REVOCATION') # Restart with different feerate for second HTLC. l1.set_feerates((5000, 5000, 3750)) l1.restart() l1.daemon.wait_for_log('peer_out WIRE_UPDATE_FEE') p3 = executor.submit(, l2, 800000000) l1.daemon.wait_for_log('htlc 2: RCVD_ADD_ACK_COMMIT->SENT_ADD_ACK_REVOCATION') # Drop to chain l1.rpc.dev_fail(['id']) l1.wait_for_channel_onchain(['id']) bitcoind.generate_block(1) l1.daemon.wait_for_log(' to ONCHAIN') l2.daemon.wait_for_log(' to ONCHAIN') # Both sides should have correct feerate assert l1.db_query('SELECT min_possible_feerate, max_possible_feerate FROM channels;') == [{ 'min_possible_feerate': 5000, 'max_possible_feerate': 16000 }] assert l2.db_query('SELECT min_possible_feerate, max_possible_feerate FROM channels;') == [{ 'min_possible_feerate': 5000, 'max_possible_feerate': 16000 }] bitcoind.generate_block(5) # Three HTLCs, and one for the to-us output. l1.daemon.wait_for_logs(['sendrawtx exit 0'] * 4) # We use 3 blocks for "reasonable depth" bitcoind.generate_block(3) with pytest.raises(Exception): p1.result(10) with pytest.raises(Exception): p2.result(10) with pytest.raises(Exception): p3.result(10) # Two more for HTLC timeout tx to be spent. bitcoind.generate_block(2) l1.daemon.wait_for_logs(['sendrawtx exit 0'] * 3) # Now, 100 blocks it should be done. bitcoind.generate_block(100) wait_for(lambda: l1.rpc.listpeers()['peers'] == []) wait_for(lambda: l2.rpc.listpeers()['peers'] == []) @unittest.skipIf(not DEVELOPER, "needs DEVELOPER=1") def test_permfail_new_commit(node_factory, bitcoind, executor): # Test case where we have two possible commits: it will use new one. disconnects = ['-WIRE_REVOKE_AND_ACK', 'permfail'] # Feerates identical so we don't get gratuitous commit to update them l1 = node_factory.get_node(options={'dev-no-reconnect': None}, feerates=(7500, 7500, 7500)) l2 = node_factory.get_node(disconnect=disconnects) l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l2.port) l1.fund_channel(l2, 10**6) # This will fail at l2's end. t = executor.submit(, l2, 200000000) l2.daemon.wait_for_log('dev_disconnect permfail') l2.wait_for_channel_onchain(['id']) bitcoind.generate_block(1) l1.daemon.wait_for_log('Their unilateral tx, new commit point') l1.daemon.wait_for_log(' to ONCHAIN') l2.daemon.wait_for_log(' to ONCHAIN') l2.daemon.wait_for_log('Propose handling OUR_UNILATERAL/THEIR_HTLC by THEIR_HTLC_TIMEOUT_TO_THEM \\(IGNORING\\) after 6 blocks') l1.daemon.wait_for_log('Propose handling THEIR_UNILATERAL/OUR_HTLC by OUR_HTLC_TIMEOUT_TO_US (.*) after 6 blocks') # OK, time out HTLC. bitcoind.generate_block(5) l1.wait_for_onchaind_broadcast('OUR_HTLC_TIMEOUT_TO_US', 'THEIR_UNILATERAL/OUR_HTLC') bitcoind.generate_block(1) l1.daemon.wait_for_log('Resolved THEIR_UNILATERAL/OUR_HTLC by our proposal OUR_HTLC_TIMEOUT_TO_US') l2.daemon.wait_for_log('Ignoring output.