pyln.spec.bolt*: test-release and prod-release targets, fix requirements.txt

We depend on packages, not modules within them.

Signed-off-by: Rusty Russell <>
This commit is contained in:
Rusty Russell 2020-06-24 20:51:26 +09:30 committed by Christian Decker
parent 93ae190c19
commit 450fb43612
2 changed files with 47 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -28,6 +28,52 @@ check-source-flake8-%:
cd $* && mypy --ignore-missing-imports `find * -name '*.py'`
# There's a smarter way to do this, probably.
VERSION_BOLT1 := $(shell python3 -c 'from pyln.spec import bolt1 as bolt;print(bolt.__version__)')
VERSION_BOLT2 := $(shell python3 -c 'from pyln.spec import bolt2 as bolt;print(bolt.__version__)')
VERSION_BOLT4 := $(shell python3 -c 'from pyln.spec import bolt4 as bolt;print(bolt.__version__)')
VERSION_BOLT7 := $(shell python3 -c 'from pyln.spec import bolt7 as bolt;print(bolt.__version__)')
SDIST_FILE1 := bolt1/dist/pyln-bolt1-$(VERSION_BOLT1).tar.gz
BDIST_FILE1 := bolt1/dist/pyln_bolt1-$(VERSION_BOLT1)-py3-none-any.whl
SDIST_FILE2 := bolt2/dist/pyln-bolt2-$(VERSION_BOLT2).tar.gz
BDIST_FILE2 := bolt2/dist/pyln_bolt2-$(VERSION_BOLT2)-py3-none-any.whl
SDIST_FILE4 := bolt4/dist/pyln-bolt4-$(VERSION_BOLT4).tar.gz
BDIST_FILE4 := bolt4/dist/pyln_bolt4-$(VERSION_BOLT4)-py3-none-any.whl
SDIST_FILE7 := bolt7/dist/pyln-bolt7-$(VERSION_BOLT7).tar.gz
BDIST_FILE7 := bolt7/dist/pyln_bolt7-$(VERSION_BOLT7)-py3-none-any.whl
cd $(dir $@)/.. && python3 sdist
cd $(dir $@)/.. && python3 bdist_wheel
ARTEFACTS = $(foreach b,$(BOLTS),$(BDIST_FILE$(b)) $(SDIST_FILE$(b)))
test-release-bolt%: $(ARTEFACTS)
python3 -m twine upload --repository testpypi --skip-existing $(BDIST_FILE$*)
# Create a test virtualenv, install from the testpypi and run the
# tests against it (make sure not to use any virtualenv that may have
# pyln-proto already installed).
virtualenv testpypi-$* --python=/usr/bin/python3 --download --always-copy --clear
# Install the requirements from the prod repo, they are not being kept up to date on the test repo
testpypi-$*/bin/python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt pytest flaky pytest-timeout
testpypi-$*/bin/python3 -m pip install -I --index-url --no-deps pyln-bolt$*
testpypi-$*/bin/python3 -c "from pyln.spec import bolt$* as bolt;assert(bolt.__version__ == '$(VERSION_BOLT$*)')"
testpypi-$*/bin/pytest bolt$*/tests
rm -rf testpypi-$*
test-release: check $(foreach b,$(BOLTS),test-release-bolt$b)
prod-release: test $(ARTEFACTS)
python3 -m twine upload $(ARTEFACTS)
refresh: $(CODE_DIRS:%=%/
bolt1/pyln/spec/bolt1/ $(SPECDIR)/ Makefile

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@ -1 +1 @@