lightning-ping - Command to check if a node is up\.
\fBping\fR\fIid\fR [len] [pongbytes]
The \fBping\fR command check if the node with id is ready to talk\. It accept the following parameter:
\fIid\fR: A string that rappresent the node id;
\fIlen\fR: A integer that rappresent the lenght of {\.\.\.}, by default is 128;
\fIpongbytes\fR: An integer that rappresent the lenght of {}, by default is 128\.
"id": 82,
"method": "ping",
"params": {
"len": 128,
"pongbytes": 128
On success, the command will return an object with a single string\.
\fItotlen\fR: A string that rappresent the answer lenght of {}\.
On failure, one of the following error codes may be returned:
-32602: Error in given parameters or unknow peer\.
"totlen": 132
Vincenzo Palazzo \fI<\fR> wrote the initial version of this man page, but many others did the hard work of actually implementing this rpc command\.
Main web site: \fI\fR