
285 lines
10 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/* Pipe through jq for test vector! */
#include "config.h"
#include "../bigsize.c"
#include "../blindedpath.c"
#include "../blinding.c"
#include "../hmac.c"
#include "../onion_decode.c"
#include "../onion_encode.c"
#include "../sphinx.c"
#include "../type_to_string.c"
#include <common/setup.h>
#include <wire/peer_wire.h>
#include <stdio.h>
/* Generated stub for amount_asset_is_main */
bool amount_asset_is_main(struct amount_asset *asset UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "amount_asset_is_main called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for amount_asset_to_sat */
struct amount_sat amount_asset_to_sat(struct amount_asset *asset UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "amount_asset_to_sat called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for amount_feerate */
bool amount_feerate(u32 *feerate UNNEEDED, struct amount_sat fee UNNEEDED, size_t weight UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "amount_feerate called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for amount_msat */
struct amount_msat amount_msat(u64 millisatoshis UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "amount_msat called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for amount_msat_eq */
bool amount_msat_eq(struct amount_msat a UNNEEDED, struct amount_msat b UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "amount_msat_eq called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for amount_msat_less */
bool amount_msat_less(struct amount_msat a UNNEEDED, struct amount_msat b UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "amount_msat_less called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for amount_sat */
struct amount_sat amount_sat(u64 satoshis UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "amount_sat called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for amount_sat_add */
bool amount_sat_add(struct amount_sat *val UNNEEDED,
struct amount_sat a UNNEEDED,
struct amount_sat b UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "amount_sat_add called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for amount_sat_eq */
bool amount_sat_eq(struct amount_sat a UNNEEDED, struct amount_sat b UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "amount_sat_eq called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for amount_sat_greater_eq */
bool amount_sat_greater_eq(struct amount_sat a UNNEEDED, struct amount_sat b UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "amount_sat_greater_eq called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for amount_sat_sub */
bool amount_sat_sub(struct amount_sat *val UNNEEDED,
struct amount_sat a UNNEEDED,
struct amount_sat b UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "amount_sat_sub called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for amount_sat_to_asset */
struct amount_asset amount_sat_to_asset(struct amount_sat *sat UNNEEDED, const u8 *asset UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "amount_sat_to_asset called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for amount_tx_fee */
struct amount_sat amount_tx_fee(u32 fee_per_kw UNNEEDED, size_t weight UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "amount_tx_fee called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for fromwire_amount_msat */
struct amount_msat fromwire_amount_msat(const u8 **cursor UNNEEDED, size_t *max UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_amount_msat called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for fromwire_amount_sat */
struct amount_sat fromwire_amount_sat(const u8 **cursor UNNEEDED, size_t *max UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_amount_sat called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for fromwire_channel_id */
bool fromwire_channel_id(const u8 **cursor UNNEEDED, size_t *max UNNEEDED,
struct channel_id *channel_id UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_channel_id called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for fromwire_node_id */
void fromwire_node_id(const u8 **cursor UNNEEDED, size_t *max UNNEEDED, struct node_id *id UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_node_id called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for new_onionreply */
struct onionreply *new_onionreply(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, const u8 *contents TAKES UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "new_onionreply called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for pubkey_from_node_id */
bool pubkey_from_node_id(struct pubkey *key UNNEEDED, const struct node_id *id UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "pubkey_from_node_id called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_amount_msat */
void towire_amount_msat(u8 **pptr UNNEEDED, const struct amount_msat msat UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_amount_msat called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_amount_sat */
void towire_amount_sat(u8 **pptr UNNEEDED, const struct amount_sat sat UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_amount_sat called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_channel_id */
