2015-10-04 15:02:51 +10:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
from hashlib import sha256
2015-10-06 00:44:03 +10:00
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
import hmac
import random
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, modes, algorithms
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.algorithms import AES
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.modes import CTR
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
# http://cryptography.io
from pyelliptic import ecc
class MyEx(Exception): pass
def hmac_sha256(k, m):
return hmac.new(k, m, sha256).digest()
2015-10-04 15:02:51 +10:00
## pyelliptic doesn't support compressed pubkey representations
## so we have to add some code...
from pyelliptic.openssl import OpenSSL
import ctypes
OpenSSL.EC_POINT_set_compressed_coordinates_GFp = \
OpenSSL.EC_POINT_set_compressed_coordinates_GFp.restype = ctypes.c_int
OpenSSL.EC_POINT_set_compressed_coordinates_GFp.argtypes = [
ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int,
2015-10-06 00:44:03 +10:00
def ecc_ecdh_key(sec, pub):
assert isinstance(sec, ecc.ECC)
if isinstance(pub, ecc.ECC):
pub = pub.get_pubkey()
#return sec.get_ecdh_key(pub)
pubkey_x, pubkey_y = ecc.ECC._decode_pubkey(pub, 'binary')
other_key = other_pub_key_x = other_pub_key_y = other_pub_key = None
own_priv_key = res = res_x = res_y = None
other_key = OpenSSL.EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name(sec.curve)
if other_key == 0:
raise Exception("[OpenSSL] EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name FAIL ... " + OpenSSL.get_error())
other_pub_key_x = OpenSSL.BN_bin2bn(pubkey_x, len(pubkey_x), 0)
other_pub_key_y = OpenSSL.BN_bin2bn(pubkey_y, len(pubkey_y), 0)
other_group = OpenSSL.EC_KEY_get0_group(other_key)
other_pub_key = OpenSSL.EC_POINT_new(other_group)
if (other_pub_key == None):
raise Exception("[OpenSSl] EC_POINT_new FAIL ... " + OpenSSL.get_error())
if (OpenSSL.EC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates_GFp(other_group,
0)) == 0:
raise Exception(
"[OpenSSL] EC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates_GFp FAIL ..." + OpenSSL.get_error())
own_priv_key = OpenSSL.BN_bin2bn(sec.privkey, len(sec.privkey), 0)
res = OpenSSL.EC_POINT_new(other_group)
if (OpenSSL.EC_POINT_mul(other_group, res, 0, other_pub_key, own_priv_key, 0)) == 0:
raise Exception(
"[OpenSSL] EC_POINT_mul FAIL ..." + OpenSSL.get_error())
res_x = OpenSSL.BN_new()
res_y = OpenSSL.BN_new()
if (OpenSSL.EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GFp(other_group, res,
res_y, 0
)) == 0:
raise Exception(
"[OpenSSL] EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GFp FAIL ... " + OpenSSL.get_error())
resx = OpenSSL.malloc(0, OpenSSL.BN_num_bytes(res_x))
resy = OpenSSL.malloc(0, OpenSSL.BN_num_bytes(res_y))
OpenSSL.BN_bn2bin(res_x, resx)
resx = resx.raw
OpenSSL.BN_bn2bin(res_y, resy)
resy = resy.raw
return resx, resy
if other_key: OpenSSL.EC_KEY_free(other_key)
if other_pub_key_x: OpenSSL.BN_free(other_pub_key_x)
if other_pub_key_y: OpenSSL.BN_free(other_pub_key_y)
if other_pub_key: OpenSSL.EC_POINT_free(other_pub_key)