*: OUR_UNILATERAL/THEIR_HTLC') t.cancel() # Now, 100 blocks it should be done. bitcoind.generate_block(100) wait_for(lambda: l1.rpc.listpeers()['peers'] == []) wait_for(lambda: l2.rpc.listpeers()['peers'] == []) def setup_multihtlc_test(node_factory, bitcoind): # l1 -> l2 -> l3 -> l4 -> l5 -> l6 -> l7 # l1 and l7 ignore and HTLCs they're sent. # For each direction, we create these HTLCs with same payment_hash: # 1 failed (CLTV1) # 1 failed (CLTV2) # 2 live (CLTV2) # 1 live (CLTV3) nodes = node_factory.line_graph(7, wait_for_announce=True, opts={'dev-no-reconnect': None, 'may_reconnect': True}) # Balance by pushing half the funds. b11 = nodes[-1].rpc.invoice(10**9 // 2, '1', 'balancer')['bolt11'] nodes[0] nodes[0].rpc.dev_ignore_htlcs(id=nodes[1].info['id'], ignore=True) nodes[-1].rpc.dev_ignore_htlcs(id=nodes[-2].info['id'], ignore=True) preimage = "0" * 64 h = nodes[0].rpc.invoice(msatoshi=10**8, label='x', description='desc', preimage=preimage)['payment_hash'] nodes[-1].rpc.invoice(msatoshi=10**8, label='x', description='desc', preimage=preimage)['payment_hash'] # First, the failed attempts (paying wrong node). CLTV1 r = nodes[0].rpc.getroute(nodes[-2].info['id'], 10**8, 1)["route"] nodes[0].rpc.sendpay(r, h) with pytest.raises(RpcError, match=r'INCORRECT_OR_UNKNOWN_PAYMENT_DETAILS'): nodes[0].rpc.waitsendpay(h) r = nodes[-1].rpc.getroute(nodes[1].info['id'], 10**8, 1)["route"] nodes[-1].rpc.sendpay(r, h) with pytest.raises(RpcError, match=r'INCORRECT_OR_UNKNOWN_PAYMENT_DETAILS'): nodes[-1].rpc.waitsendpay(h) # Now increment CLTV -> CLTV2 bitcoind.generate_block(1) sync_blockheight(bitcoind, nodes) # Now, the live attempts with CLTV2 (blackholed by end nodes) r = nodes[0].rpc.getroute(nodes[-1].info['id'], 10**8, 1)["route"] nodes[0].rpc.sendpay(r, h) r = nodes[-1].rpc.getroute(nodes[0].info['id'], 10**8, 1)["route"] nodes[-1].rpc.sendpay(r, h) # We send second HTLC from different node, since they refuse to send # multiple with same hash. r = nodes[1].rpc.getroute(nodes[-1].info['id'], 10**8, 1)["route"] nodes[1].rpc.sendpay(r, h) r = nodes[-2].rpc.getroute(nodes[0].info['id'], 10**8, 1)["route"] nodes[-2].rpc.sendpay(r, h) # Now increment CLTV -> CLTV3. bitcoind.generate_block(1) sync_blockheight(bitcoind, nodes) r = nodes[2].rpc.getroute(nodes[-1].info['id'], 10**8, 1)["route"] nodes[2].rpc.sendpay(r, h) r = nodes[-3].rpc.getroute(nodes[0].info['id'], 10**8, 1)["route"] nodes[-3].rpc.sendpay(r, h) # Make sure HTLCs have reached the end. nodes[0].daemon.wait_for_logs(['peer_in WIRE_UPDATE_ADD_HTLC'] * 3) nodes[-1].daemon.wait_for_logs(['peer_in WIRE_UPDATE_ADD_HTLC'] * 3) return h, nodes @unittest.skipIf(not DEVELOPER, "needs DEVELOPER=1 for dev_ignore_htlcs") @unittest.skipIf(SLOW_MACHINE and VALGRIND, "slow test") def test_onchain_multihtlc_our_unilateral(node_factory, bitcoind): """Node pushes a channel onchain with multiple HTLCs with same payment_hash """ h, nodes = setup_multihtlc_test(node_factory, bitcoind) mid = len(nodes) // 2 for i in range(len(nodes) - 1): assert only_one(nodes[i].rpc.listpeers(nodes[i + 1].info['id'])['peers'])['connected'] # Now midnode goes onchain with n+1 channel. nodes[mid].rpc.dev_fail(nodes[mid + 1].info['id']) nodes[mid].wait_for_channel_onchain(nodes[mid + 1].info['id']) bitcoind.generate_block(1) nodes[mid].daemon.wait_for_log(' to ONCHAIN') nodes[mid + 1].daemon.wait_for_log(' to ONCHAIN') # Now, restart and manually reconnect end nodes (so they don't ignore HTLCs) # In fact, they'll fail them with WIRE_TEMPORARY_NODE_FAILURE. # TODO Remove our reliance on HTLCs failing on startup and the need for # this plugin nodes[0].daemon.opts['plugin'] = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'tests/plugins/') nodes[-1].daemon.opts['plugin'] = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'tests/plugins/') nodes[0].restart() nodes[-1].restart() # We disabled auto-reconnect so we'd detect breakage, so manually reconnect. nodes[0].rpc.connect(nodes[1].info['id'], 'localhost', nodes[1].port) nodes[-1].rpc.connect(nodes[-2].info['id'], 'localhost', nodes[-2].port) # Wait for HTLCs to stabilize. nodes[0].daemon.wait_for_logs(['peer_out WIRE_UPDATE_FAIL_HTLC'] * 3) nodes[0].daemon.wait_for_log('peer_out WIRE_COMMITMENT_SIGNED') nodes[0].daemon.wait_for_log('peer_out WIRE_REVOKE_AND_ACK') nodes[-1].daemon.wait_for_logs(['peer_out WIRE_UPDATE_FAIL_HTLC'] * 3) nodes[-1].daemon.wait_for_log('peer_out WIRE_COMMITMENT_SIGNED') nodes[-1].daemon.wait_for_log('peer_out WIRE_REVOKE_AND_ACK') # After at depth 5, midnode will spend its own to-self output. bitcoind.generate_block(4) nodes[mid].wait_for_onchaind_broadcast('OUR_DELAYED_RETURN_TO_WALLET', 'OUR_UNILATERAL/DELAYED_OUTPUT_TO_US') # The three outgoing HTLCs time out at 21, 21 and 22 blocks. bitcoind.generate_block(16) nodes[mid].wait_for_onchaind_broadcast('OUR_HTLC_TIMEOUT_TX', 'OUR_UNILATERAL/OUR_HTLC') nodes[mid].wait_for_onchaind_broadcast('OUR_HTLC_TIMEOUT_TX', 'OUR_UNILATERAL/OUR_HTLC') bitcoind.generate_block(1) nodes[mid].wait_for_onchaind_broadcast('OUR_HTLC_TIMEOUT_TX', 'OUR_UNILATERAL/OUR_HTLC') # And three more for us to consider them all settled. bitcoind.generate_block(3) # Now, those nodes should have correctly failed the HTLCs for n in nodes[:mid - 1]: with pytest.raises(RpcError, match=r'WIRE_PERMANENT_CHANNEL_FAILURE'): n.rpc.waitsendpay(h, TIMEOUT) # Other timeouts are 27,27,28 blocks. bitcoind.generate_block(2) nodes[mid].daemon.wait_for_logs(['Ignoring output.*: OUR_UNILATERAL/THEIR_HTLC'] * 2) for _ in range(2): nodes[mid + 1].wait_for_onchaind_broadcast('OUR_HTLC_TIMEOUT_TO_US', 'THEIR_UNILATERAL/OUR_HTLC') bitcoind.generate_block(1) nodes[mid].daemon.wait_for_log('Ignoring output.*: OUR_UNILATERAL/THEIR_HTLC') nodes[mid + 1].wait_for_onchaind_broadcast('OUR_HTLC_TIMEOUT_TO_US', 'THEIR_UNILATERAL/OUR_HTLC') # Depth 3 to consider it settled. bitcoind.generate_block(3) for n in nodes[mid + 1:]: with pytest.raises(RpcError, match=r'WIRE_PERMANENT_CHANNEL_FAILURE'): n.rpc.waitsendpay(h, TIMEOUT) # At depth 100 it's all done (we didn't bother waiting for mid+1's # spends, so that might still be going) bitcoind.generate_block(97) nodes[mid].daemon.wait_for_logs(['onchaind complete, forgetting peer']) # No other channels should have