void towire_channel_id(u8 **pptr UNNEEDED, const struct channel_id *channel_id UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_channel_id called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_node_id */
void towire_node_id(u8 **pptr UNNEEDED, const struct node_id *id UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_node_id called!\n"); abort(); }
static void json_strfield(const char *name, const char *val)
printf("\t\"%s\": \"%s\",\n", name, val);
#define ALICE 0
#define BOB 1
#define CAROL 2
#define DAVE 3
/* Updated each time, as we pretend to be Alice, Bob, Carol */
static const struct privkey *ecdh_key;
void ecdh(const struct pubkey *point, struct secret *ss)
if (secp256k1_ecdh(secp256k1_ctx, ss->data, &point->pubkey,
ecdh_key->, NULL, NULL) != 1)
static u8 *next_onion(const tal_t *ctx, u8 *omsg,
const struct privkey *nodekey,
const struct pubkey *expected_blinding)
struct onionpacket *op;
struct pubkey blinding, ephemeral;
struct pubkey next_blinding;
struct tlv_onionmsg_tlv *om;
struct secret ss, onion_ss;
const u8 *cursor;
size_t max, maxlen;
struct route_step *rs;
struct tlv_encrypted_data_tlv *enc;
assert(fromwire_onion_message(tmpctx, omsg, &blinding, &omsg));
assert(pubkey_eq(&blinding, expected_blinding));
op = parse_onionpacket(tmpctx, omsg, tal_bytelen(omsg), NULL);
ephemeral = op->ephemeralkey;
ecdh_key = nodekey;
assert(unblind_onion(&blinding, ecdh, &ephemeral, &ss));
ecdh(&ephemeral, &onion_ss);
rs = process_onionpacket(tmpctx, op, &onion_ss, NULL, 0, false);
/* The raw payload is prepended with length in the modern onion. */
cursor = rs->raw_payload;
max = tal_bytelen(rs->raw_payload);
maxlen = fromwire_bigsize(&cursor, &max);
om = fromwire_tlv_onionmsg_tlv(tmpctx, &cursor, &maxlen);
if (rs->nextcase == ONION_END)
return NULL;
enc = decrypt_encrypted_data(tmpctx, &blinding, &ss, om->encrypted_recipient_data);
blindedpath_next_blinding(enc, &blinding, &ss, &next_blinding);
return towire_onion_message(ctx, &next_blinding,
serialize_onionpacket(tmpctx, rs->next));
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
struct privkey nodekey[4], blinding[4], override_blinding;
struct pubkey id[4], blinding_pub[4], override_blinding_pub, alias[4];
struct secret self_id;
struct tlv_encrypted_data_tlv *tlv[4];
u8 *enctlv[4];
u8 *onionmsg_tlv[4];
u8 *omsg;
struct sphinx_path *sphinx_path;
struct secret *path_secrets;
struct onionpacket *op;
const char *names[] = {"Alice", "Bob", "Carol", "Dave"};
for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
memset(&nodekey[i], names[i][0], sizeof(nodekey[i]));
pubkey_from_privkey(&nodekey[i], &id[i]);
/* Make enctlvs as per enctlv test vectors */
memset(&blinding[ALICE], 5, sizeof(blinding[ALICE]));
pubkey_from_privkey(&blinding[ALICE], &blinding_pub[ALICE]);
tlv[ALICE] = tlv_encrypted_data_tlv_new(tmpctx);
tlv[ALICE]->next_node_id = &id[BOB];
enctlv[ALICE] = encrypt_tlv_encrypted_data(tmpctx,
&id[ALICE], tlv[ALICE],
pubkey_from_privkey(&blinding[BOB], &blinding_pub[BOB]);
/* We override blinding for Carol. */
memset(&override_blinding, 7, sizeof(override_blinding));
pubkey_from_privkey(&override_blinding, &override_blinding_pub);
tlv[BOB] = tlv_encrypted_data_tlv_new(tmpctx);
tlv[BOB]->next_node_id = &id[CAROL];
tlv[BOB]->next_blinding_override = &override_blinding_pub;
enctlv[BOB] = encrypt_tlv_encrypted_data(tmpctx,
&id[BOB], tlv[BOB],
/* That replaced the blinding */
blinding[CAROL] = override_blinding;
blinding_pub[CAROL] = override_blinding_pub;
tlv[CAROL] = tlv_encrypted_data_tlv_new(tmpctx);
tlv[CAROL]->next_node_id = &id[DAVE];
tlv[CAROL]->padding = tal_arrz(tlv[CAROL], u8, 35);
enctlv[CAROL] = encrypt_tlv_encrypted_data(tmpctx,
&id[CAROL], tlv[CAROL],
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(self_id); i++)[i] = i+1;
tlv[DAVE] = tlv_encrypted_data_tlv_new(tmpctx);
tlv[DAVE]->path_id = tal_dup_arr(tlv[DAVE], u8,, ARRAY_SIZE(,
enctlv[DAVE] = encrypt_tlv_encrypted_data(tmpctx,
&id[DAVE], tlv[DAVE],
pubkey_from_privkey(&blinding[DAVE], &blinding_pub[DAVE]);
/* Create an onion which encodes this. */
sphinx_path = sphinx_path_new(tmpctx, NULL);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
struct tlv_onionmsg_tlv *payload
= tlv_onionmsg_tlv_new(tmpctx);
payload->encrypted_recipient_data = enctlv[i];
onionmsg_tlv[i] = tal_arr(tmpctx, u8, 0);
towire_tlv_onionmsg_tlv(&onionmsg_tlv[i], payload);
sphinx_add_hop(sphinx_path, &alias[i], onionmsg_tlv[i]);
op = create_onionpacket(tmpctx, sphinx_path, ROUTING_INFO_SIZE,
/* And finally, the onion message as handed to Alice */
omsg = towire_onion_message(tmpctx, &blinding_pub[ALICE],
serialize_onionpacket(tmpctx, op));
"Onion message encoding enctlv as per enctlvs.json");
printf("\t\"onionmsgs\": [");
for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
json_strfield("node name", names[i]);
type_to_string(tmpctx, struct privkey,
type_to_string(tmpctx, struct pubkey, &id[i]));
printf("\t\"onion_message\": {");
json_strfield("raw", tal_hex(tmpctx, omsg));
type_to_string(tmpctx, struct privkey,
type_to_string(tmpctx, struct pubkey, &blinding_pub[i]));
type_to_string(tmpctx, struct pubkey, &alias[i]));
tal_hex(tmpctx, onionmsg_tlv[i]));
printf("\"enctlv\": \"%s\"}\n", tal_hex(tmpctx, enctlv[i]));
if (i != DAVE)
/* Unwrap for next hop */
omsg = next_onion(tmpctx, omsg, &nodekey[i], &blinding_pub[i]);