if own_priv_key: OpenSSL.BN_free(own_priv_key)
if res: OpenSSL.EC_POINT_free(res)
if res_x: OpenSSL.BN_free(res_x)
if res_y: OpenSSL.BN_free(res_y)
2015-10-04 15:02:51 +10:00
def get_pos_y_for_x(pubkey_x, yneg=0):
key = pub_key = pub_key_x = pub_key_y = None
key = OpenSSL.EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name(OpenSSL.get_curve('secp256k1'))
group = OpenSSL.EC_KEY_get0_group(key)
pub_key_x = OpenSSL.BN_bin2bn(pubkey_x, len(pubkey_x), 0)
pub_key = OpenSSL.EC_POINT_new(group)
if OpenSSL.EC_POINT_set_compressed_coordinates_GFp(group, pub_key,
pub_key_x, yneg, 0) == 0:
raise Exception("[OpenSSL] EC_POINT_set_compressed_coordinates_GFp FAIL ... " + OpenSSL.get_error())
pub_key_y = OpenSSL.BN_new()
if (OpenSSL.EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GFp(group, pub_key,
pub_key_y, 0
)) == 0:
raise Exception("[OpenSSL] EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GFp FAIL ... " + OpenSSL.get_error())
pubkeyy = OpenSSL.malloc(0, OpenSSL.BN_num_bytes(pub_key_y))
OpenSSL.BN_bn2bin(pub_key_y, pubkeyy)
pubkeyy = pubkeyy.raw
field_size = OpenSSL.EC_GROUP_get_degree(OpenSSL.EC_KEY_get0_group(key))
secret_len = int((field_size + 7) / 8)
if len(pubkeyy) < secret_len:
pubkeyy = pubkeyy.rjust(secret_len, b'\0')
return pubkeyy
if key is not None: OpenSSL.EC_KEY_free(key)
if pub_key is not None: OpenSSL.EC_POINT_free(pub_key)
if pub_key_x is not None: OpenSSL.BN_free(pub_key_x)
if pub_key_y is not None: OpenSSL.BN_free(pub_key_y)
class Onion(object):
MSG_LEN = 128
2015-10-06 00:44:03 +10:00
def tweak_sha(sha, d):
sha = sha.copy()
return sha.digest()
def get_ecdh_secrets(cls, sec, pkey_x, pkey_y):
pkey = unhexlify('04') + pkey_x + pkey_y
tmp_key = ecc.ECC(curve='secp256k1', pubkey=pkey)
sec_x, sec_y = ecc_ecdh_key(sec, tmp_key)
b = '\x02' if ord(sec_y[-1]) % 2 == 0 else '\x03'
sec = sha256(sha256(b + sec_x).digest())
enckey = cls.tweak_sha(sec, b'\x00')[:16]
hmac = cls.tweak_sha(sec, b'\x01')
iv = cls.tweak_sha(sec, b'\x02')[:16]
pad_iv = cls.tweak_sha(sec, b'\x03')[:16]
return enckey, hmac, iv, pad_iv
def enc_pad(self, enckey, pad_iv):
aes = Cipher(AES(enckey), CTR(pad_iv),
return aes.update(self.ZEROES)
class OnionDecrypt(Onion):
2015-10-04 15:02:51 +10:00
def __init__(self, onion, my_ecc):
self.my_ecc = my_ecc
hmac_end = len(onion)
pkey_end = hmac_end - self.HMAC_LEN
self.msg_end = pkey_end - self.PKEY_LEN
self.fwd_end = self.msg_end - self.MSG_LEN
self.onion = onion
self.pkey = onion[self.msg_end:pkey_end]
self.hmac = onion[pkey_end:hmac_end]
def decrypt(self):
2015-10-06 00:44:03 +10:00
pad = self.enc_pad(self.enckey, self.pad_iv)
2015-10-04 15:02:51 +10:00
2015-10-06 00:44:03 +10:00
aes = Cipher(AES(self.enckey), CTR(self.iv),
self.fwd = pad + aes.update(self.onion[:self.fwd_end])
self.msg = aes.update(self.onion[self.fwd_end:self.msg_end])
2015-10-04 15:02:51 +10:00
def get_secrets(self):
pkey_x = self.pkey
2015-10-06 00:44:03 +10:00
pkey_y = get_pos_y_for_x(pkey_x) # always positive by design
enckey, hmac, iv, pad_iv = self.get_ecdh_secrets(self.my_ecc, pkey_x, pkey_y)
if not self.check_hmac(hmac):
2015-10-04 15:02:51 +10:00