failed. for i in range(len(nodes) - 1): if i != mid: assert only_one(nodes[i].rpc.listpeers(nodes[i + 1].info['id'])['peers'])['connected'] @unittest.skipIf(not DEVELOPER, "needs DEVELOPER=1 for dev_ignore_htlcs") @unittest.skipIf(SLOW_MACHINE and VALGRIND, "slow test") def test_onchain_multihtlc_their_unilateral(node_factory, bitcoind): """Node pushes a channel onchain with multiple HTLCs with same payment_hash """ h, nodes = setup_multihtlc_test(node_factory, bitcoind) mid = len(nodes) // 2 for i in range(len(nodes) - 1): assert only_one(nodes[i].rpc.listpeers(nodes[i + 1].info['id'])['peers'])['connected'] # Now midnode+1 goes onchain with midnode channel. nodes[mid + 1].rpc.dev_fail(nodes[mid].info['id']) nodes[mid + 1].wait_for_channel_onchain(nodes[mid].info['id']) bitcoind.generate_block(1) nodes[mid].daemon.wait_for_log(' to ONCHAIN') nodes[mid + 1].daemon.wait_for_log(' to ONCHAIN') # Now, restart and manually reconnect end nodes (so they don't ignore HTLCs) # In fact, they'll fail them with WIRE_TEMPORARY_NODE_FAILURE. # TODO Remove our reliance on HTLCs failing on startup and the need for # this plugin nodes[0].daemon.opts['plugin'] = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'tests/plugins/') nodes[-1].daemon.opts['plugin'] = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'tests/plugins/') nodes[0].restart() nodes[-1].restart() # We disabled auto-reconnect so we'd detect breakage, so manually reconnect. nodes[0].rpc.connect(nodes[1].info['id'], 'localhost', nodes[1].port) nodes[-1].rpc.connect(nodes[-2].info['id'], 'localhost', nodes[-2].port) # Wait for HTLCs to stabilize. nodes[0].daemon.wait_for_logs(['peer_out WIRE_UPDATE_FAIL_HTLC'] * 3) nodes[0].daemon.wait_for_log('peer_out WIRE_COMMITMENT_SIGNED') nodes[0].daemon.wait_for_log('peer_out WIRE_REVOKE_AND_ACK') nodes[-1].daemon.wait_for_logs(['peer_out WIRE_UPDATE_FAIL_HTLC'] * 3) nodes[-1].daemon.wait_for_log('peer_out WIRE_COMMITMENT_SIGNED') nodes[-1].daemon.wait_for_log('peer_out WIRE_REVOKE_AND_ACK') # At depth 5, midnode+1 will spend its own to-self output. bitcoind.generate_block(4) nodes[mid + 1].wait_for_onchaind_broadcast('OUR_DELAYED_RETURN_TO_WALLET') # The three outgoing HTLCs time out at depth 21, 21 and 22 blocks. bitcoind.generate_block(16) nodes[mid].wait_for_onchaind_broadcast('OUR_HTLC_TIMEOUT_TO_US', 'THEIR_UNILATERAL/OUR_HTLC') nodes[mid].wait_for_onchaind_broadcast('OUR_HTLC_TIMEOUT_TO_US', 'THEIR_UNILATERAL/OUR_HTLC') bitcoind.generate_block(1) nodes[mid].wait_for_onchaind_broadcast('OUR_HTLC_TIMEOUT_TO_US', 'THEIR_UNILATERAL/OUR_HTLC') # At depth 3 we consider them all settled. bitcoind.generate_block(3) # Now, those nodes should have correctly failed the HTLCs for n in nodes[:mid - 1]: with pytest.raises(RpcError, match=r'WIRE_PERMANENT_CHANNEL_FAILURE'): n.rpc.waitsendpay(h, TIMEOUT) # Other timeouts are at depths 27,27,28 blocks. bitcoind.generate_block(2) nodes[mid].daemon.wait_for_logs(['Ignoring output.