"title":"Command to check if a signature is from a node",
"The **checkmessage** RPC command is the counterpart to **signmessage**: given a node id (*pubkey*), signature (*zbase*) and a *message*, it verifies that the signature was generated by that node for that message (more technically: by someone who knows that node's secret).",
"As a special case, if *pubkey* is not specified, we will try every known node key (as per *listnodes*), and verification succeeds if it matches for any one of them. Note: this is implemented far more efficiently than trying each one, so performance is not a concern."
"Message to be checked against the signature."
"The Zbase32 encoded signature to verify."
"The Zbase32 encoded signature to verify."
"Whether the signature was valid."
"The *pubkey* parameter, or the pubkey found by looking for known nodes."