Added doc file for the command getlog, help and listconfigs

Signed-off-by: Vincenzo Palazzo <>
This commit is contained in:
Vincenzo Palazzo 2020-08-26 14:43:56 +02:00 committed by Rusty Russell
parent 1a1b2f3d34
commit 0b0c5898ff
8 changed files with 347 additions and 19 deletions

View file

@ -54,12 +54,7 @@ MANPAGES := doc/lightning-cli.1 \
doc/lightning-waitblockheight.7 \
doc/lightning-waitsendpay.7 \
doc/lightning-withdraw.7 \
doc/lightning-ping.7 \
doc/lihgtning-signpsbt.7 \
doc/lightning-sendpsbt.7 \
doc/lightning-getinfo.7 \
doc/lightning-listtransactions.7 \
doc-all: $(MANPAGES) doc/index.rst

View file

@ -47,12 +47,15 @@ c-lightning Documentation
lightning-fundchannel_start <>
lightning-fundpsbt <>
lightning-getinfo <>
lightning-getlog <>
lightning-getroute <>
lightning-getsharedsecret <>
lightning-help <>
lightning-hsmtool <>
lightning-invoice <>
lightning-keysend <>
lightning-listchannels <>
lightning-listconfigs <>
lightning-listforwards <>
lightning-listfunds <>
lightning-listinvoices <>
@ -63,6 +66,7 @@ c-lightning Documentation
lightning-listtransactions <>
lightning-newaddr <>
lightning-pay <>
lightning-ping <>
lightning-plugin <>
lightning-reserveinputs <>
lightning-sendonion <>

View file

@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ On success, an object with the following information is returned:
- *type*: A string that rappresents the type of the address (ipv4 or ipv6).
- *address*: A string that rappresents the value of the address.
- *port*: An integer that rappresents the port where the node are listening with this address.
- *binding*: An array that rappresents all addresses where the node is binded and is ready to receive message. Each object contains the same object type of the address propriety above.
- *binding*: An array that rappresents all addresses where the node is binded. Each object contains the same object type of the address propriety above.
- *version*: A string that rappresents the version of the node.
- *blockheight*: An integera that rappresents the blockchain height.
- *blockheight*: An integer that rappresents the blockchain height.
- *network*: A string that rappresents the type of network on the node are working (i.e: bitcoin, testnet, regtest).
On failure, one of the following error codes may be returned:
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ Vincenzo Palazzo <<>> wrote the initial version o
lightning-connect(7), lightning-fundchannel(7)
lightning-connect(7), lightning-fundchannel(7), lightning-listconfigs(7).

doc/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
lightning-getlog -- Command to show logs.
**getlog** \[level\]
The **getlog** the RPC command to show logs, with optional log *level*.
- *level*: A string that rappresent the log level (info, unusual, debug, io).
"id": 82,
"method": "getlog",
"params": {
"level": "debug"
On success, a object will be return with the following parameters:
- *created_at*: An floating point value that rappresent the {}.
- *bytes_used*: A string that rappresent the dimension in bytes of the log file.
- *bytes_max*: An integer that rappresent the max dimension in bytes of log file.
- *log*: An array of object where each elements contains the following proprieties:
- *type*: A string that rappresent the log level. The propriety can have an value equal to SKIPPED.
- *time*: A floating point value that rappresent the time.
- *source*: A string that rappresent the source of line.
- *log*: A string that rappresent the content of line.
- *num_skipped*: An integer that it is present only if the log level is equal to SKIPPED.
On failure, one of the following error codes may be returned:
- -32602. Error in given parameters.
"created_at": "1598192543.820753463",
"bytes_used": 89285843,
"bytes_max": 104857600,
"log": [
"type": "SKIPPED",
"num_skipped": 45
"type": "INFO",
"time": "0.453627568",
"source": "",
"log": "RPC method 'autopilot-run-once' does not have a docstring."
Vincenzo Palazzo <<>> wrote the initial version of this man page, but many others did the hard work of actually implementing this rpc command.
Main web site: <>