*: THEIR_UNILATERAL/THEIR_HTLC'] * 2) for _ in range(2): nodes[mid + 1].wait_for_onchaind_broadcast('OUR_HTLC_TIMEOUT_TX', 'OUR_UNILATERAL/OUR_HTLC') bitcoind.generate_block(1) nodes[mid].daemon.wait_for_log('Ignoring output.*: THEIR_UNILATERAL/THEIR_HTLC') nodes[mid + 1].wait_for_onchaind_broadcast('OUR_HTLC_TIMEOUT_TX', 'OUR_UNILATERAL/OUR_HTLC') # At depth 3 we consider them all settled. bitcoind.generate_block(3) for n in nodes[mid + 1:]: with pytest.raises(RpcError, match=r'WIRE_PERMANENT_CHANNEL_FAILURE'): n.rpc.waitsendpay(h, TIMEOUT) # At depth 5, mid+1 can spend HTLC_TIMEOUT_TX output. bitcoind.generate_block(1) for _ in range(2): nodes[mid + 1].wait_for_onchaind_broadcast('OUR_DELAYED_RETURN_TO_WALLET', 'OUR_HTLC_TIMEOUT_TX/DELAYED_OUTPUT_TO_US') bitcoind.generate_block(1) nodes[mid + 1].wait_for_onchaind_broadcast('OUR_DELAYED_RETURN_TO_WALLET', 'OUR_HTLC_TIMEOUT_TX/DELAYED_OUTPUT_TO_US') # At depth 100 they're all done. bitcoind.generate_block(100) nodes[mid].daemon.wait_for_logs(['onchaind complete, forgetting peer']) nodes[mid + 1].daemon.wait_for_logs(['onchaind complete, forgetting peer']) # No other channels should have failed. for i in range(len(nodes) - 1): if i != mid: assert only_one(nodes[i].rpc.listpeers(nodes[i + 1].info['id'])['peers'])['connected'] @unittest.skipIf(not DEVELOPER, "needs DEVELOPER=1") def test_permfail_htlc_in(node_factory, bitcoind, executor): # Test case where we fail with unsettled incoming HTLC. disconnects = ['-WIRE_UPDATE_FULFILL_HTLC', 'permfail'] # Feerates identical so we don't get gratuitous commit to update them l1 = node_factory.get_node(options={'dev-no-reconnect': None}, feerates=(7500, 7500, 7500)) l2 = node_factory.get_node(disconnect=disconnects) l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l2.port) l1.fund_channel(l2, 10**6) # This will fail at l2's end. t = executor.submit(, l2, 200000000) l2.daemon.wait_for_log('dev_disconnect permfail') l2.wait_for_channel_onchain(['id']) bitcoind.generate_block(1) l1.daemon.wait_for_log('Their unilateral tx, old commit point') l1.daemon.wait_for_log(' to ONCHAIN') l2.daemon.wait_for_log(' to ONCHAIN') l2.daemon.wait_for_log('Propose handling OUR_UNILATERAL/THEIR_HTLC by THEIR_HTLC_TIMEOUT_TO_THEM \\(IGNORING\\) after 6 blocks') l1.daemon.wait_for_log('Propose handling THEIR_UNILATERAL/OUR_HTLC by OUR_HTLC_TIMEOUT_TO_US (.*) after 6 blocks') # l2 then gets preimage, uses it instead of ignoring l2.wait_for_onchaind_broadcast('OUR_HTLC_SUCCESS_TX', 'OUR_UNILATERAL/THEIR_HTLC') bitcoind.generate_block(1) # OK, l1 sees l2 fulfill htlc. l1.daemon.wait_for_log('THEIR_UNILATERAL/OUR_HTLC gave us preimage') l2.daemon.wait_for_log('Propose handling OUR_HTLC_SUCCESS_TX/DELAYED_OUTPUT_TO_US by OUR_DELAYED_RETURN_TO_WALLET .