2020-08-18 11:52:53 +09:30
lightning-utxopsbt -- Command to populate PSBT inputs from given UTXOs
2021-02-02 13:43:15 -06:00
**utxopsbt** *satoshi* *feerate* *startweight* *utxos* \[*reserve*\] \[*reservedok*\] \[*locktime*\] \[*min_witness_weight*\] \[*excess_as_change*\]
2020-08-18 11:52:53 +09:30
*utxopsbt* is a low-level RPC command which creates a PSBT using unreserved
inputs in the wallet, optionally reserving them as well.
It deliberately mirrors the parameters and output of
lightning-fundpsbt(7) except instead of an optional *minconf*
parameter to select unreserved outputs from the wallet, it takes a
compulsory list of outputs to use.
*utxos* must be an array of "txid:vout", each of which must be
reserved or available: the total amount must be sufficient to pay for
the resulting transaction plus *startweight* at the given *feerate* ,
with at least *satoshi* left over (unless *satoshi* is **all** , which
is equivalent to setting it to zero).
2020-08-18 11:52:55 +09:30
2021-05-26 10:49:37 +09:30
*reserve* is either boolean or a number: if *true* or a non-zero
number then *reserveinputs* is called (successfully, with
*exclusive* true) on the returned PSBT for this number of blocks (or
72 blocks if *reserve* is simply *true* ).
2020-08-18 11:52:55 +09:30
Unless *reservedok* is set to true (default is false) it will also fail
if any of the *utxos* are already reserved.
2020-08-18 13:55:52 +09:30
*locktime* is an optional locktime: if not set, it is set to a recent
block height.
2020-08-18 11:52:53 +09:30
2020-11-17 19:45:23 -06:00
*min_witness_weight* is an optional minimum weight to use for a UTXO's
witness. If the actual witness weight is greater than the provided minimum,
the actual witness weight will be used.
2021-02-02 13:43:15 -06:00
*excess_as_change* is an optional boolean to flag to add a change output
for the excess sats.
2020-08-18 11:52:53 +09:30
2021-06-16 10:40:17 +09:30
On success, an object is returned, containing:
- **psbt** (string): Unsigned PSBT which fulfills the parameters given
- **feerate_per_kw** (u32): The feerate used to create the PSBT, in satoshis-per-kiloweight
- **estimated_final_weight** (u32): The estimated weight of the transaction once fully signed
- **excess_msat** (msat): The amount above *satoshi* which is available. This could be zero, or dust; it will be zero if *change_outnum* is also returned
- **change_outnum** (u32, optional): The 0-based output number where change was placed (only if parameter *excess_as_change* was true and there was sufficient funds)
- **reservations** (array of objects, optional): If *reserve* was true or a non-zero number, just as per lightning-reserveinputs(7):
- **txid** (txid): The txid of the transaction
- **vout** (u32): The 0-based output number
- **was_reserved** (boolean): Whether this output was previously reserved
- **reserved** (boolean): Whether this output is now reserved (always *true* )
- **reserved_to_block** (u32): The blockheight the reservation will expire
2021-05-10 10:47:27 -07:00
On success, returns the *psbt* it created, containing the inputs,
*feerate_per_kw* showing the exact numeric feerate it used,
*estimated_final_weight* for the estimated weight of the transaction
once fully signed, and *excess_msat* containing the amount above *satoshi*
which is available. This could be zero, or dust. If *satoshi* was "all",
2020-08-18 11:52:53 +09:30
then *excess_msat* is the entire amount once fees are subtracted
for the weights of the inputs and *startweight* .
2021-05-26 10:49:37 +09:30
If *reserve* was *true* or a non-zero number, then a *reservations*
array is returned, exactly like *reserveinputs* .
2020-08-18 11:52:53 +09:30
2021-02-02 13:43:15 -06:00
If *excess_as_change* is true and the excess is enough to cover
an additional output above the `dust_limit` , then an output is
added to the PSBT for the excess amount. The *excess_msat* will
be zero. A *change_outnum* will be returned with the index of
the change output.
2020-08-18 11:52:53 +09:30
On error the returned object will contain `code` and `message` properties,
with `code` being one of the following:
- -32602: If the given parameters are wrong.
- -1: Catchall nonspecific error.
- 301: Insufficient UTXOs to meet *satoshi* value.
Rusty Russell < < rusty @rustcorp .com.au > > is mainly responsible.
Main web site: < https: / / github . com / ElementsProject / lightning >
2020-08-25 11:03:16 +09:30
2021-06-16 10:40:17 +09:30
[comment]: # ( SHA256STAMP:50870aade11499391f94c5384959260ec2525d879c2115226302c368ed6ffeb7)