doc/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
lightning-help -- Command to return all information about RPC commands.
The **help** is a RPC command which is possible consult all information about the RPC commands.
"id": 82,
"method": "help",
"params": {}
On success, a object will be return with the following proprieties:
- *command*: A string that rappresent the stucture of the command.
- *category*: A string that rappresent the category.
- *description*: A string that rappresent the description.
- *verbose*: A string that rappresent the verbode description.
On failure, one of the following error codes may be returned:
- -32602. Error in given parameters.
"help": [
"command": "autocleaninvoice [cycle_seconds] [expired_by]",
"category": "plugin",
"description": "Set up autoclean of expired invoices. ",
"verbose": "Perform cleanup every {cycle_seconds} (default 3600), or disable autoclean if 0. Clean up expired invoices that have expired for {expired_by} seconds (default 86400). "
Vincenzo Palazzo <<>> wrote the initial version of this man page, but many others did the hard work of actually implementing this rpc command.
Main web site: <>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
lightning-listconfigs -- Command to list all configuration options.
**listconfigs** \[config\]
The **listconfigs** teh RPC command to list all configuration options, or with *config*, just that one.
"id": 82,
"method": "listconfigs",
"params": {}
On success, an object with the following proprieties is returned:
- *# version*: A string that rappresents the version of node.
- *lightning-di*: A string that rappresents the work dir of the node.
- *network*: A string that rappresents the network (e.g: bitcoin).
- *allow-deprecated-apis*: A boolean value that rappresent if the deprecated api are avaible on the node.
- *rpc-file*: A string that rappresent the location of the rpc file.
- *plugins*: A array that rappresent the no important plugin registered. Each object contains the following proprieties:
- *path*: A string that rappresent the path of plugin.
- *name*: A string that rappresent the name of plugin.
- *options*: A object that contains all options accepted from comand line, if the plugin accepted parameters from command line.
- *important-plugins*: An array that rappresent all important pluging registered to the node. Each object contains the same proprieties of *plugin* array.
- *disable-plugin*: An array of string that rappresent the name of plugin disabled.
- *always-use-proxy*: A boolean value that rappresent if the node utilize always the proxy.
- *daemon*: A boolean value is the node have the daemon propriety enabled.
- *wallet*: A string that rappresent the location of wallet with database url convention.
- *wumbo*: A boolean value that rappresent the value of wumbo propriety.
- *rgb*: A string that rappresent the color of the node.
- *alias*: A string that rappresent the alias of the node.
- *pid-file*: A string that rappresent the location of the pid file.
- *ignore-fee-limits*: A boolean value that rappresent is the node ignore the fee limit.
- *watchtime-blocks*: An integer that rappresent the watchtime of the blocks.
- *max-locktime-blocks*: A integer that rappresent that max locktime for blocks.
- *funding-confirms*: An integer that rappresent the number of funding transaction confermation.
- *commit-fee-min*: A integer that rappresent the minimum commit fee.
- *commit-fee-max*: A integer that rappresent the maximum commit fee.
- *cltv-delta*: An integer that rappresent the value of cltv delta.
- *cltv-final*: An integer that rappresent the value of cltv final.
- *commit-time*: An integer that rappresent the value of commit time.
- *fee-base*: A integer that rappresent the value of fee base.
- *rescan*: A integer that rappresent the number of block that the node must rescan before to run.
- *fee-per-satoshi*: An integer that rappresent the fee for satoshi.
- *max-concurrent-htlcs*: A integer that rappresent the number of HTLCs one channel can handle concurrently in each direction.
- *min-capacity-sat*: A integer that rappresent the minimal effective channel capacity in satoshi to accept for channel opening requests.
- *addr*: A string that rappresent the address where the node are listen.
- *bind-addr*: A string that rappresent the address or UNIX domine socket where the node are listen.
- *announce-addr*: A string that rappresent the address where the node is annunced.
- *offline*: A boolean value that rappresent if the node is offline.
- *autolisten*: A boolean value that rappresent if the autolisten is enabled.
- *proxy*: A string that rappresent the proxy address.
- *disable-dns*: A boolean value that rappresent if the dns is disabled.
- *enable-autotor-v2-mode*: A boolean value that rappresent if the Tor v2 is enabled.
- *encrypted-hsm*: A boolean value that rappresent if the wallet is encrypted.
- *rpc-file-mode*: A string that rappresent the value rpc-file-mode.
- *log-level*: A string that rappresent the level of log.
- *log-prefix*: A string that rappresent the log prefix.
On failure, one of the following error codes may be returned:
- -32602. Error in given parameters or field with *config* name doesn't exist.
"# version": "v0.9.0-1",
"lightning-dir": "/media/vincent/Maxtor/sanboxTestWrapperRPC/lightning_dir_dev",
"network": "testnet",
"allow-deprecated-apis": true,
"rpc-file": "lightning-rpc",
"plugins": [
"path": "/home/vincent/Github/plugins/sauron/",
"name": "",
"options": {
"sauron-api-endpoint": "",
"sauron-tor-proxy": ""
"path": "/home/vincent/Github/reckless/",
"name": ""
"important-plugins": [
"path": "/home/vincent/Github/lightning/lightningd/../plugins/autoclean",
"name": "autoclean",
"options": {
"autocleaninvoice-cycle": null,
"autocleaninvoice-expired-by": null
"path": "/home/vincent/Github/lightning/lightningd/../plugins/fundchannel",
"name": "fundchannel"
"path": "/home/vincent/Github/lightning/lightningd/../plugins/keysend",
"name": "keysend"
"path": "/home/vincent/Github/lightning/lightningd/../plugins/pay",
"name": "pay",
"options": {
"disable-mpp": false
"important-plugin": "/home/vincent/Github/lightning/lightningd/../plugins/autoclean",
"important-plugin": "/home/vincent/Github/lightning/lightningd/../plugins/fundchannel",
"important-plugin": "/home/vincent/Github/lightning/lightningd/../plugins/keysend",
"important-plugin": "/home/vincent/Github/lightning/lightningd/../plugins/pay",
"plugin": "/home/vincent/Github/plugins/sauron/",
"plugin": "/home/vincent/Github/reckless/",
"disable-plugin": [
"always-use-proxy": false,
"daemon": "false",
"wallet": "sqlite3:///media/vincent/Maxtor/sanboxTestWrapperRPC/lightning_dir_dev/testnet/lightningd.sqlite3",
"wumbo": false,
"wumbo": false,
"rgb": "03ad98",
"pid-file": "/media/vincent/Maxtor/sanboxTestWrapperRPC/lightning_dir_dev/lightningd-testne...",
"ignore-fee-limits": true,
"watchtime-blocks": 6,
"max-locktime-blocks": 2016,
"funding-confirms": 1,
"commit-fee-min": 0,
"commit-fee-max": 0,
"cltv-delta": 6,
"cltv-final": 10,
"commit-time": 10,
"fee-base": 1,
"rescan": 30,
"fee-per-satoshi": 10,
"max-concurrent-htlcs": 483,
"min-capacity-sat": 10000,
"addr": "autotor:",
"bind-addr": "",
"announce-addr": "fp463inc4w3lamhhduytrwdwq6q6uzugtaeapylqfc43agrdnnqsheyd.onion:9735",
"offline": "false",
"autolisten": true,
"proxy": "",
"disable-dns": "false",
"enable-autotor-v2-mode": "false",
"encrypted-hsm": false,
"rpc-file-mode": "0600",
"log-level": "DEBUG",
"log-prefix": "lightningd",
Vincenzo Palazzo <<>> wrote the initial version of this man page, but many others did the hard work of actually implementing this rpc command.
Main web site: <>