* after 5 blocks') bitcoind.generate_block(5) l2.wait_for_onchaind_broadcast('OUR_DELAYED_RETURN_TO_WALLET', 'OUR_HTLC_SUCCESS_TX/DELAYED_OUTPUT_TO_US') t.cancel() # Now, 100 blocks it should be done. bitcoind.generate_block(95) l1.daemon.wait_for_log('onchaind complete, forgetting peer') assert not l2.daemon.is_in_log('onchaind complete, forgetting peer') bitcoind.generate_block(5) l2.daemon.wait_for_log('onchaind complete, forgetting peer') @unittest.skipIf(not DEVELOPER, "needs DEVELOPER=1") def test_permfail_htlc_out(node_factory, bitcoind, executor): # Test case where we fail with unsettled outgoing HTLC. disconnects = ['+WIRE_REVOKE_AND_ACK', 'permfail'] l1 = node_factory.get_node(options={'dev-no-reconnect': None}) # Feerates identical so we don't get gratuitous commit to update them l2 = node_factory.get_node(disconnect=disconnects, feerates=(7500, 7500, 7500)) l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l2.port) l2.daemon.wait_for_log('openingd-chan#1: Handed peer, entering loop'.format(['id'])) l2.fund_channel(l1, 10**6) # This will fail at l2's end. t = executor.submit(, l1, 200000000) l2.daemon.wait_for_log('dev_disconnect permfail') l2.wait_for_channel_onchain(['id']) bitcoind.generate_block(1) l1.daemon.wait_for_log('Their unilateral tx, old commit point') l1.daemon.wait_for_log(' to ONCHAIN') l2.daemon.wait_for_log(' to ONCHAIN') l2.daemon.wait_for_logs([ 'Propose handling OUR_UNILATERAL/OUR_HTLC by OUR_HTLC_TIMEOUT_TX \\(.*\\) after 6 blocks', 'Propose handling OUR_UNILATERAL/DELAYED_OUTPUT_TO_US by OUR_DELAYED_RETURN_TO_WALLET .* after 5 blocks' ]) l1.daemon.wait_for_log('Propose handling THEIR_UNILATERAL/THEIR_HTLC by THEIR_HTLC_TIMEOUT_TO_THEM \\(IGNORING\\) after 6 blocks') # l1 then gets preimage, uses it instead of ignoring l1.wait_for_onchaind_broadcast('THEIR_HTLC_FULFILL_TO_US', 'THEIR_UNILATERAL/THEIR_HTLC') # l2 sees l1 fulfill tx. bitcoind.generate_block(1) l2.daemon.wait_for_log('OUR_UNILATERAL/OUR_HTLC gave us preimage') t.cancel() # l2 can send OUR_DELAYED_RETURN_TO_WALLET after 3 more blocks. bitcoind.generate_block(3) l2.wait_for_onchaind_broadcast('OUR_DELAYED_RETURN_TO_WALLET', 'OUR_UNILATERAL/DELAYED_OUTPUT_TO_US') # Now, 100 blocks they should be done. bitcoind.generate_block(95) sync_blockheight(bitcoind, [l1, l2]) assert not l1.daemon.is_in_log('onchaind complete, forgetting peer') assert not l2.daemon.is_in_log('onchaind complete, forgetting peer') bitcoind.generate_block(1) l1.daemon.wait_for_log('onchaind complete, forgetting peer') sync_blockheight(bitcoind, [l2]) assert not l2.daemon.is_in_log('onchaind complete, forgetting peer') bitcoind.generate_block(3) sync_blockheight(bitcoind, [l2]) assert not l2.daemon.is_in_log('onchaind complete, forgetting peer') bitcoind.generate_block(1) wait_for(lambda: l2.rpc.listpeers()['peers'] == []) @unittest.skipIf(not DEVELOPER, "needs DEVELOPER=1") def test_permfail(node_factory, bitcoind): l1, l2 = node_factory.line_graph(2) # The funding change should be confirmed and our only output assert [o['status'] for o in l1.rpc.listfunds()['outputs']] == ['confirmed'], 200000000) # Make sure l2 has received sig with 0 htlcs! l2.daemon.wait_for_log('Received commit_sig with 1 htlc sigs') l2.daemon.wait_for_log('Received commit_sig with 0 htlc sigs') # Make sure l1 has final revocation. l1.daemon.wait_for_log('Sending