raise Exception("HMAC did not verify")
2015-10-06 00:44:03 +10:00
self.enckey = enckey
self.iv = iv
self.pad_iv = pad_iv
2015-10-04 15:02:51 +10:00
def check_hmac(self, hmac_key):
calc = hmac_sha256(hmac_key, self.onion[:-self.HMAC_LEN])
return calc == self.hmac
2015-10-06 00:44:03 +10:00
class OnionEncrypt(Onion):
def __init__(self, msgs, pubkeys):
assert len(msgs) == len(pubkeys)
assert 0 < len(msgs) <= 20
assert all( len(m) <= self.MSG_LEN for m in msgs )
msgs = [m + "\0"*(self.MSG_LEN - len(m)) for m in msgs]
pubkeys = [ecc.ECC(pubkey=pk, curve='secp256k1') for pk in pubkeys]
n = len(msgs)
tmpkeys = []
tmppubkeys = []
for i in range(n):
while True:
t = ecc.ECC(curve='secp256k1')
if ord(t.pubkey_y[-1]) % 2 == 0:
# or do the math to "flip" the secret key and pub key
enckeys, hmacs, ivs, pad_ivs = zip(*[self.get_ecdh_secrets(tmpkey, pkey.pubkey_x, pkey.pubkey_y)
for tmpkey, pkey in zip(tmpkeys, pubkeys)])
# padding takes the form:
# E_(n-1)(0000s)
# D_(n-1)(
# E(n-2)(0000s)
# D(n-2)(
# ...
# )
# )
padding = ""
for i in range(n-1):
pad = self.enc_pad(enckeys[i], pad_ivs[i])
aes = Cipher(AES(enckeys[i]), CTR(ivs[i]),
padding = pad + aes.update(padding)
if n < 20:
padding += str(bytearray(random.getrandbits(8)
for _ in range(len(self.ZEROES) * (20-n))))
# to encrypt the message we need to bump the counter past all
# the padding, then just encrypt the final message
aes = Cipher(AES(enckeys[-1]), CTR(ivs[-1]),
aes.update(padding) # don't care about cyphertext
msgenc = aes.update(msgs[-1])
msgenc = padding + msgenc + tmppubkeys[-1]
del padding
msgenc += hmac_sha256(hmacs[-1], msgenc)
# *PHEW*
# now iterate
for i in reversed(range(n-1)):
# drop the padding this node will add
msgenc = msgenc[len(self.ZEROES):]
# adding the msg
msgenc += msgs[i]
# encrypt it
aes = Cipher(AES(enckeys[i]), CTR(ivs[i]),
msgenc = aes.update(msgenc)
# add the tmp key
msgenc += tmppubkeys[i]
# add the hmac
msgenc += hmac_sha256(hmacs[i], msgenc)
self.onion = msgenc
def decode_from_file(f):
2015-10-04 15:02:51 +10:00
keys = []
msg = ""
2015-10-06 00:44:03 +10:00
for ln in f.readlines():
2015-10-04 15:02:51 +10:00
if ln.startswith(" * Keypair "):
w = ln.strip().split()
idx = int(w[2].strip(":"))
priv = unhexlify(w[3])
pub = unhexlify(w[4])
assert idx == len(keys)
keys.append(ecc.ECC(privkey=priv, pubkey=pub, curve='secp256k1'))
elif ln.startswith(" * Message:"):
msg = unhexlify(ln[11:].strip())
elif ln.startswith("Decrypting"):
print ln
assert ln.strip() == ""
assert msg != ""
for k in keys:
2015-10-06 00:44:03 +10:00
o = OnionDecrypt(msg, k)
2015-10-04 15:02:51 +10:00
print o.msg
msg = o.fwd
print "done"
2015-10-06 00:44:03 +10:00
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "generate":
if len(sys.argv) == 3:
n = int(sys.argv[2])
n = 20
servers = [ecc.ECC(curve='secp256k1') for _ in range(n)]
server_pubs = [s.get_pubkey() for s in servers]
msgs = ["Howzit %d..." % (i,) for i in range(n)]
o = OnionEncrypt(msgs, server_pubs)
for i, s in enumerate(servers):
print " * Keypair %d: %s %s" % (
i, hexlify(s.privkey), hexlify(s.get_pubkey()))
print " * Message: %s" % (hexlify(o.onion))