View file

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
lightning-sendpsbt -- Command to finalize, extract and send a partially signed bitcoin transaction (PSBT).
**sendpsbt** psbt
**sendpsbt** *psbt*
@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ The **sendpsbt** is a low-level RPC command which sent a PSBT.
- *psbt*: A string that rappresent the hexadecimal of the psbt. It is required to run the **sendpsbt** command. The caller can build a psbt with command *fundpsbt*.
"id": 82,
@ -38,7 +39,8 @@ On failure, one of the following error codes may be returned:
- -32602. Error in given parameters or some error happened during the command process.
"txid": "05985072bbe20747325e69a159fe08176cc1bbc96d25e8848edad2dddc1165d0",
@ -46,7 +48,6 @@ EXAMPLE JSON RESPONSE
@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ Vincenzo Palazzo <<>> wrote the initial version o
lightning-fundpsbt(7), lightning-listtransactions(7)
lightning-fundpsbt(7), lightning-signpsbt(7), lightning-listtransactions(7)

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
lightning-signpsbt -- Command to sign a wallet's inputs on a provided bitcoin transaction (PSBT).
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ The **signpsbt** is a low-level RPC command which sign a PSBT.
- *psbt*: A string that rappresent the hexadecimal of the psbt.
"id": 82,
@ -37,14 +37,14 @@ On failure, one of the following error codes may be returned:
- -32602. Error in given parameters or there aren't wallet's inputs to sign.
"psbt": "some_psbt"