commit_sig with 1 htlc sigs') l1.daemon.wait_for_log('Sending commit_sig with 0 htlc sigs') l1.daemon.wait_for_log('peer_in WIRE_REVOKE_AND_ACK') # We fail l2, so l1 will reconnect to it. l2.rpc.dev_fail(['id']) l2.daemon.wait_for_log('Failing due to dev-fail command') l2.wait_for_channel_onchain(['id']) assert l1.bitcoin.rpc.getmempoolinfo()['size'] == 1 # Now grab the close transaction closetxid = only_one(l1.bitcoin.rpc.getrawmempool(False)) # l2 will send out tx (l1 considers it a transient error) bitcoind.generate_block(1) l1.daemon.wait_for_log('Their unilateral tx, old commit point') l1.daemon.wait_for_log(' to ONCHAIN') l2.daemon.wait_for_log(' to ONCHAIN') l2.daemon.wait_for_log('Propose handling OUR_UNILATERAL/DELAYED_OUTPUT_TO_US by OUR_DELAYED_RETURN_TO_WALLET (.*) after 5 blocks') wait_for(lambda: only_one(l1.rpc.listpeers(['id'])['peers'][0]['channels'])['status'] == ['ONCHAIN:Tracking their unilateral close', 'ONCHAIN:All outputs resolved: waiting 99 more blocks before forgetting channel']) def check_billboard(): billboard = only_one(l2.rpc.listpeers(['id'])['peers'][0]['channels'])['status'] return ( len(billboard) == 2 and billboard[0] == 'ONCHAIN:Tracking our own unilateral close' and re.fullmatch(r'ONCHAIN:.* outputs unresolved: in 4 blocks will spend DELAYED_OUTPUT_TO_US \(.*:0\) using OUR_DELAYED_RETURN_TO_WALLET', billboard[1]) ) wait_for(check_billboard) # Now, mine 4 blocks so it sends out the spending tx. bitcoind.generate_block(4) # onchaind notes to-local payment immediately. assert (closetxid, "confirmed") in set([(o['txid'], o['status']) for o in l1.rpc.listfunds()['outputs']]) # Restart, should still be confirmed (fails: unwinding blocks erases # the confirmation, and we don't re-make it). l1.restart() wait_for(lambda: (closetxid, "confirmed") in set([(o['txid'], o['status']) for o in l1.rpc.listfunds()['outputs']])) # It should send the to-wallet tx. l2.wait_for_onchaind_broadcast('OUR_DELAYED_RETURN_TO_WALLET', 'OUR_UNILATERAL/DELAYED_OUTPUT_TO_US') # 100 after l1 sees tx, it should be done. bitcoind.generate_block(95) wait_for(lambda: l1.rpc.listpeers()['peers'] == []) wait_for(lambda: only_one(l2.rpc.listpeers(['id'])['peers'][0]['channels'])['status'] == [ 'ONCHAIN:Tracking our own unilateral close', 'ONCHAIN:All outputs resolved: waiting 5 more blocks before forgetting channel' ]) # Now, 100 blocks l2 should be done. bitcoind.generate_block(5) wait_for(lambda: l2.rpc.listpeers()['peers'] == []) # Only l1 has a direct output since all of l2's outputs are respent (it # failed). Also the output should now be listed as confirmed since we # generated some more blocks. assert (closetxid, "confirmed") in set([(o['txid'], o['status']) for o in l1.rpc.listfunds()['outputs']]) # Check that the all the addresses match what we generated ourselves: for o in l1.rpc.listfunds()['outputs']: txout = bitcoind.rpc.gettxout(o['txid'], o['output']) addr = txout['scriptPubKey']['addresses'][0] assert(addr == o['address']) addr = l1.bitcoin.getnewaddress() l1.rpc.withdraw(addr, "all") @unittest.skipIf(not DEVELOPER, "needs DEVELOPER=1") def test_shutdown(node_factory): # Fail, in that it will exit before cleanup. l1 = node_factory.get_node(may_fail=True) if not VALGRIND: leaks = l1.rpc.dev_memleak()['leaks'] if len(leaks): raise Exception("Node {} has memory leaks: {}" .format(l1.daemon.lightning_dir, leaks)) l1.rpc.stop() @flaky @unittest.skipIf(not DEVELOPER, "needs to set upfront_shutdown_script") def test_option_upfront_shutdown_script(node_factory, bitcoind, executor): l1 = node_factory.get_node(start=False) # Insist on upfront script we're not going to match. l1.daemon.env["DEV_OPENINGD_UPFRONT_SHUTDOWN_SCRIPT"] = "76a91404b61f7dc1ea0dc99424464cc4064dc564d91e8988ac" l1.start() l2 = node_factory.get_node() l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l2.port) l1.fund_channel(l2, 1000000, False) # This will block, as l12 will send an error but l2 will retry. fut = executor.submit(l1.rpc.close,['id']) # l2 will close unilaterally when it dislikes shutdown script. l1.daemon.wait_for_log(r'scriptpubkey .* is not as agreed upfront \(76a91404b61f7dc1ea0dc99424464cc4064dc564d91e8988ac\)') # Clear channel. wait_for(lambda: len(bitcoind.rpc.getrawmempool()) != 0) bitcoind.generate_block(1) fut.result(TIMEOUT) wait_for(lambda: [c['state'] for c in only_one(l1.rpc.listpeers()['peers'])['channels']] == ['ONCHAIN']) wait_for(lambda: [c['state'] for c in only_one(l2.rpc.listpeers()['peers'])['channels']] == ['ONCHAIN']) # Works when l2 closes channel, too. l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l2.port) l1.fund_channel(l2, 1000000, False) l2.rpc.close(['id']) # l2 will close unilaterally when it dislikes shutdown script. l1.daemon.wait_for_log(r'scriptpubkey .* is not as agreed upfront \(76a91404b61f7dc1ea0dc99424464cc4064dc564d91e8988ac\)') # Clear channel. wait_for(lambda: len(bitcoind.rpc.getrawmempool()) != 0) bitcoind.generate_block(1) wait_for(lambda: [c['state'] for c in only_one(l1.rpc.listpeers()['peers'])['channels']] == ['ONCHAIN', 'ONCHAIN']) wait_for(lambda: [c['state'] for c in only_one(l2.rpc.listpeers()['peers'])['channels']] == ['ONCHAIN', 'ONCHAIN']) # Figure out what address it will try to use. keyidx = int(l1.db_query("SELECT intval FROM vars WHERE name='bip32_max_index';")[0]['intval']) # Expect 1 for change address, 1 for the channel final address, # which are discarded as the 'scratch' tx that the fundchannel # plugin makes, plus 1 for the funding address of the actual # funding tx. addr ='dev-listaddrs', [keyidx + 3])['addresses'][-1] # Now, if we specify upfront and it's OK, all good. l1.stop() # We need to prepend the segwit version (0) and push opcode (14). l1.daemon.env["DEV_OPENINGD_UPFRONT_SHUTDOWN_SCRIPT"] = '0014' + addr['bech32_redeemscript'] l1.start() l1.rpc.connect(['id'], 'localhost', l2.port) l1.rpc.fundchannel(['id'], 1000000) l1.rpc.close(['id']) wait_for(lambda: sorted([c['state'] for c in only_one(l1.rpc.listpeers()['peers'])['channels']]) == ['CLOSINGD_COMPLETE', 'ONCHAIN', 'ONCHAIN'])